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Increasing studies suggest that insecticides are one of the plant stress elements that affect plant growth and productivity by interfering with cell metabolic and biochemical activities. Here, we show that the application of commonly used pesticides omethoate and cypermethrin on maize (Zea mays L. cv. Luyu 9) seedling leaves resulted in adverse effects on leaf ultrastructure changes under laboratory conditions. Electron microscopic studies reveal that the topical application of organophosphorus insecticide omethoate causes direct injury of leaf ultrastructures including cell wall breakdown of abaxial epidermis cells, inner cells, stomata guard cells; degradation of mitochondrial membrane, and chloroplast envelope membrane; and abnormal changes of lamella arrangement of chloroplast. And the topical application of cypermethrin insecticide causes plasmolysis of cells of the adaxial epidermis, mitochondrial cristae are degraded, and loosen arranged lamella of amyloplasts. All these changes indicated that omethoate and cypermethrin are stress factors that caused adverse effects on plant ultrastructures and biochemical molecules.  相似文献   

The ever-increasing use of pesticides in the agricultural and public health has become a major cause of sterility in human and various other animals particularly in males. This study was sought to screen the toxic impacts of cypermethrin (synthetic pyrethroid) on reproduction and development. Twenty-four Wistar male rats divided into four groups were orally administered cypermethrin of daily doses 50, 75, or 100 mg?kg?1 bwt per day for 45 days; and for developmental toxicity, 12 female rats were separated into two groups. Maternal rats (experimental) were administered cypermethrin (100?mg?kg?1) by gavage daily from 6th to 17th day of gestation, and the control group was dosed only vehicle (olive oil). The body weights, fertility index, biochemical, enzymatic, hormonal, and histopathological parameters were the criteria used to evaluate the toxicity of cypermethrin. Study showed significant decline in the weight of testes, epididymises, seminal vesicles, and ventral prostate, and reduction in sperm counts both in epididymises and testes in chemical-treated animals. Pre- and post- fertility test showed 50%, 80%, and 100% negative results after treatment. A significant degenerative reduction in testicular glycogen and sialic acid was also noted. In contrast, protein and cholesterol levels of testes were significantly increased. In addition, acid phosphatase activity was significantly increased, while alkaline phosphatase, testosterone, leutinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were diminished. Histology of testes showed degenerative changes in seminiferous tubules. Cypermethrin exposure during gestation produced adverse effects markedly in females and fetuses.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to establish the relationship between selected oxidative stress parameters and ultrastructural responses in liver tissue of Labeo rohita fingerlings exposed to cypermethrin. Fish were exposed to lethal (4.0 μg L?1) and sublethal (0.4 μg L?1) concentrations of cypermethrin for a period of 24, 48, 72 and 96 h for acute studies and 1, 5, 10 and 15 days for subacute studies, respectively. Results showed increased catalase (CAT) and protease activity, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyls and free amino acid (FAA) levels at both concentrations. This suggests participation of free-radical-induced oxidative cell injury in mediating the hepatotoxicity of cypermethrin. In corroboration of this, ultrastructural lesions witnessed a reduction in the number of cell organelles, swollen, vacuolated and condensed mitochondria, dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum, and reduced numbers of smooth enodplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes and lysosomes at the lethal (4.0 μg L?1) concentration. At the sublethal (0.4 μg L?1) concentration, cytoplasmic vacuolation, condensed, vacuolated and swollen mitochondria, dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum and an absence of hepatocyte microvilli were prominent. Ultrastructural changes were exhibited as subcellular responses due to the imbalance in cellular oxidative status by means of oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Cypermethrin and carbaryl are both used to control pests of rice paddy crops but the two insecticides have different modes of action. In some areas or climates, the breeding of frogs living in rice paddy fields and the application of the insecticides coincide. The effects of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor carbaryl and the sodium channel blocker cypermethrin, both individually and in combination, were investigated on the survival and emergence of froglets of Fejervarya limnocharis using a 3?×?3 concentration factorial design (0, 25, and 50?μg L?1). Compared to controls, carbaryl showed no effect on survival and froglet emergence. Exposure to cypermethrin reduced the survival and froglet emergence in a concentration-dependent manner. When tadpoles were exposed to combinations of carbaryl and cypermethrin, the influence of carbaryl on survival and froglet emergence is less significant than that of cypermethrin.  相似文献   

