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A combination of toxicity tests, chemical analyses, andToxicity Identification Evaluations (TIEs) were used toinvestigate receiving water toxicity in the Calleguas Creekwatershed of southern California. Studies were conductedfrom 1995 through 1999 at various sites to investigatecauses of temporal variability of toxicity throughout thissystem. Causes of receiving water toxicity varied by siteand species tested. Investigations in the lower watershed(Revolon Slough, Santa Clara Drain, Beardsley Wash)indicated that toxicity of samples to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia due to elevated concentrations ofthe organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos, while causes ofintermittent toxicity to fathead minnows (Pimephalespromelas) and the alga Selanastrum capricornutum wereless clear. Investigations at sites in the middle and upperreaches of the watershed (Arroyo Simi and Conejo Creek)indicated that the pesticide diazinon was the probable causeof receiving water toxicity to Ceriodaphnia. Elevatedammonia was the cause of toxicity to fathead minnows in theupper watershed sites. Results of these and previousstudies suggest that biota are impacted by degraded streamquality from a variety of point and non-point pollutionsources in the Calleguas Creek watershed. Water qualityresource manager's efforts to identify contaminant inputsand implement source control will be improved with thefindings of this study.  相似文献   

Organochlorines, metals, and trace elements were measured in liver, kidney, or whole-body tissues of canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria), lesser scaups (A. affinis), and greater scaups (A. marila) collected from San Francisco Bay and three coastal areas of California during the winter of 1986–1987. Potentially toxic concentrations of mercury (mean 10.4 µg/g, dry weight) and selenium (mean 32.7 µg/g, dry weight) were found in livers of scaups and canvasbacks from several San Francisco Bay sites. These elements varied spatially, temporally, and between species, with the highest concentrations found in late winter. Mean concentrations of mercury, selenium, and cadmium were generally higher in scaups than in canvasbacks. Of all the organochlorines included in the analyses, only p,p'-DDE and total PCBs were detected in all samples in this study. Mean whole-body concentrations of DDE and PCBs from San Francisco Bay ducks collected in late winter varied spatially and between species, but the concentrations were not considered toxic. Causes for inter-specific differences are unclear, but may be attributable to differences in diet, movement, or physiology.  相似文献   

The San Francisco Bay estuary isused by over one million shorebirds during springmigration and is home to several hundred thousandduring the winter. Most shorebird use occurs in thesouthern reach of the estuary (South Bay). Thereduced water circulation and discharge fromindustrial sources in the South Bay are responsiblefor the highest levels of some trace elements in theestuary. Wintering shorebirds have been found to havestrong site fidelity to areas as small as a fewkilometers in the South Bay, which may increase theirexposure to contaminants near local point sources. Inaddition, different shorebird species foraging at thesame site have been shown to have differentcontaminant burdens. Thus, our objectives were totest whether contaminant burdens differed by species,or whether contaminant burdens differed in shorebirdscollected at adjacent sites. We examined thecontaminant profiles of two species of shorebirds,long-billed dowitchers (Limnodromus scolopaceus)and western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) thatforage together at two sites, Hayward and Newark,separated by 8 km in the South Bay. We usedmultivariate analysis of variance tests to compare thecomposition of 14 elemental analytes in their livertissues and estimated their molar ratios of Hg and Se. Composite samples were used for contaminant analysesbecause of the small body size of the shorebirds. Seven elemental analytes (Ag, Ba, Be, Cr, Ni, Pb, V)were below detection limits in a majority of thesamples so statistical analyses were precluded. Inthe measurable analytes (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Se, Zn),we found no significant intra-site differences ofcontaminant profiles for the two species. We pooledthe samples to examine inter-site differences andfound significant differences in contaminant profilesbetween shorebirds at the neighboring sites (P = 0.03). Shorebirds at Newark had higher (P < 0.05) concentrations of As, Cd, and Se than those at Hayward. Dowitchers at Newark had concentrations of Hg and Se which were highly correlated (P < 0.003) in a mean molar ratio of 1:19, similar tothat reported in other birds. In the larger dowitcherspecies, we also examined exposure to 20organochlorine compounds. Organic analyses showedthat the dowitchers had been exposed to DDE, PCBs,dieldrin and trans-nonachlor, but with no significantdifferences in concentrations between Hayward andNewark (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

