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Rainfall quantity and quality, and stream and loch water quality have been monitored throughout the Loch Fleet Project. This has allowed the effects of liming of parts of the catchment to be monitored, and assessments made of the effectiveness and duration of these treatments. Rainfall over 1989–1993 fluctuated around the long-term average of 2100 mm. Over this time, year by year variations in acid or sulphate loading from deposition was evident and quite substantial. There was no trend, however, reflecting reductions in national sulphur emissions. Liming parts of the catchment in 1986 increased stream and loch water pH and calcium concentrations and reduced inorganic aluminium concentrations. Improved stream and loch water quality has been maintained for more than eight years since liming.  相似文献   

At the start of the Loch Fleet Project in 1984, the Loch and the upper 7 km of its efferent stream were found to be devoid of trout (Salmo trutta) as a result of acidification. Following the liming treatments applied to the catchment, from 1986 the formerly toxic water quality conditions (pH ∼ 4.5, calcium ∼ 1 mgl-1, elevated aluminium and heavy metal levels) were eliminated, and trout were reintroduced on two occasions, in 1987 and 1988. A total of 520 fish were stocked, at a combined density equivalent to 5.5 kg ha-1. Surveys of the loch and stream populations were carried out annually until 1993 to monitor their development, using a range of techniques, including electrofishing, gill-netting, seine-netting, spawner trapping and mark-release recapture methods. Length and scale- analysis were used to investigate fish growth.

The trout population in Loch Fleet expanded rapidly as a result of natural spawning in the loch's main feeder stream, augmented by the use of an artificial spawning bed which was constructed at the loch outlet in 1990. in mid-1983 the stock density, estimated by mark-recapture census methods, had increased to 24.9 kg ha-1. Poor recruitment in the years 1991-93, however, reduced the rate of expansion and resulted in a population comprising mainly older individuals. the poor recruitment in these years was not fully explained but was not caused by water quality and was most likely a result of fry washout by spring spates.

Fish growth rates were high initially and were estimated on the basis of the Elliott trout growth model to be optimal for the prevailing water temperature regime of the loch. By 1991, growth rates had fallen, probably as a result of competition for food, but showed signs of recovery towards the end of the study period in 1993, following the period of lower population densities of young fish.

Trout rapidly repopulated the loch's outlet stream after 1987 but have remained sparse and have shown no signs of spawning within most of the stream. Water analyses have shown that the liming of the Loch Fleet catchment has minimal impact on downstream waters when flows are high, so that potentially toxic acid episodes have not been prevented.  相似文献   


At the start of the Loch Fleet Project in 1984, the Loch and the upper 7 km of its efferent stream were found to be devoid of trout (Salmo trutta) as a result of acidification. Following the liming treatments applied to the catchment, from 1986 the formerly toxic water quality conditions (pH ~ 4.5, calcium ~ 1 mgl?1, elevated aluminium and heavy metal levels) were eliminated, and trout were reintroduced on two occasions, in 1987 and 1988. A total of 520 fish were stocked, at a combined density equivalent to 5.5 kg ha?1. Surveys of the loch and stream populations were carried out annually until 1993 to monitor their development, using a range of techniques, including electrofishing, gill-netting, seine-netting, spawner trapping and mark-release recapture methods. Length and scale- analysis were used to investigate fish growth.

The trout population in Loch Fleet expanded rapidly as a result of natural spawning in the loch's main feeder stream, augmented by the use of an artificial spawning bed which was constructed at the loch outlet in 1990. in mid-1983 the stock density, estimated by mark-recapture census methods, had increased to 24.9 kg ha?1. Poor recruitment in the years 1991–93, however, reduced the rate of expansion and resulted in a population comprising mainly older individuals. the poor recruitment in these years was not fully explained but was not caused by water quality and was most likely a result of fry washout by spring spates.

Fish growth rates were high initially and were estimated on the basis of the Elliott trout growth model to be optimal for the prevailing water temperature regime of the loch. By 1991, growth rates had fallen, probably as a result of competition for food, but showed signs of recovery towards the end of the study period in 1993, following the period of lower population densities of young fish.

