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Diets of the demersal fishes on the shelf off Iwate,northern Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diets of demersal fishes were determined on the shelf (ca. 130 m deep) off Iwate, Japan. Samples were taken in three different types of habitat, an artificial reef (AR) site, a natural reef (NR) site, and sandymud bottom (SB) site, from May 1987 to September 1991, mostly every two months. A total of 67 prey items were recognized in the stomachs of 45 predator fish species. The most important preys were the pelagic fishes Sardinops melanostictus and Engraulis japonicus, which comprised 37% wet wt of the overall stomach contents. The percentage of pelagic fishes was highest at AR site, where fish density was highest. The dominant ten species could be divided into five feeding types. The pelagic fish feeders Physiculus maximowiczi and Gadus macrocephalus fed mainly on S. melanostictus. The dietary breadth of P. maximowiczi was wide, while that of Gadus macrocephalus was narrow. The pelagic crustacean feeder Theragra chalcogramma mostly consumed Themisto japonica and euphausiids and showed the least dietary overlap with other fishes. Benthic fish feeders were Hemitripterus villosus and Liparis tanakai. The benthic crustacean feeders Alcichthys alcicornis and Hexagrammos otakii consumed benthic crustaceans as well as pelagic and benthic fishes and showed the largest dietary breadth. The benthic invertebrate feeders Gymnocanthus intermedius, Dexistes rikuzenius and Tanakius kitaharai fed mainly on polychaetes and benthic crustaceans. But Gymnocanthus intermedius consumed a significant proportion of pelagic fishes. Ontogenetic dietary shift was recognized for these fishes. Pelagic fishes were consumed more intensively by larger individuals, especially true of A. alcicornis, Theragra chalcogramma and Gadus macrocephalus. Predominancy of the two most adundant species, P. maximowiczi and A. alcicornis, may be supported by their wide dietary breadth and the significant proportion of pelagic fish in their diets. Interspecific dietary overlap was low in most cases suggesting that food resources were well partitioned, although some high overlap was observed among the pelagic fish feeders, A. alcicornis, and Gymnocanthus intermedius, and among the benthic invertebrate feeders. Interspecific competition seemed more likely in the benthic invertebrate feeders than in the pelagic fish feeders partly because of superabundance of the pelagic prey S. melanostictus.  相似文献   

An exceptionally large midwater trawl (50 m2 mouth area) with 5 opening and closing codends was towed horizontally in the lower mesopelagic zone at depths of 500, 650, 800 and 1000 m off Oregon (USA) from 1–6 September, 1978. In comparison to more conventional trawls, ours collected more fish, including rare species and large individuals of common species. Comparison of collections made by day and by night revealed that 12 of the 15 most common species probably migrated vertically. Bathylagus milleri evidently migrates from 650 m during the day to 500 m at night. Cyclothone acclinidens and C. atraria were more abundant by night than by day at 800 m, possibly due to an upward migration from deeper depths at night. C. pseudopallida, C. signata, Chauliodus macouni, Tactostoma macropus and Stenobrachius leucopsarus were more abundant by day than by night at 500 m, suggesting that they migrated out of this depth horizon at night. Lampanyctus regalis, and large individuals of B. pacificus were more abundant by night than by day at 500 m, possibly because they migrated upward from near 650 m. Many species exhibited trends of increasing or decreasing size with depth, and several species showed changes in migratory behavior with size. For example, only small (<240 mm) T. macropus migrated vertically, whereas only large (>110 mm) B. pacificus appeared to migrate. Depths of maximum abundance of congeneric species were usually separated. B. milleri and B. pacificus had similar distributions by day, but the former was shallower at night. S. leucopsarus tended to live shallower than S. nannochir both day and night. Congeners always occurring at the same depth were Cyclothone pseudopallida and C. signata (both most abundant at 500 m) and C. acclinidens and C. atraria (both most abundant at 800 m).  相似文献   

