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松嫩平原西部不同土地覆被水盐动态对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李晓军  李取生 《生态环境》2005,14(3):399-404
通过对6种土地覆被2003年6~10月水盐时空动态进行分析,对比不同土地覆被水盐动态变化差异,结果发现:采样期内,不同土地覆被(碱斑地除外)0-120cm剖面含水量均出现明显峰值,大豆地和羊草草地在7月底出现峰值,玉米地和向日葵地在8月初,退化草地则在8月底才达到,比羊草草地滞后了一个月。除羊草草地外,其他土地覆被剖面含水量变化呈W型,只是波动幅度各不相同。采样期内,羊草草地剖面含水量的相对变率最大,为74%,其他依次为退化草地、大豆地、向日葵地、玉米地,碱斑地最低,仅为6.4%。相对于农田土地覆被,在0~40cm,羊草草地、退化草地和碱斑地随盐渍化程度的加重,含盐量剖面变异逐渐减小,而农田的三种土地覆被之间变异比较接近。整个采样期,向日葵地储盐量随时间的变化呈下降趋势,其他土地覆被波动变化一致,都经历了下降-上升-下降过程,但波动幅度不同,且羊草草地在7月7日出现上升,其他4种土地覆被在9月8日开始出现滞后于含水量的变化。相对于采样初期,不同土地覆被含盐量的相对变率均为负值,农田的下降幅度大,草地次之,碱斑地最小。协方差分析表明:95%置信度下,土地覆被、土壤剖面和两者的交互作用对含盐量的影响差异显著。  相似文献   

Paralytic shellfish toxin profiles of the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum Graham were investigated as a possible biochemical marker to distinguish different geographic populations of this species. Isolates obtained between 1986 and 1988 from Japan, Tasmania (Australia) and Galicia (Spain) were cultured under similar conditions and the toxins produced were analyzed using HPLC. Variations in temperature, salinity, and nitrate and phosphate levels in the culture medium had no significant effect on the toxin profile, suggesting that toxins can be used as a stable biochemical marker for this dinoflagellate. All the isolates produced mainly toxins of the N-sulfocarbamoyl group (C1–C4, gonyautoxins 5 and 6) but their relative abundance differed according to their geographic origin. Furthermore, only the Australian population produced the newly found 13-deoxydecarbamoyl toxins, and these could readily be used to distinguish the Australian populations from those of the other two countries.  相似文献   

Coastal areas of Iran are heavily affected by urbanisation, industrialisation, and maritime activities. One consequence of this environmental pressure is the contaminants accumulation, as heavy metals, into the marine ecosystem. In this review, the coastal areas in the north and south of the country were assessed for lead (Pb) contamination of, one of the most toxic metals found in the environment. All studies conducted during 2006–2016 with at least 10 specimens that reported the mean and standard deviation of Pb were considered in this review. Heterogeneity between studies was assessed using the Q and I2 statistics. The Pb mean concentration overall studies was estimated to be 21.88?µg/g (95% CIs: 16.25–27.50). Random effect model showed no statistical difference in mean Pb concentration levels between south and north coasts. However, the variability in Pb mean concentrations within southern coasts was considerable and statistically significant. Moreover, the Pb concentrations in the northern coasts of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, in south of Iran, decreased in the following order Hormozgan > Khuzestan > Sistan-VA-Balluchestan > Bushehr while in the southern coasts of Caspian Sea, in north of Iran, decreased in the order Guilan > Mazandaran > Golestan.  相似文献   

Limited empirical studies have elucidated the daily egg production and associated reproductive processes of egg bearing copepod. Herein, we present an individual-based model which constitutes a realistic representation of the reproduction in egg bearing copepods. The model has been parameterized using an extensive set of experimental data obtained from the literature and from the laboratory and field experiments on the estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis. The proposed model takes into account the adult female longevity, the clutch size and interclutch duration, which is a function of egg maturation time and latency time required by the female after egg hatching to produce a new clutch. The embryonic development time and hatching success are also taken into account. The effect of temperature on the means and variances of above-mentioned reproductive parameters has been also incorporated. A multi agent system based generic platform “Mobidyc” has been used to generate and calibrate the model. The model demonstrates the reproductive parameters of females of E. affinis which is validated through individual based experiments. Temperature specific simulations provide a dynamical explanation of temperature effect on the cumulative egg production. The daily survival principally affects the number of clutches produced per female during its life span. The results obtained in the present study by combining temperature and survival effects reveal the relatively greater importance of the first factor on the daily egg production of egg-carrying copepods. The present model is generic and hence easily applicable to other animals with comparable reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