在实验室条件下采用静水法生物测试,研究了氯氰菊酯对唐鱼(Tanichthys albonubes)的急性毒性及其对肝和鳃组织超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响。结果表明,氯氰菊酯对唐鱼24、48、72、96h半致死浓度分别为27.27、15.94、10.13、6.61μg·L-1;经1、3、5μg·L-1浓度处理6、12、24、48、72h,结果显示唐鱼SOD在低浓度氯氰菊酯的胁迫下呈现明显的浓度效应关系,将唐鱼SOD作为农药等污染物的污染指标具有重要的应用前景,为安全使用农药和防止水体污染提供有益的理论参考依据。  相似文献   

从农药厂污水处理池的活性污泥中分离到一株高效氯氰菊酯农药降解菌,命名为PSB07-13。根据该菌体培养特征、菌落形态特征、活细胞光谱吸收特征、生理生化特性、光合作用内膜系统结构类型,并结合16S rRNA(Genebank Accession NO.EU366142)序列相似性分析,将其鉴定为沼泽红假单胞菌(Rhodopseudomonas palustris)。利用气相色谱对PSB07-13的降解能力进行了测定,结果表明:该菌培养6d后,对50mg·L-1的氯氰菊酯的降解率达到80.94%。降解特性研究结果表明:该菌在含氯氰菊酯培养基中的最适生长温度为30℃、pH为7.0及光照强度为7500lx;该菌不能以氯氰菊酯为唯一碳源和能源生长;该降解菌还能较好地降解甲氰菊酯、联苯菊酯、溴氰菊酯等菊酯类农药。该农药残留降解菌可以用于农药厂有机废水处理及农田农药残留降解,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

Cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos pesticide- (5, 15 and 30 ppm) induced effects on growth, metabolic and antioxidative behaviour of Azolla pinnata were analysed after 96 h of treatment. Growth of A. pinnata was increased by 72–76% over the initial mass under control condition. Further, the growth was decreased by 26 and 30% following treatment with 5 ppm of cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos, respectively, compared to control. Whereas, 30 ppm of pesticide treatment caused substantial decrease in biomass accumulation, even less than the initial mass. The Chlorophyll a content was declined at higher concentrations of chlorpyrifos, while carotenoids content increased significantly in the presence of both the pesticides. Photosynthetic rate showed declining trend with rising concentration of pesticides, while an increasing trend was noticed in the case of respiratory O2 consumption. The oxidative biomarkers malondialdehyde, superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide increased with increasing concentration of both the pesticides. The activity of enzymatic antioxidants enzyme superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) was enhanced with increasing concentrations of both the pesticides; however, a declining trend was noticed in the case of APX at 30 ppm chlorpyrifos treatment. The study concludes that chlorpyrifos appeared to be more toxic than cypermethrin; however, both the pesticides significantly reduced the growth performance.  相似文献   

Cattle treatment with antiparasitic drugs is associated with an important risk exposure for dung beetles. Previous studies demonstrated the impact of some avermectin and pyrethroid compounds on several species such as Onthophagus gazella and Neomyia cornicina. However, little information is available regarding the elimination of these compounds in faeces 8 days after a pour-on administration in dairy cows. The present study, utilising a dairy cow model with cypermethrin treatment, demonstrated that concentrations in dry faeces can reach levels of 5?mg?kg?1 between the first and fourth day after treatment and were present up to 3 months after a single dose of administration at a concentration around 10?µg?kg?1. Faecal samples were purified with three successive columns (silica gel, anion exchange phase, and basic alumina) and analysed by GC-MS. The limit of quantification of this method was 0.5?µg?kg?1. The high sensitivity of the method permitted one to see that the risk exposure of cypermethrin to dung beetles is longer than what was noted in the literature. According to other studies, repeated treatment with such agents may lead to the local extinction of dung beetles. Even if the impact of pyrethroid largely depends on the conditions of the ecosystem where the treated cattle are living, adverse effects of these agents may still occur.  相似文献   

