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We analyzed past and future trends in river export of dissolved nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to the coastal waters of China, for a selection of rivers, as calculated by the Global NEWS models (Nutrient Export from WaterSheds). Over the period 1970–2000, river export of dissolved nutrients increased considerably, especially of dissolved inorganic N and P. Anthropogenic sources of N and P in rivers have become increasingly important, in particular N and P losses from agriculture. We tested the sensitivity of calculated nutrient export by rivers to changes in selected controlling factors. The calculated export of dissolved N and P is sensitive to changes in hydrology, synthetic fertilizer use and manure excretion in river basins. Changes in sewage inputs have large effects on dissolved inorganic P export. We analyzed future trends up to 2050 for several scenarios to illustrate the combined effects of selected management options. In the Base Scenario, the N and P export by the selected rivers increases considerably between 2000 and 2030. The increase continues from 2030 to 2050 except for DIP. Strategies to reduce N and P export by rivers include changes in agriculture, sewage and energy use. Changes in agriculture have the largest impact on future dissolved N and P river export to the coastal waters of China. The effectiveness of reduction strategies differs between nutrient forms and basins.  相似文献   

The occurrence and geochemical behaviour of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn and Co are studied in riverine detrital materials transported by Patagonian rivers. Their riverine inputs have been estimated and the nature of these inputs to the Atlantic Ocean is discussed. Most of the metals are transported to the ocean via the suspended load; there is evidence that Fe oxides and organic matter are important phases controlling their distribution in the detrital non-residual fraction. Most heavy metal concentrations found in bed sediments, in suspended matter, and in the dissolved load of Patagonian rivers were comparable to those reported for non-polluted rivers. There is indication that human activity is altering riverine metal inputs to the ocean. In the northern basins – and indicating anthropogenic effects – heavy metals distribution in the suspended load is very different from that found in bed sediments. The use of pesticides in the Negro River valley seems correlated with increased riverine input of Cu, mostly bound to the suspended load. The Deseado and Chico Rivers exhibit increased specific yield of metals as a consequence of extended erosion within their respective basins. The Santa Cruz is the drainage basin least affected by human activity and its metal-exporting capacity should be taken as an example of a relatively unaffected large hydrological system. In contrast, coal mining modifies the transport pattern of heavy metals in the Gallegos River, inasmuch as they are exported to the coastal zone mainly as dissolved load. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Exchange of trace gases between the oceans and the atmosphere affects the atmospheric content and cycling of a range of chemical species which are related to climate change, ozone layer depletion, acid deposition, eutrophication, atmospheric particle formation, photo-oxidants, trace metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The effects and impacts of air–sea exchange of these gases can be local, regional and global. Until now, most of the research has concentrated on the sea–air exchange of trace gases in the open ocean. The flux rates of the trace gases from the coastal waters to the air are much higher than the rates for the open ocean and the contribution of the coastal areas to the total oceanic emissions of these trace gases can be significant on a global scale. This contribution can be as high as 50% and more for nitrous oxide and COS. Concerning the contribution of the trace gas production in the coastal areas to the total global production of these gases, it can be concluded that this contribution seems to be below 2% except for nitrous oxide. However, it should be pointed out that on the local and even regional scale the emissions in the coastal areas can be very important, contributing substantially to the total emission of these gases in a studied area. Thus, there is a need to carry out studies in the future with the aim to provide more accurate understanding of the production and sea–air exchange processes for these gases around the world. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The nutrient discharges from point and diffuse sources in more than 200 German river basins were estimated for the periods 1983–1987 and 1993–1997 employing the MONERIS model. This model distinguishes between six diffuse pathways and point source emissions from waste water treatment plants and direct industrial discharges. It was estimated that the total nitrogen input into the German river systems amounts to about 819,000 t N year–1 in the period 1993 to 1997. These emissions have decreased since the mid-eighties by about 266,000 t N year–1, mainly caused by the reduction of point discharges. For phosphorus the emissions have been reduced by 56,290 t P year–1 and amount to 37,250 t P year–1 in the period 1993–1997. Based on emission data a retention module estimates riverine nutrient loads. The comparison of the model output with the observed loads shows a deviation as low as 30% and 50% for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. The regional resolution of the model indicates the relative importance of different pathways for phosphorus and nitrogen input into river systems. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of water quality parameters including trace metal speciation was undertaken with a view to seeing the interrelationship between different variables and also to identify probable source components in order to explain the pollution status of Chennai Ennore coastal environmental system. Factor analysis has been used in the present work. This is essentially a data reduction technique and will suggest how many variates are important to explain the observed variances in the data. The possible variances in the water quality parameters may be due to either sources of anthropogenic origin or natural variances due to the season or due to different biogeochemical processes that are taking place in the system. When this analysis was carried out with our data on water quality parameters in the above coastal environmental system, we found that the prominent factor or the first factor called the eutrophication factor explained 24.51% of the total variance (comprised of variables like DO, pH, SS, ammonia-N, phosphate and silicate). The second factor called the copper contamination factor explained 10.61% (comprised of variables like labile Cu, total Cu and particulate Cu) and the third factor called metal removal factor explained 10.11% (comprised of variables like particulate Zn, particulate Pb and water temperature) of the variances, respectively. Although there are four more factors, they are all having variances less than 10%. From this study, it is seen that eutrophication is the main source component of pollution to the surface waters of this estuary and its adjacent coastal waters compared to dissolved trace metals.  相似文献   

Increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs are major causes of eutrophication in the coastal waters of the Black Sea. The objective of this study is to analyze the past and future trends in river export of nitrogen and phosphorus to the coastal waters of the Black Sea and to assess the associated potential for coastal eutrophication. The Global NEWS-2 (Nutrient Export from WaterSheds) model was used for this purpose. Currently, most eutrophication occurs in the North Black Sea and the Azov Sea. In the future, however, this may change. We analyzed trends up to 2050 on the basis of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) scenarios. The results indicate that nutrient loads in rivers draining into the North Black Sea and the Azov Sea may decrease in the coming decades as a result of agricultural trends and environmental policy. However, in these scenarios, the targets of the Black Sea Convention are not met. In the South Black Sea, there is currently little eutrophication. But this may change because of increases in nutrient inputs from sewage in the future.  相似文献   

污染河道的常量和微量元素特征及指示意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河道常量元素和微量元素的分布既反映了不同的来源,又显示了污染水平。选择太湖周边具有不同污染源特征的漕桥河、梁溪河和大浦河,针对水体、悬浮物、沉积物3种不同介质,研究其化学元素含量及变化。微量元素特征及变化分析表明,3条河流整体上磷的含量较高,金属元素在城镇和工业区河段较高。元素主成分分析显示,接纳工业废水、生活污水和农田径流的河流,主成分组成差别明显。元素特征对比值结果表明,不同介质中元素对的变化并不一致,不同河道大体反映了工业废水、农田径流和生活污水的特点;分配系数〖WTBX〗KD〖WTBZ〗值的大小顺序为Fe>Al>Zn>Cr>Ni>K,多数元素的〖WTBX〗KD〖WTBZ〗值都是漕桥河最高,梁溪河最低,Zn的〖WTBX〗KD〖WTBZ〗值则是大浦河最高,漕桥河最低,反映了不同污染源的特征差别。指示元素的研究对于污染河道的治理是有意义的。  相似文献   

The continuous growth of world population and the intensification of urbanization process create a challenge to environment quality and sustainable development around the world. In this paper I tried to conduct a forecast analysis of near-future urbanization related population growth worldwide, based on recent demographic trends. Such an analysis can provide important insights into the prospects for changes in the size and composition of world population and in urbanization process. Optimal polynomial functions were used to fit historical trajectories of population dynamics, and the detailed forecasts of the population mainly over the period 2010–2030 were conducted and analyzed. If the past pattern continues, world total population would increase to 7.94–8.33 billion in 2030 and the annual growth is expected to continually decline in the forecast period. Global total population would stop increasing during the period 2050–2060 and would not exceed 9.5 billion in the future. The total population of Africa, Asia, Oceania, South America, North & Central America would separately increase to 1.35–1.41, 4.86–5.65, 0.04–0.05, 0.44–0.45, and 0.71–0.72 billion in 2030. Europe’s total population is forecast to decline to 0.64–0.67 billion in 2030. World’s rural population is expected to grow to the maximum during the period 2015–2020 and would greatly decline after that period. Global rural population would reach 3.12–3.41 billion in 2030. Rural population in Asia and Africa is estimated to increase and achieve the maximum around 2025 and decline thereafter. For other regions, the rural population would continually decline in the forecast period. Urban population in the world would continually grow and reach 4.72–5.00 billion in 2030, an increase of 48.6–57.8%. However the annual growth of urban population is expected to increase to the maximum (6.86 million/year) during the period 2020–2025 and then decline in the following years. Urban population is projected to continually grow in all regions excepting Europe. Europe’s urban population is expected to decline in the period 2010–2030. Urbanization process worldwide, represented by the ratio urban population versus total population (RUT) and the ratio rural population versus urban population, is expected to continue during the period 2010–2030. The RUT of the world is projected to reach 0.5 before 2010 and would continue to increase in the forecast period. Global RUT is estimated to reach 0.56 in 2030. However, the regional patterns of urbanization process would be diverse. Europe’s RUT is estimated to continually decline in the forecast period and reach 0.68 in 2030. The RUT for Africa and Caribbean would continually increase before 2030, while the RUTs for Asia and South America are estimated to achieve their maximums around 2025 and decline in the following years. Oceania and North & Central America would thoroughly realize urbanization (≈1) during the periods 2020–2025 and 2025–2030. The expansion of world population and urbanization will continually exert a stronger stress to environment quality and sustainable development in a near future. However we may expect this situation would start to change from mid-21st century after total population has achieved its maximum. Readers should send their comments on this paper to BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