In this study, an approach integrating digital land use/cover change (LUCC) analysis, hydraulic modeling and statistical methods was applied to quantify the effect of LUCC on floods in terms of inundation extent, flood arrival time and maximum water depth. The study took Beijing as an example and analyzed five specific floods with return periods of 20-year, 50-year, 100-year, 1000-year and 10000-year on the basis of LUCC over a nine-year period from 1996 to 2004. The analysis reveals that 1) during the period of analysis Beijing experienced unprecedented LUCC; 2) LUCC can affect inundation extent and flood arrival time, and floods with longer return periods are more influenced; 3) LUCC can affect maximum water depth and floods with shorter return periods are more influenced; and 4) LUCC is a major flood security stressor for Beijing. It warns that those cities having experienced rapid expansion during recent decades in China are in danger of more serious floods and recommends that their actual land use patterns should be carefully assessed considering flood security. This integrated approach is demonstrated to be a useful tool for joint assessment, planning and management of land and water.  相似文献   

Laws and bylaws are regularly challenged for their effectiveness in containing urbanisation sprawl and, conversely, for the constraints they put on development projects. From a French case study, we used survival analysis to disentangle a complex mix of influences on the distribution of residential construction over a 42-year observation period at plot scale when almost everything changes simultaneously. We found that integrated laws and bylaws can slow down coastal urbanisation but do not stop it. Although land planning is becoming more effective, it still provides ample opportunity for residential development because other factors, like distance to existing infrastructure, exert a far stronger influence than the protection of coastal areas. Therefore, this article contributes to filling a knowledge gap about the founding role of public policies on land use dynamics.  相似文献   

The increase in intensive aquaculture production in the Bolinao Bay, Philippines reached the point of harmful influence to production stock. Up to the present, there has been no estimation of aquaculture carrying capacity which is based on quantification of processes responsible for (a) water quality inside the units, (b) impact to the seabed and (c) water quality in the whole Bolinao Bay. The numerical estimation of tidal circulation, which is the most dominant part of the hydrodynamical regime in the Bolinao Bay, represents an unavoidable step in the carrying capacity determination considering points (a), (b) and (c). The hydrodynamical model we apply is a free surface, 3D finite element tidal model, forced with sea elevation dynamics at three open boundaries. It incorporates an increase in bottom stress drag coefficients in the coral areas and advanced transport corrected advection scheme. The model simulations of water flow show good agreement with measured currents in the central part of the Bolinao Bay, southern and northeastern channel, while agreement in the areas in vicinity of northern channel is not as tight. In order to provide an insight into the water exchange in aquaculture units, to support local water quality models and seabed deposition models (points (a) and (b)), the area is mapped with neap tide mean, spring tide mean and 14-day mean current velocity contours. The highest 14-day mean velocities are attained in the southern channel (>17 cm s−1), while the mean velocities characteristic for northern part (<6 cm s−1) and shallow areas of coral reefs (<2 cm s−1) are much lower. Area-mean difference between spring tide and 14-day mean velocities is estimated to be 18.32% (std=7.31%), while difference between neap tide and 14-day mean velocities is 17.62 % (std=11.19%). To support global basin-wide water quality models (point (c)), retention of water in the bay is estimated by Lagrangian and Eulerian calculation procedure of mean residence time field. Both calculations estimate the highest (no-wind) residence times (Lan: 25.4 days, Eul: 21.03 days) in the central northern part, but most of the area (Lan: 73.11%, Eul: 79.31%) is characterized by residence time values significantly lower than 15 days. The results are readily applicable for upcoming implementation in the models of local (aquaculture units, seabed) and basin-wide (Bolinao Bay) nutrient dynamics, primary and secondary production, organic matter decomposition and oxygen dynamics.  相似文献   

