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在温室条件下进行了15周的盆栽实验,考察了施用城市污泥堆肥后,土壤中养分含量的变化规律,重点研究了施用城市污泥堆肥对土壤微生物群落结构变化的影响。实验发现,污泥堆肥能改善土壤养分,有机质和氮、磷含量得到显著提高。经PCR—DGGE分析,施肥1周后土壤中细菌和真菌的群落结构均发生了较大的变化。随着施肥时间的延长,细菌在富含有机质及氮、磷等养分的土壤环境下大量生长,多样性提高,其优势菌群属于γ变形菌、α变形菌和芽单胞菌;随着有机质的不断消耗,细菌的生长活性受到抑制,最终由于养分的缺乏,细菌种群多样性呈现小幅度的降低,优势菌群变为绿弯菌门、γ变形菌亚纲和厚壁菌门。对于真菌,其多样性指数在堆肥前3周逐渐提升,在第3~12周的监测中呈现相对稳定的变化趋势,优势菌群主要为座囊菌纲和散囊菌纲。  相似文献   

施用城市污泥堆肥对土壤微生物群落结构变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在温室条件下进行了15周的盆栽实验,考察了施用城市污泥堆肥后,土壤中养分含量的变化规律,重点研究了施用城市污泥堆肥对土壤微生物群落结构变化的影响。实验发现,污泥堆肥能改善土壤养分,有机质和氮、磷含量得到显著提高。经PCR-DGGE分析,施肥1周后土壤中细菌和真菌的群落结构均发生了较大的变化。随着施肥时间的延长,细菌在富含有机质及氮、磷等养分的土壤环境下大量生长,多样性提高,其优势菌群属于γ变形菌、α变形菌和芽单胞菌;随着有机质的不断消耗,细菌的生长活性受到抑制,最终由于养分的缺乏,细菌种群多样性呈现小幅度的降低,优势菌群变为绿弯菌门、γ变形菌亚纲和厚壁菌门。对于真菌,其多样性指数在堆肥前3周逐渐提升,在第3~12周的监测中呈现相对稳定的变化趋势,优势菌群主要为座囊菌纲和散囊菌纲。  相似文献   

Blood samples of pregnant women aged between 19 and 42 years at the time they gave birth and milk samples from the same women following delivery were collected between September 2000 and January 2003 from 169 participants living in an industrialized area of Germany (Duisburg birth cohort study). All samples were analyzed for their content of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) as well as dioxin-like and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Levels of WHO-TEq were in the range of 4.34-97.3 pg/g(lipid base) (median: 26.37, arithmetic mean: 28.36) for blood, or 3.01-78.7 pg/g(lipid base) (median: 26.40, arithmetic mean: 27.27) for milk, respectively. The four congeners 12378-PeCDD, 23478-PeCDF, 33'44'5-PeCB (# 126) and 233'44'5-HxCB (# 156) contribute the main share to total WHO-TEq. The contribution of PCDD/F in relation to PCB to total WHO-TEq was 60:40% in blood and 52:48% in milk. Good correlations of the contaminant levels in lipid base between both matrices were found. The distribution between blood and milk depends on the molecular weight of the substances. Higher chlorinated PCDD/F- and PCB-congeners were found in 2-4-fold higher concentrations in blood in relation to milk and the concentrations of lower chlorinated PCB-congeners were up to 2-fold higher in milk in relation to blood. The body burden of PCDD/F and PCB increases with age and decreases over the total nursing period. Women who had lived outside highly industrialized countries showed lower concentrations of PCDD/F and PCB. In some cases, elevated levels of PCB were observed when the women had previously lived in Eastern Europe for a long time. In comparison with recent data, the decline in human PCDD/F and PCB levels observed during the nineties seems to have stopped. The individual exposures of the infants due to breastfeeding within the first 18 months were calculated to be from 4.4 to 318 ng WHO-TEq (median: 106, arithmetic mean: 118). The actual mean daily exposure of a breastfed infant can be estimated to 131 pg WHO-TEq/kg(body weight).  相似文献   

