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广玉兰提取物对铜绿微囊藻抑制作用的机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用前期研究发现的可显著抑制铜绿微囊藻的广玉兰正己烷和正丁醇提取物,对其抑藻机制进行初步研究.研究发现,经广玉兰提取物处理后,藻细胞的叶绿素a含量显著减少;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性先升后降;细胞膜透性显著增强,最高值达到对照组的7~8倍.同时,藻细胞的超微结构也相应地发生改变,具体表现为:细胞变形,质膜皱缩甚至断裂...  相似文献   

不同预处理方法对沼液养殖微藻的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较了不同预处理方法对养猪沼液的灭虫效果和后期微藻养殖的影响,拟优选出较佳的预处理办法。结果表明,养猪沼液在开放环境中放置一定时间后,易出现原生动物、微型后生动物和其他无脊椎动物,而对微藻生长影响较为严重的主要是原生动物和微型后生动物;用40mg/L的漂白粉处理可以基本杀灭养猪沼液中的食藻害虫,处理后的养猪沼液只需放置4d后就可以接种、培养微藻;这种预处理方法成本相对较低,每吨养猪沼液的处理成本仅约为0.050 0元;这种预处理方法操作简单,而且对养猪沼液中的营养元素破坏较少,为利用养猪沼液实现规模化微藻养殖解决了一个棘手的问题。  相似文献   

选取小球衣藻(Chlamydomonas microsphaera)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)和四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)等4种微藻,通过室内模拟实验,对水体中的Cd2+进行吸附,并对吸附Cd2+的微藻分别采用去离子水、0.2 mol·L-1 CaCl2与研磨处理,测定Cd2+的解脱量,研究活体微藻对重金属离子的富集特征与机理。结果表明:4种活体微藻均对水体中Cd2+有较强的富集能力,在Cd2+初始浓度为10 mg·L-1、溶液pH为7.0的实验条件下,小球衣藻富集量可达76.34 mg·g-1,铜绿微囊藻、钝顶螺旋藻和四尾栅藻富集量分别为24.78、15.28 和 9.85 mg·g-1,说明微藻是良好的重金属吸附剂;4种活体微藻对Cd2+的富集特征均符合准二级动力学方程(R2>0.99),反映出活体微藻对Cd2+的富集主要是一种化学行为;活体微藻对Cd2+的富集主要是离子交换形式的化学吸附,富集比例均在60%以上,其中小球衣藻最高,达86.51%。除化学吸附外,还包括物理吸附与生物吸收,生物吸收所占富集比例为6.75%~18.96%,而物理吸附量最少,为3.02%~14.63%。  相似文献   

易涛  山鹰  黄渤  唐涛  高旻天  魏伟 《环境工程学报》2020,14(6):1679-1687
工业苯酚废水无序排放会对环境造成极大危害,构建既能去除苯酚又能积累微藻生物质的藻菌组合对实现苯酚废水净化及其资源化利用具有重要意义。首先,研究了小球藻对苯酚的耐受性和降解性能;然后,构建了其与简单芽胞杆菌Bacillus simplex的共培养体系;最后,测试了藻菌比、藻菌接种浓度和苯酚浓度等对小球藻生长及苯酚降解的影响。结果表明:小球藻能耐受400 mg·L~(-1)的苯酚,但其对100~600 mg·L~(-1)苯酚的降解率仅为1.21%~11.66%;对于藻菌共培养体系,在固定小球藻接种浓度为0.2 g·L~(-1)、藻菌比为1∶4~4∶1条件下,3~5 d完全降解了400 mg·L~(-1)的苯酚,小球藻叶绿素(a+b)含量较单藻组增加了0.14~2.21倍,且随着藻菌比降低,苯酚降解效率及小球藻生物量逐步提高;在固定藻菌比为1∶1、小球藻初始接种浓度为0.05~0.4 g·L~(-1)条件下,4~5 d完全降解400 mg·L~(-1)苯酚,且在藻接种浓度为0.2 g·L~(-1)条件下,小球藻具有最高的比生长速率;在藻菌接种浓度0.2 g·L~(-1)、藻菌比1∶1条件下,6 d内完全降解500 mg·L~(-1)的苯酚,且在各苯酚浓度(200~600 mg·L~(-1))下,小球藻叶绿素(a+b)含量较初始接种值增加了1.54~4.71倍。与简单芽胞杆菌共培养可以促进小球藻生长并提高其苯酚降解能力,在苯酚废水净化及资源化利用领域展现了一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   