The paucity of information on the spatial and temporal distribution of bacteria in the sea can be attributed, in good part, to the difficulties inherent in the present conventional microbiological methods for isolating and identifying marine bacteria. The application of the fluorescent antibody technique is proposed as a means of overcoming the impasse. The potentialities of this approach were examined using organisms of the Pseudomonas group. Cross-reactions between the immune globulins prepared to a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens and the cells of a number of species of marine pseudomonads and non-pseudomonads were studied. The indirect staining procedure was found to be the method of choice. The pseudomonads gave definite fluorescence at intensities equal or nearly equal to that shown by P. fluorescens. The non-pseudomonads gave very weak, indefinite reactions. The results indicate, within the confines of the study, that it would be possible to identify pseudomonads from the marine environment and to differentiate them from non-pseudomonads.Studies in Biology from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Contribution No. 163, and Contribution from the Marine Sciences Research Laboratory, No. 35.  相似文献   

The air temperature is one of the main input data in models for water balance monitoring or crop models for yield prediction. The different phenological stages of plant growth are generally defined according to cumulated air temperature from the sowing date. When these crop models are used at the regional scale, the meteorological stations providing input climatic data are not spatially dense enough or in a similar environment to reflect the crop local climate. Hence spatial interpolation methods must be used. Climatic data, particularly air temperature, are influenced by local environment. Measurements show that the air above dry surfaces is warmer than above wet areas. We propose a method taking into account the environment of the meteorological stations in order to improve spatial interpolation of air temperature. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of these corrected climatic data in crop models. The proposed method is an external drift kriging where the Kriging system is modified to correct local environment effects. The environment of the meteorological stations was characterized using a land use map summarized in a small number of classes considered as a factor influencing local temperature. This method was applied to a region in south-east France (150×250 km) where daily temperatures were measured on 150 weather stations for two years. Environment classes were extracted from the CORINE Landcover map obtained from remote sensing data. Categorical external drift kriging was compared to ordinary kriging by a cross validation study. The gain in precision was assessed for different environment classes and for summer days. We then performed a sensitivity study of air temperature with the crop model STICS. The influence of interpolation corrections on the main outputs as yield or harvest date is discussed. We showed that the method works well for air temperature in summer and can lead to significant correction for yield prediction. For example, we observed by cross validation a bias reduction of 0.5 to 1.0°C (exceptionally 2.5°C for some class), which corresponds to differences in yield prediction from 0.6 to 1.5 t/ha.  相似文献   

Although fish are usually thought of as victims of water quality degradation, it has been proposed that some planktivorous species may improve water quality through consumption of algae and sequestering of nutrients via growth. Within most numerical water quality models, the highest trophic level modeled explicitly is zooplankton, prohibiting an investigation of the effect a fish species may be having on its environment. Conversely, numerical models of fish consumption do not typically include feedback mechanisms to capture the effects of fish on primary production and nutrient recycling. In the present study, a fish bioenergetics model is incorporated into CE-QUAL-ICM, a spatially explicit eutrophication model. In addition to fish consumption of algae, zooplankton, and detritus, fish biomass accumulation and nutrient recycling to the water column are explicitly accounted for. These developments advance prior modeling efforts of the impact of fish on water quality, many of which are based on integrated estimates over an entire system and which omit the feedback the fish have through nutrient recycling and excretion. To validate the developments, a pilot application was undertaken for Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) in Chesapeake Bay. The model indicates menhaden may reduce the algal biomass while simultaneously increasing primary productivity.  相似文献   

Dissolved nutrients, Chl-a and primary productivity were measured from seven transects along the coastal waters of the southeastern Arabian Sea during northeast monsoon. Ten major estuaries were chosen to study the influence of estuarine discharge on the nutrient dynamics in the coastal waters. The mean water discharge of the estuaries in the north (64.8?±?18?×?105?m3?d?1) was found to be higher than those in the south (30.6?±?21.4?×?105?m3?d?1), whereas the nutrient concentrations were found to be higher in the estuaries of the south. The results from the offshore waters were discussed in accordance with the depth contour classification, that is, shelf (depth?≤?30?m) and slope waters (depth?≥?30?m). Our results suggest that the estuarine discharge plays a major role in the nutrient distribution in near shore shelf waters, whereas in shelf and slope waters, it was mainly controlled by in situ biological processes. The inorganic form of N to P ratios were found to be higher than Redfield ratio in slope waters when compared with shelf waters, suggesting that PO43? (<0.15?µmol?L?1) is a limiting nutrient for primary production. The multivariate statistical analysis revealed that the nutrient dynamics in the coastal waters was controlled by both biological and physical processes.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, salinity and oxygen tension on the rates of oxygen consumption of three different strains of Artemia nauplii have been studied. When acclimated to a salinity of 30, nauplii from each of the three strains were able to maintain approximately constant rates of oxygen consumption over a wide range of oxygen tension. The ability to maintain respiratory independence during hypoxia was reduced, however, with an increase in either temperature or salinity. Nauplii of two of the strains (parthenogenetic diploid and tetraploid) showed a progressive increase in the rate of oxygen consumption with increasing temperature up to 35°C. Nauplii of the bisexual strain appeared to be less tolerant of exposure to temperatures >30°C, since at higher temperatures their oxygen consumption declined slightly. The differences between the nauplii of the different strains in their physiological responses to changing environmental conditions appear to correlate well with their seasonal occurrence in the field.  相似文献   