Organic amendments are sometimes applied to agricultural soils to improve the physical, chemical, and microbiological properties of the soils. The organic fractions in these soil amendments also influence metal reaction, particularly the adsorption and desorption of metals, which, in turn, determine the bioavailability of the metals and hence their phytotoxicities. In this study, a Quincy fine sandy (mixed, mesic, Xeric Torripsamments) soil was treated with 0 to 160 g kg(-1) rates of either manure, sewage sludge (SS), or incinerated sewage sludge (ISS) and equilibrated in a greenhouse at near field capacity moisture content for 100 days. Following the incubation period, the soil was dried and adsorption of copper (Cu) was evaluated in a batch equilibration study at either 0, 100, 200, or 400 mg L(-1) Cu concentrations in a 0.01M CaCl2 solution. The desorption of adsorbed Cu was evaluated by three successive elutions in 0.01M CaCl2. Copper adsorption increased with an increase in manure rates. At the highest rate of manure addition (160 g kg(-1) soil), Cu adsorption was two-fold greater than that by the unamended soil at all rates of Cu additions. With increasing rates of Cu additions, the adsorption of Cu decreased from 99.4 to 77.6% of Cu applied to the 160 g kg(-1) manure amended soil. The desorption of Cu decreased with an increase in rate of manure amendment. Effects of sewage sludge amendments on Cu adsorption were somewhat similar to those as described for manure additions. Likewise, the desorption of Cu was the least at the high rate of SS addition (160 g kg(-1)), although at the lower rates there was not a clear indication of the rate effects. In contrast to the above two amendments, the ISS amendment had the least effect on Cu adsorption. At the highest rate of ISS amendment, the Cu adsorption was roughly 50% of that at the similar rate of either manure or SS amendments, across all Cu rates.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in Baltic Sea fish like herring (Clupea harengus membras), sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus), perch (Perca fluviatilis), pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) and flounder (Platichthys flesus trachurus) collected from four areas of the Estonian coastal waters are reported. All samples are studied for their relationship between the length (cm) and wet weight (g); length (cm) and age (years); lipid content and dry matter. The level of PCDD/F and PCB concentrations in younger 1-5 years old Baltic herring and sprat collected in 2002-2005 from the eastern and central parts of the Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga and Open Baltic Sea (Central Baltic) is related to the fish age and compared with those found in the 1990s. In addition, PCDD/F and PCB concentrations of different age groups herring, sprat, perch, pikeperch and flounder collected in 2003-2004 from the Lake Peipsi, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga and Open Baltic Sea are related also to their age. Consequently, it was manifested that in older Baltic fish the concentrations of PCDD/F and PCB were higher than in the younger age groups. By the help of principle component analysis (PCA) the effect of gender on the concentrations of PCDD/F for the juvenile Baltic herring and sprat collected in 2004-2005 is investigated for the first time. It was summarized that the biological factor age plays a large role for the contamination of the fish with important toxic organohalogenated compounds such as PCDD/F.  相似文献   

The degradation of two groups of organic pollutants in three different Mediterranean forest soils amended with sewage sludge was studied for nine months. The sewage sludge produced by a domestic water treatment plant was applied to soils developed from limestone, marl and sandstone, showing contrasting alkalinity and texture. The compounds analysed were: linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) with a 10–13 carbon alkylic chain, and nonylphenolic compounds, including nonylphenol (NP) and nonylphenol ethoxylates with one and two ethoxy groups (NP1EO + NP2EO). These compounds were studied because they frequently exceed the limits proposed for sludge application to land in Europe. After nine months, LAS decomposition was 86–96%, and NP + NP1EO + NP2EO decomposition was 61–84%, which can be considered high. Temporal trends in LAS and NP + NP1EO + NP2EO decomposition were similar, and the concentrations of both types of compounds were highly correlated. The decomposition rates were higher in the period of 6–9 months (summer period) than in the period 0–6 months (winter + spring period) for total LAS and NP + NP1EO + NP2EO. Differences in decay rates with regard to soil type were not significant. The average values of decay rates found are similar to those observed in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Two sewage sludge samples collected from an urban as well as a rural area in Brazil and one sludge sample originating from the city of Balingen, Baden-Württemberg, South Germany, were investigated in respect to contamination with heavy metals, PCDD/F and PCB. The results were compared to PCDD/F and indicator-PCB mean values found in the region of Baden-Württemberg. The observed toxicity equivalents of PCDD/F found in the Brazilian samples, were below the upper limit specified by German legislation for final disposal or agricultural use in soils. Both the PCB and heavy metal values exceeded this limit. The PCDD/F congener/homologue profiles found in the Brazilian samples indicated that the urban sewage sludge shows a contamination where both chlorophenols and depositional sources appear to be contributing to the contamination pool. The enrichment of highly chlorinated PCDD/F groups in the sludge of semi-rural origin is probably due to transport phenomena effects. For the German sludge sample, depositional sources seem to be the main PCDD/F contamination pathway. Regarding PCB, both Brazilian samples show a homologue profile that indicates a contamination stemming from technical PCB formulations like Clophen A50 and Clophen A60 or equivalent.  相似文献   

