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The water quality of the Vrgorska Matica River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article presents the results of investigations carried out on the 42 km long Vrgorska Matica River, which flows through the 15 km long Vrgorsko polje (polje = field) which covers an areaof 3000 ha, and is at 24 m a.s.l., located in Southern Croatia.It covers the years 1997–2000 after this field had been reclaimed for agricultural use.The purpose of the investigations was to evaluate the influence of the Vrgorska Matica River which is part of the catchment areaof the Trebizat River, on the water quality in Modro Oko Lakeand Prud Spring, which are used for water supply and are locateddownstream of the Vrgorska Matica River on the right bank of theNeretva River.The water quality was evaluated by using the quality index basedon the following nine parameters: temperature, mineralization, corrosion coefficient, K = (Cl + SO4)/HCO3, dissolvedoxygen, BOD5, total N, protein N, total phosphorus and totalcoliform bacteria (100 mL)-1 (MPN coli (100 mL)-1) for which concentrations C 95 are calculated. After completingthe nine parameters the results of C 95 were recorded andtransferred to the score table to obtain the q-value. The q-value used is an attempt to quantify environmental factors which would otherwise be qualitative. For each parameter the q-value was multiplied by a weighting factor based upon the relative significance of the parameter. The nine resulting scores values were then added to arrive at an overall water quality index (S95).According to this index the water can be classified into four categories. The first category, according to the Croatian Water Classification Act (Official Bulletin No. 77,1998), includes ground and surface waters used for drinking or in the food industry either in its natural state or after disinfection, and surface water used for raising high-quality species of fish, ranging from 85–100 scores; the second category includes waterused in its natural state for swimming and recreation, sports orfor other species of fish and the treated water used for drinkingand other industrial purposes ranging between 70–85 scores. Thethird category includes water used in industry with no specific requests upon water quality and in agriculture ranging from 50–70 scores; the fourth category includes water used only afterbeing treated in areas with water shortage which is less than 50 scores.According to results obtained by investigations, the water of theVrgorska Matica River and Prud Spring falls into the second (II)category, while water from the Modro Oko Lake belongs to the first (I) category. This means that the Matica River water does not influence the water quality of the Modro Oko Lake. This lakewater quality is influenced by the Rastoka Matica River from theRastoko polje which is located upstream from the Vrgorska MaticaRiver. This has been proved by dyeing tests.  相似文献   

利用新疆某县境内主要河流的水质监测资料,依据水质评价标准《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002),评价了某县境内主要河流的环境质量,采用季节性肯达尔法进行趋势分析检验。结果表明,新疆某县境内河流水质总体优良,水质级别为Ⅰ、Ⅱ类,可以作为饮用水源地、农田灌溉用水、一般工业用水的水源。从趋势分析检验结果看,水质基本稳定,没有受到明显的人为污染。  相似文献   

为加强长江源区水生态研究,于2017年丰水期调查了长江源区5个湖泊、5条河流的水质和鱼类资源状况,并研究了其空间格局.水质综合指数(WQI)计算结果显示,长江源区WQI范围为41~87,评价等级介于差到良好之间,大部分采样点的水质评价等级为一般,其中,班德湖的水质评价等级为良好.主成分分析结果显示,长江源区河流、淡水湖...  相似文献   

针对目前地表水总磷测定中样品采集和分析过程普遍存在的技术问题,选取多泥沙河流(长江、黄河)、感潮河段(浙闽片区)、湖库(太湖流域) 3类典型水体的多个点位,以及代表一般河流(除多泥沙河流和感潮河段以外的河流)水体的点位为研究对象,探讨不同现场前处理方式和分析方法对总磷测定结果的影响。结果表明:现场前处理方式是影响总磷测定结果的主要因素,总磷浓度与浊度呈正相关。对于地表水采样,建议一般河流(沉降30 min后,浊度<50 NTU)采用沉降30 min的现场前处理方式,泥沙含量大的水体(沉降30 min后,浊度≥50 NTU)采用4000 r/min离心2 min的现场前处理方式,多藻类湖库水体采用63μm筛过滤的现场前处理方式。可通过浊度色度补偿消除实验室比色干扰。  相似文献   