Inverse parameter estimation of individual-based models (IBMs) is a research area which is still in its infancy, in a context where conventional statistical methods are not well suited to confront this type of models with data. In this paper, we propose an original evolutionary algorithm which is designed for the calibration of complex IBMs, i.e. characterized by high stochasticity, parameter uncertainty and numerous non-linear interactions between parameters and model output. Our algorithm corresponds to a variant of the population-based incremental learning (PBIL) genetic algorithm, with a specific “optimal individual” operator. The method is presented in detail and applied to the individual-based model OSMOSE. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated and estimated parameters are compared with an independent manual calibration. The results show that automated and convergent methods for inverse parameter estimation are a significant improvement to existing ad hoc methods for the calibration of IBMs.  相似文献   

水文变异下东江流域枯水径流风险率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探求人类活动与气候变化对径流枯水风险的影响,对实现区域经济与环境的可持续发展有着重要的意义。以东江流域为例,通过对相对关联距离熵Hd辨识水文系统状态的跳跃,识别水文变异点,采用信息扩散风险分析模型评估径流的枯水风险率,分析径流枯水风险率在水文变异前后的变化趋势及演变情势。研究结果表明:东江流域在1972-1973年发生水文变异,与东江上游枫树坝建设运行时间基本一致。枯水风险率大于0.8的年份皆发生强厄尔尼诺事件,表明了厄尔尼诺现象出现时,当年东江流域月径流量普遍发生减少。在水文变异后,径流的枯水风险率降低,但变化幅度更加剧烈,同时枯水径流的风险率与降雨的相关性减弱,但与降雨的相关性还是超过0.9,这些都揭示了径流在水文变异后在主要受到气候变化影响的同时,越来越受到水利工程的调节作用的影响。研究成果可为流域综合管理部门决策提供参考。  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,187(1):27-39
The sensitivity of the distributed hydrological SWAT model to the pre-processing of soil and land use data was tested for modelling rainfall-runoff processes in the Thyle catchment in Belgium. To analyse this sensitivity, 32 different soil and land use parameterisation scheme were generated and evaluated. The soil input data sources were a generalised soil association map at a scale of 1:500,000, a detailed soil map at a scale of 1:25,000 and the soil profile analytical database AARDEWERK. These soil data were combined with a detailed and a generalised land use map. The results suggest that the SWAT model is extremely sensitive to the quality of the soil and land use data and the adopted pre-processing procedures of the geographically distributed data. The resolution and fragmentation of the original map objects are significantly affected by the internal aggregation procedures of the SWAT model. The catchment size threshold value (CSTV) is thereby a key parameter controlling the internal aggregation procedure in the model. It is shown that a parabolic function characterises the relationship between the CSTV and the hydrological modelling performance of the uncalibrated model, suggesting that optimal uncalibrated modelling results are not obtained when the CSTV is minimised. The hydrological response of the SWAT model to the calculated soil properties is significant. Therefore preference should be given to the calculation of the derived hydrologic soil properties prior to averaging of the profile data. Finally some general guidelines are suggested for parameterising soil and land use in the SWAT model application.  相似文献   