The Salinas River watershed along the central coast of California, U.S.A., supports rapidly growing urban areas and intensive agricultural operations. The river drains to an estuarine National Wildlife Refuge and a National Marine Sanctuary. The occurrence, spatial patterns, sources and causesof aquatic toxicity in the watershed were investigated by sampling four sites in the main river and four sites in representative tributaries during 15 surveys between September1998 and January 2000. In 96 hr toxicity tests, significant Ceriodaphnia dubia mortality was observed in 11% of the mainriver samples, 87% of the samples from a channel draining anurban/agricultural watershed, 13% of the samples fromchannels conveying agricultural tile drain runoff, and in 100% of the samples from a channel conveying agricultural surface furrow runoff. In six of nine toxicity identificationevaluations (TIEs), the organophosphate pesticides diazinon and/or chlorpyrifos were implicated as causes of observed toxicity, and these compounds were the most probable causes oftoxicity in two of the other three TIEs. Every sample collectedin the watershed that exhibited greater than 50% C. dubia mortality (n = 31) had sufficient diazinon and/or chlorpyrifos concentrations to account for the observed effects.Results are interpreted with respect to potential effects on other ecologically important species.  相似文献   

Winter Quarters Bay (WQB) is a small embayment located adjacent to McMurdo Station, the largest researchbase in Antarctica. The bay is approximately 250 m wide andlong, with a maximum depth of 33 m. Historically, trashfrom the McMurdo Station was piled on the steep shoreline ofWQB, doused with fuel and ignited. That practice hasceased, and the adjacent land area has been regraded tocover the residual waste. The bottom of WQB remainslittered with drums, equipment, tanks, tires, cables, andother objects, especially the southeastern side of the baywhere dumping took place. Sediments are contaminated withPCBs, metals, and hydrocarbon fuels. The objectives of this study were to map the distributionof organic contaminants in WQB, assess the toxicity of WQB sediments using a simple microbial test, anddetermine correlations between toxicity and contaminantlevels. The study suggests that adverse ecological effectshave occurred from one or more of the contaminants found inWQB but the source of the toxic impacts to bay sedimentsremains unknown. Whole sediment toxicity was onlycorrelated with oil-equivalent while solvent extracts ofsediments were correlated with PAHs and oil-equivalent. Theauthors recommend that an integrated research plan bedeveloped that focuses on determining what additionalinformation is needed to make informed decisions on possibleremediation of WQB.  相似文献   

The prevalence of toxicopathic liver lesions in demersal fish on the San Pedro Shelf, California was determined for a 15-year period (1988–2003). Fish livers were sampled at fixed locations as part of the Orange County Sanitation Districts (OCSD) ocean monitoring program. Histopathological examination of selected fish liver tissues was studied to determine whether the wastewater discharge had affected fish health. The prevalence of toxicopathic lesion classes neoplasms (NEO), preneoplastic foci of cellular alteration (FCA), and hydropic vacuolation (HYDVAC) varied among species and locations. For all species sampled, severe lesions occurred in 6.2% of the fish examined (n = 7,694). HYDVAC (4.1%) was the most common toxicopathic lesion type followed by FCA (1.4%) and NEO (0.7%). HYDVAC occurred only in white croaker (Genyonemus lineatus), accounting for 84.8% of the toxicopathic lesions for this species. Prevalence of HYDVAC, NEO, and FCA in white croaker was 15.2, 2.0, and 0.7%, respectively. The prevalence of HYDVAC and NEO in white croaker increased with age and size but there was no sexual difference. A linear regression model was used for hypothesis testing to account for significant differences in fish size (and age for croakers) at the different sampling locations. This analysis showed that for HYDVAC there was no spatial or location effect for lesion rate or size/age of onset. For NEO, the model predicted that white croaker near the wastewater outfall may acquire these lesions at a smaller size/younger age, and at a higher rate, than at other sites. However, this result may be biased due to the unequal size frequency distributions and the low prevalence of NEO in white croaker at the different sampling sites. Bigmouth sole (Hippoglossina stomata) had a prevalence of FCA and NEO of 1.3 and 0.35%, respectively, but the prevalence and distribution of lesions was too few for statistical testing. There was no sexual difference for lesion prevalence in hornyhead turbot (Pleuronichthys verticalis) and the prevalence of FCA and NEO was 3.4 and 0.37%, respectively. FCA prevalence increased with size in hornyhead turbot and there were no significant spatial differences for lesion rates and fish size at lesion onset. Overall, consistent spatial differences for lesion prevalence were not demonstrated and highlight the analytical difficulties of detecting a possible point source impact when the effect is rare, correlated with the size/age structure of the population, and may be caused by exposure to unknown multiple sources. Thus, the usefulness of liver histopathology as a point-source monitoring tool is best applied to where the spatial scale of impact generally exceeds the home range of the target species.  相似文献   