The influence of the agricultural use of sewage sludge on the concentrations of PCBs and PCDD/Fs in soil, feed and milk was investigated on four dairy farms. Evidence of contaminant accumulation in the soil was found on both farms that fertilized with sewage sludge. The concentrations in feed and milk from one of these farms were similar to the concentrations in the matched control, while the concentrations in the samples from the second sludge user were elevated. The study demonstrates that the agricultural use of sewage sludge does under some conditions lead to higher levels of PCBs and PCDD/Fs in food products.  相似文献   

Stevens JL  Jones KC 《Chemosphere》2003,50(9):1183-1191
PCDD/Fs were quantified in samples of cattle, pig, sheep and chicken manure. TEQs ranged from 0.19 ng TEQ/kg dw for the pig manure to 20 ng TEQ/kg dw for one cattle manure sample. Exposure assessments were carried out to compare the effect of various sewage sludge and cattle manure land application scenarios on human PCDD/F exposure. Background exposure was estimated at 4.9 pg TEQ/kg bw/day and it was found that land application of sewage sludge and cattle manure at contemporary rates did not increase PCDD/F TEQ background exposure. It was concluded that the application of sewage sludge, under the new UK guidelines, and cattle manure to agricultural land, do not make a significant contribution to human exposure to PCDD/Fs.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium on C and N mineralization in sewage sludge amended and unamended sandy loam, loam and clay loam soils was studied during 2 months incubation at 30+/-1 degrees C. The sludge amendment caused 15-39% increase in microbial respiration, with the maximum C mineralization in sandy loam and the minimum in loam soil. The addition of 10 microg Cd g(-1) soil had no remarkable effect on C and N mineralization and microbial biomass; whereas significant decreases in the above parameters were observed at 25 and 50 microg Cd g(-1) soil, irrespective of the sludge addition. Less NO3(-)-N accumulated at higher Cd concentration. Cd recovery was high in sandy loam and low in clay loam soil. DTPA extractable Cd exhibited a significant negative correlation with microbial biomass (r=-0.58* to -0.86*; p < 0.05).  相似文献   

In infant period, human milk and infant formulae are the major sources of exposure to dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Since in many parts of Europe the mothers are increasingly reluctant to breastfeed their babies, the main objective of the present study is to assess the level of exposure of non-breast-fed infants during their early development. Consequently, the concentration levels of PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB were determined in industrial infant formulae including "starting" (aged 0-4months) and "follow-on" (after 4months) products of milk formula, soy formula and hypoallergenic infant formula, available on the EU market. Furthermore, dietary exposure to dioxin of exclusively formula-fed infants was assessed at each month from 0 to 9months. The results suggest that dietary exposure to dioxins via formulae is higher when consuming "starting" than "follow-on" infant formulae on a body-weight basis. Estimated dietary exposure after 4months of age was always below the lowest range of the Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of 1pg WHO-TEQkg(-1)bwd(-1) and Provisional Tolerable Monthly Intake (PTMI) of 70pg WHO-TEQkg(-1)bwmonth(-1). The highest estimated cumulative dietary exposure to PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB was obtained considering infants of 0-1months fed with the "starting" hypoallergenic infant formula (2.8pg WHO-TEQkg(-1)bwd(-1) and 84pg WHO-TQkg(-1)bwmonth(-1)). However, these elevated levels are much lower than those observed in some studies in breast-fed infants. The study can be used for further risk assessments in regard to infant exposure.  相似文献   

The evolution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) in sewage sludge-amended soils used in the restoration of degraded lands, like quarries, has been studied. Two experiments were performed: one in the lab, under controlled conditions, and another in a quarry. Two different doses of sewage sludge were applied in both experiments (with two types of application in the quarry experiment) and the evolution of the amended soils were compared with that of the respective control soils (without addition of sewage sludge). The samples were analyzed with a previously validated method by HRGC HRMS after the extraction and the necessary clean-up steps. The results reveal that polluted sewage sludge increases PCDD/F concentration in soils and that these compounds are persistent in the matrix after long periods of time.  相似文献   

Rates of nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium in symbiosis with leguminous host-plants including white clover, broad bean and peas have been established in soils that have been amended experimentally with heavy metal-contaminated sewage sludges. Results from 15N-dilution experiments for the measurement of N2 fixation have shown that adverse heavy metal effects are apparent on symbiotic N2 fixation rates for white clover grown in inter-specific competition with ryegrass under mixed sward conditions, compared to white clover grown in pure sward. Further experiments on broad bean and pea indicated a significant, but minor-inhibitory metal-related effect on the rate of N2 fixation compared to untreated soils and soils amended with a relatively uncontaminated sludge. The implications of the results with respect to sludge utilisation in agriculture are discussed.  相似文献   