The geographic delineation of irregularly shaped spatial clusters is an ill defined problem. Whenever the spatial scan statistic is used, some kind of penalty correction needs to be used to avoid clusters’ excessive irregularity and consequent reduction of power of detection. Geometric compactness and non-connectivity regularity functions have been recently proposed as corrections. We present a novel internal cohesion regularity function based on the graph topology to penalize the presence of weak links in candidate clusters. Weak links are defined as relatively unpopulated regions within a cluster, such that their removal disconnects it. By applying this weak link cohesion function, the most geographically meaningful clusters are sifted through the immense set of possible irregularly shaped candidate cluster solutions. A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MGA) has been proposed recently to compute the Pareto-sets of clusters solutions, employing Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic and the geometric correction as objective functions. We propose novel MGAs to maximize the spatial scan, the cohesion function and the geometric function, or combinations of these functions. Numerical tests show that our proposed MGAs has high power to detect elongated clusters, and present good sensitivity and positive predictive value. The statistical significance of the clusters in the Pareto-set are estimated through Monte Carlo simulations. Our method distinguishes clearly those geographically inadequate clusters which are worse from both geometric and internal cohesion viewpoints. Besides, a certain degree of irregularity of shape is allowed provided that it does not impact internal cohesion. Our method has better power of detection for clusters satisfying those requirements. We propose a more robust definition of spatial cluster using these concepts.  相似文献   

Light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to describe spermatogenesis and the morphology of mature sperm and sperm storage organs in five sibling species of Capitella, three species in the related genus Capitomastus, and one species in the genus Capitellides. These capitellids lack a well-developed testis, but young males have a few specialized regions of the peritoneum in the eighth setiger, where germ cells proliferate and spermatogonia are released into the coelom, and spermiogenesis is completed. Mature sperm are stored in the central regions of paired genital ducts (coelomoducts), which lie between the seventh and eighth setigers. The cells forming the walls of the coelomostome and central region of the duct are ciliated and have large glycogen deposits. The lumenal borders have extensive microvilli and there is evidence that they secrete glycogen-containing materials into the duct. All species have modified primitive sperm with a conical acrosome, elongated nucleus, and long middle piece extending along the proximal portion of the flagellum. A single ring-shaped mitochondrion encircles the centriolar region of the middle piece and the cytoplasm is filled with glycogen. The sperm of all nine species differ significantly in the lengths of their middle pieces, acrosomes and especially in their nuclear lengths. The nuclear lengths have a twofold range among the sibling species of Capitella and Capitomastus. Subtle differences in the shape and volume of the acrosomal vesicle and acrosomal space characteristic of the Capitella sibling species seem to correlate with a basic division of these species into those with diploid chromosome numbers of 20 or 26. Spermiogenesis, the number of sperm produced, and the method of sperm storage are appropriate for efficient sperm utilization in fertilization. No evidence indicates that spermatophores are formed and transferred between individuals and the method of sperm transfer is not understood. The differences in the dimensions and acrosome morphology of mature sperm, and the previously demonstrated specializations in the egg envelopes in the Capitella sibling species, are characteristic features of the reproductive isolation that exists among these capitellid species.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the reparative potential of ascorbic acid (AA, 100 mg/kg, orally for 28 days) in sub-acute lead (Pb, 100 ppm in drinking water for 28 days) or cypermethrin (CPM, 50 mg/kg, orally in vehicle for 28 days) poisoning alone and as binary mixture on the basis of oxidative stress parameters in erythrocytes of Wistar rats. Both Pb and CPM produced significant increase in lipid peroxidation along with elevated glutathione-S-transferase and catalase activity individually but not as a binary mixture. Glutathione peroxidase activity was significantly increased but glutathione levels were significantly reduced irrespective of single or co-exposure while the activity of superoxide dismutase and erythrocytic protein content were not significantly affected. Co-exposure led to a comparatively lower level of oxidative stress than that induced by Pb or CPM alone indicating an antagonistic toxicodynamic profile in rat erythrocytes. Co-administration of AA along with Pb and/or CPM significantly restored the oxidative stress parameters to normal values. Overall results indicated that co-exposure induces a lower level of oxidative stress and AA ameliorates Pb- and/or CPM-induced oxidative damage in rat erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Using analyses that control for phylogeny, we examine whether the shapes of horns and antlers in ungulates are related to style of fighting, environmental factors, mating and social systems, or are simply arbitrary. Many of the predictions that relate horn shape to species' fighting tactics and to their mating and social systems are supported. Bovids with tips facing inwards are likely to wrestle with their horns, be monogamous and solitary, whereas those with tips facing out tend to be polygynous and live in large groups. Smooth horns are used for stabbing, and are found in females of polygynous species living in large groups. In female bovids, twisted horns are found in large species and are used in wrestling whereas, in male bovids, straight horns are found in solitary species. Finally, deer with more than five antler tines tend to be large and to fight by fencing. There was little support for shape of horns and antlers being related to environmental factors, nor were shapes arbitrary as might be expected if they had arisen through female choice. Body size had little effect on these results. In general, monogamous solitary bovids have straight inwardly facing horns whereas polygynous group-living species demonstrate a wide variety of horn shapes.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .Communicated by M. Elgar  相似文献   

