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To assess the responses of the soil microbial community to chronic ozone(O_3), wheat seedlings(Triticum aestivum Linn.) were planted in the field and exposed to elevated O_3(e O_3)concentration. Three treatments were employed:(1) Control treatment(CK), AOT40 = 0;(2) O_3-1, AOT40 = 1.59 ppm·h;(3) O_3-2, AOT40 = 9.17 ppm·h. Soil samples were collected for the assessment of microbial biomass C, community-level physiological profiles(CLPPs), and phospholipid fatty acids(PLFAs). EO_3 concentration significantly reduced soil microbial carbon and changed microbial CLPPs in rhizosphere soil, but not in non-rhizosphere soil.The results of the PLFAs showed that e O_3 concentrations had significant effects on soil community structure in both rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils. The relative abundances of fungal and actinomycetous indicator PLFAs decreased in both rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils, while those of bacterial PLFAs increased. Thus the results proved that e O_3 concentration significantly changed the soil microbial community function and composition, which would influence the soil nutrient supply and carbon dynamics under O_3 exposure.  相似文献   

南京地区一次臭氧污染过程的行业排放贡献研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用WRF-CHEM模式对南京地区春季一次臭氧(O_3)污染过程进行了模拟及行业排放贡献分析.此次O_3污染过程发生在2015年5月22—26日,南京地区一直处于地面高压控制的晴好天气之下,并于25日达到O_3污染的峰值.模拟与观测的一致性指数IOA达到0.89,表征本次O_3污染过程的模拟与观测结果的一致性较高.通过5类排放源(工业源、农业源、居住源、交通源、生物源)的敏感性试验,探究各行业排放源中O_3前体物对近地面O_3浓度的相对贡献.结果表明工业源在白天为持续正贡献,且在午后16:00时达到峰值,而交通源、居住源和农业源的贡献随气温的升高在白天由负贡献转为正贡献,并在18:00时左右达到峰值.在夜晚,O_3则主要通过交通源排放的大量NO进行滴定消耗.在高O_3浓度(≥200μg·m~(-3))时,各人为排放源均为正贡献,工业源的贡献最大,达到50μg·m~(-3),在低O_3浓度(200μg·m~(-3))时,交通源、居住源和农业源呈负贡献.生物源在人为排放源主导的南京城区O_3污染过程中的贡献几乎为零.考虑到O_3生成机制的复杂性,对于南京地区,减少工业源排放是控制O_3污染的关键.  相似文献   

Effects of elevated O3 on the yields of rice and winter wheat were studied by using open-top chambers(OTCs).Results showed that compared to the control treatment,200 ppb,100ppb,50ppb treatments caused a 80.4%,58.6%and 10.5% decrease in grain yields per winter wheat plant and a 49.1%,26.1% and 8.2% decrease in grain yield per rice plant,respectively.According to the dose-response relation educed from OTCs experiment and the monitor data of O3 concentrations in spots,it was estimated that the yield losses of rice and winter wheat resulted by O3 pollution in the Yangtze River Delta region in 1999 were 0.599 million ton and 0.669 million ton,economic losses were 0.539 billion RMB Yuan and 0.936 billion RMB Yuan,respectively.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism of ozone (O3) addition to the double bonds of gas phase keto-limonene was investigated using ab initio methods. Two different possibilities for O3 addition to the double bond were considered and two corresponding van derWaals complexes (Complex 1 and Complex 2) were found for 1-endo and 2-endo. The rate constants were calculated using the transition state theory at the CCSD(T)/6-31G(d) + CF//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. The high-pressure limit of the total rate constant at 298 K was 3.51 × 10-16 cm3/(molecule sec), which was in a good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