2013年春夏季莱州湾海水环境要素特征和富营养化评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2013年5(春季)、8月(夏季)莱州湾海水环境要素的调查资料,采用富营养化指数、潜在性富营养化评价模式和灰色聚类分析方法研究环境要素特征和评估海水富营养化状况。结果表明,无机氮是莱州湾水质的主要污染要素,春夏季的N/P平均值分别为100.76、117.84,潜在性富营养化评价模式结果表明,春夏季各站位的营养级均只包括ⅣP、ⅥP两类,磷限制为莱州湾的营养盐结构特征;富营养化指数评价结果表明,春季和夏季E>1站位比例分别为65%、20%;灰色聚类分析结果表明,春季Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级的站位比例分别为95%、5%,夏季Ⅱ、Ⅲ级的站位比例分别为70%、25%,Ⅱ级中的部分站位具有较大潜在富营养化风险。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify the relative toxicity ofambient areas in the Chesapeake Bay watershed by using a suiteof concurrent water column and sediment toxicity tests at seventy-five ambient stations in 20 Chesapeake Bay rivers from1990 through 1999. Spatial and temporal variability was examinedat selected locations throughout the 10 yr study. Inorganicand organic contaminants were evaluated in ambient water andsediment concurrently with water column and sediment tests toassess possible causes of toxicity although absolute causalitycan not be established. Multivariate statistical analysis wasused to develop a multiple endpoint toxicity index (TOX-INDEX) at each station for both water column and sediment toxicity data. Water column tests from the 10 yr testing period showed that49% of the time, some degree of toxicity was reported. The mosttoxic sites based on water column results were located inurbanized areas such as the Anacostia River, Elizabeth River andthe Middle River. Water quality criteria for copper, lead,mercury, nickel and zinc were exceeded at one or more of thesesites. Water column toxicity was also reported in localizedareas of the South and Chester Rivers. Both spatial and temporalvariability was reported from the suite of water column toxicitytests. Some degree of sediment toxicity was reported from 62% of the tests conducted during the ten year period. The ElizabethRiver and Baltimore Harbor stations were reported as the most toxic areas based on sediment results.Sediment toxicity guidelines were exceeded for one or more of thefollowing metals at these two locations: arsenic, cadmium,chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc. At the Elizabeth Riverstations nine of sixteen semi-volatile organics and two of sevenpesticides measured exceeded the ER-M values in 1990. Ambientsediment toxicity tests in the Elizabeth River in 1996 showedreduced toxicity. Various semi-volatile organics exceeded the ER-M values at a number of Baltimore Harbor sites; pyrene anddibenzo(a,h)anthracene were particularly high at one of thestations (Northwest Harbor). Localized sediment toxicity was alsoreported in the Chester, James, Magothy, Rappahannock, andPotomac Rivers but the link with contaminants was not determined.Both spatial and temporal variability was less for sedimenttoxicity data when compared with water column toxicity data. Acomparison of water column and sediment toxicity data for thevarious stations over the 10 yr study showed that approximatelyhalf the time agreement occurred (either both suite of testsshowed toxicity or neither suite of tests showed toxicity).  相似文献   

