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Regional Environmental Change - Planning for the future requires a detailed understanding of how climate change affects a wide range of systems at spatial scales that are relevant to humans....  相似文献   

城镇化、工业化对中国能源强度的影响如何?如何在快速推进城镇化、工业化进程的同时确保节能减排目标的实现?论文以能源强度指标代替传统的能源消费指标来反映能源综合利用效率,并应用考虑截面相关性和异质性回归系数的非平衡面板数据模型,使用共同相关效应组均值(CCEMG)估计方法对中国1978-2014年城镇化、工业化与能源强度之间的关系进行分析。研究结果表明:人均实际GDP增长1%,能源强度将会降低0.412%,工业化水平增长1%,能源强度将会上升0.630%,而由于生产消费等经济活动的增加、高度集中化以及规模经济的综合作用,使得城镇化对能源强度的影响并不确定。联系研究结论,本文提出政策建议:我国应加快产业结构升级,转变经济增长方式;构建绿色制造体系,推进"五化"协同发展;推进绿色、循环、低碳发展的新型城镇化建设,提高城镇化质量,提升我国整体的能源效率,确保节能减排目标的实现,推动经济全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

Poverty studies have demonstrated that a group’s ability to escape poverty is largely dependent on the types of assets that the group’s members possess. A major claim that has been asserted with limited empirical evidence in the asset literature is the gender disparity dichotomy. Using rural Ghana as a case study, we assess the asset levels of farm households from a gender perspective. In doing so, we theorized and empirically tested assets on case bases. A household questionnaire survey was used to collect data from two hundred households in the Fanteakwa district of eastern Ghana. An asset index was used to compute the asset levels, while Kruskal–Wallis statistics was employed to compare the significance of the temporal changes. The results show a minimum level of asset endowment. Natural, social and financial assets were the three most endowed assets, with physical and human assets being the least. A gender analysis shows no significant difference, even though the levels of assets for the female-headed households were slightly higher than those of the male-headed households. However, the study found a 22.7% increment in the accumulation of financial assets among the female-headed households over the last 5 years compared to a 9.3% decrement in the same assets for their male-headed counterparts. Applying our theory, the results present an unbalanced and unstable asset situation among the household heads. We call for improvement, in physical and human assets. The overall study results imply an improvement in gender-asset accessibility in the context of rural Ghana.  相似文献   

Recent developments in wastewater treatment are resulting in the production of substantial amounts of chemically [Ca(OH)2 and Al2(SO4)3·H2O] treated sludges in need of further treatment before disposal. Although a seemingly suitable method, an unfavorable pH and low volatile solids content constitute serious problems for composting. Hence, an investigation was made of the feasibility of window composting Ca(OH)2 (lime) precipitated sludge (approximately 25% solids) when mixed with a bulking agent. Bulking agents tried were the paper fraction of municipal refuse and chipped tree and shrub trimmings. Both bulking agents were tried in their raw and in their composted states. Initial mixing was by way of a specially designed hammermill, and subsequent mixing was done manually. Compostability was measured by rate and extent of the temperature rise and fall and by destruction of volatile solids. According to the results, lime exerted no inhibitory influence on the composting process. However, the high ratio of biologically inert material to volatile solids resulted in a shortage of nutrients for the bacteria. Consequently, temperatures attained were neither sufficiently high nor of long enough duration to ensure the pathogen destruction required for public health safety.  相似文献   

GISPART (GIbraltar Strait PARticle Tracking model) is a three-dimensional particle tracking code to simulate the dispersion of radionuclides in the Strait of Gibraltar. It consists of a hydrodynamic module that is run off-line to determine tidal constants and residuals in the domain. This information is stored in several files that are read by the dispersion module to reconstruct water movements. The dispersion module uses a lagrangian approach. Thus, a radionuclide release is simulated by a number of particles, whose paths are computed individually. Radionuclide concentrations are obtained from the density of particles per water volume unit. Some examples of results are shown. The model is also available on-line.  相似文献   