Trout rapidly repopulated the loch's outlet stream after 1987 but have remained sparse and have shown no signs of spawning within most of the stream. Water analyses have shown that the liming of the Loch Fleet catchment has minimal impact on downstream waters when flows are high, so that potentially toxic acid episodes have not been prevented.  相似文献   

The effects of agricultural improvement by cultivation, re-seeding, lime and fertiliser additions on the soil solution chemistry of acid podzolic soils have been investigated in a field experiment in a mid-Wales catchment. the treatment resulted in an increase in the pH, alkalinity and calcium content of soil waters from the surface, organic-rich horizon. in the year following treatment, soil waters in the mineral horizons became more acid and had higher aluminium concentrations than observed at the control site. This response is ascribed to soil water acidification resulting from increased nitrification rates following liming and cultivation. in subsequent years, soil water acidity in these lower horizons was neutralised by lime-rich water percolating from the surface. No changes in stream water acidity and calcium content were observed in the catchment containing the area of agriculturally improved soils. This suggests that the selective treatment of moorland catchments to improve agricultural productivity may not always be accompanied by amelioration of acid stream water.  相似文献   

An experiment to investigate how the water quality of acid lakes can be improved by liming the surrounding catchment was begun at Loch Fleet, Scotland in 1984. the effects on the soils of three sectors of the catchment where limestone was added in 1986 are reported here, following analysis of soils sampled in 1987, 1988 and 1991. the effect of the lime on soil chemistry was still evident in 1991, with about 15% of free lime remaining in the hydrochemical reaction zone of sectors IV and VI and nearly 50% in sector VII. However, this free lime appeared to be dissolving too slowly to maintain large amounts of exchangeable calcium in the soils, indicating that the treatment is starting to become less effective. the fall in the mean exchangeable calcium in the reaction zone between 1988 and 1991 was mirrored by a drop in mean soil pH over the 5 years post-liming from 6.1 to 5.6 on sector IV and from 5.9 to 5.4 on sector VI, whereas mean pH remained constant at about 6.0 in the limed areas of sector VII. Using soil data to predict longevity suggests that the exchangeable calcium remaining on the catchment at the end of 1991 will maintain target water quality in the loch until sometime during 1994. the soil pH is likely to fall to between 5.2 and 5.3 by this time. If the region of hydrochemical reaction is assumed to extend to a depth of 20 cm rather than 5 cm, target water quality is predicted to be maintained until the end of 1995. When the free lime remaining on the catchment is included as a source of acid neutralising capacity, calculations show that treatment may remain effective until around the year 2000.  相似文献   

An experiment to investigate how the water quality of acid lakes can be improved by liming the surrounding catchment was begun at Loch Fleet, Scotland in 1984. the effects on the soils of three sectors of the catchment where limestone was added in 1986 are reported here, following analysis of soils sampled in 1987, 1988 and 1991. the effect of the lime on soil chemistry was still evident in 1991, with about 15% of free lime remaining in the hydrochemical reaction zone of sectors IV and VI and nearly 50% in sector VII. However, this free lime appeared to be dissolving too slowly to maintain large amounts of exchangeable calcium in the soils, indicating that the treatment is starting to become less effective. the fall in the mean exchangeable calcium in the reaction zone between 1988 and 1991 was mirrored by a drop in mean soil pH over the 5 years post-liming from 6.1 to 5.6 on sector IV and from 5.9 to 5.4 on sector VI, whereas mean pH remained constant at about 6.0 in the limed areas of sector VII. Using soil data to predict longevity suggests that the exchangeable calcium remaining on the catchment at the end of 1991 will maintain target water quality in the loch until sometime during 1994. the soil pH is likely to fall to between 5.2 and 5.3 by this time. If the region of hydrochemical reaction is assumed to extend to a depth of 20 cm rather than 5 cm, target water quality is predicted to be maintained until the end of 1995. When the free lime remaining on the catchment is included as a source of acid neutralising capacity, calculations show that treatment may remain effective until around the year 2000.  相似文献   

研究尾巨桉(E.urophylla×E.grandis)生长阶段(林龄3.5—5.5 a)所处小流域的降水产流特征,有助于了解桉树生长过程的生态水文效应,对修订桉树人工林经营方案中注重提高生态系统的水源涵养能力有重要参考意义.以广西南宁桉树森林生态系统定位观测研究站(南宁桉树生态站)的闭合尾巨桉林小流域为试验区,在小流...  相似文献   

