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In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) within groundwater is considered a proven approach to addressing PHC‐impacted groundwater in nonsaline environments. One of the most common oxidants used for oxidation of PHCs in groundwater is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Due to its highly reactive nature, H2O2 is often stabilized to aid in increasing its reactivity lifespan. Limited research and application of ISCO has been completed in warm, saline groundwater environments. Furthermore, even fewer studies have been completed in these environments for ISCO using stabilized H2O2. In this research, stabilized H2O2 was examined to determine its effectiveness in the treatment of PHCs and the additive methyl tert‐butyl ether (MTBE). Three stabilizers (citrate, phytate, silica [SiO2]) were tested to determine if the stabilizers could enhance and extend the treatment life of H2O2 within saline groundwater. To determine the effect of salinity on the three stabilizers, groundwater and aquifer samples were collected from two saline locations that had different salinity (total dissolved solids of about 7,000 mg/L and 18,000 mg/L). Specific target chemicals for treatment were water soluble, mobile components of gasoline including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, (BTEX) and MTBE. Previous studies using unactivated persulfate indicated that the PHCs within the groundwater could be oxidized, however, only limited oxidation of the MTBE could be affected. The results of the laboratory tests indicated that greater than 95 percent of the target hydrocarbons were removed within 7 days of treatment. Microcosms with citrate‐stabilized H2O2 demonstrated a significantly faster and greater decline with most hydrocarbon concentrations reaching < 5 μg/L. The exceptions were ethylbenzene and m‐xylene, which were slightly decreased to about 30 and 20 μg/L, respectively. Initial mean concentrations of the BTEX compounds within the citrate‐stabilized microcosms were 10,554 μg/L, 9,318 μg/L, 6,859 μg/L, and 14,435 μg/L, respectively. The silicate‐stabilized H2O2 microcosms showed no significant benefit over the unstabilized control microcosms. The better performance of citrate‐stabilized microcosms was confirmed by increasing δ13C values of remaining hydrocarbons. MTBE declined from > 400 mg/L to < 100 mg/L in all microcosms, again with the best removal (> 90 percent) being measured in the citrate‐stabilized microcosms. Unfortunately, H2O2 oxidation in the microcosms also resulted in production of up to 40 mg/L TBA or approximately 10 percent of the MTBE oxidized.  相似文献   

Synthetic musk fragrances (SMFs) have been shown to be micropollutants in various aquatic and groundwater systems, often occurring at microgram per liter concentrations. Studies have shown that the most commonly detected SMFs in water are nitro musks and polycyclic musks. The SMFs are typically introduced into the environment in continuous streams such as from wastewater and land application of wastewater or sludge generated during wastewater treatment. Various studies for the treatment of SMFs have been undertaken for wastewater but studies for the treatment of SMFs in groundwater are limited, especially for in situ treatment. A pilot‐scale test was conducted to determine if the use of colloidal activated carbon (CAC) could effectively reduce dissolved concentrations of nitro and polycyclic synthetic musk compounds including musk xylene, musk ketone, galaxolide, and tonalide. The pilot test was carried out downgradient of a septic system in Central Canada where a series of nitrification and denitrification reactions are occurring in an unconfined aquifer. A 10‐weight percent CAC solution was injected into a series of temporary direct push injection points to target the synthetic musk plume. The plume contained galaxolide and tonalide concentrations up to 687 and 187 nanograms per liter (ng/L), respectively, while the concentrations of musk ketone and musk xylene were below the method detection limit (20 ng/L). A total of 13,950 liters of CAC solution was injected during one injection event. The pilot test results indicated that the CAC was effectively delivered to the target injection zone resulting in an increase in total organic carbon concentrations within the saturated soil greater than two orders of magnitude compared to the background concentrations. Analyses of the groundwater chemistry before and post‐injection indicated that the CAC had no detrimental impact on the groundwater quality while reducing the concentration of dissolved galaxolide and tonalide within the plume to below the method detection limits within 51 days of injection with the exception of two of the 14 wells monitored which had galaxolide and tonalide concentrations up to 78 and 35 ng/L. Within 6 months of application, the concentrations of galaxolide and tonalide had decreased to below the method detection limits. Subsequent monitoring of the groundwater quality over a one‐year period failed to detect galaxolide and tonalide, suggesting that the CAC was effective in attenuating the galaxolide and tonalide.  相似文献   