Dai J  Xu M  Chen J  Yang X  Ke Z 《Chemosphere》2007,66(2):353-361
In order to better understand land application of sewage sludge, the characterization of heavy metals, PCDD/F and PAHs in sewage sludge was investigated from six different wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in Beijing City, China. It was found that the total concentrations of Zn in Wujiacun (WJC) sewage sludge, and Cd and Hg in sewage sludge generated from all of the six different places are higher than Chinese regulation limit of pollutants for sludge to be used for agriculture (GB18918-2002). The levels of 16 PAHs that have been categorized as priority pollutants by US EPA in the sewage sludge samples varied from 2467 to 25923 microg/kg (dry weight), the highest values of 25923 microg/kg being found in WJC WWTP. The concentrations of Benzo[a]pyrene were as high as 6.1mg/kg dry weight in WJC sewage sludge, exceeding the maximum permitted content by GB18918-2002. Individual PAH content varies considerably with sewage samples. The ratios of anthracene to anthracene plus phenanthrene (An/178), benz[a]anthracene to benz[a]anthracene plus chrysene (BaA/228), indene[1,2,3-cd]pyrene to indene[1,2,3-cd]pyrene plus benzo[g,h,i]perylene (In/In+BP), and fluoranthene to fluoranthene plus pyrene (Fl/Fl+Py) suggest that petroleum and combustion of fossil fuel were the dominant contributions for the PAHs in sewage sludge. The concentrations of total PCDD/F in the sewage sludge ranged from 330 to 4245 pg/g d.w. The toxicity equivalent concentrations is between 3.47-88.24 pg I-TEQ according to NATO/CCMS, which is below Chinese legislation limit value proposed for land application. The PCDD/F congener/homologue profiles found in the Beijing samples indicated that the high chlorinated PCDD/F contamination might originate mainly from PCP-related source and depositional sources while the low chlorinated PCDD/F homologues could be originating from incineration or coal combustion. The major source of PCDD/Fs in Beijing sludge is still unclear.  相似文献   

Choi MP  Ho SK  So BK  Cai Z  Lau AK  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2008,71(2):211-218
PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB were measured in 142 air samples of Hong Kong. The annual average PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB concentrations obtained for Hong Kong air at Tap Mun (PCDD/F: 1724+/-1984; dioxin-like PCB: 1572+/-1170 fg m(-3)), Yuen Long (PCDD/F: 2927+/-2695; dioxin-like PCB: 4331+/-1962 fg m(-3)) and Tsuen Wan (PCDD/F: 1875+/-1502; dioxin-like PCB: 2972+/-1510 fg m(-3)) from January 2004 to March 2005 were comparable to other urban centers around the world and were within the Japanese and USA ambient air quality guidelines. A clear seasonal pattern was observed for PCDD/F, generally with a 50-60 times higher air concentration in winter when background northerly wind was weaker and land-sea breeze prevailed, resulting in regional transport; and a lower concentration in summer, due to the inflow of clean oceanic southeasterly wind from the South China Sea. A higher WHO-TEQ value of dioxin-like PCB (mainly attributed to the relatively higher WHO-TEQ value of PCB 126) in Yuen Long during winter, compared with other months, could also be related to the regional transport by the winter monsoon wind and the low mixing height in winter. Spatially, air concentrations of PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB demonstrated a west-to-east gradient (with Yuen Long>Tsuen Wan>Tap Mun). It is suggested that PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB were transported into the western airshed of Hong Kong from the Pearl River Delta by land-sea breeze circulation and confined to the northwestern part, due to the blocking effect of the northwestern airshed in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

PCDD/F and PCB concentrations in remote mountainous spruce stands of the Central European Alps show strong geographic variation. Independent of the matrix (0.5 year old needles, humus or mineral soil), the highest pollutant levels were always found at the lateral zones of the mountain range. High levels coincided with strong precipitation, particularly along the northern margin of the study region. The most volatile PCB congener propagated farther into the colder, drier central Alps than the heavier species. Matrices with different accumulation history (needles and humus) repeatedly reflected different spatial immission patterns. Consistent with its much longer exposure, pollutant levels in humus exceeded those of needles by up to two orders of magnitude. Needle contamination varied with altitude but the vertical trends were highly variable between transsects and changed between years, too.  相似文献   