At Loch Fleet, and in other liming studies in similar environments, catchment liming is successful if an adequate amount of lime is added to hydrological source areas. Geochemical modelling demonstrates that the relatively late acidification of L. Fleet is consistent with the ameliorating effect of an alkaline groundwater input: the presence of this input implies that had the Loch not been limed in 1985 it would have recovered to conditions suitable for fish in about 20 years, given current commitments to sulphur emission reductions. Lakes without similar alkaline groundwater are not likely to recover as quickly. the different consequences of liming and emission reduction as methods of restoring acid waters are reviewed and contrasted. Restoration of waters by liming may result in some undesirable effects on the terrestrial catchment: these are discussed but it is concluded that catchment liming, used with discrimination, can be an acceptable management tool.  相似文献   

At Loch Fleet, and in other liming studies in similar environments, catchment liming is successful if an adequate amount of lime is added to hydrological source areas. Geochemical modelling demonstrates that the relatively late acidification of L. Fleet is consistent with the ameliorating effect of an alkaline groundwater input: the presence of this input implies that had the Loch not been limed in 1985 it would have recovered to conditions suitable for fish in about 20 years, given current commitments to sulphur emission reductions. Lakes without similar alkaline groundwater are not likely to recover as quickly. the different consequences of liming and emission reduction as methods of restoring acid waters are reviewed and contrasted. Restoration of waters by liming may result in some undesirable effects on the terrestrial catchment: these are discussed but it is concluded that catchment liming, used with discrimination, can be an acceptable management tool.  相似文献   

The Llobregat and Ter Rivers, typical Mediterranean catchments in Northeast Spain, supply water to more than 4.5 million inhabitants residing in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The objective of this work is to study the factors that influence the surface water quality of Llobregat catchment. As such, spatial and temporal variations of more 50 water chemical parameters were monitored in 10 sampling sites for a period that extended from July 1996 to December 2000. The temperature, pH and conductivity were measured at sites, whereas metals were analysed using ICP-OES and ICP-MS instrumental techniques. The head waters of the Llobregat River catchment flow through detrital Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks resulting in calcium bicarbonate-type water with low mineral content. The high water quality of the waterhead is deteriorated in the upper-middle part of the catchment due to: occurrence of evaporite-bearing geological formations, and the mining and industrial activities related to potash exploitation. As a result, an obvious increase in Na, K, Mg, Cl-, Br, Rb, and Sr concentrations is reported leading to a sodium (potassium) chloride water type. This saline hydrochemical fingerprint persists downstream. This important feature renders the low water quality of the Llobregat River to be adequate for drinking supply purposes. In addition, the industrial and residential activities, specially at the lower part of the catchment, increases P, B, Mn, Fe, Pb, Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As and Sb water concentrations.  相似文献   

Land Use and the influence it has upon river water nitrate levels is discussed, for two large relatively unpopulated river systems in the N.E. of Scotland. the catchment areas for the rivers Dee and Don have been further subdivided into a number of sub catchments. Substantial differences in land use and agricultural potential exist both within and between the two areas. Greater agricultural production down stream is associated with increased river nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Land Use and the influence it has upon river water nitrate levels is discussed, for two large relatively unpopulated river systems in the N.E. of Scotland. the catchment areas for the rivers Dee and Don have been further subdivided into a number of sub catchments. Substantial differences in land use and agricultural potential exist both within and between the two areas. Greater agricultural production down stream is associated with increased river nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

In the period following liming and before the introduction of brown trout to Loch Fleet, there was a reduction in the numbers of invertebrates, including the Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Hydracarina in the loch, but an overall increase in invertebrates in the inlet and outlet streams. This was followed in the loch by a recovery in the numbers of certain groups (particularly the Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera) to pre-liming levels in spite of the introduction of the trout.

The diets of the trout comprised a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial organisms ranging in size from Fprotozoans to newts and are dominated by chironomids. Opportunistic type of feeding as found in the present study appears to be typical of the brown trout and is reported for many water bodies by other workers.