为了缩短大型蚤急性毒性实验的周期,并且验证毒性实验的灵敏度和稳定性,对投加酵母提取物饲养的大型蚤的生长周期、2次产卵时间间隔、产卵数量、以及幼蚤灵敏度和稳定性进行研究,并将其应用于已知毒性物质和环境样品的毒性检测.结果表明,酵母提取物的适宜投加量为18.00~22.00 mg/L.在该浓度下饲养的大型蚤可保持较好的怀卵量,生长至成熟期和2次怀卵的时间间隔较短,幼蚤的灵敏度较好,毒性测试结果稳定.采用此方法测定的4种重金属和4种有机物的大型蚤急性毒性的24 h-EC50和48 h-LC50与已发表的实验结果比较相近,证明该方法准确、可靠.将该方法应用于城市生活污水急性毒性的测定发现,投加酵母提取物饲养的大型蚤所产幼蚤可以明显区分生活污水原水和处理后最终出水.因此,采用投加适量酵母提取物饲养大型蚤的方法可以缩短实验周期,为测定环境样品生物毒性提供方便.  相似文献   

国产机动车尾气颗粒提取物对小鼠骨髓细胞微核率的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用小鼠骨髓细胞微核实验检测5种国产汽油车和3种柴油机车尾气颗粒提取物,结果显示各车型样品均具有明显的致突作用,多数汽车车颗粒的诱变性高于柴油机车,其中公交车和吉普车颗粒诱导小鼠微核率高  相似文献   

高等水生植物对藻类生长的克制效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了高等水生植物对藻类生长的克制效应的机理研究概况,及国内外最新的抑藻物质提取、分离、鉴定方法,并对其在水体畜养养化治理方面的应用前景作了进一步概述。  相似文献   

为了解2种新分离微藻的净化和资源化潜力,研究比较了其生长、氮磷去除和营养特性。结果表明,栅藻和月牙藻的最大生物量(干重)分别为0.78g/L和0.53g/L;最大生物量(干重)增长速率分别为0.05g/(L·d)和0.03g/(L·d)。培养至第23天,栅藻和月牙藻对TN的去除率分别为85.1%和72.5%;对TP的去除率为82.6%和79.7%,但栅藻较月牙藻更易释放较多的No2--N进入藻液。稳定期时,栅藻、月牙藻的粗蛋白质含量和粗蛋白产量(干重)分别为31.8%、19.2%和0.24g/L、0.09g/L;粗脂含量和粗脂产量(干重)分别为7.81%、9.26%和0.06g/L、0.05g/L。综上,与月牙藻相比,栅藻具有明显的生长、氮磷去除和营养优势,在进行水产养殖废水的净化和资源化利用上可作为优选藻种。  相似文献   

选取金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)、轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)、水盾草(Cabombacaroliniana)、苦草(Vallisneria gigantean)为试验材料,研究不同水层的光照强度对其存活率、株高、生物量等的影响,旨在找出这4种沉水植物在自然条件下的最...  相似文献   

光源和溶剂对十溴联苯醚光降解的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同光源和溶剂对十溴联苯醚(DecaBDE)光降解特性的影响,并对其降解产物进行了探讨.结果表明,在所试光源和溶剂条件下,DecaBDE均有一定程度的光降解,且都近似符合一级降解动力学.同一光源下,不同溶剂对DecaBDE降解表现出不同的影响.在太阳光照射下,DecaBDE降解速率为甲苯>甲醇>正己烷>正己烷/丙酮>甲醇/水>乙醇/水;在模拟光源照射下,DecaBDE降解速率为甲苯>甲醇>甲醇/水>乙醇/水>正己烷>正己烷/丙酮;在紫外光照射下,DecaBDE降解速率为甲苯>甲醇>正己烷/丙酮>正己烷>甲醇/水>乙醇/水.同一溶剂中,DecaBDE降解速率均为紫外光>太阳光>模拟光源.尽管光源和溶剂对DecaBDE降解速率产生了一定影响,但降解途径基本一致,均为DecaBDE经光解脱溴产生低溴联苯醚.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Vicia faba L., Phaseolus multiflorus L. and Pisum sativum L. were raised during exposure to simulated acid rainfall treatments of pHs 5.6, 4.5, 3.5 and 2.5 at a rate of 30 mm per week. All three species were found to be adversely affected by the more acid pH 3.5 and pH 2.5 treatments after 7-8 weeks of exposure. There were total plant dry weight reductions of 40% for V. faba, 31% for P. sativum and 28% for P. multiflorus exposed to the pH 2.5 treatment, as compared to those grown in the control (pH 5.6 treatment). In addition, V. faba was found to be sensitive to the pH 4.5 treatment with an 18% reduction in total plant weights (compared to plants grown in the pH 5.6 treatment). In P. multiflorus, reduction in the dry weights of shoots in response to increasing acidity of rain was not accompanied by reduction in root weights, indicating an interference in the partitioning of assimilates. It is concluded that these three species, and V. faba in particular, may be growing below their potential in much of the UK.  相似文献   