With growing levels of human-activity and frequent natural disturbances throughout the world, it is increasingly important that both research and management efforts take into account the widespread landscape fragmentation and its consequences for biodiversity conservation. The magnitude 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake in China caused dramatic impacts on giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat in the nature reserves within Minshan and Qionglai mountains. With the combined stresses of the natural disaster and the extensive human activities during postquake reconstruction, giant panda habitat in this region may become more fragmented in the future. In order to preserve the giant panda population after the earthquake and protect the species against habitat fragmentation, this article explores a method of identifying giant panda migration corridors involving habitat suitability assessments and a least-cost path model. Focusing on postquake Wolong Nature Reserve, our results demonstrate that it contains 430.3 km2 of suitable habitat (21.1% of total area), 463.8 km2 of marginally suitable habitat (22.8%) and 1141.9 km2 of unsuitable habitat (50.1%). We further show that several giant panda dispersal corridors exist in the reserve, including four corridor groups that cross the provincial highway and five corridors that do not intersect areas of human activity. This study will contribute to management and conservation efforts in Wolong Nature Reserve and beyond after the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

Algal blooming has become one of the key fields of study on eutrophication of water body recently. The mechanism of algal blooming is still not understood well. However, it is obvious to understand that algal blooming has close relationship with chlorophyll-a. Therefore, if the trends of chlorophyll-a concentration can be simulated accurately, it will be helpful for the prediction of algal bloom events. In this study, a model named Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC), which was developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was described and used to simulate the eutrophication process in the Daoxiang Lake, Beijing. To run the eutrophication model for the Lake, a field sampling was conducted in March-October of 2008 with interval of 10-20 days. Meanwhile, the algal bloom assessment criteria were investigated and the indicator of chlorophyll-a concentration was selected as input for the prediction of algal bloom in the Daoxiang Lake. After model calibration and validation, traditional statistics has been done between modeled results and observed values. The modeled results show that the simulated chlorophyll-a concentration basically agrees with the observed concentration except the later period of station 2# and the average algal bloom prediction accuracy is 63.43%. It was verified that the EFDC model can be used for chlorophyll-a concentration simulation and algal blooming prediction in the Daoxiang Lake.  相似文献   

The considerable complexity often included in biophysical models leads to the need of specifying a large number of parameters and inputs, which are available with various levels of uncertainty. Also, models may behave counter-intuitively, particularly when there are nonlinearities in multiple input-output relationships. Quantitative knowledge of the sensitivity of models to changes in their parameters is hence a prerequisite for operational use of models. This can be achieved using sensitivity analysis (SA) via methods which differ for specific characteristics, including computational resources required to perform the analysis. Running SA on biophysical models across several contexts requires flexible and computationally efficient SA approaches, which must be able to account also for possible interactions among parameters. A number of SA experiments were performed on a crop model for the simulation of rice growth (Water Accounting Rice Model, WARM) in Northern Italy. SAs were carried out using the Morris method, three regression-based methods (Latin hypercube sampling, random and Quasi-Random, LpTau), and two methods based on variance decomposition: Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (E-FAST) and Sobol’, with the latter adopted as benchmark. Aboveground biomass at physiological maturity was selected as reference output to facilitate the comparison of alternative SA methods. Rankings of crop parameters (from the most to the least relevant) were generated according to sensitivity experiments using different SA methods and alternate parameterizations for each method, and calculating the top-down coefficient of concordance (TDCC) as measure of agreement between rankings. With few exceptions, significant TDCC values were obtained both for different parameterizations within each method and for the comparison of each method to the Sobol’ one. The substantial stability observed in the rankings seem to indicate that, for a crop model of average complexity such as WARM, resource intensive SA methods could not be needed to identify most relevant parameters. In fact, the simplest among the SA methods used (i.e., Morris method) produced results comparable to those obtained by methods more computationally expensive.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to validate in the field certain measurement of the heart rate alterations of the bioindicator organism Mytilus galloprovicialis as a tool for ecotoxicological biomonitoring and assessment applications related to coastal and marine environment. The latter was determined by testing the mussels according to the method of functional loading (1-hour lowered salinity stress-exposure). The time of heart rate (HR) recovery (Trec) and the coefficient of HR variation (CVHR) in a group of tested animals were used as biomarkers for the assessment of their physiological state. It was found that the values of the biomarkers in mussels from our reference location were 1.3-1.5 times lower than in mussels from differently polluted coastal areas of the Bay. The study also included an investigation of the relationship between the mussel’s cardiac rhythm characteristics and the bioaccumulation of trace elements in their soft tissues, caused by chronic pollution. The conclusion was drawn that this approach to the physiological testing of mussels could be useful in developing a rapid and low-cost method for the assessment of the health of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

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