Males of the cactophilic fruitfly, Drosophila pachea, produce relatively few but very large sperm, and partition their limited gamete numbers among successive mates. The present study found that males take 10 days longer than females, post-eclosion, to become sexually mature. The pattern of testes development suggests that the need to produce testes long enough to manufacture the giant sperm is the cause of the delayed male maturity. These findings generate the prediction that the operational sex ratio (OSR) of populations will be female-biased. The size, sex ratio, and OSR of natural populations were examined. In general, local populations tended to be small and sex ratios tended to be slightly male-biased. However, as predicted, the OSR of populations, at least in one season, tended to be female-biased, with an average of 2.3 receptive females for each sexually active male. Results of laboratory experiments to determine the relationship between female remating frequency and fitness, and between population OSR and productivity, suggest that natural populations with female-biased OSRs are sperm-limited. The origin and maintenance of sperm gigantism and the unusual sperm-partitioning behavior of males are discussed with respect to population structure.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of different risks of sperm competition upon ejaculate characteristics in the moth Plodia interpunctella. In this short-lived species, females will remate and thus generate sperm competition, while males have a limited sperm supply. We therefore predict males to have evolved prudence in ejaculate allocation and investigate the effects of (1) rival male presence, (2) female mating history and (3) female age, upon the ejaculation of eupyrene (fertilizing) and apyrene (non-fertile) sperm numbers. We found no effect of the presence of rival males upon ejaculate characteristics, and conclude, due to the mating system of P. interpunctella, that rival males do not represent a proximate risk of sperm competition. We controlled female mating history by allowing females to receive different and predictable numbers of sperm which they then store for at least 7 days. In subsequent matings (7 days later) we found that new males ejaculated significantly more eupyrene sperm to females that had previously received larger numbers of sperm. We conclude that males increase numbers of eupyrene sperm to maintain success in sperm competition with rival sperm already in storage in the female. We found no effect of female mating history upon the ejaculation of apyrene sperm. Female age, however, had a significant negative effect upon both sperm types. We discuss these results in relation to sperm competition theory and apyrene sperm function.  相似文献   

Niche theory with hypotheses on shape and distribution of ecological response curves is used in the studies of resource sharing of competing plant species. Predictions based on theory should be applicable when, e.g., effects of competing species on the ecological tolerances are assessed or species’ diversity along a resource gradient is evaluated. We studied the ecological response curves of competing plant species along a resource gradient in boreal forests. The study was based on nation-wide soil and vegetation data collected from 455 sample plots on boreal forests in Finland. Species response curves along a soil fertility gradient (in terms of C/N ratio) were estimated using generalized additive models. Distribution of species optima and the relationship of niche width and skewness to the location of the optimum were analyzed with new bootstrap tests. The developed tests can account for the effects of truncation observed in the response curves of several species and for the uneven distribution of observations on the gradient.The estimated response curves of the major field layer species of boreal forests were not evenly distributed along soil C/N gradient. The density of optima peaked with relatively high nitrogen availability. Species with optima at low nitrogen availability had relatively broad realized niches. Niche width was negatively correlated with the density of optima. Species optima were packed and niches were narrow at high resource levels. This result suggests that a greater number of more specialized species can occur and interspecific competition decreases niche widths at high resource levels. Species were packed in the gradient where the C/N ratio was lower than 25, i.e., in conditions where nitrification can take place. This indicates that the majority of the vascular plants of boreal forests are favoured by the availability of NO3. Those few species thriving at high C/N ratios have broader realized niches.  相似文献   