Significant differences (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001) were found in the numbers and weights of certain food organisms in the stomachs of brown trout caught by different fishing methods in the summers of 1992 and 1993. Fish caught by gill net contained fewer planktonic crustaceans and chironomids, but greater numbers of trichopterans and terrestrial organisms, than in those caught by fly and spinner. the differences are probably related to differences in the depth at which the fish, caught by the various methods, were feeding.  相似文献   

本文以无锡县河网水质数学模型的参数估算为例,根据河流的性质、水流特征、污染源的类型,选择5条河流进行现场观测,综合考虑不同河流的分析结果,研究了适用于平原河网水质数学模型的参数估算的方法。  相似文献   

Potassium and nitrate were added experimentally to a small moorland stream in the headwaters of the River Wye, mid-Wales, during summer and winter low-flow conditions. Nutrient losses at three downstream sampling locations were calculated using concentrations of an added bromide tracer to correct for dilution effects. During the summer experiment, approximately 18% of the added nitrate and 58% of the potassium were removed from the stream water between the point of addition and the catchment outlet. During the winter experiment, nitrate depletion was not observed and the added nitrate travelled along the stream at the same rate as the bromide tracer, while approximately 93% of the added potassium passed through the stream but, at a slower rate than the bromide and nitrate. the results show that in-stream processes, probably related to biological activity of macrophytes and microflora, can regulate stream water concentrations of nitrate and potassium in the summer under stable flow conditions. During the winter, no removal of nitrate or potassium was observed but ion exchange processes involving biofilms, Sphagnum and/or stream sediment may explain the temporary retention of potassium within the stream channel. If similar ion exchange processes operate at high flows, they may account for the hysteresis relationship observed between potassium and discharge during storm events in many upland streams.  相似文献   

This study evaluated variations in heavy metal contamination of stream waters and groundwaters affected by an abandoned lead–zinc mine, where a rockfill dam for water storage will be built 11 km downstream. For these purposes, a total of 10 rounds of stream and groundwater samplings and subsequent chemical analyses were performed during 2002–2003. Results of an exploratory investigation of stream waters in 2000 indicated substantial contamination with heavy metals including zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and arsenic (As) for at least 6 km downstream from the mine. Stream waters near the mine showed metal contamination as high as arsenic (As) 8,923 μg L−1, copper (Cu) 616 μg L−1, cadmium (Cd) 223 μg L−1 and lead (Pb) 10,590 μg L−1, which greatly exceeded the Korean stream water guidelines. Remediation focused on the mine tailing piles largely improved the stream water qualities. However, there have still been quality problems for the waters containing relatively high concentrations of As (6–174 μg L−1), Cd (1–46 μg L−1) and Pb (2–26 μg L−1). Rainfall infiltration into the mine tailing piles resulted in an increase of heavy metals in the stream waters due to direct discharge of waste effluent, while dilution of the contaminated stream waters improved the water quality due to mixing with metal free rain waters. Levels of As, Cu and chromium (Cr) largely decreased after heavy rain but that of Pb was rather elevated. The stream waters were characterized by high concentrations of calcium (Ca) and sulfate (SO4), which were derived from dissolution and leaching of carbonate and sulfide minerals. It was observed that the proportions of Ca and SO4 increased while those of bicarbonate (HCO3) and sodium and potassium (Na+K) decreased after a light rainfall event. Most interestingly, the reverse was generally detected for the groundwaters. The zinc, being the metal mined, was the most dominant heavy metal in the groundwaters (1758–10,550 μg L−1) near the mine, which far exceeded the Korean standard of 1000 μg L−1 for drinking water. The decreases in the heavy metals contents in the groundwaters associated with reduced rainfall were quite different from the increases observed for the stream waters, which is not clearly understood at this time and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Integrating wetlands and riparian zones in river basin modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wetlands, and in particular riparian wetlands, represent an interface between the catchment area and the aquatic environment. They control the exchange of water and related chemical fluxes from the upper catchment area to surface waters like streams and lakes. Their influence on water and nutrient balances has been investigated mainly at the patch scale. In this study an attempt was made (a) to integrate riparian zones and wetlands into eco-hydrological river basin modelling, and (b) to quantify the impacts of riparian wetland processes on water and nutrient fluxes in a meso-scale catchment located in the northeastern German lowland. The investigation was performed by analysing hydro-chemical field data and applying the eco-hydrological model SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model), which was extended to reproduce the relevant water and nutrient flows and retention processes at the catchment scale in general, and in riparian zones and wetlands in particular. The main extensions introduced in the model were: (1) implementation of daily groundwater table dynamics at the hydrotope level, (2) implementation of water and nutrient uptake by plants from groundwater in riparian zones and wetlands, and (3) assessment of nutrient retention in groundwater and interflow. The simulation results indicate that wetlands, though they represent relatively small parts of the total catchment area, may have a significant impact on the overall water and nutrient balances of the catchment. The uncertainty of the simulation results is considerably high, with the main sources of uncertainty being the model parameters representing the geo-hydrology and the input data for land use management.  相似文献   