利用多元统计方法研究了湖北梁子湖水体及底泥中12种微量元素和重金属(As,Ba,Co,Cr,Cu,Hg,Mn,Ni,Pb,Sb,Sr和Zn)的含量及空间格局,并通过饮用水及地表水质量标准及地质累积指数评价梁子湖水质及底泥状况。结果表明:梁子湖的水体质量较好,仅Cu是潜在污染物质;对湖泊底质而言,As是主要污染物质,Cu、Pb和Zn处在轻微的污染状态。空间格局显示:受人类活动的影响,湖泊水体中的重金属分布有较强的区域性,最大值出现在人类活动相对集中的梁子岛附近;在湖泊底泥中由于地质背景一致性而差别不大。相关分析表明,较之湖泊水体,湖泊底泥中的重金属元素的关系更密切,强相关性说明它们可能有共同的来源。未来研究应结合湖泊中大型水生植物及鱼类的重金属含量更全面考虑生态学效应,为恢复湖泊生态环境的管理提供重要参考。  相似文献   

The surface sediments of Vembanad Lake, a tropical estuary on the west coast of India, were analyzed for carbon (TC, TOC, TIC), nitrogen (TN), amino acids and two amino sugars. C/N ratios for the surface sediments vary from 1.0–21.8, indicating terrestrial sources of organic matter. Various biogeochemical indicators based on amino acids such as Asp/β-ala and Glu/γ-aba ratios revealed that the organic matter in the 5- to 10-cm surface sediments was fresh and had not undergone extensive degradation. However, the Gluam/Galam ratio for surface sediments of Vembanad Lake varies from 0.4–2.1, indicating the dominance of bacterial biomass in the sediments. Organic matter in the sediments was found to be highly reactive, with a reactivity index ranging from 2.4–7.4, suggesting rapid remineralization. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The Tinto and Odiel rivers are seriously affected by acid mine drainage (AMD) from the long-term mining activities in Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB). As a consequence, the Huelva estuary is heavily contaminated by metals and metalloids. This study presents an estimation of the seasonal variation, and the dissolved contaminant load transported by both rivers from February 2002 to September 2004. Besides, toxicity and bioaccumulation tests with the sediments of the estuary have been conducted in order to measure the mobility of the toxic metals. Results show that the Tinto and Odiel rivers transport enormous quantities of dissolved metals to the estuary: 7900 t yr(-1) of Iron (Fe), 5800 t yr(-1) Aluminium (Al), 3500 t yr(-1) Zinc (Zn), 1700 t yr(-1) Copper (Cu), 1600 t yr(-1) Manganese (Mn) and minor quantities of other metals and metalloids. These values represent 37% of the global gross flux of dissolved Zn transported by rivers in to the ocean, and 15% of the global gross flux of dissolved Cu. These metals and metalloids usually sink in the estuarine sediments due to pH and salinity changes. The increase of salinity in the estuary favours the adsorption and trapping of metals. For this reason, the mobility and bioavailability of metals such as Zn, Cd and Cu is higher in sediments located in the area of fresh water influence that in sediments located in the marine influenced area of the estuary, showing a higher percentage of fractionation and bioaccumulation of these metals in the station influenced by the fresh water environment.  相似文献   