本文采用三种不同催化机理的材料———半导体材料TiO2 、软锰矿石和混合稀土进行了电催化氧化 (ECO)染料酸性红B的研究 ,结果表明 ,稀土材料在ECO体系中呈负催化效应 ;软锰矿石的色度去除催化效果明显 ;TiO2 的催化效果最显著 ,其色度和COD去除效果可比无催化剂时效果分别提高60 %和 75% ,可以作为电催化氧化的催化剂。并进一步研究了TiO2 用量对电催化氧化 (ECO)的影响。  相似文献   

根据城市二级出水水质特性,选择4 种不同氮磷水平的二级出水作为培养基,研究纯培养与共培养下,椭圆小球藻(Chlorella ellipsoidea)和斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)在不同初始氮磷浓度下的生长状况及脱氮除磷的能力。结果表明,纯培养条件下,椭圆小球藻在2#(TN=15.00 mg/L,TP=1.00 mg/L)实验组中生物量最高,斜生栅藻在4#(TN=10.00 mg/L,TP=0.20 mg/L)实验组中收获最大生物量,椭圆小球藻与斜生栅藻对TP均具有70%以上去除率。共培养下,3#(TN=15.00 mg/L,TP=0.50 mg/L)实验组收获最高生物量,斜生栅藻生物量均高于椭圆小球藻,表明斜生栅藻在共培养条件下更具有生长优势,培养基中TN、TP含量分别降至5.00 mg/L和0.05 mg/L以下。2种培养模式均可达到对二级出水的深度脱氮除磷。  相似文献   

In mosquito control programs, insecticides of botanical origin have the potential to eliminate eggs, larvae, and adults. So, the larvicidal, ovicidal, and oviposition-deterrent activities of petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves of Eugenia jambolana, Solidago canadensis, Euodia ridleyi, and Spilanthes mauritiana were assayed against the three vector mosquito species, namely Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus. The larval bioassay was conducted following the World Health Organization method. The maximum larval mortality was found with ethyl acetate extract of S. mauritiana against the larvae of A. stephensi, A. aegypti, and C. quinquefasciatus with LC50 values of 11.51, 28.1, 14.10 ppm, respectively. The mean percent hatchability of the ovicidal activity was observed at 48-h post-treatment. The percent hatchability was found to be inversely proportional to the concentration of the extract and directly proportional to the number of eggs. The flower head extract of S. mauritiana gave 100 % mortality followed by E. ridleyi, S. canadensis, and E. jambolana against the eggs of the three mosquito vectors. For oviposition-deterrent effect, out of the five concentrations tested (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 ppm), the concentration of 100 ppm showed a significant egg laying-deterrent capacity. The oviposition activity index value of E. jambolana, E. ridleyi, S. canadensis, and S. mauritiana against A. aegypti, A. stephensi, C. quinquefasciatus at 100 ppm were ?0.71, ?0.71, ?0.90, ?0.93, ?0.85, ?0.91, ?1, ?1, ?0.71, ?0.85, ?1, and ?1, respectively. These results suggest that the leaf/flower extracts of certain local plants have the potential to be developed as possible eco-friendly means for the control of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The weekly cycles of atmospheric ozone (O3) are of interest because they provide information about the response of O3 to changes in anthropogenic emissions from weekdays to weekends. The weekly behavior of O3 in Chicago, IL; Philadelphia, PA; and Atlanta, GA, is contrasted. In Chicago and Philadelphia, maximum 1-hr average O3 increases on weekends. In Atlanta, O3 builds up from Mondays to Fridays and declines during weekends. In all three areas, volatile organic compound (VOC)/nitrogen oxides (NOx) ratios are higher during weekends, resulting from greater than proportionate decreases in NOx relative to VOC emissions. The VOC/NOx ratios correlate with maximum 1-hr O3 concentrations in Chicago, a response consistent with a VOC-sensitive airshed. A weak correlation between O3 concentrations and VOC/NOx ratios in Philadelphia suggests the impact of transported O3, which is formed in upwind VOC-sensitive locations that may be hundreds of kilometers away. Ozone concentrations in Atlanta do not correlate with VOC/NOx ratios but with concentrations of NOx and total reactive nitrogen (NOy) carried over from the previous day. When data from 1986-1990 and 1995-1999 are compared, only small differences in the weekly behavior of O3 are observed in Chicago and Philadelphia. The day-of-week differences in O3 are amplified in the more recent period in Atlanta, a possible result of urban growth.  相似文献   