Within Monterey Bay, California, USA, the food web transfer of domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin produced by diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, has led to major mortality events of marine mammals and birds. Less visible, and less well known, is whether invertebrates and fish associated with the benthos are also affected by blooms of DA-producing Pseudo-nitzschia spp. This study examines the presence of DA in benthic flatfish offshore of Davenport, California, (37°0′36″N, 122°13′12″W) and within Monterey Bay, California (36°45′0″N, 122°1′48″W), including species that feed primarily in the sediment (benthic-feeding) and species that feed primarily in the water column (benthopelagic-feeding). Flatfish caught between 10 December 2002 and 17 November 2003 at depths of 30–180 m had concentrations of DA in the viscera ranging from 3 to 26 μg DA g−1 of viscera. Although the DA values reported are relatively low, benthic-feeding flatfish were frequently contaminated with DA, especially as compared with the frequency of contamination of flatfish species that feed in the water column. Furthermore, on days in which both benthic-feeding and benthopelagic-feeding flatfish were collected, the former had significantly higher concentrations of DA in the viscera. Curlfin turbot, Pleuronicthys decurrens, the flatfish with both the highest level and frequency of DA contamination, are reported to feed exclusively on polychaetes, suggesting that these invertebrates may be an important vector of the toxin in benthic communities and may pose a risk to other benthic-feeding organisms. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The biodiversity and distributional ecology of amphipod crustaceans were analysed from benthic surveys in 1985 and 1986 along the coast of Portugal, from the Tagus canyon to the coast of Minho, in order to determine their role in the ecosystem of the Portuguese continental self. In samples obtained from different types of substrate between 18 and 545 m, we identified 113 species belonging to 51 genera of 24 families. Seventeen of these species were new records for the Portuguese coast. The relative frequencies and number of individuals of all species were analysed. The genus Ampelisca clearly dominated the group of the most frequent and abundant species, which also exhibited a large range of vertical distribution. Most of the 113 species were found only down to 150 m depth, corresponding roughly to the lower limit of the continental shelf. Fifteen species exhibited clear bathyal traits, being consistently found deeper than 100 m, especially in the Tagus canyon and the upper zone of the continental slope. The most frequent and abundant species were found predominatly or in large numbers in medium to fine sand bottoms. This type of substrate also contained the highest number of species. The granulometric structure of the habitat could constitute the most important factor controlling both biodiversity and development of large amphipod populations, since oxygen level, water exchange, number of available shelters, and probably the quantity and quality of nutritional resources all vary as a function of substrate texture. Because of their dominance in both frequency and abundance, several Ampelisca species may constitute an important food source for many secondary consumers of the shelf sediments, especially for demersal fishes.  相似文献   

C. L. Dudgeon  N. Gust  D. Blair 《Marine Biology》2000,137(5-6):1059-1066
 Two species of parrot fish, Scarus frenatus and Chlorurus sordidus, are known to exhibit demographic and life-history differences across the continental shelf of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). DNA sequences from the mitochondrial (mt) control region were analysed to determine whether there were genetic differences between the populations from the mid- and outer-shelf reefs. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated high levels of gene exchange for both species at a local scale between reefs on mid- and outer continental shelf positions (20 km apart) and at a broader scale along the length of the GBR province (>1000 km apart). There was no evidence to suggest that local differences in scarid life-history characteristics on the northern GBR have a genetic basis. Rather it appears more likely that phenotypically plastic responses to prevailing social and environmental conditions explain differences in the life-history characteristics of both taxa. However, analysis of genetic variation and historical demography revealed striking differences between the two species. S. frenatus haplotypes differed from one another at relatively few nucleotide sites (mean = 3.30), and the pairwise mismatch distribution suggested this species has undergone a population expansion within the limit of the resolution of the marker. C. sordidus haplotypes, however, differed from one another at a number of sites (mean = 7.67). Mismatch distribution analysis suggested that the population size of this species has remained at equilibrium over time. These patterns could also reflect differences in the metapopulation sizes or generation times between taxa. Some of the implications for fisheries management are discussed. Received: 28 January 2000 / Accepted: 9 July 2000  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 729 fishes comprising 16 species were examined from the continental slope and rise off the Middle Atlantic States of the USA. Two main feeding modes among demersal deep-sea fishes were evident: those feeding primarily on pelagic food items, and those feeding on benthic invertebrates. Both pelagic and benthic predators were euryphagous. Most pelagic predators also fed on the epibenthos. These findings support Dayton and Hessler's (1972) suggestion that benthic predators should have a generalized diet which may be responsible for the high diversity found in the deep-sea infauna. The mesopelagic fauna is an important food source for some demersal fishes on the continental slope. Pelagic prey, which are also important to ecologically dominant demersal fishes on the lower slope and continental rise, may be nutritionally supported by suspended particulate organic matter in a nepheloid layer close to the bottom, and they may exist in much higher concentrations than in the bathypelagic zone above.Virginia Institute of Marine Science Contribution No. 835.  相似文献   