杭州市臭氧污染特征及影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究杭州市夏季臭氧(O_3)污染特征及其影响因素,统计分析了2013—2016年杭州市O_3监测数据与杭州市气象数据,并结合AIRS卫星O_3数据探讨了台风天气系统对杭州市近地面O_3浓度的影响.结果表明:2013—2016年,杭州市O_3污染逐年加重,O_3浓度高值持续时间延长.O_3浓度与太阳辐射、温度相关,每年5月和8月太阳辐射强、温度高,O_3污染最严重;全天O_3浓度呈单峰日变化,峰值出现在午后(~14:00)太阳辐射较强、温度最高时.杭州市在日降水为0且12:00—15:00太阳辐射通量均值高于200 W·m~(-2)天气条件下,风向为东、东北或东南风且风速低于3 m·s~(-1)时,O_3浓度相对较高,易出现超标情况.台风天气系统对杭州市近地面O_3浓度有明显影响,以2014年10号台风"麦德姆"为例,台风外围系统影响到杭州时,偏东气流可将杭州以东地区高浓度O_3输送到杭州,同时下沉气流导致污染物在近地层积聚不易扩散,造成近地层O_3浓度升高.  相似文献   

基于Aura/OMI卫星资料,分析了上海地区2007—2016年近十年对流层低层O_3浓度(0~3 km)、SO_2柱浓度和硫酸盐气溶胶光学厚度(0~2 km)时空演变特征.结果表明,近十年来上海地区臭氧浓度总体呈现上升的趋势,最低值在2008年,为31.57μg·m~(-3),最高值在2016年,浓度为40.72μg·m~(-3);O_3季节变化明显,夏季高、春秋次之、冬季低.十年来,硫酸盐气溶胶污染先减少后增加,2007年硫酸盐气溶胶(AOD=0.81)污染最为严重,占近十年硫酸盐气溶胶发生频率的16.41%,2010年污染最轻(AOD=0.68),比2007年下降了16.12%,且硫酸盐气溶胶污染频率为7.68%,但在2013年以后,硫酸盐气溶胶污染又出现增长趋势;污染季节特征与O_3相同,这主要是因为夏季阳光充足有利于大气光化学反应的进行,从而使O_3和硫酸盐气溶胶等光化学产物的浓度升高.SO_2浓度在2007—2014年总体呈现下降的变化趋势,且下降趋势明显,最低值(2014年)比最高值(2007年)降低了52.76%,但在2014年后SO_2浓度略有反弹;SO_2污染主要集中在冬季.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区城市臭氧污染特征与影响因素分析   总被引:38,自引:9,他引:29  
为研究长三角地区城市O3污染特征及其影响因素,对长三角地区25个城市2013年国家环境监测点位和国家气象台数据进行了统计分析.结果表明:除淮安外,其余24个城市均存在不同程度的O3日超标现象,超标率在1.6%~15.1%之间,平均为5.8%,低于珠三角地区(8.9%)和京津冀地区(9.7%).5—8月是长三角地区O3污染最为严重的月份,而这一时期颗粒物污染相对较轻,因此,O3与颗粒物污染在时间上呈相反的态势.从空间分布看,长三角地区O3污染呈现较为明显的连片分布特征,上海及周边城市O3污染较重.机动车数量影响城市O3污染:各城市民用汽车保有量与各城市NO2年均浓度、O3超标天数有显著的相关性,相关系数分别为0.672和0.564;每日O3小时浓度高峰值与车流量高峰基本吻合.高温、长时间日照容易出现O3浓度的高值;随着相对湿度、风速的增加,O3超标频率和浓度均值都表现为先升后降的规律.  相似文献   