A multi-compartment system was used to study the importance of microorganisms for Cd desorption from soil amended with sewage sludge and simultaneous resorption of the mobilized metal by soil constituents. Using this system made it possible to study the participation of microorganisms (Arthrobacter, Trichoderma), montmorillonite, humic acids, and iron oxides in resorption of the released Cd. A filter-sterilized water extract of root-free soil of pH 6.7 (RF) or RF supplemented with glucose (RFG) were used to mobilize Cd from soil at 14 degrees C in 48 h. Cadmium found in those extracts after 48-h incubation was recognized as bioavailable. Changes in pH values and enrichment of soil extracts with organic acids and siderophores resulted from microbial growth. RFG with lower pH and a higher content of ligands mobilized, on average, 40% of Cd introduced with sewage sludge amended soil, whereas RF mobilized only 20% of it. Sequential extractions of Cd at time 0 and Cd remaining in soil showed that RFG had mobilized Cd mostly from the fraction bound with Fe and Mn oxides. Microbial biomass accounted for only up to 3.4% (w/w) of the soil constituents used in the experiments but resorbed 25% of mobilized Cd. The chemical composition of mobilizing soil extracts and the solid-to-mobilizing-extracts volume ratio had a significant effect on the amount of bioavailable Cd. The results of the study suggest that microbial metabolites were involved in Cd mobilization, while the biomass of microorganisms was involved in Cd resorption as a biosorbent.  相似文献   


Greenhouse studies were conducted to determine the influence of waste‐activated carbon (WAC), digested municipal sewage sludge (DMS), and animal manure on herbicidal activity of atrazine [2‐chloro‐4‐(ethylamino)‐6‐(isopropylamino)‐s‐trazine] and alachlor [2‐chloro‐2’,6'‐diethyl‐N‐(methoxymethyl)acetanilide] in a Plainfield sandy soil. Amendments generally reduced bioactivity against oat (Avena sativa L.) and Japanese millet (E. crus‐galli frumentacea). The extent to which herbicide phytotoxicity was inhibited depended upon the application rate and the kind of soil amendment. WAC, applied at the loading rate of 2.1 mt C/ha, showed a significant inhibitory effect on both herbicides. In DMS‐ and manure‐amended soil, the reduction of atrazine activity was not significant at the rate of 8.4 mt C/ha, but reduction of alachlor activity was significant at the rate of 4.2 mt C/ha. Despite inhibition of herbicidal activity, the ED50 of atrazine and alachlor was below 2 ppm in most of the amendment treatments. Before adopting carbon‐rich waste amendments as management practices for controlling pesticide leaching in coarse‐textured soils, further studies are needed to characterize how alterations in sorption, leaching and degradation may affect herbicidal activity.  相似文献   

Thermal degradation of PCDD/F, PCB and HCB in municipal solid waste ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lundin L  Marklund S 《Chemosphere》2007,67(3):474-481
A thermal degradation procedure for reducing the concentrations of mono- to octa-chlorinated PCDD/Fs, PCBs and hexa-chlorobenzenes (HCB) in filter ash from incinerated municipal solid waste (MSW) is described. Thermal treatment of filter ash samples at 500 degrees C for 60 min in a closed system providing low oxygen conditions resulted in 97% and 99% reductions in the total and I-TEQ concentrations of PCDD/Fs, to 6.8 microg kg(-1) ash and <0.05 microg I-TEQ kg(-1) ash, respectively. Increasing the thermal treatment time to 480 min, at the same temperature, yielded 99% reductions in both total and I-TEQ concentrations of the mono- to octa-chlorinated PCDD/Fs. Similar effects were observed for HCB and PCBs. The data from this study indicate that PCDD/Fs and other toxic organic compounds in ash from incinerated MSW, can be effectively degraded by this procedure, which combines relatively low-temperatures, short treatment times, and low oxygen conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, effects of sewage sludge and manure borne dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on 17β-estradiol (E2) and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) sorption and mineralization processes were investigated in three agricultural soils. Batch equilibrium techniques and equilibrium dialysis methods were used to determine sorption mechanisms between DOC, estrogens and the soil solid phase. It was found that that the presence of organic waste borne DOC decreased estrogen sorption in soils which seems to be controlled by DOC/estrogen complexes in solution and by exchange processes between organic waste derived and soil borne DOC. Incubation studies performed with 14C-estrogens showed that DOC addition decreased estrogen mineralization, probably due to reduced bioavailability of estrogens associated with DOC. This increased persistence combined with higher mobility could increase the risk of estrogen transport to ground and surface waters.  相似文献   

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