Bottle incubations were conducted in March, July/August and October 1992. to measure the daily rations (R) and objectively characterize the diets of the calanoid copepodsEucalanus elongatus, Undinula vulgaris, Centropages velificatus andTemora stylifera from the west Florida continental shelf. Daily rations,R, were clustered around two, order-of-magnitude different means, 1.3 and 11.2% of body C d–1, representative of quiescent and active feeding modes, respectively. The food concentration at which the transition from quiescent to active mode occurred was influenced by food particle size. In the quiescent mode, diets were dominated by nanoplankton, whereas no food type dominated the diet in the active mode. Selective feeding, defined as a statistically significant difference between the frequency distributions of foods in the diet and environment, occurred in both quiescent and active copepods. However, what appeared to be selective feeding in quiescent copepods could be explained by processes that passively modified the distribution of the diet relative to that of the food supply. Conversely, selective feeding in active copepods apparently resulted from foraging for particles >5 m in diameter in food environments dominated by nanoplankton (<5 m).  相似文献   

Between 1972 and 1982, both wastewater discharge and natural perturbations played important roles in directing marine benthic community structure on the Palos Verdes Shelf in Southern California, USA. Community succession was traced along a gradient of eleven 60 m-depth stations extending from the submarine outfalls. Spatial and temporal biological patterns were identified via direct gradient, clustering and principal-coordinates analyses. Species associations which occupied sites distant from the outfalls in the early 1970s gradually became established closer to the diffusers during the decade. The areal extent of outfall impacts shrank, reflecting both improvements in effluent quality and co-occurring beneficial natural events, specifically the short-term settlement of large numbers of the echiuran Listriolobus pelodes.  相似文献   

During the second cruise of the R.V. Professor Siedlecki in spring and summer, 1973, concentrations of anchovy and hake were reported in the area off Golfo Nuevo and the Bay of San Mathias, Argentina. Observations were mainly made with the help of acoustic equipment. The echo recordings revealed an interrelationship between the presence of anchovy schools and the appearance of hake concentrations. This paper demonstrates that this relation is trophic in character.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to describe the distribution of ophiuroids on the continental shelf and slope of the East Sea, off the Korean Peninsula. Three cruises were made from 1985 to 1987 in the area between 35 to 38°N and 129 to 130°E. A total of ten species was identified from the samples collected at 136 stations. Among them four species (Amphiodia craterodometa, Amphioplus macraspis, Ophiura leptoctenia and Ophiura sarsi) constituted more than 98% of abundance by number. The continental shelf off Gampo, near 35°40N, could be considered to be the southern limit of cold-water species. The abundance of dominant ophiuroids changed according to depth. Three faunal zones, namely, the inner shelf, the shelf edge and the slope zones, coincided with the topographic divisions of continental shelf and slope. The major inhabitant of the inner shelf was A. craterodometa and that of the continental slope was O. leptoctenia. The shelf edge area revealed a transitional zone where all four species occurred, contributing to the total number of individuals with almost equal proportions. The temperature of bottom waters was considered to be a factor determining zonal distribution. The sediment characteristics were not closely related to ophiuroid distribution.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken to determine the distribution and activity of the heterotrophic microplankton associated with particles from a Georgia salt marshestuarine ecosystem to the western edge of the Sargasso Sea. Heterotrophic activity was determined by the uptake of 14C-glucose. More than 80% of the activity was associated with detritus greater than 3 m in creek, river and coastal (within 4 km of shore) waters. In the Gulf Stream, approximately 80% of the heterotrophic activity was in the fraction less than 3 m. In the estuary, total heterotrophic activity fluctuated with the tides; the greatest activity occurred near low ebb tide at all locations. The lowest activity was measured at slack low and high tides. In creek water most of the heterotrophic activity was associated with particles between 14 and 180 m, whereas in coastal waters (less than 4 km from shore) most of the activity was in the fraction greater than 180 m.Contribution No. 331 from the University of Georgia Marine Institute, Sapelo Island, Georgia 31327, USA.  相似文献   

Size-frequency distributions were determined for 3 common lantern-fishes (Stenobrachius leucopsarus, Diaphus theta, and Tarletonbeania crenularis) off Oregon in the summer. The fishes were caught mainly in sound-scattering layers by a large pelagic trawl with 5 opening-closing nets. Changes in depth distribution and diel vertical migration with growth were evident for all 3 species. The size of S. leucopsarus increased markedly with depth both at 0 to 90 m at night and 250 to 500 m during the day. Larger D. theta were also found deeper during the day (between 250 and 450 m), but neither D. theta nor T. crenularis demonstrated size segregation in the upper 90 m at night. Large D. theta and small T. crenularis did not appear to migrate into surface waters at night. Age-Group O (15 to 20 mm) S. leucopsarus were most abundant in deep water (400 to 480 m) in the daytime and did not migrate into near-surface waters at night. Age-Group I (30 to 40 mm) S. leucopsarus were common at about 300 m by day and within the upper 30 m at night. Age-Group II–III (50 to 60 mm) apparently followed the evening ascent of Age-Group I fish and most resided at 75 to 90 m at night, beneath Age-Group I fish. Age-Group III+fish (70 to 80 mm) were associated with Age-Group O at 400 to 480 m by day and usually did not migrate above 200 m at night. The size structure of S. leucopsarus differed among the nets of a single tow at one depth, or between two tows that fished the same depths on successive nights, indicating horizontal patchiness in age structure. D. theta demonstrated low within-tow variability in size composition which indicated a spatially more uniform age structure on a scale of kilometers. The size structures of these 3 lanternfishes were different in the same area and the same season during two different years, suggesting variable survival of year classes or horizontal patchiness of age composition in the area sampled.  相似文献   

