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垃圾填埋场渗滤液对地下水污染的修复技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在查阅国内外相关文献资料的基础上,综述了垃圾填埋场渗滤液的产生以及对地下水的污染,介绍了垃圾渗滤液污染控制措施,包括顶部覆盖层、垃圾分层填埋、地表入渗水导流等;然后主要介绍了地下水的原位修复技术,包括加药法、地下曝气法、生物修复,等。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent technological advances have led to a new generation of landfill liner systems that are highly effective at intercepting and removing leachate. Many of the modern liner systems are so effective that they allow very little or no leakage. Indeed, the amount of leakage through those liners is so minimal that, although it can be theoretically predicted, it cannot be measured with the available monitoring well technology. In addition to being highly effective, some modern liner systems are constructed with two liner layers separated by a drainage medium that detects and removes any leakage through the top liner. These significant improvements in liner system technology have led to the questioning of the necessity for the currently required high number of monitoring wells. Reduction of the number of the monitoring wells and/or of the frequency of sampling would result in substantial cost savings. The present study reports the results of a research project conducted at eleven municipal landfills with modern liner technology throughout the State of Florida. Through actual field data and computer modeling, it was found that the liner systems standards applied in the State of Florida are very effective at preventing any groundwater contamination. Thus, the present monitoring well regulations are too conservative.  相似文献   

生活垃圾的处置一直以填埋为主,垃圾填埋承载着巨大的环境压力,尤其是垃圾填埋产生的渗滤液会对地下水造成砷、汞污染.为了解北京市生活垃圾填埋场地下水砷、汞污染水平,在北京市5座生活垃圾填埋场布设采样点,采集36个地下水样品,采用氢化物发生—原子荧光法,分析了地下水砷、汞含量特征.结果 表明,36个地下水样品砷浓度范围0.4...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The exact solution for the drawdown in and around a well in a homogeneous, isotropic, and confined aquifer is presented if the well discharge is a function of time. The effect of the storage capacity of the well is also taken into consideration. Two types of flowrate functions are studied, namely linear and exponential functions, and the results are plotted in graphs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Effective monitoring configurations for contaminant detection in groundwater can be designed by analyzing the spatial relationships between candidate sampling sites and aquifer zones susceptible to contamination. Examples of such zones are the domain underlying the contaminant source, zones of probable contaminant migration, and areas occupied by water supply wells. Geographic information systems (GIS) are well-suited to performing key groundwater monitoring network design tasks, such as calculating values for distance variables which quantify the proximity of candidate sites to zones of high pollution susceptibility, and utilizing these variables to quantify relative monitoring value throughout a model domain. Through a case study application, this paper outlines the utility of GIS for detection-based groundwater quality monitoring network design. The results suggest that GIS capabilities for analyzing spatially referenced data can enhance the field-applicability of established methodologies for groundwater monitoring network design.  相似文献   

Confined flow toward a single well of finite radius in an extensive aquifer of uniform transmissibility is studied under the assumption of time-dependent drawdown. Three particular cases are considered: (a) linear drawdown (including constant drawdown); (b) exponential drawdown; (c) periodic (sinusoidal) drawdown. The differential equation governing unsteady axial symmetric flow toward a single well in a confined aquifer is solved for the three different situations by the use of the Laplace transform method. The resulting expressions are integrated by adapting a modified Gemant scheme. General computer programs have been developed and operated for several combinations of characteristics. The results are plotted to show the effect of time dependent drawdown on the variation of the well discharge and the piezometric head distribution.  相似文献   