The distribution of the sand crab Ocypode cursor (L.), as indicated by the number of burrows, was studied for 2 years in a 50×50 m sand beach area in northern Israel. A definite relationship was established between the distribution pattern from the seashore inwards towards the sand dunes, and the degree of sand moisture as it changed seasonally. During autumn, more crabs were found at a distance of 15 to 25 m from the sea where sand moisture was about 14%. At the beginning of winter crabs dispersed evely, disappearing with advancing winter. Crabs reappeared in spring, although in smaller numbers, dispersing in a pattern similar to that in autumn. At the beginning of summer and later on, more crabs appeared and concentrated closer to the sea (5 to 10 m). The population structure was analysed directly by measuring the crab's dimensions, and indirectly by counting burrows and measuring the diameter of their openings. Direct analysis revealed two distinct sizeage groups: smaller crabs 0.5 to 3 cm long, and larger ones over 4 cm long. The smaller burrows were inhabited by the first group and were mostly found closer to the sea; the second group was found more landwards. Three main types of burrow shapes are described.  相似文献   

Alterations in the levels of lipid metabolites, total lipids and free fatty acids, were studied in physiologically important tissues viz; liver, muscle, kidney and ovary of a freshwater edible fish Clarias batrachus. The fish was exposed to sublethal concentration (1/3 of LC50 value for 96?h) of a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, cypermethrin for 1, 5 and 10 days. After 10 days of exposure, fish were released into fresh water and total lipids and free fatty acids were determined at intervals of 1, 5 and 10 days to assess fish recovery response after cessation of cypermethrin exposure. Fish showed an increased rate of lipogenesis in liver, muscle, kidney and ovary during the exposure period followed by a decrease after transfer of fish into fresh water. There was also an elevation in liver and kidney free fatty acids contents, while the muscle and ovary free fatty acid contents were reduced during exposure period. The alterations in free fatty acids were restored to near normal values after 10 days of cessation of exposure.  相似文献   

The pattern of sperm release and changes in sperm quality were investigated throughout the normal spawning season of male winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), caught in Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Canada in April and November 1994. In addition, the impact of hormonal manipulation on sperm production and sperm quality was examined through gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRH-A) treatment, hypophysectomy, and pituitary extract injection – pituitary replacement therapy (PRT). While a lengthy period of spermiation, lasting ∼6 months (December to July), can be detected in some males, the major period for sperm release occurred in May to July in the summer spawning season. The spawning period started with peak levels of plasma testosterone (T) and 11 ketotestosterone (11-KT). By late July sperm production fell rapidly along with a notable deterioration in sperm motility. While GnRH-A treatment advanced the period of sperm release, and the milt became diluted and increased in volume, the treatment did not increase total sperm output over the spawning season. In hypophysectomized male flounder, by contrast, milt was more concentrated and sperm production declined along with reduced plasma androgen levels during the spawning season. Increased plasma T and 11-KT levels in hypophysectomized males followed PRT in December and January. Moreover, PRT appeared to be responsible for advancement of spermiation in a large number of prespawning males, which released an increased amount of milt. Finally, these studies indicated that both sperm motility and egg fertilization rates remained unchanged after these hormonal treatments. Received: 5 September 1997 / Accepted: 6 January 1999  相似文献   

衡阳是湖南省湘南地区最大的区域性城市,2003年衡阳市委市政府决定利用船山名人的旅游品牌效应和区位优势,在城郊衡阳县英陂镇境内建设集科研生产、农业示范、旅游观光于一体的现代农业示范园,实行资源和优势互补,为发展当地农村经济开辟新路子.衡阳市现代农业示范园的园林绿化建设应以景观生态学原理为指导,通过对示范园核心区的规划设计与构思、植物配置、管理措施与规划建设项目等方面的论述。以便为衡阳市委市政府发展观光旅游农业开发的决策和组织实施提供切实可行的理论依据.  相似文献   

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