Toxicity of copper in sewage sludge   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sewage sludge is a source of organic matter and nutrients, but a major obstacle for its recycling is that the municipal wastewater sludge has low but significant levels of contaminants. This investigation, on the acute toxicity of copper in sewage sludge, was conducted with three organisms, Daphnia magna, Lemna minor and Raphanus sativus (seeds). The toxicity of the leakage water from sewage sludge spiked with CuSO(4) was studied for 64 days. The toxicity increased during the first 8-16 days and then started to decrease. The first increase in toxicity was due to ammonia, but after 32 days, a dose-related effect of copper was found. After 64 days, L. minor had an EC50 of 3800 mg Cu/kg dw for 7 days growth inhibition, a LOEC of 3200 mg Cu/kg dw and a NOEC of 1600 mg Cu/kg dw. D. magna had an EC50 of 18100 mg Cu/kg dw (24-h immobility) and a NOEC of 12800 mg Cu/kg dw. Root elongation of R. sativus was reduced at 25600 mg Cu/kg dw. Both for Daphnia and Lemna, the pH of the leakage water had an effect of the toxicity. This means that chemical speciation and bioavailability is very important for the hazard assessment of copper in sludge and soil.  相似文献   

This paper uses the gravity model to examine the effect of environmental regulations on pork trade flows between different regions within China. We apply a linear programming tool to estimate pork trade flows from 2000 to 2008, and discuss the environmental acts on livestock pollution and income level to proxy environmental regulations. We use OLS regression and panel data with dummy variable in the cross-sectional GLS estimation. Our results indicate that the gap of environmental regulations between trade partners has a positive relationship with pork trade flows, and the difference in environmental regulations changes the traditional comparative advantage pattern to some extent. This paper provides convincing evidence for the pollution haven effect on livestock in China.  相似文献   

This paper uses the gravity model to examine the effect of environmental regulations on pork trade flows between different regions within China.We apply a linear programming tool to estimate pork trade flows from 2000 to 2008,and discuss the environmental acts on livestock pollution and income level to proxy environmental regulations.We use OLS regression and panel data with dummy variable in the cross-sectional GLS estimation.Our results indicate that the gap of environmental regulations between trade partners has a positive relationship with pork trade flows,and the difference in environmental regulations changes the traditional comparative advantage pattern to some extent.This paper provides convincing evidence for the pollution haven effect on livestock in China.  相似文献   

In this article,we present an application of Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Energy Demand Estimation(AGAEDE) optimal model to improve the efficiency of energy demand prediction.The coefficients of the two forms of the model(both linear and quadratic) are optimized by AGA using factors,such as GDP,population,urbanization rate,and RD inputs together with energy consumption structure,that affect demand.Since the spurious regression phenomenon occurs for a wide range of time series analysis in econometrics,we also discuss this problem for the current artificial intelligence model.The simulation results show that the proposed model is more accurate and reliable compared with other existing methods and the China's energy demand will be 5.23 billion TCE in 2020 according to the average results of the AGAEDE optimal model.Further discussion illustrates that there will be great pressure for China to fulfill the planned goal of controlling energy demand set in the National Energy Demand Project(2014—2020).  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - In a water treatment plant, the decision to carry out a jar test, for determining the required coagulant dosage, is made based on notable changes in...  相似文献   

本文从生产要素投入端将环境污染引至索洛增长模型,理论考察工业经济结构、经济增长对环境污染的非线性影响机制,基于1999—2014年我国30个省份的面板数据,以SO_2排放量作为环境污染水平的代理变量,采用面板平滑迁移回归(PSTR)模型检验全国及分区域工业经济结构、经济增长对环境污染的非线性影响效应及区域差异性。研究结果表明:随着工业化进程的不断加快,工业产出及污染排放均呈现不断上升的趋势,但由于资本边际收益递减规律使得这种增长趋势逐渐减弱,最终导致经济增长和环境污染增长趋于稳态,当污染排放增长率降低为负时,经济增长对环境污染的影响作用由正向转变为负向。实证表明我国工业经济结构、经济增长与SO_2排放具有显著的产出水平门槛效应,随着经济产出水平由低区制平滑的过渡到高区制,经济增长对SO_2排放的影响由正向促进作用转变为负向减排效应,但工业经济结构对SO_2排放呈现逐渐增强正向促进作用,可见工业经济结构、经济增长对SO_2排放具有显著的非线性影响。此外,研究发现工业经济结构、经济增长对SO_2排放的非线性影响存在显著的区域差异性,东部地区经济增长与SO_2排放呈现显著的倒"U"型曲线关系,而在中西部地区表现出逐渐增强的促进作用,中部地区的工业经济结构对SO_2排放的促进作用最大,西部其次,东部最弱,研究还表明,减排技术水平以及环境治理投资增加对SO_2污染排放具有遏制作用,能源投资的增加加速了SO_2的排放。在未来经济发展中,应摒弃传统"高投入、高消耗"的工业化模式,政府应实施创新管理,完善环境保护立法,鼓励企业发展环境污染治理方面的技术,避免以环境容量过渡为代价,追求工业经济高质量、可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