A long-term study of temperature, pH, turbidity, suspended solid, salinity, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen has been performed in a port and harbour region in India for four years from December 1996 to November 2000. Marine water quality results showed no regular trend. The mean monthly values of temperature, pH, turbidity, suspended solid, salinity, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen were in the range of 22.64 ± 0.4 to 29.05 ± 1.37 °C; 7.65 ± 0.04 to 7.81 ± 0.13; 28.8 ± 14.7 to 64.2 ± 32.0 NTU; 283.5 ± 81.8 to 356.0 ± 159.7 mg/L; 29.78 ± 7.18 to 29.78 ± 1.04 ppt; 4.67 ± 0.50 to 6.01 ± 1.02 mg/L; 5.41 ± 1.92 to 7.56 ± 2.1 mg/L; and 0.25 ± 0.07 to 0.63 ± 0.49 mg/L, respectively. The results of correlation analysis showed that biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was inversely correlated dissolved oxygen (DO) and poorly correlated with all other parameters. Turbidity and suspended solid were moderately correlated with each other while salinity was moderately correlated with other water quality parameters. In factor analysis, four factors were drawn out of the eight variables, which represented 74% of the variance of the original data. Factor I was related to suspended solid and turbidity. Factor II represented mainly temperature and DO showing inverse relation between these two. Factor III implied the degree of pollution at any monitoring station. Factor IV included pH and salinity. It could be concluded that the factor model represented almost all the variables.  相似文献   

Accurate characterization of heavy-metal contaminated areas and quantification of the uncertainties inherent in spatial prediction are crucial for risk assessment, soil remediation, and effective management recommendations. Topsoil samples (0–15 cm) (n = 547) were collected from the Zhangjiagang suburbs of China. The sequential indicator co-simulation (SIcS) method was applied for incorporating the soft data derived from soil organic matter (SOM) to simulate Hg concentrations, map Hg contaminated areas, and evaluate the associated uncertainties. High variability of Hg concentrations was observed in the study area. Total Hg concentrations varied from 0.004 to 1.510 mg kg−1 and the coefficient of variation (CV) accounts for 70%. Distribution patterns of Hg were identified as higher Hg concentrations occurred mainly at the southern part of the study area and relatively lower concentrations were found in north. The Hg contaminated areas, identified using the Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Soils critical values through SIcS, were limited and distributed in the south where the SOM concentration is high, soil pH is low, and paddy soils are the dominant soil types. The spatial correlations between Hg and SOM can be preserved by co-simulation and the realizations generated by SIcS represent the possible spatial patterns of Hg concentrations without a smoothing effect. Once the Hg concentration critical limit is given, SIcS can be used to map Hg contaminated areas and quantitatively assess the uncertainties inherent in the spatial prediction by setting a given critical probability and calculating the joint probability of the obtained areas.  相似文献   

为探究某深埋输水隧洞穿越地层的放射性环境质量,采用原位测试和样品分析等手段,研究隧洞施工期的不利因素。结果表明:隧洞地表沿线的放射性元素含量在背景值变化范围内,未发现放射性异常现象。隧洞穿越的7个钻孔内γ总量和地温测井的结果表明:孔内核素放射性水平较低,基本处于豁免水平,但地温存在异常区域,施工期务必引起重视。钻孔目的层的岩心放射性核素活度浓度低,属于豁免范围内,孔内地下水放射性水平低,满足Ⅲ类地下水要求。辐射防护的计算结果显示,隧洞段地表沿线γ有效剂量当量为0.15 mSv/年,符合国家要求。隧洞段内照射指数和等效镭浓度符合约束值,ZK16钻孔的目的层外照射指数略高于标准值。因此,地下隧洞在施工期需着重关注洞内放射性水平,在辐射异常地段加强岩石采样与分析工作,以保证施工安全。  相似文献   