The impact of marine pollution was estimated from seven stations of Kuwait coastal waters. The mean concentrations of all trace metals in seawater (0.07-7.04 microg/l) and in phytoplankton (14.90-52.01 microg/g) revealed less phytoplankton abundance in Stations IV VI during the four seasons. However, a relative surge in the phytoplankton abundance, with an increase in the mean concentrations of all trace metals in seawater (0.15-8.94 microg/l) and phytoplankton (22.82-61.25 microg/g), was observed in Station II. A low phytoplankton abundance was noted in Stations I, III, and VII despite low mean concentrations of all the trace metals in seawater (0.11-5.77 microg/l) and phytoplankton (1.40-20 microg/g) during the four seasons. Statistical tests revealed significant difference in Fe, Ni, and Pb between the four seasons in seawater and Fe and Co in phytoplankton. No significant difference in trace metals between locations was observed in seawater and in phytoplankton. The major nutrients in all the four seasons were found in the magnitude of SiO3 > NO3 > PO4 in all the stations, and thus, support the presence of rich diatoms and dinoflagellates than other phytoplankton groups. The seven stations also represented indicator species of oil and industrial waste pollution.  相似文献   

Guanabara Bay is a 384-km2 coastal bay with 70% of the population of the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro located within its drainage basin. The water quality of the Bay is impacted by domestic and industrial runoff, of which only 15% has been adequately treated. However, based on a 14-year monitoring program, the water quality for most of Guanabara Bay remains acceptable because of intense tidal flushing, and we failed to find a worsening of conditions during the 14-year study. The inner shallow regions of the Bay, the western and northwestern parts, receive most of the drainage from metropolitan Rio de Janeiro. It is here that the water quality is alarmingly poor, characterized by hypertrophic conditions and occasional hypoxic events. Fecal coliform counts in these inner reaches of the Bay are 4–100 times higher than the maximum acceptable count for recreational waters. Hypertrophic conditions prevail in Guanabara Bay, which is characterized by low dissolved oxygen, high biochemical oxygen demand, peaks in fecal coliform, and extremely high chlorophyll-a concentrations, which reflect high quantities of nutrients entering the system. These anthropogenic pressures are a threat to planktonic and benthic communities and are reminiscent of San Francisco Bay 30 years ago. The Guanabara Bay water quality could be returned to pre-1950 conditions, but it would require sufficient political will and economic investment to ensure that at least 80–90% of the domestic and industrial sewage were treated adequately. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A reconnaissance study has been made on the distribution of 238U, 234U, 232Th and 230Th in soils, water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and bottom sediments in the Kali river basin around Kaiga, its estuarine region and the adjacent Arabian Sea to obtain the baseline data of U-Th series nuclides in view of the commissioning of nuclear power reactors at Kaiga, near Karwar, on the southwest coast of India. Drainage basin soils developed over greywackes (the dominant litho-unit upstream) are lower in 238U/Al and 232Th/Al ratios by factors of 3-5 in comparison with those developed over tonalitic gneisses (the dominant litho-unit downstream). The dominance of the former type of soils is reflected in the composition of river-bottom sediments derived from the upstream drainage basin during the monsoon. The 232Th in bottom sediments tends to increase towards the estuarine and coastal areas, presumably due to deposition of heavy minerals and onshore transport of coastal sediments into the estuary. The dissolved U in the Kali river is low (0.001-0.02 microg/l) when compared to the major Indian rivers as the Kali river flows through U-poor greywackes. Thus, the input of dissolved U to the Kali estuary is dominated by sea water. Although there is some evidence for the removal of dissolved U at low salinity during estuarine mixing, its behaviour is conservative in the lower estuary (at higher salinities). The removal rate of dissolved U from the Kali river basin is similar to that reported from other tropical river basins. The U flux from all the west-flowing rivers of Peninsular India is estimated at 26.3 x 10(6) g/yr to the Arabian Sea which is about 2% of the flux from the Himalayan rivers to the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

为了研究九龙江流域河流中溶解碳变化规律,分别于2017年7月与2018年1月对九龙江河水溶解无机碳(DIC)与溶解有机碳(DOC)进行了分析。丰水季河水DIC浓度为7.50~49.04 mg/L,平均值为22.12 mg/L,枯水季DIC浓度为8.84~84.91 mg/L,平均浓度41.17 mg/L,丰水季河水中的DOC浓度为0.54~2.89 mg/L,平均值为1.04 mg/L,枯水季河水中DOC浓度变化在1.34~3.56 mg/L之间,平均值为2.34 mg/L,据此计算了九龙江河水DOC、DIC的入海通量。研究结果表明九龙江河水中溶解碳具有显著的时空变化特征,通过与中国其他河流溶解碳数据对比,解释了碳酸盐岩的风化、气候变化、河流中浮游植物以及人类活动对九龙江河流溶解碳浓度的影响。  相似文献   