The associated industrial and urban developments are located to a large extent along the Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea coastal and raw sewage is often discharged into near shore waters with little treatment. To find out chemical characteristics and pollution source of the petroleum related contaminations in sediments near the major drainage outfalls located in the coastal, in this study, 10 surface sediment samples were collected during June. Sediment samples were extracted by organic solvents, separated by silica gel column chromatography and the concentrations and the profiles of n-alkane, biomarker and PAH in sediments were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass selective detector (GC-MSD). The use of several molecular markers and related indexes derived for n-alkane and PAHs has been proposed for assessing the relative contributions to the environment of hydrocarbon sources. As a result, n-alkanes reflect that the sea area of paper mill (Station ZZ08) is dominated by vascular plant. DY petroleum oil field and outer shore of the paper mill (Station ZZ02) have some degrees of petroleum related hydrocarbon contamination. Whereas the contamination of the sea area of TH River may be ascribed to different sources such as territorial non-point pollution source, domestic sewages, and stormwater runoff. Judged by their PAH ratios, the sediments near the paper mill (Station ZZ02) and the outer station of the oil field (Staion TH2) were pyrolytic. The estuary of Tiao River including the inner Station THX, TH10 and TH05 are petrogenic. The marine sediment near DY drainage outfall may have a mixture source of PAH both pyrolytic and petrogenic.  相似文献   

Periphyton colonization and sediment bioassessment were used ina survey to compare the relative environmental condition ofsampling sites located in Florida Bay and four peripheral sloughareas during the summer of 1995. Periphyton biomass, pigmentcontent, tissue quality and community composition weredetermined. In addition, benthic community composition and thetoxicities of whole sediments and associated pore waters weredetermined for two species of rooted macrophytes, an epibenthicinvertebrate and bioluminescent bacteria. Several locational differences were observed for the response parameters.Periphyton biomass was significantly greater in the Taylor Riverand the least in Shell Creek (P < 0.05). Most sediments were notacutely toxic to mysid shrimp nor phytotoxic. However, sedimentsfrom the Taylor River were more phytostimulatory than others (P< 0.05). Contaminant bioresidues were similar at most sites,however, mercury, chromium and nickel concentrations weregreater for periphyton colonized in the Taylor River and TroutCreek areas. Structural characteristics of the periphytic algalcommunity usually were statistically similar but a consistenttrend of lower density and diversity was evident for ShellCreek. The benthic community was the least diverse and dense inthe Canal C-111. The results of this study provide an initialindication of differences in the role of several slough areas aspossible sources of bioavailable contaminants to Florida Baywhich warrants additional investigation.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes sampling results from NOAA's National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program for marine environmental quality in Delaware Bay. A stratified-random design was used to determine the spatial extent of sediment contamination and toxicity in Delaware Bay from offshore stations in the coastal zone, the lower estuary, the upper estuary, the fresh/salt mixing zone, and tidal fresh areas. Sediment samples were taken for chemical analyses of major classes of environmental contaminants, a suite of toxicity bioassays, and benthic macrofaunal community assessment to identify patterns of resident species. The tidal-fresh areas and portions of the mixing zone of the study area were heavily contaminated. Contaminant concentrations were frequently above the 90th percentile of EMAP Virginian Province levels. PAHs in the sediment were higher than previously documented, with a major component of PAHs being pyrogenic in origin. Bioassay results were highly variable. Toxicity and contaminant levels were correlated when aggregated into indices, but were only marginally correlated with benthic community impacts. High and low abundance stations were found in all zones. Most of the tidal fresh stations were dominated by pollution tolerant species. Species diversity and abundance were generally lowest in the fresh/salt mixing zone.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify possible relationships between biochemical- superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and chemical (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe) contaminants from relatively clean area (Middle Bay) and heavily polluted area (Inner Bay) of the Izmir Bay. Sampling of mussels was performed in the beginning of May 2004. Mussel digestive glands have been used for biochemical assays. Trace metal content was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer using standard procedures. Metal contents in mussels collected at polluted site increased compared to the middle part of the bay. While there was a positive correlation between metals and SOD enzyme activity, there was a negative correlation between metals and GPx enzyme activity. An increase was observed in SOD enzyme activity and a decrease of GPx enzyme activity at the inner part of the bay.  相似文献   