为克服活性炭磷吸附能力有限的问题,使用ZnCl2、十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)和Fe/Al(氢)氧化物纳米颗粒分别研究了物理结构法、表面活性剂法和载体法3 种表面修饰方法对活性炭磷吸附能力的影响。实验发现,载体法为3 种方法中最好的修饰方法。对载体法制备吸附剂的材料用量的比较发现,在Fe(III)和Al(III)摩尔比为9 :1 的条件下,把1.5 g活性炭加入到总浓度为1 mol·L-1的200 mL Fe(III)和Al(III)混合溶液中,形成的纳米Fe/Al(氢)氧化物能够较好地利用活性炭表面,该复合材料1.5AC-Fe/Al在磷平衡浓度约为50 mg·L-1时吸附量达到29.3mg·g-1。该材料表征结果表明,纳米Fe/Al(氢)氧化物颗粒被成功负载在活性炭表面。在酸性条件下,复合材料表面的—H+和—OH2+所引起的静电吸附和配位交换是促进吸附带负电磷酸根离子的原因。  相似文献   

Responses of three grass species to creosote during phytoremediation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Phytoremediation of creosote-contaminated soil was monitored in the presence of Tall fescue, Kentucky blue grass, or Wild rye. For all three grass species, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were evaluated for plant growth promotion and protection of plants from contaminant toxicity. A number of parameters were monitored including plant tissue water content, root growth, plant chlorophyll content and the chlorophyll a/b ratio. The observed physiological data indicate that some plants mitigated the toxic effects of contaminants. In addition, in agreement with our previous experiments reported in the accompanying paper (Huang, X.-D., El-Alawi, Y., Penrose, D.M., Glick, B.R., Greenberg, B.M., 2004. A multi-process phytoremediation system for removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated soil. Environ. Poll. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2003.09.031), PGPR were able to greatly enhance phytoremediation. PGPR accelerated plant growth, especially roots, in heavily contaminated soils, diminishing the toxic effects of contaminants to plants. Thus, the increased root biomass in PGPR-treated plants led to more effective remediation.  相似文献   

Harmful or nuisance algal blooms can cause economic damage to fisheries and tourism. Additionally, toxins produced by harmful algae and ingested via contaminated shellfish can be potentially fatal to humans. The seas around the Orkney Islands, UK currently hold a number of toxic algal species which cause shellfishery closures in most years. Extensive and costly monitoring programs are carried out to detect harmful microalgae before they reach action levels. However, the ability to distinguish between toxic and non-toxic strains of some algae is not possible using these methods. The microarrays for the detection of toxic algae (MIDTAL) microarray contains rRNA probes for toxic algal species/strains which have been adapted and optimized for microarray use. In order to investigate the use of the chip for monitoring in the Orkney Islands, samples were collected between 2009 and 2011 from Brings Deep, Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands, UK; RNA was extracted and hybridized with generation 2 and 3.1 of the chip. The data were then compared to cell counts performed under light microscopy and in the case of Alexandrium tamarense to qPCR data targeting the saxitoxin gene and the LSU-rRNA gene. A good agreement between cell numbers and microarray signal was found for A. tamarense, Pseudo-nitzschia sp., Dinophysis sp. (r?<?0.5, for all) in addition to this there the chip successfully detected a large bloom of Karenia mikimotoi (r?<?0.70) in August and September 2011. Overall, there was good improvement in probe signal between generation 2 and generation 3.1 of the chip with much less variability and more consistent results and better correlation between the probes. The chip performed well for A. tamarense group I signal to cell numbers in calibrations (r?>?0.9). However, in field samples, this correlation was slightly lower suggesting interactions between all species in the sample may affect signal. Overall, the chip showed it could identify the presence of target species in field samples although some work is needed to improve the quantitative nature of the chip before it would be suitable for monitoring in the Orkney Islands.  相似文献   

The toxicity of an organotin pesticide, triphenyltin hydroxide, was assessed with several freshwater cladoceran species. Daphnia pulex, Daphnia magna, and Ceriodaphnia dubia were exposed for 48 h to triphenyltin hydroxide in static acute toxicity tests. Values of the 48-h trimmed Spearman-Karber EC(50)s for the three species were found to be 14.5, 16.5, and 11.3 microg litre(-1), respectively. Analysis of variance performed on EC(50) values of replicates revealed no significant differences between the three species. Methods were employed which decrease animal handling stress and increase the accuracy and precision of the concentrations.  相似文献   

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