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Wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) closures are rare environmental remediation events; offering unique insight into contaminant persistence, long‐term wastewater impacts, and ecosystem recovery processes. The U.S. Geological Survey assessed the fate of select endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) in surface water and streambed sediment one year before and one year after closure of a long‐term WWTF located within the Spirit Creek watershed at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Sample sites included a WWTF‐effluent control located upstream from the outfall, three downstream effluent‐impacted sites located between the outfall and Spirit Lake, and one downstream from the lake's outfall. Prior to closure, the 2.2‐km stream segment downstream from the WWTF outfall was characterized by EDC concentrations significantly higher (α = 0.05) than at the control site; indicating substantial downstream transport and limited in‐stream attenuation of EDC, including pharmaceuticals, estrogens, alkylphenol ethoxylate (APE) metabolites, and organophosphate flame retardants (OPFR). Wastewater‐derived pharmaceutical, APE metabolites, and OPFR compounds were also detected in the outflow of Spirit Lake, indicating the potential for EDC transport to aquatic ecosystems downstream of Fort Gordon under effluent discharge conditions. After the WWTF closure, no significant differences in concentrations or numbers of detected EDC compounds were observed between control and downstream locations. The results indicated EDC pseudo‐persistence under preclosure, continuous supply conditions, with rapid attenuation following WWTF closure. Low concentrations of EDC at the control site throughout the study and comparable concentrations in downstream locations after WWTF closure indicated additional, continuing, upstream contaminant sources within the Spirit Creek watershed. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The US Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) created a compilation of metrics (Metrics Toolbox) in response to a need for a broad set of metrics that could be used to assess and monitor the effectiveness of remedies in achieving sustainability goals. Metrics are the key impacts, outcomes, or burdens that are to be assessed or balanced to determine the influences and impacts of a remedial action. Metrics can reflect any of the three aspects of sustainability (i.e., environmental, social, or economic) or a combination of these aspects. Regardless, metrics represent the most critical sustainable outcomes from the perspective of the key stakeholders. The Metrics Toolbox is hosted online at www.sustainableremediation.org/library/guidance‐tools‐and‐other‐resources . By selecting metrics from the Metrics Toolbox as a starting point and considering a potentially wider suite of metrics in remedial program decisions, appropriate assessments can be made. Qualitative and quantitative metrics are tabulated for each remedial phase: remedial investigation, remedy selection, remedial design, remedial construction, operation and maintenance, and closure. Attributes for each metric are described so that remediation practitioners and key stakeholders can view the universe of metrics available and select the most relevant, site‐specific metrics for a particular site. For this reason, SURF recommends that remediation practitioners consider the metrics compiled in the Metrics Toolbox as a companion to the sustainable remediation framework published elsewhere in this journal and other sustainability evaluations. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater circulation wells (GCWs) are a quasi‐in‐situ method for remediating groundwater in areas where remediation techniques that limit the water available for municipal, domestic, industrial, or agricultural purposes are inappropriate. The inherently resource‐conservative nature of groundwater circulation wells is also philosophically appealing in today's culture, which is supportive of green technologies. Groundwater circulation wells involve the circulation of groundwater through a dual‐screen well, with treatment occurring between the screens. The wells are specifically designed so that one well screen draws in groundwater and the second returns the groundwater after it has been treated within the well. Historically, the treatment has been performed with specialized equipment proprietary to GCW vendors. Two full‐scale pilot systems at a formerly used Defense Superfund site in Nebraska used best available technologies for treatment components. A multiple‐tray, low‐profile air stripper typically used for pump‐and‐treat remediation systems was successfully adapted for the GCW pilot system located in a trichloroethylene (TCE) hot spot. An ultraviolet water disinfection system was successfully adapted for the GCW pilot system located in a hot spot contaminated with the explosive compound hexhydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine (RDX). The pilot systems showed that GCW technology is competitive with a previously considered pump‐and‐treat alternative for focused extraction, and the regulatory community was supportive of additional GCW applications. A remedial design for the site includes 12 more GCW systems to complete focused remediation requirements. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sediment dredge disposal options were reviewed to improve cost‐effectiveness and environmental safety for dredging of coastal sediments at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Small Craft Harbours (DFO‐SCH) program in Canada. Historically, contaminated dredge sediments exceeding federal guidelines were disposed of in nearby landfills. Recent federal regulatory changes in sediment quality guidelines adopted by provincial regulators in Canada has resulted in updates to guidelines for disposal of contaminated solids in landfills. Updates now require specific and general disposal options for contaminated dredge material destined for land‐based disposal, resulting in more expensive disposal in containment cells (if contaminated sediments exceed federal guidelines). However, as part of this study, a leachate testing method was applied to contaminated sediments to simulate migration of potential contaminants in groundwater. Using this approach, leachate quality was compared to federal freshwater criteria and drinking water quality guidelines for compliance with new regulations. Leachate testing performed on the highest sediment contaminant concentrations triggered less than 2 percent potable water exceedances, meaning that most dredge spoils could be disposed of in privately owned or provincially operated landfill sites, providing less expensive disposal options compared to containment cell disposal. Current dredge disposal practices were reviewed at 35 harbor sites across Nova Scotia and their limitations identified in a gap analysis. Improved site management was developed following this review and consultation with interested marine stakeholders. New disposal options and chemical analyses were proposed, along with improvements to cost efficiencies for management of dredged marine sediments in Atlantic Canada. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, a soil removal action was completed at a former disposal pit site located in southern Michigan. This action removed waste oil, cutting oil, and chlorinated solvents from the unsaturated zone. To contain groundwater contaminant migration at the site, a groundwater pump‐and‐treat system comprised of two extraction wells operating at a combined flow of 50 gallons per minute, carbon treatment, and a permitted effluent discharge was designed, installed, and operated for over 10 years. Groundwater monitoring for natural attenuation parameters and contaminant attenuation modeling demonstrated natural attenuation of the contaminant plume was adequate to attain site closure. As a result of incomplete contaminant source removal, a rebound of contaminants above the levels established in the remedial action plan (RAP) has occurred in the years following system shutdown and site closure. Groundwater concentrations have raised concerns regarding potential indoor air quality at adjacent residential properties constructed in the past 9 to 10 years. The only remedial option available in the original RAP is to resume groundwater pump‐and‐treat. To remediate the source area, an alternate remediation strategy using an ozone sparge system was developed. The ozone sparge remediation strategy addresses the residual saturated zone contaminants beneath the former disposal pit and reestablishes site closure requirements without resumption of the pump‐and‐treat system. A pilot study was completed successfully; and the final system design was subsequently approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The system was installed and began operations in July 2010. As of the January 2011 monitoring event, the system has shown dramatic improvement in site contaminant concentrations. The system will continue to operate until monitoring results indicate that complete treatment has been obtained. The site will have achieved the RAP objectives when the system has been shut down and meets groundwater residential criteria for four consecutive quarters. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Following costly repairs of a coastal landfill's shoreline protection system (SPS) within a tidal zone with additional future repairs imminent, a green and sustainable remedy optimization to eliminate the root cause of the damage was evaluated. The removal of the armored point located just north of the landfill that had been a major source of erosion to the SPS during storm events was proposed and implemented. The restoration of the beach to protect the landfill and restore natural longshore processes, while providing habitat for wildlife, was a key goal of the project. As a part of the work, the removal of a creosote‐impregnated boat ramp was incorporated into the final design at the request of stakeholders. During the process, all materials excavated from the site were either beneficially reused in the construction or reused off‐site as concrete, clean fill, or fuel. The work was implemented in the dry by working with the tides and successfully achieved the project goals. Based on the initial inspections following the repairs, no additional repairs are anticipated well into the future. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Making remediation and risk management decisions for widely‐distributed chemicals is a challenging aspect of contaminated site management. The objective of this study is to present an initial evaluation of the ubiquitous, ambient environmental distribution of poly‐ and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) within the context of environmental decision‐making at contaminated sites. PFAS are anthropogenic contaminants of emerging concern with a wide variety of consumer and industrial sources and uses that result in multiple exposure routes for humans. The combination of widespread prevalence and low screening levels introduces considerable uncertainty and potential costs in the environmental management of PFAS. PFAS are not naturally‐occurring, but are frequently detected in environmental media independent of site‐specific (i.e., point source) contamination. Information was collected on background and ambient levels of two predominant PFAS, perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate, in North America in both abiotic media (soil, sediment, surface water, and public drinking water supplies) and selected biotic media (human tissues, fish, and shellfish). The background or ambient information was compiled from multiple published sources, organized by medium and concentration ranges, and evaluated for geographical trends and, when available, also compared to health‐based screening levels. Data coverage and quality varied from wide‐ranging and well‐documented for soil, surface water, and serum data to more localized and less well‐documented for sediment and fish and shellfish tissues and some uncertainties in the data were noted. Widespread ambient soil and sediment concentrations were noted but were well below human health‐protective thresholds for direct contact exposures. Surface water, drinking water supply waters (representing a combination of groundwater and surface water), fish and shellfish tissue, and human serum levels ranged from less than to greater than available health‐based threshold values. This evaluation highlights the need for incorporating literature‐based or site‐specific background into PFAS site evaluation and decision‐making, so that source identification, risk management, and remediation goals are properly focused and to also inform general policy development for PFAS management.  相似文献   