A regional benthic survey was conducted in 1994, and the data were used to assess the relationship among three habitat factors (depth, sediment grain size, and latitude) and the distribution of benthic infaunal assemblages on the southern California coastal shelf. Benthic samples were collected with a 0.1 m2 Van Veen grab from 251 sites on the continental shelf (10–200 m deep) from Point Conception, California, to the United States–Mexico international border. The relationship between habitat and assemblages was investigated by conducting a Q-mode cluster analysis to define groups of stations with similar species composition and then examining whether differences were present in physical habitat attributes among those groups of stations. Analysis of data from 175 uncontaminated sites yielded four habitat-related benthic infaunal assemblages along the southern California coastal shelf: a shallow-water assemblage from 10–32 m, a mid-depth assemblage between 32 and 115 m, and two deep-water (115–200 m) assemblages, one in fine and one in coarse sediments. These empirically defined points in the depth and sediment grain size gradients can be used to define reference habitats for the development of biocriteria. Benthic abundance and diversity were greatest in the mid-depth assemblage, conforming to predictions for benthic assemblages in regions of upwelling. Within the 500 km of coastline examined, latitude was not an important factor in defining assemblages. Received: 3 December 1999 / Accepted: 9 October 2000  相似文献   

Midwater fishes were sampled at night to a depth of 400 m in oceanic waters east of Tasmania, Australia, in May/June of 1992, 1993 and 1994. We examined whether there were differences in the distribution and density of these fishes in relation to the subtropical convergence (STC) separating East Australia Current (EAC) water from subantarctic water (SAW) to the south. A total of 23999 fishes from 107 taxa and 43 families were identified. Four new records were identified from the study area. Myctophids and stomiatoids were the main fish taxa captured. We found no evidence of increased density of the combined fish catch in any particular area. However, differences between areas in the density of individual species were noted, although no species was confined to any one area. Ceratoscopelus warmingi, Lobianchia dofleini and Vinciguerria spp. were most abundant in the EAC, whereas Lampichthys procerus was most abundant in the SAW. Only Diaphus danae was found in significantly higher numbers in the STC. Multivariate analysis revealed that community structure in the EAC was significantly different from that of the SAW but not from the STC. Further, when separated by depth, the shallow EAC group was significantly different in all group comparisons bar that with the shallow STC. Our data indicated that the thin EAC layer above 200 m could be distinguished by its fauna from the SAW. However, we could not detect a separate community in the STC. We conclude, therefore, that the STC is not an area of increased micronekton abundance, nor does it contain a distinct community, during the Australian autumn/winter.  相似文献   

Larval fishes were sampled across six transects perpendicular to a 50 km section of the coast off Sydney, Australia, in April/May and August/September 1990. Samples were collected at the surface and at depth (20 to 30 m) at three locations across each transect; over the 30, 70 and 100 m depth contours. There was a large level of heterogeneity in the horizontal and vertical distributions of most taxa examined, and no general pattern of distribution was evident for the whole assemblage. Classification analyses revealed that the major differences between assemblages were related to depth. Horizontal trends in the distributions of the abundant taxa were evident in the inshore-offshore direction, but not longshore. Seven taxa belonging to the families Gobiidae, Labridae, Sillaginidae, Sparidae, Ambassidae, Clupeidae and Clinidae/Tripterygiidae were most abundant inshore, whereas 4 taxa of the families Cepolidae, Percichthyidae, Cheilodactylidae and Gonorynchidae were generally more abundant offshore and 24 taxa showed no discrete horizontal trends across transects. More taxa and individuals were generally caught at depth than at the surface and this was evident across all transects. Twenty taxa were more numerous at depth, whereas 4 taxa, the Cheilodactylidae, Gonorynchidae, Mullidae and Scorpididae, were most abundant at the surface and 11 taxa showed no difference in densities between depths. Ontogenetic differences in the distributions of some larvae were evident. The mean size of larval Liza argentea (Mulgilidae) caught was greater offshore than inshore, and greater at the surface than at depth. In contrast, larger Pseudocaranx dentex (Carangidae) occurred in greater numbers at depth than at the surface. The data emphasise that the assemblages of larval fishes in coastal waters off central New South Wales cannot be modelled as a single unit, which concurs with the findings in other temperate and tropical vaters. Furthermore, the data denote the need to spatially stratify sampling in these waters in order to assess seasonal changes in these assemblages.  相似文献   

以磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶、转化酶等四种土壤酶为考察指标,研究了重金属Zn浓度为0~6000 mg·kg-1时对水稻土和施加污泥的土壤中酶活性的影响.结果表明,污泥堆肥施入土壤后可以显著提高土壤磷酸酶的活性,同时还能缓解外源金属Zn对土壤酶的产生的抑制作用.4种酶对Zn抑制作用的敏感性由大到小依次为:过氧化氢酶,磷酸酶,脲酶,转化酶,过氧化氢酶和磷酸酶受到的抑制作用可以用sigmoidal剂量一效应模型表征和计算生态剂量值,将过氧化氢酶作为评价施泥土壤Zn污染程度的指标具有一定的可行性.  相似文献   

To determine the level of total hydrocarbon concentrations (THCs) along the eastern coastal regions of Peninsular Malaysia, samples of subsurface seawater (1 m) and surface sediments were collected from several sampling stations between June and August 1993. THCs in seawater and sediments as determined by fluorescence spectroscopy ranged from 1.4 to 21.8 µg L-1 (Seligi crude oil equivalents) and from 0.79 to 20.0 mg kg-1 (dry weight Seligi crude oil equivalents) respectively. In comparison to results obtained in similar surveys in Malaysian waters, the levels of THCs found in the present study were significantly lower indicating lower hydrocarbon contamination in the area studied.  相似文献   

Influences of temperature (0 and 20°C) and pH (3.0, 5.0, and 7.4) on the effect of zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) on proteolytic activities of intestinal mucosa in planktivorous (blue bream, bleak), bentophagous (bream, roach) fishes and their potential preys (pond snail Limnaea stagnalis, planorbid Planorbarius purpura, dreissena Dreissena polymorpha, midge larvae Chironomus sp., water flea Daphnia longispina and total zooplankton) are revealed in this article. Cu decreases the caseinolytic and hemoglobinolytic activities in both fish and their preys more than Zn at temperature 20°C and pH 7.4. Low temperature intensifies the negative effect of the metals on the protease activity in fish (in the case of Zn 5–10 times, in the case of Cu 5–30 times). In fish prey species, the negative effect of the metals on the proteinase activity may be more significant. The influence of pH on Zn and Cu effects is less pronounced than that of low temperature. Maximum reduction of enzyme activities is observed for the combined action of low temperature and pH as well as of the studied metals.  相似文献   

The bathyal West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) shelf experiences intense seasonal variability in primary production, with summer phytoplankton blooms yielding intense pulse of phytodetritus to shelf sediments. Echinoderms form a conspicuous proportion of the deposit-feeding megabenthos on the shelf and of these Amphipneustes lorioli was the most abundant irregular echinoid. To explore the reproductive response of A. lorioli to this seasonal production cycle, A. Lorioli was sampled at one location on the WAP shelf during four separate cruises between March 2000 and March 2001. Reproductive patterns were determined by histological analyses of gonad tissue, and elemental (CHN) analyses were used to estimate the nutritional and energetic status of the body tissues. Histological analysis of the brooding echinoid A. lorioli suggested a quasi-continuous gametogenic pattern in both the ovaries and the testes. Biochemical analysis of the gonads and the gut tissues were consistent with a continuous gametogenic cycle, showing no significant changes in the biochemical composition of the tissues among seasons. Size-frequency distributions of the embryo and juvenile echinoids within the adults’ brood pouches revealed a synchronous recruitment of embryos and juveniles in specific cohorts between different adult specimens. Whilst this occurrence of different cohorts of the developing brood may be an adaptation to limited brood space, there may also be an external factor influencing the synchrony between adult individuals. Nonetheless, a continuous gametogenic cycle and the lack of seasonal variation in the biochemical composition of gonad and gut tissues suggest that this deposit-feeding irregular urchin is exploiting a persistent sediment food bank in WAP shelf sediments throughout much of the year.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) are considered safe as antibacterials. Those nanoparticles should preferably have uniform size and shape, but conditions to...  相似文献   

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