台风“妮妲”过程对广州臭氧浓度的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究台风天气系统对广州地区臭氧浓度的影响,选取2016年7月27日—8月2日台风"妮妲"过程,结合气象要素资料和空气质量数据进行了分析.结果表明:①7月27日—8月2日台风过程期间,7月27—29日和8月1—2日空气质量未超标,7月30日和31日分别达到轻度污染和中度污染,首要污染物均为O_3,其中,31日O_3小时浓度峰值达293μg·m~(-3),O_3_8 h (8 h滑动平均)浓度达249μg·m~(-3),期间PM_(2.5)及前体物NO_2和CO浓度也略有升高,但总体升幅不大,都在良范围内.②台风过程期间,O_3浓度与温度、风速呈正相关(p0.01),与气压、相对湿度呈负相关(p0.01).高温低湿、风速1.0~2.0 m·s~(-1)、气压低有利于大气光化学反应,容易导致O_3浓度超标.③受台风外围下沉气流影响,大气存在垂直输送;同时混合层顶低,30日和31日混合层高度白天最高在1300 m以下,夜间在200 m左右,最低不足60 m;同时,2 km高度内均有持续逆温存在,逆温高度主要在700 m以下.地面处于均压场,同时存在逆温,大气层结稳定,使得污染物在近地层堆积不易扩散,导致O_3浓度超标.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands have emerged as a viable option for helping to solve a wide range of water quality problems. However, heavy metals adsorbed by substrates would decrease the growth of plants, impair the functions of wetlands and eventually result in a failure of contaminant removal. Typha latifolia L., tolerant to heavy metals, has been widely used for phytoremediation of Pb/Zn mine tailings under waterlogged conditions. This study examined e ects of iron as ferrous sulfate (100 and 500 mg/kg) and lead as lead nitrate (0, 100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) on phosphorus utilization and microbial community structure in a constructed wetland. Wetland plants (T. latifolia) were grown for 8 weeks in rhizobags filled with a paddy soil under waterlogged conditions. The results showed that both the amount of iron plaque on the roots and phosphorus adsorbed on the plaque decreased with the amount of lead addition. When the ratio of added iron to lead was 1:1, phosphorus utilized by plants was the maximum. Total amount of phospholipids fatty acids (PLFAs) was 23%–59% higher in the rhizosphere soil than in bulk soil. The relative abundance of Gram-negative bacteria, aerobic bacteria, and methane oxidizing bacteria was also higher in the rhizosphere soil than in bulk soil, but opposite was observed for other bacteria and fungi. Based on cluster analysis, microbial communities were mostly controlled by the addition of ferrous sulfate and lead nitrate in rhizosphere and bulk soil, respectively.  相似文献   

Physiological changes in crop plants in response to the elevated tropospheric ozone (O3) may alter N and C cycles in soil. This may also affect the atmosphere-biosphere exchange of radiatively important greenhouse gases (GHGs), e.g. methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from soil. A study was carried out during July to November of 2007 and 2008 in the experimental farm of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to assess the effects of elevated tropospheric ozone on methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice (Oryza sativa L.) soil. Rice crop was grown in open top chambers (OTC) under elevated ozone (EO), non-filtered air (NF), charcoal filtered air (CF) and ambient air (AA). Seasonal mean concentrations of O3 were 4.3 ± 0.9, 26.2 ± 1.9, 59.1 ± 4.2 and 27.5 ± 2.3 ppb during year 2007 and 5.9 ± 1.1, 37.2 ± 2.5, 69.7 ± 3.9 and 39.2 ± 1.8 ppb during year 2008 for treatments CF, NF, EO and AA, respectively. Cumulative seasonal CH4 emission reduced by 29.7% and 40.4% under the elevated ozone (EO) compared to the non-filtered air (NF), whereas the emission increased by 21.5% and 16.7% in the charcoal filtered air (CF) in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Cumulative seasonal emission of N2O ranged from 47.8 mg m−2 in elevated ozone to 54.6 mg m−2 in charcoal filtered air in 2007 and from 46.4 to 62.1 mg m−2 in 2008. Elevated ozone reduced grain yield by 11.3% and 12.4% in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Global warming potential (GWP) per unit of rice yield was the least under elevated ozone levels. Dissolved organic C content of soil was lowest under the elevated ozone treatment. Decrease in availability of substrate i.e., dissolved organic C under elevated ozone resulted in a decline in GHG emissions. Filtration of ozone from ambient air increased grain yield and growth parameters of rice and emission of GHGs.  相似文献   