对城市生活垃圾填埋处置技术的思考   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
曹霞  刘丹 《四川环境》2004,23(3):60-63
本文分析了我国广泛使用的垃圾填埋技术——厌氧卫生填埋的缺点,介绍了当前新型的填埋技术——生物反应器填埋技术、好氧填埋技术、准好氧填埋技术、循环式准好氧填埋的原理、结构及各自的优缺点,据此指出我国今后垃圾填埋技术的研究方向。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data were obtained from drilling and testing of a test injection well for deep underground injection of waste water effluent from the proposed 50-million-gallon-per-day (mgd) South District Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority, Dade County, Florida. The drilling operation progressed in stages, each stage coverting the strata to be sealed off by the 48-inch, 40-inch, 30-inch, and 20-inch casings, respectively. Total depth of the well is 3,200 feet. The top of the saline, cavernous, dolomitic Boulder Zone was found at 2,790 feet below the surface and is separated from the Floridan aquifer above by approximately 1,100 feet of confining limestone layers. These confining layers were determined, by packer testing, to be very effective. The transmissivity of the Boulder Zone was estimated to be 14 × 106 gallons per day per foot (gpd/ft) from the data obtained from pump out tests. An 8,000-gallon-per-minute (gpm) injection test was conducted to confirm well performance under operating conditions. Based on all of the data obtained, it was concluded that underground injection into the Boulder Zone of secondary waste water effluent from the proposed treatment plant is feasible, both hydraulically and environmentally. A monitoring system was proposed to provide a record of the effects of injection on the subsurface environment.  相似文献   

The White method has been routinely used to estimate evapotranspiration using diurnal variations in groundwater levels. Applications to surface water systems (e.g., wetlands) are less common. For applications to surface water systems, a stage‐dependent specific yield function must be defined. This is especially important for small wetlands formed in topographic depressions with bowl shaped bathymetries. Existing formulations of the specific yield function include weighting factors that impact the relative importance of the soil and open water specific yields on the composite value. Three formulations of the specific yield function from the literature were compared and found to produce varied results. Based on a comparison with empirical estimates of specific yield based on observed ratios of net precipitation to water level rise, one of the existing formulations is generalized and recommended for general use. The recommended function is dependent on wetland bathymetry, magnitude of the diurnal fluctuation, spatial extent of the equilibration area, and soil‐specific yield. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to examine the relative importance of these variables. The specific yield function is independent of wetland size and is strongly dependent on the basin profile coefficient (p), an indication of wetland shape. For most natural wetlands, bathymetry strongly influences specific yield.  相似文献   

Leachates are generated as a result of water or other liquid passing through waste at a landfill site. These contaminated liquids originate from a number of sources, including the water produced during the decomposition of the waste as well as rain-fall which penetrates the waste and dissolves the material with which it comes into contact. The penetration of the rain-water depends on the nature of the landfill (e.g. surface characteristics, type and quantity of vegetation, gradient of layers, etc). The uncontrolled infiltration of leachate into the vadose (unsaturated) zone and finally into the saturated zone (groundwater) is considered to be the most serious environmental impact of a landfill. In the present paper the water flow and the pollutant transport characteristics of the Ano Liosia Landfill site in Athens (Greece) were simulated by creating a model of groundwater flows and contaminant transport. A methodology for the model is presented. The model was then integrated into the Ecosim system which is a prototype funded by the EU, (Directorate General XIII: Telematics and Environment). This is an integrated environmental monitoring and modeling system, which supports the management of environmental planning in urban areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Large-scale groundwater abstraction from the Cretaceous Chalk/Lower Tertiary Basal Sands aquifer system of the London Basin in the last 150 years has developed storage of more than 1000 Mm3. Limited operational recharge was undertaken in the 1950's encouraging further detailed study of the wider possibilities. Following a comprehensive hydrogeological reappraisal, an economic and engineering study and pilot-scale experiments, the Lea Valley has been shown to have the greatest potential for recharge. Artificial recharge into the Chalk at a rate of 9000 m3/d appears possible, through acidised 900 mm diameter boreholes. An understanding of the degree of interconnection between the Chalk and Basal Sands and of the causes of changes in quality of recharged water during storage was shown to be of particular importance to the successful operation of any recharge scheme using this system. A two-layer numerical groundwater model of the 800 km2 area and a surface/groundwater simulation model have been used to assist with the design of the 84,000 m3/d prototype scheme, and will also help in assessing its efficiency. The models will ultimately be used to manage the operation of the first stage development, now coming into use.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Much of north-central Iowa is characterized by flat topography, shallow depressions, and poor natural surface drainage. Land drainage systems comprising of tile drains and agricultural drainage wells (ADWs) are used as outlets for subsurface drainage of cropland under corn and soybean production. Studies have shown that these drainage systems, mainly the ADWs, are potential routes for agricultural chemicals to underground aquifers. To protect the region's vital groundwater resource, researchers are evaluating alternative outlets ranging from complete closure of existing ADWs (and creation of wetlands) to continued use of ADWs and chemical management in a comprehensive policy framework. This paper presents the results of a study designed to provide government jurisdictions, farmers, and land managers information for assessing the impact of closing ADWs on crop production. The study couples a geographic information systems database for a 471-hectare watershed in Humboldt County, Iowa, with a groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) and an empirical crop yield loss model to predict long-term effects of complete closure of ADWs on crop production. The cropland areas inundated and the relative crop yield loss due to ADW closure are determined as a function of long-term climatic data. The results indicate that elimination of drainage outlets in the watershed could result in ponding of low-lying areas and poorly drained soils, making them unsuitable for crop production. Such wetness also decreases the efficiency of production in the no-ponding areas by isolating fields, and the crop yield loss can be reduced by an annual average of about 18 percent.  相似文献   