Streambed sediment has been attracting attention as a reservoir for bacteria, including pathogenic strains. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) has been augmented with a bacteria transport subroutine in SWAT2005 in which bacteria die-off is the only in-stream process. The purpose of this study was to develop the partial model of sediment-associated bacteria transport in stream and to evaluate the potential significance of streambed Escherichia coli (E. coli) release and deposition within the SWAT microbial water quality simulations. Streambed E. coli release and deposition were simulated based on the sediment resuspension and deposition modules in SWAT. The modified SWAT was applied to the Little Cove Creek watershed, Pennsylvania, which has forestry and dairy pasture landuses. Temporal changes in sediment E. coli concentrations were derived from monitoring data rather than from a streambed bacteria population model. Sensitivity analyses and calibrations were separately conducted for both hydrologic and bacteria parameters. Hydrologic calibration characterized soils in the watershed as pervious and thus the surface runoff was only moderately contributing to the streamflow. However, the surface runoff carried large numbers of E. coli to the stream, and sediment resuspension contributed to the persistent concentration of E. coli in stream water. Although the uncertainty of E. coli concentrations in streambed sediments and from wildlife probably affected the performance of the modified SWAT model, this study qualitatively confirmed the significance of modeling E. coli release from streambed and deposition for the SWAT microbial water quality simulations. Further developments should include modeling dynamics of bacteria populations within streambeds.  相似文献   

Maintenance of the ecosystem health of a river is of great importance for local sustainable development. On the basis of both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the influence of natural variations and human activities on the ecosystem function of the Weihe River, the changes in major factors affecting its ecosystem health are deter- mined, which include: 1) Deficiency of environment flow: since the 1960s, the incoming stream flow shows an obvious decreasing tendency. Even in the low flow period, 80% of the water in the stream is impounded by dams for agriculture irrigation in the Baoji district. As a result, the water flow maintained in the stream for environmental use is very limited. 2) Deterioration of water quality: the concentrations of typical pollutants like Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and NH3-N are higher than their maximum values of the Chinese environmental quality standard. Very few fish species can survive in the River. 3) Deformation of water channels: the continuous channel sedimentation has resulted in the decrease in stream gradient, shrinkage of riverbed and the decline in the capability for flood discharge. 4) Loss of riparian vegetation: most riparian land has been occupied by urban construction activities, which have caused the loss of riparian vegetation and biodiversity and further weakened flood control and water purification functions.  相似文献   

李阳兵 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1348-1353
以红枫湖流域周边一个受人为活动严重影响的农田源头溪流-王家寨小流域为研究对象,设置11个监测点研究硝酸盐(NO3-N)、氨态氮(NH4+-N)、溶解性无机磷(PO4--P)、总磷(TP)和总悬浮物(TSS)在复杂景观中的变化状况。降雨后采样水中氮、磷含量明显低于雨后的地表积水,地表积水受各种影响,水质降低。水塘型湿地,其丰水期的PO43--P、TP、SS高于枯水期,与水循环条件较好的流水溪流还是存在明显的区别。从平均值来看,枯水期地表水和地下水TP都超过5级水质标准。水质与"源"景观的关系不明显,说明喀斯特小流域中复杂的景观结构对氮磷的截留作用。  相似文献   

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