An in‐well sediment incubator (ISI) was developed to investigate the stability and dynamics of sediment‐associated microbial communities to prevailing subsurface oxidizing or reducing conditions. Herein we describe the use of these devices at the Old Rifle Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) site. During a seven‐month period in which oxidized Rifle Aquifer background sediment (RABS) were deployed in previously biostimulated wells under iron‐reducing conditions, cell densities of known iron‐reducing bacteria, including Geobacteraceae, increased significantly, showing the microbial community response to local subsurface conditions. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles of RABS following in situ deployment were strikingly similar to those of adjacent sediment cores, suggesting ISI results could be extrapolated to the native material of the test plots. Results for ISI deployment with laboratory‐reduced sediments showed only slight changes in community composition and pointed toward the ability of the ISI to monitor microbial community stability and response to subsurface conditions. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in the toxicity levels of beach sediment, nearshore water, and bottom sediment samples were monitored with the Microtox® Test to evaluate the two in situ oil spill treatment options of natural attenuation (natural recovery--no treatment) and sediment relocation (surf washing). During a series of field trials, IF-30 fuel oil was intentionally sprayed onto the surface of three mixed sediment (pebble and sand) beaches on the island of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway (78°56 N, 16°45 E). At a low wave-energy site (Site 1 with a 3-km wind fetch), where oil was stranded within the zone of normal wave action, residual oil concentrations and beach sediment toxicity levels were significantly reduced by both options in less than five days. At Site 3, a higher wave-energy site with a 40-km wind fetch, oil was intentionally stranded on the beach face in the upper intertidal/supratidal zones, above the level of normal wave activity. At this site under these experimental conditions, sediment relocation was effective in accelerating the removal of the oil from the sediments and reducing the Microtox® Test toxicity response to background levels. In the untreated (natural attenuation) plot at this site, the fraction of residual oil remaining within the beach sediments after one year (70%) continued to generate a toxic response. Chemical and toxicological analyses of nearshore sediment and sediment-trap samples at both sites confirmed that oil and suspended mineral fines were effectively dispersed into the surrounding environment by the in situ treatments. In terms of secondary potential detrimental effects from the release of stranded oil from the beaches, the toxicity level (Microtox® Test) of adjacent nearshore sediment samples did not exceed the Canadian regulatory limit for dredged spoils destined for ocean disposal.  相似文献   

Leaking underground storage tank systems at service stations have resulted in tens of thousands of petroleum releases and associated groundwater chemical plumes often extending hundreds of feet off‐site. Technical and engineering approaches to assess and clean up releases from underground tanks, product lines, and dispensers using technologies such as soil vapor extraction, air sparging, biostimulation, and monitored natural attenuation are well understood and widely published throughout the literature. This article summarizes life‐cycle environmental response costs typically encountered using site‐specific cost estimation or metric‐based cost categories considering the overall complexity of site conditions: (1) simple sites where response actions require smaller scale assessments and/or remediation and have limited or no off‐site impacts; (2) average sites where response actions require larger scale assessments and/or remediation typical of petroleum releases; (3) complex sites where response actions require greater on‐site and/or off‐site remediation efforts; and (4) mega sites where petroleum plumes have impacted public or private water supplies or where petroleum vapors have migrated into occupied buildings. Associated cleanup cost estimates rely upon appropriate combinations of individual work elements and the duration of operation, maintenance, and monitoring activities. These cost estimates can be offset by state reimbursement funds, coverage in purchase agreements, and insurance policies. A case study involving a large service station site portfolio illustrates the range of site complexity and life‐cycle environmental response costs. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Gowanus Canal Superfund Site in Brooklyn, New York, is an approximately 1.5‐mile (1.61‐km) long estuary that was historically converted into a canal for industrial and commercial purposes. Three manufactured gas plants (MGPs) were formerly located on the Gowanus Canal and discharged waste into it. Surface sediments remain highly contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) long after the MGPs were razed. A hydrogeologic assessment indicates that groundwater passes through the deeper coal tar–contaminated sediment prior to discharging to the canal. This study was undertaken to investigate if groundwater passing through coal tar–contaminated sediment could be responsible for the ongoing contamination of both surface sediments and surface water in the canal. PAH compound distributions in surface water samples collected from the tidal canal at low tide were compared with PAH compounds found in adjacent groundwater‐monitoring wells, point sources (combined sewer overflows [CSOs]), and surface sediments. The results indicate a strong correlation between PAH contaminant distributions in groundwater, sediment, and surface water, indicating that contaminated groundwater passing through the deeper coal tar–contaminated sediments is the primary mechanism contributing to the contamination of both surface sediment and surface water in the canal. Therefore, any sediment remediation efforts in the Gowanus Canal that fail to evaluate and control the upward transport processes have a high chance of failure due to recontamination from below.  ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In response to an oxygenated gasoline release at a gas station site in New Hampshire, a temporary treatment system consisting of a single bedrock extraction well, a product recovery pump, an air stripper, and carbon polishing units was installed. However, this system was ineffective at removing tertiary butyl alcohol from groundwater. The subsequent remedial system design featured multiple bedrock extraction wells and an ex situ treatment system that included an air stripper, a fluidized bed bioreactor, and carbon polishing units. Treated effluent was initially discharged to surface water. Periodic evaluation of the remediation system performance led to system modifications, which included installing an additional extraction well to draw contaminated groundwater away from an on‐site water supply well, adding an iron and manganese pretreatment system, and discharge of treated effluent to an on‐site drywell. Later, the air stripper and carbon units were eliminated, and an infiltration gallery was installed to receive treated, oxygenated effluent in order to promote flushing of the smear zone and in situ bioremediation in the source area. This article discusses the design, operation, performance, and modifications to the remediation system over time, and provides recommendations for similar sites. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ranunculus spp. are the dominant plants of lowland chalk stream habitats in England. The spatial variability of sediment characteristics (silt–clay, organic matter, total phosphorus and total nitrogen content) within stands of Ranunculus spp. was investigated in 12 rivers in lowland England. Variability was found to be high and there were no discernible differences between samples taken from within Ranunculus and a limited number of samples from bare substrate. For two of these rivers, comparisons were also made between reaches upstream and downstream of waste water treatment works outfalls in terms of the characteristics of the sediments within Ranunculus stands. In one river a clear increase in sediment nutrient, fine and organic material content was observed downstream but in the other there was no consistent difference. Temporal variability was considered for two rivers in the Frome catchment, Dorset, by analysing the monthly variability in sediment organic matter and silt–clay content beneath Ranunculus stands over an annual cycle of growth and die-back. Whilst a clear pattern of fine and organic material retention consistent with seasonal plant growth patterns was evident at one site, the three sites displayed different temporal patterns. This inconsistency is believed to reflect differences in sediment supply at the three sites.  相似文献   

A preliminary laboratory study was conducted to investigate the impact of different residual types and sediment surface roughness on copper contaminant fluxes to the water column. Sediments from Torch Lake, Michigan served as the test samples. These sediments are mining by‐products with elevated Cu levels. Six experiments were run during which the sediments were conditioned to simulate different forms of residuals. During these experiments, the water column above the sediments was circulated via peristaltic pumping or orbital shaking and the total and dissolved Cu levels were monitored periodically for 15 days. Dissolved Cu levels indicated that during the first 48 hr the water column concentrations approached equilibrium for all six cases. Total Cu levels increased with time and did reach equilibrium but were more susceptible to fluctuations in water column suspended solids levels. Analysis of the resulting dissolved Cu data indicated that the resulting water column Cu concentrations differed with sediment surface and residual type. The highest dissolved Cu water column concentrations were observed for a roughened surface with a larger surface area. The lowest water column dissolved Cu levels were observed for the case with sediment slurry placed over clean sand. The dissolved Cu levels in the water column for all six simulated conditions were several orders higher than the USEPA ambient water quality criteria for protection of aquatic life. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.*  相似文献   

Careful design studies and selection of an effective technique for the installation of permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are important contributors to the overall success of zero‐valent iron PRBs. This article provides a case study summarizing the successful design and construction of a PRB installed at the former Carswell Air Force Base located in Fort Worth, Texas. Expedited site characterization using a cone penetrometer rig equipped with a mass spectrometer was employed to provide real‐time characterization and lithologic data. These data proved to be invaluable for the design of the PRB and allowed for the development of an accurate preconstruction cost estimate. Field data gained from the expedited water quality and geologic characterization along with aquifer testing and a bench‐scale treatability study provided a comprehensive basis for the design. The biopolymer slurry construction technique provided additional unanticipated benefits to the designed zero‐ valent iron treatment by promoting the development of anaerobic conditions favorable for microbial degradation of trichloroethene. Postconstruction monitoring data are discussed to illustrate the successful performance of the PRB. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An in situ erosion flume was used to measure the stability of sediment deposits in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario, Canada. The flume consists of a rectangular duct with an opening at the bottom. A submerged pump attached to the downstream end of the flume circulates the ambient water through the flume, thereby generating turbulent shear flows inside the flume. When the flume rests on a sediment deposit, the exposed part of the sediment deposit is subjected to the flow shear stress. By applying a continually increasing flow shear stress on the sediment deposit and by measuring the amount of sediment erosion, it is possible to assess the erosional stability of the sediment deposits. An under water video camera was mounted on the flume to get visual images of the sediment erosion process. The flume was used at two sites in the Harbour. The erosional resistances measured by the flume for the two sites were different. Measurement of dry density of the sediment deposits using an ultrasonic device was carried out to explain the differences in the stability of sediment deposits from the two sites.  相似文献   

A novel, multilayered shoreline cap was designed and installed to mitigate the release of petroleum light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) and dissolved‐phase groundwater constituents to the Willamette River in Portland, OR. Releases of LNAPL related to upland impacts caused occasional sheens on a portion of the river within the Portland Harbor Superfund Site. The frequency and volume of sheens decreased following the installation of an upland sheet pile barrier wall, but occasional sheens related to LNAPL impacts stranded downgradient of the wall continued–prompting the design of a shoreline remedy. Because the site is located within the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, the cap was designed to mitigate sheen and to meet the objectives specified in the Portland Harbor Record of Decision including limiting the discharge of certain dissolved‐phase constituents of interest. The cap design was the first instance of combining an oleophilic bio‐barrier to mitigate sheen and an activated carbon layer to capture dissolved‐phase constituents. No sheens have been visually observed since cap installation.  相似文献   

Framework for integrating sustainability into remediation projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The US Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) created this Framework to enable sustainability parameters to be integrated and balanced throughout the remediation project life cycle, while ensuring long‐term protection of human health and the environment and achieving public and regulatory acceptance. Parameters are considerations, impacts, or stressors of environmental, social, and economic importance. Because remediation project phases are not stand‐alone entities but interconnected components of the wider remediation system, the Framework provides a systematic, process‐based approach in which sustainability is integrated holistically and iteratively within the wider remediation system. By focusing stakeholders on the preferred end use or future use of a site at the beginning of a remediation project, the Framework helps stakeholders form a disciplined planning strategy. Specifically, the Framework is designed to help remediation practitioners (1) perform a tiered sustainability evaluation, (2) update the conceptual site model based on the results of the sustainability evaluation, (3) identify and implement sustainability impact measures, and (4) balance sustainability and other considerations during the remediation decision‐making process. The result is a process that encourages communication among different stakeholders and allows remediation practitioners to achieve regulatory goals and maximize the integration of sustainability parameters during the remediation process. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Historic mineral ore processing operations at the former Cyprus Foote Mineral Site located in East Whiteland Township, Pennsylvania, have resulted in the creation of an approximately 10,000‐foot‐long off‐site groundwater plume impacted with lithium and bromate. The plume emanating from the site is impacting the groundwater quality of downgradient private residences. As an early part of the remedial implementation, the private residences were provided with public water connections while the source control efforts were being designed and implemented. Bromate and lithium have recently emerged as groundwater contaminants subjected to increased regulatory scrutiny. This is evidenced in a recently lowered Federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for bromate of 0.010 milligrams per liter and a Medium‐Specific Concentration (MSC) of 0.005 mg/L for lithium recently proposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) for all groundwater within the Commonwealth. Elevated concentrations for bromate and lithium were detected above the Proposed Remediation Goals (PRGs) for the site, MCLs, and MSCs at a distance of 7,300 feet and 9,200 feet from the source area, respectively. To reduce the contaminant concentrations within the groundwater plume, which will ultimately result in a regressing plume, and to enable the Brownfield redevelopment of this Superfund site, auger‐based, in situ soil stabilization (ISS) with depths of up to 75 feet below ground surface (bgs) was selected as the remedy. The remedial implementation required the temporary removal and relocation of over 100,000 cubic yards of overburden to expose the lithium‐bearing tailings prior to treatment. Using customized 90‐foot‐long, 9‐foot‐diameter augers attached to cranes and drilling platforms, ancillary support excavators, and approximately 21,000 tons of reagent; 2,019 ISS columns were advanced to depths ranging from 10 to 74 feet bgs. This resulted in the creation of an in situ low‐permeablity 117,045‐yd3 “quasi‐monolith,” which encompasses a lateral extent of approximately three acres. The integration of a comprehensive ISS design with a comprehensive long‐term groundwater‐monitoring plan ensured the success of the ISS implementation and will enable a continued evaluation of the off‐site groundwater quality. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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