近年来O3污染给人类健康带来了很大威胁.本文利用2015—2019年中国环境监测总站的O3地表监测数据,通过Global Moran''s I和Getis-Ord G*指数等方法,分析了成渝城市群O3浓度的时空变化特征,并利用空间插值和LandScan人口格网分布数据,基于人口暴露风险模型对该地区的O3人口暴露风险进行了评价.结果表明:①2015—2019年成渝城市群O3浓度总超标比例为6.9%,年际变化呈先上升后下降趋势,逐月变化呈"双峰型",5月和8月达到峰值,12月最低,季节变化表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季,日变化呈"单峰型",8:30左右开始升高,16:00左右达到峰值;②2015—2019年成渝城市群O3浓度呈现出由成都及周边城市为污染中心向以成都市和重庆市为首尾的"带状"污染空间格局发展的趋势,且空间自相关性较强,逐步形成以成都市和重庆市为双中心的高浓度集聚特征;③2015—2019年成渝城市群平均O3人口暴露风险指数处于较低风险,但空间分布差异较大,人口暴露高风险地区主要集中于成都市、内江市、自贡市、德阳市、泸州市北部及重庆市主城区,低风险地区主要集中于东西片区、绵阳市北部及成渝城市群边界,中部高风险区域有向西南方向转移的趋势,重庆市南部有高风险向极高风险转化的趋势,同时,成都市和重庆市存在显著的高风险指数集聚特征.  相似文献   

The microbial community composition in wheat rhizosphere was analyzed by detecting colony forming units (CFUs) in agar plates. The total CFUs in rhizosphere were 1.04 × 109/g soil with 9.0 × 108/g bacteria, 1.37 × 108/g actinomyces and 3.6 × 106/g fungi. The 10 dominant bacteria were isolated from wheat rhizosphere and were grouped into genus Bacillus according to their full length 16S rRNA gene sequences. Although belonging to the same genus, the isolated strains exhibited dierent sensitivities to oxytetra...  相似文献   

The microbial community composition in wheat rhizosphere was analyzed by detecting colony forming units (CFUs) in agar plates. The total CFUs in rhizosphere were 1.04 109/g soil with 9.0 108/g bacteria, 1.37 108/g actinomyces and 3.6 106/g fungi. The 10 dominant bacteria were isolated from wheat rhizosphere and were grouped into genus Bacillus according to their full length 16S rRNA gene sequences. Although belonging to the same genus, the isolated strains exhibited di erent sensitivities to oxytetracycline. When a series of the rhizosphere soil was exposed under various concentrations of oxytetracycline, the microbial community structure was highly a ected with significant decline of CFUs of bacteria and actinomyces (22.2% and 31.7% at 10 mg/kg antibiotic, respectively). This inhibition was clearly enhanced with the increase exposure dosage of antibiotic and could not be eliminated during 30 d incubation. There was no obvious influence of this treatment on fungi population. Among the four soil enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, acidic phosphatase, dehydrogenase and urease), only alkaline phosphatase was sensitive to oxytetracycline exposure with 41.3% decline of the enzyme activity at 10 mg/kg antibiotic and further decrease of 64.3%–80.8% when the dosage over 30 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown soil degradation after the conversion of native forests to exotic Eucalyptus plantations. However, few studies have investigated the long-term impacts of short-rotation forestry practices on soil microorganisms. The impacts of Eucalyptus successive rotations on soil microbial communities were evaluated by comparing phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) abundances, compositions, and enzyme activities of native Pinus massoniana plantations and adjacent 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation Eucalyptus plantations. The conversion from P. massoniana to Eucalyptus plantations significantly decreased soil microbial community size and enzyme activities, and increased microbial physiological stress. However, the PLFA abundances formed "U" shaped quadratic functions with Eucalyptus plantation age. Alternatively, physiological stress biomarkers, the ratios of monounsaturated to saturated fatty acid and Gram+ to Gram- bacteria, formed "∩" shaped quadratic functions, and the ratio of cy17:0 to 16: 1ω7c decreased with plantation age. The activities of phenol oxidase, peroxidase, and acid phosphatase increased with Eucalyptus plantation age, while the cellobiobydrolase activity formed "U" shaped quadratic functions. Soil N:P, alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen, soil organic carbon, and understory cover largely explained the variation in PLFA profiles while soil N:P, alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen, and understory cover explained most of the variability in enzyme activity. In conclusion, soil microbial structure and function under Eucalyptus plantations were strongly impacted by plantation age. Most of the changes could be explained by altered soil resource availability and understory cover associated with successive planting of Eucalyptus. Our results highlight the importance of plantation age for assessing the impacts of plantation conversion as well as the importance of reducing disturbance for plantation management.  相似文献   