A total of 292 soil samples were taken from surface soil (0–20 cm) of a typical small watershed–Tongshuang in the black soil region of Heilongjiang province, northeast China in June 2005 for examining the concentration of soil organic carbon (SOC). Spatial variability of SOC in relation to topography and land use was evaluated using classical statistics, geostatistics and geographic information system (GIS) analyses. The objective of this study was to provide a scientific basis for land management targeting at improving soil quality in this region. Classical statistical analysis results indicated that the variability of SOC was moderate (C V = 0.30). Slope position and land use types were discriminating factors for its spatial variability. Geostatistics analyses showed that SOC had a strong spatial autocorrelation, which was mainly induced by structural factors. Mean concentration of SOC in surface soil was 2.27% in this watershed, which was a very low level in the northern black soil region of northeast China. In this small watershed, present soil and water conservation measures played an important role in controlling soil loss. But SOC's restoration was unsatisfactory. Nearly three-quarters of the area had worrisome productivity. How to improve SOC concentration targeting at soil fertility is a pressing need in the future.  相似文献   

基于2015—2021年我国农村地表水环境质量监测数据,分析了农村地表水环境质量状况特征;选取农业农村社会经济活动相关参数,与农村地表水中主要超标因子的超标比例进行了相关性分析;以2020年为基准年,对全国31个行政区,涵盖农村地表水水质状况、农业农村活动水平和污染压力、环境容量3个方面的9个指标进行了聚类分析。结果表明,我国农村地表水的变化趋势、季节特点和主要超标因子等表现出明显的农业面源污染特征;乡村人口、农业投入品使用量和经济作物种植比例等参数与主要超标指标具有较强的相关性(R>0.9);聚类分析将全国31个行政区划分为7种不同的农业面源污染类型。提出,应根据不同地区农业面源污染特点,因地制宜地推进标准化规模养殖、畜禽粪污资源化利用、化肥减量行动、高效低风险农药推广等农业面源污染治理措施,进一步加大农村生活污水处理设施建设,同时,完善农村环境质量监测网络,加强农业面源污染监测和评估。  相似文献   

Water quality indices (WQIs) have been developed to assess the suitability of water for a variety of uses. These indices reflect the status of water quality in lakes, streams, rivers, and reservoirs. The concept of WQIs is based on a comparison of the concentration of contaminants with the respective environmental standards. The number, frequency, and magnitude by which the environmental standards for specific variables are not met in a given time period are reflected in WQIs. Further, the water quality trend analysis predicts the behavior of the water quality parameters and overall water quality in the time domain. In this paper, the concept of WQI was applied to three selected watersheds of Atlantic region: the Mersey River, the Point Wolfe River, and the Dunk River sites. To have robust study, two different water quality indices are used: Canadian Water Quality Index (CWQI), and British Columbia Water Quality Index (BWQI). The complete study was conducted in two steps. The first step was to organize and process the data into a format compatible with WQI analysis. After processing the input data, the WQI was calculated. The second step outlined in the paper discusses detailed trend analysis using linear and quadratic models for all the three sites. As per the 25 years trend analysis, overall water quality for agriculture use observed an improving trend at all the three sites studied. Water quality for raw water used for drinking (prior to treatment) and aquatic uses has shown improving trend at Point Wolfe River. It is further observed that pH, SO4, and NO3 concentrations are improving at Dunk River, Mersey River, and Point Wolfe River sites. To ascertain the reliability and significance of the trend analysis, a detailed error analysis and parametric significance tests were also conducted It was observed that for most of the sites and water uses quadratic trend models were a better fit than the linear models.  相似文献   

The condition of 25 stream sites in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, were assessed by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program. Multimetric condition indices were developed and used to rank sites on the basis of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. These indices showed that sites in the Cascades and Eastern Cascades ecoregions were largely unimpaired. In contrast, all but two sites in the Columbia Basin ecoregion were impaired, some severely. Agriculture (nutrients and pesticides) was the primary factor associated with impairment and all impaired sites were characterized by multiple indicators of impairment. All indices of biological condition (fish, invertebrates, and algae) declined as agricultural intensity increased. The response exhibited by invertebrates and algae suggested a threshold response with conditions declining precipitously at relatively low levels of agricultural intensity and little response at moderate to high levels of agricultural intensity. This pattern of response suggests that the success of mitigation will vary depending upon where on the response curve the mitigation is undertaken. Because the form of the community condition response is critical to effective water-quality management, the National Water-Quality Assessment Program is conducting studies to examine the response of biota to gradients of land-use intensity and the relevance of these responses to water-quality management. These land-use gradient pilot studies will be conducted in several urban areas starting in 1999.  相似文献   

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