Chlorinated ethenes such as trichloroethene (TCE), cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene (cis‐1,2‐DCE), and vinyl chloride along with per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been identified as chemicals of concern in groundwater; with many of the compounds being confirmed as being carcinogens or suspected carcinogens. While there are a variety of demonstrated in‐situ technologies for the treatment of chlorinated ethenes, there are limited technologies available to treat PFAS in groundwater. At a former industrial site shallow groundwater was impacted with TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride at concentrations up to 985, 258, and 54 µg/L, respectively. The groundwater also contained maximum concentrations of the following PFAS: 12,800 ng/L of perfluoropentanoic acid, 3,240 ng/L of perfluorohexanoic acid, 795 ng/L of perfluorobutanoic acid, 950 ng/L of perfluorooctanoic acid, and 2,140 ng/L of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid. Using a combination of adsorption, biotic, and abiotic degradation in situ remedial approaches, the chemicals of concern were targeted for removal from the groundwater with adsorption being utilized for PFAS whereas adsorption, chemical reduction, and anaerobic biodegradation were used for the chlorinated ethenes. Sampling of the groundwater over a 24‐month period indicated that the detected PFAS were treated to either their detection, or below the analytical detection limit over the monitoring period. Postinjection results for TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride indicated that the concentrations of the three compounds decreased by an order of magnitude within 4 months of injection, with TCE decreasing to below the analytical detection limit over the 24‐month monitoring period. Cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride concentrations decreased by over 99% within 8 months of injections, remaining at or below these concentrations during the 24‐month monitoring period. Analyses of Dehalococcoides, ethene, and acetylene over time suggest that microbiological and reductive dechlorination were occurring in conjunction with adsorption to attenuate the chlorinated ethenes and PFAS within the aquifer. Analysis of soil cores collected pre‐ and post‐injection, indicated that the distribution of the colloidal activated carbon was influenced by small scale heterogeneities within the aquifer. However, all aquifer samples collected within the targeted injection zone contained total organic carbon at concentrations at least one order of magnitude greater than the preinjection total organic carbon concentrations.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of focus on methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) over the past few years by local, state, and federal government, industry, public stakeholders, the environmental services market, and educational institutions. This focus is, in large part, the result of the widespread detection of MTBE in groundwater and surface waters across the United States. The presence of MTBE in groundwater has been attributed primarily to the release from underground storage tank (UST) systems at gasoline service stations. MTBE's physical and chemical properties are different than other constituents of gasoline that have traditionally been cause for concern [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX)]. This difference in properties is why MTBE migrates differently in the subsurface environment and exhibits different constraints relative to mitigation and remediation of MTBE once it has been released to subsurface soils and groundwater. Resource Control Corporation (RCC) has accomplished the remediation of MTBE from subsurface soil and groundwater at multiple sites using ozone. RCC has successfully applied ozone at several sites with different lithologies, geochemistry, and concentrations of constituents of concern. This article presents results from several projects utilizing in situ chemical oxidation with ozone. On these projects MTBE concentrations in groundwater were reduced to remedial objectives usually sooner than anticipated. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC), Arizona State University, and Equilon Enterprises LLC are partners in an innovative Environmental Security Technology Certification Program cleanup technology demonstration designed to contain dissolved MTBE groundwater plumes. This full‐scale demonstration is being performed to test the use of an oxygenated biobarrier at Naval Base Ventura County, in Port Hueneme, California. Surprisingly, few cost‐effective in‐situ remedies are known for the cleanup of MTBE‐impacted aquifers, and remediation by engineered in‐situ biodegradation was thought to be an unlikely candidate just a few years ago. This project demonstrates that MTBE‐impacted groundwater can be remediated in‐situ through engineered aerobic biodegradation under natural‐flow conditions. With respect to economics, the installation and operation costs associated with this innovative biobarrier system are at least 50 percent lower than those of a conventional pump and treat system. Furthermore, although it has been suggested that aerobic MTBE biodegradation will not occur in mixed MTBE‐BTEX dissolved plumes, this project demonstrates otherwise. The biobarrier system discussed in this article is the largest of its kind ever implemented, spanning a dissolved MTBE plume that is over 500 feet wide. This biobarrier system has achieved an in‐situ treatment efficiency of greater than 99.9 percent for dissolved MTBE and BTEX concentrations. Perhaps of greater importance is the fact that extensive performance data has been collected, which is being used to generate best‐practice design and cost information for this biobarrier technology. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been identified by many regulatory agencies as emerging contaminants of concern in a variety of media including groundwater. Currently, there are limited technologies available to treat PFAS in groundwater with the most frequently applied approach being extraction (i.e., pump and treat). While this approach can be effective in containing PFAS plumes, previous studies of pump and treat programs have met with limited remedial success. In situ treatment studies of PFAS have been limited to laboratory and a few field studies. Six pilot‐scale field studies were conducted in an unconfined sand aquifer coimpacted by petroleum hydrocarbon along with PFAS to determine if a variety of reagents could be used to attenuate dissolved phase PFAS in the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. The six reagents consisted of two chemical oxidants, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8), and four adsorbents, powdered activated carbon (PAC), colloidal activated carbon (CAC), ion‐exchange resin (IER), and biochar. The reagents were injected using direct push technology in six permeable reactive zone (PRZ) configurations. Groundwater concentrations of various PFAS entering the PRZs ranged up to 24,000 µg/L perfluoropentanoic acid, up to 6,200 µg/L pentafluorobenzoic acid, up to 16,100 µg/L perfluorohexanoic acid, up to 6,080 µg/L perfluoroheptanoic acid, up to 450 µg/L perfluorooctanoic acid, and up to 140 µg/L perfluorononanoic acid. Performance groundwater sampling within and downgradient of the PRZs occurred for up to 18 months using single and multilevel monitoring wells. Results of groundwater sampling indicated that the PFAS were not treated by either the persulfate nor the peroxide and, in some cases, the PFAS increased in concentration immediately following the injection of peroxide and persulfate. Concentrations of PFAS in groundwater sampled within the PAC, CAC, IER, and biochar PRZs immediately after the injection were determined to be less than the method detection limits. Analyses of groundwater samples over the 18‐month monitoring period, indicated that all the PRZs exhibited partial or complete breakthrough of the PFAS over the 18‐month monitoring period, except for the CAC PRZ which showed no PFAS breakthrough. Analysis of cores for the CAC, PAC, and biochar PRZs suggested that the CAC was uniformly distributed within the target injection zone, whereas the PAC and biochar showed preferential injection into a thin coarse‐sand seam. Similarly, analysis of the sand packs of monitoring wells installed before the injection of the CAC, PAC, and biochar indicated that the sand packs of the PAC and biochar preferentially accumulated the reagents compared with the reagent concentrations within the surrounding aquifer by up to 18 times.  相似文献   

This article describes the design, implementation, and operating results for an ex situ ultraviolet/hydrogen peroxide (UVP) system to treat methyl tert‐butyl ether (MTBE) in extracted groundwater. The UVP modification was designed to reduce the operation and maintenance costs of an existing groundwater pump‐and‐treat treatment system that relied on air stripping and carbon adsorption. The UVP system is relatively inexpensive and can easily be scaled to cope with different groundwater extraction rates up to 80 gpm by adding UV lamps in series or in parallel at the higher groundwater extraction rates. The MTBE concentration in the effluent from the UVP system to the carbon vessels decreased from an average of 590 μg/L to approximately 2 μg/L on average over 33 months of operation of the UVP. Incorporation of this UVP modification as a second‐stage treatment to the groundwater pump‐and‐treat/soil vapor extraction system, after the air stripper and prior to the carbon vessels, significantly increased the usable life of the carbon (from two months previously to about two years after installation) and completely resolved the issue of frequent MTBE breakthroughs of the carbon that had plagued the remediation system since its inception. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In situ bioremediation (ISB) melds an understanding of microbiology, chemistry, hydrogeology, and engineering into a strategy for planned and controlled microbial degradation of specific contaminants. ISB creates subsurface environmental conditions, typically through reduction oxidation manipulation, which induce the degradation of contaminants via microbial catalyzed biochemical reactions. In turn, the microbes produce enzymes that are utilized to derive energy and that are instrumental in the degradation of target chemicals. To accomplish this chain of events, the type of microorganisms, contaminant, and the geological conditions at the site must be considered. Since in situ conditions are manipulated by engineered means, the most important consideration is the ability to transmit and mix liquids in the subsurface. The Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC)–ISB Team has recently completed a guidance document that describes a systematic approach to ISB in groundwater. ITRC is a state‐led coalition of more than 40 states working together with industry and stakeholders to achieve regulatory acceptance of environmental technologies. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

综述了采用常规氧化、光强化氧化以及超声波辅助氧化等高级氧化技术降解甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)的降解机理及研究进展。并介绍了MTBE与醚类、苯系物以及可吸附卤化物共存的复合污染物的氧化降解研究进展。指出今后研究的重点是利用光、声、电能量的摄入来降低氧化剂加入量,提高矿化程度以减少毒性较大的叔丁基团的含量,研发更易于固液分离、稳定性更高和寿命更长的高效催化剂及共存体系将是持续热点。  相似文献   

The evaluation of microbial responses to three in situ source removal remedial technologies—permanganate‐based in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), six‐phase heating (SPH), and steam injection (SI)—was performed at Cape Canaveral Air Station in Florida. The investigation stemmed from concerns that treatment processes could have a variety of effects on the indigenous biological activity, including reduced biodegradation rates and a long‐term disruption of community structure with respect to the stimulation of TCE (trichloroethylene) degraders. The investigation focused on the quantity of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and its distribution to determine the immediate effect of each remedial technology on microbial abundance and community structure, and to establish how rapidly the microbial communities recovered. Comprehensive spatial and temporal PLFA screening data suggested that the technology applications did not significantly alter the site's microbial community structure. The ISCO was the only technology found to stimulate microbial abundance; however, the biomass returned to predemonstration values shortly after treatment ended. In general, no significant change in the microbial community composition was observed in the SPH or SI treatment areas, and even small changes returned to near initial conditions after the demonstrations. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An in-situ bioremediation project has been designed and constructed for a site in south-central Kansas just north of Wichita. A pipeline leaked an unknown quantity of refinedfuels in the 1970s. The spill was undetected until hydrocarbons were found in a nearby municipal water supply well. Of concern, from a regulatory perspective, are the alkylbenzene components found in the groundwater, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX). Initial abatement procedures, including free product removal and pumping, had become ineffective. In-situ bioremediation was selected to complete the restoration process. The project emphasizes the need for a strong understanding of the geologic and hydrogeologic conditions prevalent under the site. Site studies were conducted to determine the distribution and mass of the contaminant and the hydraulic regime. Laboratory microbial studies were used to determine the efficacy of nitrate as a primary electron acceptor. Information from site studies was used to design a treatment system tailored to the requirements of the site. The treatment system is designed to deliver the maximum amount of nutrient-enriched water to the contaminated zone while maintaining hydraulic control of the site.  相似文献   