This study provides a first estimation on the sources, distribution and risk of organic micropollutants (OMPs) in coastal waters from NW Mediterranean Sea. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorinated pesticides, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, phthalates and alkylphenols were analyzed by solid phase extraction and gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (SPE–GC–EI-MS/MS). River waters and wastewater treatment plant effluents discharging to the sea were identified as the main sources of OMPs to coastal waters, with an estimated input amount of around of 25,800 g d 1. The concentration of ΣOMPs in coastal areas ranged from 17.4 to 8442 ng L 1, and was the highest in port waters, followed by coastal and river mouth seawaters. A summarized overview of the patterns and sources of OMP contamination on the investigated coastal sea waters of NW Mediterranean Sea, as well as of their geographical distribution was obtained by Principal Component Analysis of the complete data set after its adequate pretreatment. Alkylphenols, bisphenol A and phthalates were the main contributors to ΣOMPs and produced an estimated significant pollution risk for fish, algae and the sensitive mysid shrimp organisms in seawater samples. The combination of GC-MS/MS, chemometrics and risk analysis is proven to be useful for a better control and management of OMP discharges.  相似文献   

We present estimates for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) sewage inputs to 19 Indonesian rivers for 1970–2050. Future trends are based on the four scenarios of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Our results indicate a rapid increase in N and P pollution from sewage over time. In 1970, N and P inputs to rivers were low because not many households were connected to sewage systems discharging to rivers. Sewage connection is increasing over time. As a result, N and P inputs to rivers increase. We calculate that between 2000 and 2050 the N and P inputs increase with a factor of 17–40, depending on the scenario. Important determinants of future N and P sewage inputs are population, economic growth, urbanization, sewage systems development and wastewater treatment. Our calculations are based on an improved model for N and P inputs to rivers, indicating that previous estimates underestimated these inputs considerably.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the geochemical investigations about the origin and loading history of some trace metals (Ag, Cu and Zn) and nutrients (N and P) in the coastal lagoon complex of Altata-Ensenada del Pabellón, Mexico, by using the radioactive chronometers 210Pb and 228Th and the stable isotopes of C and N. The examination of sediment cores collected at different locations in the lagoon system identified a slight enrichment in metals and nutrients in some points, which was mainly associated to organic matter accumulation. Stable C and N isotope ratios revealed wastewater inputs to the lagoon system and the 210Pb geochronology showed that anthropogenic impact started 50 years ago, with the beginning of the agriculture development and the associated urban growth of the surrounding area. Several atypical 210Pb and 228Th/232Th profiles demonstrated that biological and physical disturbances are common phenomena in these environments, that frequently mask the pollution records; and therefore, considering that the contaminated sediments at some locations in the lagoon system are frequently resuspended and re-oxygenated, the pollutants will continue to be easily remobilized in the food chain.  相似文献   

Studies of multiple stressors in Africa often focus on vulnerable inland communities. Rising concentrations of the world’s poor live in coastal rural–urban areas with direct dependencies on marine as well as terrestrial ecosystem goods and services. Using participatory methods we elicited perceptions of stressors and their sources, impacts and consequences held by coastal communities in eastern Africa (Mtwara in Tanzania and Maputo in Mozambique). Respondent-informed timelines suggest wars, economic policies and natural increase have led to natural resource-dependent populations in marginal, previously little-inhabited lowland coastal areas. Respondents (n = 91) in interviews and focus groups rank climate stressors (temperature rise/erratic rain) highest amongst human/natural stressors having negative impacts on livelihoods and wellbeing (e.g., cross-scale cost of living increases including food and fuel prices). Sources of stress and impacts were mixed in time and space, complicating objective identification of causal chains. Some appeared to be specific to coastal areas. Respondents reported farms failing and rising dependence on stressed marine resources, food and fuel prices and related dependence on traders and credit shrunk by negative global market trends. Development in the guise of tourism and conservation projects limited access to land–sea livelihoods and resources in rural–urban areas (coastal squeeze). Mental modelling clarified resource user perceptions of complex linkages from local to international levels. We underline risks of the poor in marginal coastal areas facing double or multiple exposures to multiple stressors, with climate variability suggesting the risks of climate change.  相似文献   

Some specific features of the distribution of resident Chiroptera (10 forms) in the eastern East European Plain and adjacent areas (44°–65° N, 40°–60° E) are described. It is noted that in different seasons of the year,Myotis dasycneme, M. daubentonii, M. nattereri, M. mystacinus, M. brandtii, Plecotus auritus, Eptesicus nilssoni, andE. serotinus serotinus are found more often in upland areas with karst and other erosional forms of relief, whereasE. serotinus turcomanus andPipistrellus kuhlii display no preference for these types of relief.  相似文献   

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