Cybernetics and structured approach to biochemical processesin microbial cells offer the status of using various cellcomponents of Azotobacter as molecular markers intoxicity assay of environmental toxicants. The intra-linkeddynamic physicochemical reactions of the basic macromolecules– DNA, protein and membrane lipids – with respect to the crudeoil in the growth environment, results in an `impulse transferfunction'. The structured effects are reduction in both DNAand protein levels, and an elevated level of lipidperoxidation products. Toxicity index (Ti) of the crude oil,at a given concentration, is the percent ratio of thesummation of the products of these `effect parameters' andtheir respective weightings, relative to control. TheEC50 is the effective percent (w/v) concentration of thecrude oil at which a toxicity index of 50% was recorded, andthis corresponded with about 44% loss in nitrogen fixation ofthe diazotrophic bacterium.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study was to characterize physical habitat and benthic communities (macroinvertebrates) in the Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Merced Rivers in California’s San Joaquin Valley in 2003. These rivers have been listed as impaired water bodies (303 (d) list) by the State of California due to the presence of organophosphate (OP) insecticides chlorpyrifos and diazinon, Group A pesticides (i.e., organochlorine pesticides), mercury, or unknown toxicity. Based on 10 instream and riparian physical habitat metrics, total physical habitat scores in the Stanislaus River ranged from 124 to 188 (maximum possible total score is 200). The highest total habitat score was reported at the upstream site. Tuolumne River physical habitat scores ranged from 86 to 167. Various Tuolumne River physical habitat metrics, including total habitat score, increased from downstream to upstream in this river. Merced River physical habitat scores ranged from 121 to 170 with a significant increase in various physical habitat metrics, including total habitat score, reported from downstream to upstream. Channel flow (an instream metric) and bank stability (a riparian metric) were the most important physical habitat metrics influencing the various benthic metrics for all three rivers. Abundance measures of benthic macroinvertebrates (5,100 to 5,400 individuals) were similar among the three rivers in the San Joaquin watershed. Benthic communities in all three rivers were generally dominated by: (1) Baetidae species (mayflies) which are a component of EPT taxa generally considered sensitive to environmental degradation; (2) Chironomidae (midges) which can be either tolerant or sensitive to environmental stressors depending on the species; (3) Ephemerellidae (mayflies) which are considered sensitive to pollution stress; and (4) Naididae (aquatic worms) which are generally considered tolerant to environmental stressors. The presence of 117 taxa in the Stanislaus River, 114 taxa in the Tuolumne River and 96 taxa in the Merced River implies that the benthic communities in these streams are fairly diverse but without a clear definition of benthic community expectations it is unknown if these water bodies are actually impaired.  相似文献   

香溪河库湾氮的时空分布及影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究解决香溪河库湾水体富营养化问题,需探明库湾水体氮的时空分布及影响因子。2010年12月—2011年11月对香溪河与水库干流交界处至香溪河库湾尾部共12个采样点进行连续监测,分析香溪河库湾氮的时空分布,结果表明,香溪河库湾氮存在明显的时空分布规律。空间上,回水末端处TN和NO3--N浓度低,河口处浓度高,随着与回水末端距离的增加,浓度逐渐升高。在时间上,香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度的变异系数随着与河口距离的增加总体上逐渐增大,研究时间内的变化程度逐渐变大;且香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度在三峡水库不同运行阶段的时间变化规律不同。  相似文献   