A new use for biofilm barriers was developed and successfully applied to treat nitrate‐contaminated groundwater down to drinking water standards. The barrier was created by stimulating indigenous bacteria with injections of molasses as the carbon donor and a combination of yeast extract and trimetaphosphate as nutrients. This injection of amendments results in bacterial growth in the aquifer, which attaches to the sand grains to create a reactive semipermeable biofilm. The biofilm barrier presented in this article reduced the migration of contaminants and provided an active zone for remediation. The cylindrical biobarrier was constructed using eight wells on the perimeter forming a 60‐foot‐diameter reactive biodenitrification region. Another well at the center was installed to continuously extract the treated water. The intent was to produce a continuous source of nitrate‐free water. The system operated for over one year, and during this period, the biobarrier was revived multiple times by reinjecting molasses in the perimeter wells. Nitrate concentrations of treated water decreased from 275 mg/L (as nitrogen) to < 1 mg/L. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

渗透性反应墙(PRBs)是倍受关注的地下水原位修复技术之一,具有高效廉价、安装简便、维护简单等优点。详细总结了零价铁、活性炭、无机矿物材料和生物质材料等PRBs反应介质的结构、性能、适用范围、改良方法及增强吸附机制,介绍了PRBs技术在国内外地下水原位修复领域的工程应用实例,指出研发可再生型反应介质、深入研究复杂体系的污染物去除主导机制以及开展多介质混合、多种原位修复技术集成应用研究将是今后PRBs的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

Groundwater at most underground storage tank (UST) spills sites in Kansas contains both methyl tertiary butyl ethylene (MTBE) and benzene, and both contaminants must be effectively treated to close the sites. Soil vacuum extraction, air sparging, and excavation are the most common treatment technologies in Kansas. To compare the relative performance of these conventional remedial technologies for treating MTBE as compared to benzene, 66 sites in the Kansas UST Trust Fund were identified that had initial concentrations of both MTBE and benzene above the reporting limit of 1 μg/L, and that had at least two rounds of analytical data. Sites were excluded from the comparison if the monitoring wells had free product. Of the 66 sites, 15 had met the clean‐up goal for benzene, and 50 had met the goal for MTBE. The extent of treatment for MTBE and benzene was calculated as the ratio of the highest concentration in any well at the site in the most recent round of sampling to the maximum concentration in any well at the site in the previous rounds of sampling. The extent of treatment was greater for MTBE (statistically significant at p = 0.032). The geometric mean of the extent of treatment in the 66 sites was 0.057 for MTBE, compared to 0.14 for benzene. In Kansas, conventional technologies removed MTBE from the source areas of groundwater plumes at least as effectively as they removed benzene. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Historic mineral ore processing operations at the former Cyprus Foote Mineral Site located in East Whiteland Township, Pennsylvania, have resulted in the creation of an approximately 10,000‐foot‐long off‐site groundwater plume impacted with lithium and bromate. The plume emanating from the site is impacting the groundwater quality of downgradient private residences. As an early part of the remedial implementation, the private residences were provided with public water connections while the source control efforts were being designed and implemented. Bromate and lithium have recently emerged as groundwater contaminants subjected to increased regulatory scrutiny. This is evidenced in a recently lowered Federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for bromate of 0.010 milligrams per liter and a Medium‐Specific Concentration (MSC) of 0.005 mg/L for lithium recently proposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) for all groundwater within the Commonwealth. Elevated concentrations for bromate and lithium were detected above the Proposed Remediation Goals (PRGs) for the site, MCLs, and MSCs at a distance of 7,300 feet and 9,200 feet from the source area, respectively. To reduce the contaminant concentrations within the groundwater plume, which will ultimately result in a regressing plume, and to enable the Brownfield redevelopment of this Superfund site, auger‐based, in situ soil stabilization (ISS) with depths of up to 75 feet below ground surface (bgs) was selected as the remedy. The remedial implementation required the temporary removal and relocation of over 100,000 cubic yards of overburden to expose the lithium‐bearing tailings prior to treatment. Using customized 90‐foot‐long, 9‐foot‐diameter augers attached to cranes and drilling platforms, ancillary support excavators, and approximately 21,000 tons of reagent; 2,019 ISS columns were advanced to depths ranging from 10 to 74 feet bgs. This resulted in the creation of an in situ low‐permeablity 117,045‐yd3 “quasi‐monolith,” which encompasses a lateral extent of approximately three acres. The integration of a comprehensive ISS design with a comprehensive long‐term groundwater‐monitoring plan ensured the success of the ISS implementation and will enable a continued evaluation of the off‐site groundwater quality. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Army National Guard initiated an Innovative Technology Evaluation (ITE) Program in March 2000 to study potential remedial technologies for the cleanup of explosives‐contaminated soil and groundwater at the Camp Edwards site on the Massachusetts Military Reservation. The soil technologies chosen for the ITE program were: soil washing, chemical oxidation, chemical reduction, thermal desorption/destruction (LTTD), bioslurry, composting, and solid phase bioremediation. The technologies were evaluated based on their ability to treat both washed and untreated soil. A major factor considered was the ability to degrade explosives, such as RDX, found in particulate form in the soils. The heterogeneous nature of explosives in soils dictates that the preferred technology must be able to treat explosives in all forms, including the particulate form. Groundwater remediation technologies considered include: in situ cometabolic reduction, two forms of in situ chemical oxidation, Fenton‐like oxidation and potassium permanganate. This article presents the results of each of the remedial technologies evaluated and discusses which technologies met the established ITE performance goals. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of PHOSter® technology for treating groundwater contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE) at Edwards Air Force Base, California. The technology consists of injecting a gaseous mixture of air, methane, and nutrients into groundwater with the objective of stimulating the growth of methanotrophs, a naturally occurring microbial group that is capable of catalyzing the aerobic degradation of chlorinated solvents into nontoxic products. Injection operations were performed at one well for a period of three months. Six monitoring wells were utilized for groundwater and wellhead vapor monitoring and for groundwater and microbial sampling. In the five monitoring wells located within 44 feet of the injection well, the following results were observed: dissolved oxygen concentrations increased to a range between 6 and 8 milligrams per liter (μg/L); the biomass of target microbial groups increased by one to five orders of magnitude; and TCE concentrations decreased by an average of 92 percent, and to below the California primary maximum contaminant level (MCL; 5 micrograms per liter [µg/L]) in the well closest to the injection well. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. *
  • 1 This article is a U.S. Government work and, as such, is in the public domain of the United States of America.
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    反硝化在土壤及地下水中的净化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    综述了土壤及地下水系统中反硝化作用的研究进展,详细地介绍了反硝化作用的原理和机制,用以防治地表水和地下水的污染.  相似文献   

    A new in situ remediation concept termed a Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well®) is presented that utilizes a horizontal well filled with reactive media to passively treat contaminated groundwater in situ. The approach involves the use of a large‐diameter directionally drilled horizontal well filled with solid reactive media installed parallel to the direction of groundwater flow. The engineered contrast in hydraulic conductivity between the high in‐well reactive media and the ambient aquifer hydraulic conductivity results in the passive capture, treatment, and discharge back to the aquifer of proportionally large volumes of groundwater. Capture and treatment widths of up to tens of feet can be achieved for many aquifer settings, and reductions in downgradient concentrations and contaminant mass flux are nearly immediate. Many different types of solid‐phase reactive treatment media are already available (zero valent iron, granular activated carbon, biodegradable particulate organic matter, slow‐release oxidants, ion exchange resins, zeolite, apatite, etc.). Therefore, this concept could be used to address a wide range of contaminants. Laboratory and pilot‐scale test results and numerical flow and transport model simulations are presented that validate the concept. The HRX Well can access contaminants not accessible by conventional vertical drilling and requires no aboveground treatment or footprint and requires limited ongoing maintenance. A focused feasibility evaluation and alternatives analysis highlights the potential cost and sustainability advantages of the HRX Well compared to groundwater extraction and treatment systems or funnel and gate permeable reactive barrier technologies for long‐term plume treatment. This paper also presents considerations for design and implementation for a planned upcoming field installation.  相似文献   

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