城市垃圾渗滤液场内循环处理的探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对城市垃圾渗滤液的产生量、水质特征及其影响因素进行了分析,介绍了当前国内外垃圾渗滤水场内循环处理的两大研究流派-以欧美国家为主的生物反应器填埋技术和以日本为主的循环式准好氧填埋技术。根据我国城市垃圾有机物含量高的特点,提出了适合我国国情的、将准好氧填埋技术与生物反应器填埋技术特点相结合的城市垃圾填埋场渗波液场内循环处理的设计思路。  相似文献   

通过综合垃圾填埋量、垃圾组分、以及气候特点等因素,采用二阶段复合产气速率模型对玉龙坑填埋场封场前后填埋气体产生量情况进行了预测。预测结果表明玉龙坑填埋场在封场后10年内仍有较大量的填埋气体产生,若不加以妥善处理将会产生安全隐患,若加以利用会产生经济效益。该模型的应用可为垃圾填埋场进行填埋气体产生量预测及收集处理系统的设计、管理提供合理的依据。  相似文献   

矿化垃圾作回灌型准好氧填埋场日覆盖材料的适宜性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对矿化垃圾的基本性质进行测定的基础上,将其作为填埋场覆盖材料进行室内模拟实验.结果显示:经过筛分后的矿化垃圾细料可作为回灌型准好氧填埋场的日覆盖材料,除了具有日覆盖材料的常规功能外,还有净化渗滤液的能力;矿化垃圾对渗滤液中污染物的净化能力优于普通砂土;矿化垃圾作日覆盖材料的最佳粒度为d≤3mm,最优厚度为13cm,双层结构对污染物的净化能力优于单层结构.所以矿化垃圾是一种性能良好的日覆盖替代材料.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A field monitoring study of a riparian forest buffer zone was conducted to determine the impact of the riparian ecosystem on reducing the concentration of agricultural nonpoint source pollutants. Groundwater samples were collected from 20 sampling locations between May 1993 and December 1994, and analyzed for NO3-N, PO4, and NH4-N. Statistical analyses such as Friedman's test, cluster analysis, cross correlation analysis and Duncan's test were performed for the nutrient data. The study showed that the ripanan buffer zone was effective in reducing nitrate concentrations originating from upland agricultural fields. Instream nitrate concentrations were 48 percent less than those measured in the agricultural field. Reductions in concentrations in sampling locations at the wetland edge ranged from 16 to 70 percent. The mean nitrate concentrations in forested hill slope were 45 percent less than concentrations in a well located in an upland agricultural field. Meanwhile, the concentrations of phosphate and ammonia did not follow any specific spatial trend and were generally higher during the summer season for most sampling locations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Landfill siting and design guidelines or regulations differ from state to state. Most include hydrogeological criteria, referring to hydraulic conductivities, aquifers, ground water flow patterns, contaminant travel times, and distance between landfill and sensitive targets for contaminants, etc. However, almost all of the existing hydrogeological guidelines are incomplete, inconsistent, or both. The aquitard between landfill and regional aquifer frequently offers less resistance to leachate migration than compliance with regulations may suggest. Residence times of leachate, that makes it through the landfill liner, is often overestimated. Monitoring wells in the regional aquifer are unreliable detectors of local leaks in a landfill. If a landfill does leak, costly aquifer restoration is called for. For traditional landfill designs, ground water monitoring considerations suggest the siting over homogeneous sand and gravel aquifers, rather than over complex till environments. An alternative landfill design criterion is suggested, which is based on a negative hydraulic gradient underneath the landfill. This design guarantees ground water protection, simplifies landfill monitoring, and generally enhances the landfill economy.  相似文献   