We present a successful attempt to determine transfer coefficients in a compartment model by computer-assisted fitting of simulated compartment contents to measurements. The procedure was applied to a fusion of previously published models of the North Sea and adjacent regions and resulted in an improved and validated model for the dispersion of a conservative effluent from, in particular, Sellafield.  相似文献   

During the last 5 yr, the air of sewage treatment plants was examined bacteriologically under different climatic conditions. Methods of examination were sedimentation on nutrient agar, membrane filtration and the use of an impinger. At each sampling site wind velocity and humidity of air were measured. In addition to colony counts, the presence of fecal indicators (E. coli, Clostridia), Salmonella, non-agglutinable cholera vibrios and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was determined. The results were as follows: The formation of mist above the sewage in aeration tanks was preferably observed during the winter season. Correspondingly, the bacteriological results were less favourable in winter-time; trickling filters are also capable of spreading bacteria into ambient air; E. coli could be found up to a distance of 300 m downwind from the aeration tanks, Salmonella up to a distance of 10 m; higher wind velocity resulted in a higher number of positive findings, sunshine diminished it, covering of the aeration tanks clearly resulted in a lower number of positive findings, parallel examinations performed at other sampling sites far from sewage treatment plants, such as underground stations, shops, or sports facilities revealed that the bacterial level at such sites was much lower than in the air of sewage treatment plants. Quantitative studies (Salmonella was taken as an example) revealed that the dissemination by air was low in relation to the Salmonella content of the sewage itself, so that the infectious dose was hardly attained by direct ingestion. Nevertheless, hygienic measures, such as hand washing, use of protecting clothes and avoidance of contact with foods in the open air should be performed in sewage treatment plants so that the infectious dose also cannot be indirectly reached. Beyond this, the possibility cannot be ruled out that conditions are quite different for other pathogens having much lower infectious doses.  相似文献   

In 2005 the Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (LIF) initiated a national environmental classification and information system for pharmaceuticals. This investigation reports the results from a survey, conducted among the persons involved in the start-up process. The aim of this study is to generate knowledge contributing to the clarification of the motivations, expectations, and intentions underlying the development and implementation of the system. The decision to implement a classification and information system for pharmaceuticals was the result of a combination of several driving forces, mainly political pressure and a possibility to increase the industries' goodwill, while at the same time keeping the process under the industries' control. The expected possible effects of the system, other than increased goodwill, are according to this survey assumed to be low. The system offers little guidance for end-users in the substitution of one pharmaceutical for another. One possible reason for this could be that LIF needs to observe the interests of all its members' and should not affect competition. The affiliation of the involved actors correlates to how these actors view and value the system, but this has not hampered the collaborative process to develop and implement it.  相似文献   

Identification of metal toxicity in sewage sludge leachate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sewage sludge is a source of organic matter and nutrients with the potential for being used as a fertilizer. However, metals in sewage sludge might accumulate in soil after repeated sludge applications, and metal concentrations might reach concentrations that are toxic to microorganisms, soil organisms and/or plants. This toxicity might change with time due to kinetic factors or abiotic factors such as freezing, drying or rainfall. The objective of this study was to determine toxicity of sewage sludge leachate from a lysimeter with 50 cm of sludge applied. Attempts were also made to identify the cause of toxicity of the sludge leachate by toxicity identification and evaluation (TIE) techniques. Sludge leachate was collected monthly during 1 experimental year (August 2001 to August 2002). Metal concentrations were analysed, and the toxicity was determined with Daphnia magna (48-h immobility). The effect of EDTA or sodium thiosulphate addition, filtration through a CM-resin or a Millex-resin on toxicity was also tested. The results showed that toxicity of the sludge leachate apparently varied during the year, and that filtration through the CM-resin reduced most of the toxicity followed by the addition of EDTA. None of the other treatments reduced the toxicity of the sludge leachate. This indicated that one or more metals were responsible for the observed toxicity. Further calculations of toxic units (TU) suggested that Zn contributed most to the toxicity. Results also indicated that Ca concentrations in the sludge leachate reduced the toxicity of Zn.  相似文献   