Passive diffusion samplers were employed in San Miguel(Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area) for a preliminary airpollution monitoring. The highest loads were observedin downtown, compared with an urban background site.Total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) varied from0.257 to 0.033 mg cm-2 month-1; dust was examinedfor particle nature and size distribution. A similartrend was observed for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) andTSPM spatial distribution, suggesting that traffic isthe major pollution source. Sulphur dioxide (SO2)values were low and rather homogeneous. Levels for theinvestigated pollutants are below EPA's guide linevalues. Geographic (flat area, near to Rio de LaPlata) and climatologic factors (rainfalls andvariable wind directions) contribute to disperse pollutants.  相似文献   

The present study deals with sediment dynamics affecting sediment-associated metal distributions in an embayment system experiencing pollution from coastal industries. Sedimentary metal content may originate from diagenetic processes of foundation rock on the bottom, allochthonous minerals from natural sources, and metals from industrial effluents along the coast. The study presents experimental estimations of quantities of metals entering the bay in industrial wastewater, measurements of metal content in particulate material captured in sediment traps, and metals distribution in surface sediments. Quantitative estimations of metals entering the system in industrial effluent showed the relation Pb Zn > Cu > Cr Ni > Cd. That of metals associated with particulate material from traps was Zn > Cr Cu > Pb > Ni > Cd and the abundance of metals in sediments was Zn > Cr > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cd. Finally, rates of bottom sediment accumulation are estimated in relation to the time of residence of water in the bay. The experimental data on sedimentation and sediment abundance were consistent with field observations on distribution and accumulation at sites of major sedimentation in this bay.  相似文献   

The toxicity of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of four fuels (leaded gasoline, unleaded gasoline, diesel, Jet A-1) to Metamysidopsis insularis, an indigenous tropical mysid species was determined. Approximately 10 000 barrels (bbl) of fuel are consumed daily in Trinidad and Tobago, and about 50 000 bbl are exported. Accidental discharges at points of transfer as well as from inadequate storage facilities, can pose a significant contamination risk to the environment. Organisms were assayed with the WSF under both UV and fluorescent lights. The WSF was prepared using different fuel/seawater (v/v) mixtures. It was found that organisms exposed to diesel, Jet A-1 and unleaded gasoline showed similar toxicological responses under both light regimes, and were more toxic than the leaded gasoline. The results also showed that none of these fuels show photo-induced toxicity. The WSF of the 0.1% mixtures of unleaded gasoline, diesel and Jet A-1 were acutely toxic to M. insularis. However, for the leaded gasoline, only the 0.5% mixture was acutely toxic. The high toxicity of these fuels may be due to the presence of light, more soluble fractions. It is therefore likely that these fuels will have significant impacts in our local environment, if any spills occur.  相似文献   

Long-term trends (i.e., 1985 through 1999; 14 1/2 yrs) of the phytoplankton community in Chesapeake Bay indicated patterns of increasing phytoplankton abundance and biomass associated with mainly diatoms and chlorophytes, and to a lesser degree dinoflagellates. Decreasing trends in productivity rates above the pycnocline were present over a shorter time period (10 1/2 yrs.), with evidence for increasing nitrogen limitation is indicated. Reduced light availability is inferred due to decreasing trends of Secchi depths and increased suspended solids trends, which were associated with decreasing trends in productivity rates.  相似文献   

Larvae of Chironomus riparius and Prodiamesa olivacea were sampled at intervals overthe period November 1993 and October 1995 from theriver Sar in Galicia (N.W. Spain), with the aim ofinvestigating possible temporal variations in thefrequency of deformed individuals and in `Toxic Score'values (Lenat, 1993), a score for severity of theabnormalities calculated for each species. The resultsobtained indicate that, in both species, deformitiesare more frequent during the colder period of theyear. Similarly, Toxic Score values are higher duringthis period. These finding suggest that studies usingchironomid larvae as indicators of contaminationsshould involve sampling over an extended period, tominimize the influence of temporal variation.  相似文献   

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