栾海波 《油气田环境保护》2012,22(6):44-46,88,89
针对目前稠油热采系统节能措施和节能产品对某一环节单个节能产品的节能效果进行检测、评价的现状,提出了将稠油热采系统作为一个整体,采取组合节能措施及产品,给出了稠油热采系统的能耗监测流程、监测要求、程序与方法、数据分析评价方法等。形成了稠油热采系统综合能耗监测数据分析及效果评价方法。  相似文献   

Leachate from waste disposal sites (WDS) can significantly affect the soil physical, chemical and biological qualities, reducing soil health and agricultural productivity. However, there is a paucity of data on soil quality for understanding soil health impact due to WDS in Uganda. This study's aim was to understand, using the Kiteezi landfill site, how WDS impact soil properties. Soil samples were collected over 4 months in and around the landfill from three locations, and the soil quality data of the nearby area were used as baseline data for assessing the impact on soil due to WDS in the area. There were significant increases in the concentration of all studied parameters at the landfill except total N. The concentrations of ammonium (14.84 ± 1.76 mg/kg), nitrate (127.96 ± 18.36 mg/kg), and pH (7.8) were above the optimum levels. The levels of available P (181.4 ± 28.9 mg/kg) and exchangeable bases; K (2.23 ± 0.24 mg/kg), Na (1.17 ± 0.14 mg/kg), Mg (3.35 ± 0.3 mg/kg) and Ca (14 ± 1.1 mg/kg) cmol (+)/kg were optimal for plant growth. The calculated CEC of 20.75 cmol (+)/kg) showed that soils have a good potential to supply plant nutrients. Heavy metal levels were still below the permissible limit. Hence, the study shows that although WDS may contribute to the increase of soil fertility, they can potentially reduce the overall productivity of soil by increasing nutrient levels beyond optimum levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Environmental factors were investigated across a shrub-herbaceous ecotone (sharp zone of change) on a sloping site underlain by shallow groundwater on the arid floor of Owens Valley, California. Dominant plant species were salt rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. consimilis [E. Greene] Hall and Clements) and saltgrass (Distichlis spicata var. stricta EL.] E. Greene); typical of many similar habitats across the Great Basin. Historic air photographs were analyzed, and soil properties, water table levels and shrub and herbaceous cover were measured at discrete sample points. To investigate soil and vegetation spatial properties, sample points were apportioned on both sides of the ecotone. Land management practices and fire were ruled out as causal factors for the ecotone which remained stable through a 45-year period of air photo record. Soil textural, chemical and hydraulic properties were similar across the ecotone and were uniform throughout the site. Only depth to the water table changed significantly in a gradient perpendicular to the ecotone. The shrub-herbaceous ecotone was located where the water table depth fluctuated periodically between 0.8 and 1.2 m; deeper water tables than this range favors shrub cover while shallower depths favors meadow vegetation. When extrapolated to hydrologic management such as groundwater pumping, such a shallow depth and a narrow range of amplitude could restrict options for water development if maintenance of meadow vegetation is a goal.  相似文献   

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