Toxicity evaluation of sewage sludges in Hong Kong.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Anaerobically digested sewage sludges collected from four wastewater treatment plants located in Sha Tin, Tai Po, Yuen Long, and Shek Wu Hui in Hong Kong were subjected to chemical characterization and toxicity testing to provide preliminary assessment of their suitability for land application. All sewage sludges were slightly alkaline with pH range of 8.3-8.7. Electrical conductivity (EC; 0.69 dS m(-1)) and soluble NH4-N content (996 mg kg(-1)) of sewage sludge from Yuen Long were lower than that of other plants. Concentrations of heavy metals were determined as total, extractable, and water-soluble fraction using mixed acid digestion, DTPA (pH 7.3), and distilled water, respectively. Yuen Long sludge was most polluted with Zn and Cr higher than the pollutant concentration limits listed in Part 503 of USEPA, owing to the effluent coming from the tannery industry. High concentration of Ni was found in sludge from Sha Tin that originated mainly from the electroplating industry. DTPA-extractable Zn contents were high in sludges from Yuen Long (1247 mg kg(-1)) and Shek Wu Hui (892 mg kg(-1)), while 3.7 mg kg(-1) of DTPA-extractable Cr was found in Yuen Long sludge. Metal speciation of sludges showed that Pb was major in residual phase while Cu, Cr, and Ni in organic and residual phases, and Zn did not show any dominant chemical phase. The sludge extracts did not exert significant adverse effect on seed germination of Brassica chinensis (Chinese cabbage), but Yuen Long sludge caused a reduction in root growth. In view of its lower EC and soluble ammonia contents, the high concentration of Zn and Cr in Yuen Long sludge would likely be responsible for this adverse effect on root growth. Therefore, Yuen Long sludge would likely have a more serious impact on soil quality and plant growth as compared to other sludges. This would require further verification from greenhouse and field experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of the microbial flora of municipal sewage, with special reference to faecal coliform and faecal streptococci groups, on the hydrocarbons biodegradation of the refinery wastewater from the Moustorod Oil Refinery has been studied. The results indicate that sewage with its microbial flora seems to have a significant role in the biodegradation of hydrocarbons in refinery wastewater. In addition, the early degradation in the wastewater seeded by sewage reveals that faecal streptococci, in addition to other microbial flora, have a significant role in the biodegradation of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

We present estimates for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) sewage inputs to 19 Indonesian rivers for 1970–2050. Future trends are based on the four scenarios of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Our results indicate a rapid increase in N and P pollution from sewage over time. In 1970, N and P inputs to rivers were low because not many households were connected to sewage systems discharging to rivers. Sewage connection is increasing over time. As a result, N and P inputs to rivers increase. We calculate that between 2000 and 2050 the N and P inputs increase with a factor of 17–40, depending on the scenario. Important determinants of future N and P sewage inputs are population, economic growth, urbanization, sewage systems development and wastewater treatment. Our calculations are based on an improved model for N and P inputs to rivers, indicating that previous estimates underestimated these inputs considerably.  相似文献   

Irrigated agriculture is a main user of groundwater. Achieving a sustainable use of groundwater will often require agricultural land-use changes such as shifting to entirely different kinds of crops and/or technologies. Enhanced understanding of land-use change is hence required for developing policies for a sustainable water future. We use an agent-based model to investigate the history of irrigated agriculture in the Upper Guadiana Basin, Spain, in order to learn about the influence of farmers’ characteristics on land-use change and associated groundwater over-use. A shift from vineyards and cereals to horticultural crops would provide a possibility for higher income with less water use. Such a shift cannot be observed historically. The model results suggest that risk aversion and path dependency are insufficient to explain this observation, and the organisational set-up of farms limiting the maximum labour force needs to be considered as additional explanatory factor. Furthermore, it is shown that different types of farms existing in the UGB can be expected to exhibit distinct responses to drivers of land-use change such as agricultural policies. It is concluded that a sound understanding of the social system making use of a resource is required to solve problems of resource over-use. This article demonstrates that agent-based models can be useful tools to enhance such an understanding even in situations of scarce and uncertain data that are often encountered when dealing with resource-use problems.  相似文献   

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