The ozone oxidation of endocrine disruptor bisphenol A in drinking water was investigated. A stainless completely mixed reactor was employed to carry out the degradation experiments by means of a batch model. With an initial concentration of 11.0 mg/L, the removal efficiencies of BPA (bisphenol A) could be measured up to 70%, 82%, and 90% when the dosages of ozone were 1, 1.5, and 2 mg/L, respectively. The impacts on BPA degradation under the conditions of different ozone dosages, water background values, BPA initial concentrations, and ozone adding time were analyzed. The results showed that ozone dosage plays a dominant role during the process of BPA degradation, while the impact of the contact time could be ignored. UV wavelength scanning was used to confirm that the by-products were produced, which could be absorbed at UV254. The value of UV254 was observed to have changed during the ozonation process. Based on the change of UV254, it could be concluded that BPA is not completely degraded at low ozone dosage, while shorter adding time of total ozone dosage, high ozone dosage, and improvement of dissolved ozone concentration greatly contribute to the extent of BPA degradation. The effects of applied H2O2 dose in ozone oxidation of BPA were also examined in this study. The O3-H2O2 processes proved to have similar effects on the degradation of BPA by ozone oxidation. Translated from Environmental Science, 2006, 27(2): 294–299 [译自: 环境科学]  相似文献   

为研究典型旱地农田土壤硝酸盐异化还原成铵过程(Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium,DNRA)的群落组成,针对DNRA过程的功能基因nrfA进行高通量测序.根际和非根际、4种典型农作物共16个样品,质控后每个样品得到87000条序列,在相似度≥90%下划分到27952个OTUs,选取其中丰度较高的258个代表OTUs进行生态学分析.多样性分析(OTUs水平)结果表明:3/4的作物根际土壤样品中的DNRA群落丰富度、物种多样性和物种均匀度高于相应非根际样品,对比4种作物,粟作物根部土壤DNRA群落多样性最高,玉米作物非根际土壤最低.对代表OTUs进行分类,共定义到6个门(Phylum),19个属(Genus).其中相对丰度最高的3个属为Hyalangium(29.31%)、Chthoniobacter(20.33%)和Nitrospira(13.41%),表明三者在群落组成中占主导地位.结合土壤理化因子分析,DNRA群落相对丰度与NO~-_2-N、TN、含水率、TOM、pH及温度呈显著相关关系.本研究在一定程度上揭示了旱地农田土壤DNRA细菌的群落组成、多样性及与土壤环境因子的关系,为提高氮肥的利用效率和减小环境污染提供理论依据.  相似文献   

方婧  余博阳 《环境科学》2013,34(10):4050-4057
采用实验室柱淋溶方法,考察了纳米CeO2、纳米TiO2和纳米Al2O3材料在不同土壤中的运移行为,分析了纳米材料在土壤中运移能力与土壤性质的相关性,并采用胶体运移动力学模型估算了纳米材料在土壤中的最远运移距离.结果表明,纳米CeO2和纳米TiO2在试验的大部分土壤中有很强的运移能力,而纳米Al2O3仅在试验的酸性土壤中有较强的运移能力,在其他土壤中几乎被全部截留.纳米材料在土壤中运移的机制非常复杂,静电作用、土壤表面电荷异质性、团聚作用、张力作用(straining)以及过滤熟化作用(ripening)均对纳米材料的运移有着重要的影响.纳米CeO2的运移能力与土壤Zeta电位显著负相关;纳米TiO2的运移能力与土壤黏粒含量显著负相关,与土柱渗透系数显著正相关;纳米Al2O3的运移能力与土壤pH显著负相关,与土柱渗透系数显著正相关.模型估算的纳米CeO2、纳米TiO2和纳米Al2O3在试验土壤中的最远运移距离分别为52~69 043、31~332和<10~5 722 cm.纳米材料在一些土壤中的最远运移距离远远大于30 cm表层土壤的深度,意味着纳米材料在这些土壤中有向深层土壤运移的可能.  相似文献   

石家庄市臭氧污染的时空演变格局和潜在源区   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于石家庄市46个国控、省控环境自动监测站在2019年4—10月的大气O3-8 h和O3-1 h浓度数据,在对其进行反距离加权插值(IDW)的基础上,分析了石家庄市域5—9月O3浓度月度和时域空间演变格局,并结合全球资料同化系统(GDAS)气象资料和大气污染物数据(PM2.5、NO2、PM10、SO2及CO),进行了空间自相关和后向轨迹分析,探讨了石家庄市O3污染的空间积聚特征和潜在源区分布.结果表明:(1)石家庄市域大气O3稳定程度较低,5—9月变动呈以6月为峰值的单峰型态势,时域变化呈以15:00—16:00为峰值的单峰型趋势;(2)5—9月O3浓度为207~260μg·m-3,呈中西部高、外围区域低的空间格局;O3质量浓度在0:00—6:00呈西北至东南向降幅逐渐增加的趋势,在6:00—12:00和12:00—15:00...  相似文献   

选取成都市5大典型有机溶剂使用行业——包装印刷业、人造板制造业、家具制造业、制鞋业和化学品制造业具有代表性的15家企业测定挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放组分,并对其不同组分的臭氧生成潜势(OFP)进行分析.研究结果表明:不同行业排放的VOCs之间存在较大差异,包装印刷业和人造板制造业主要排放含氧VOCs(OVOCs),家具制造业主要排放芳香烃和OVOCs,制鞋业和化学品制造业主要排放OVOCs、芳香烃和烷烃;芳香烃是化学反应活性最强的组分,对臭氧的生成贡献普遍较大,其中贡献最大的邻二甲苯及间二甲苯的OFP值分别为92.13 mg·m~(-3)和89.65 mg·m~(-3),二者占总OFP的40%;五大典型有机溶剂使用行业中,家具制造业对O_3生成的贡献最大,OFP贡献率为34.59%.  相似文献   

2014—2016年海口市空气质量概况及预报效果检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要基于CUACE模式在海口市的预报产品,结合2014年3月—2017年2月海口市AQI、PM2.5、PM10和O3的实况资料进行预报效果检验.结果表明,①近3年海口市空气质量等级主要以优和良为主,但仍有少部分天数以PM10、PM2.5和O3为首要污染物,分别占所有首要污染物天数的27.6%、29.5%和42.9%,其中O3上升幅度较快.②CUACE模式能较好的模拟出AQI和3类污染物浓度的变化特征,其中PM2.5的预报值与实测值最为接近,而PM10和O3普遍偏低.③日平均浓度的预报效果检验表明,PM2.5的标准误差(RMSE)最小,AQI和PM10次之,O3最大.3个时次预报平均偏差(MB)和归一化偏差(MNB)均为负值,表明CUACE模式预报的污染要素浓度均偏低于实测值.④海口市空气质量为优等级时,TS评分最高;无首要污染物时,首要污染物预报的TS评分最高,但首要污染物为PM2.5、PM10或O3时,TS评分均偏低.  相似文献   

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