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The challenges faced by coastal protected areas in both promoting highly attractive sites and preserving the natural attributes of these sites have been given a new dimension with the opportunities presented by ecotourism. Realising the market potential of a protected area and, at the same time, conserving the unique features of an area is a difficult task. This paper explores the possibilities that backpacker tourism may offer the Quarantine Station in Sydney Harbour National Park, in Australia. The Quarantine Station is a significant cultural heritage site that is located in a sensitive coastal national park within Sydney's metropolitan area.  相似文献   

The need for ICZM arises often due to inadequate or inappropriate landuse planning practices and policies, especially in urban coastal zones which are more complex due to the larger number of components, their critical dimensions, attributes and interactions. A survey of literature shows that there is no holistic metric for assessing the impacts of landuse planning on the health of a coastal zone. Thus there is a need to define such a metric. The proposed metric, CHI (Coastal zone Health Indicator), developed on the basis of coastal system sustainability, attempts to gauge the health status of any coastal zone. It is formulated and modeled through an expert survey and pertains to the characteristic components of coastal zones, their critical dimensions, and relevant attributes. The proposed metric is applied to two urban coastal zones and validated. It can be used for more coast friendly and sustainable landuse planning/masterplan preparation and thereby for the better management of landuse impacts on coastal zones.  相似文献   

Regulatory agencies are interested in a fecal indicator bacterium with a host range limited to humans because human fecal contamination represents the greatest hazard to humans, yet is a relatively easy nonpoint source to remedy. Watersheds with human fecal contamination could be given first priority for cleanup. A fecal indicator bacterium with a host range limited to humans and a few other warm-blooded animal species would also simplify microbial source tracking because only a few animal species would be required for any host origin database. The literature suggests that the fecal indicator bacterium Enterococcus faecalis has a limited host range. On this basis, we selected this bacterium for study. Of 583 fecal streptococcal isolates obtained on Enterococcosel agar from Canada goose, cattle, deer, dog, human, chicken, and swine, 392 were considered presumptive enterococci and were subsequently speciated with the API 20 Strep system. Of these isolates, 22 were Ent. durans (5.6%), 61 were Ent. faecalis (15.6%), 98 were Ent. faecium (25.0%), 86 were Ent. gallinarum (21.9%), and 125 were unidentified (31.9%). The host range of the Ent. faecalis isolates was limited to dogs, humans, and chickens. Media were developed to isolate and identify Ent. faecalis quickly from fecal samples and this scheme eliminated Ent. faecalis isolates from dogs. When the remaining Ent. faecalis isolates were ribotyped, it was possible to differentiate clearly among the isolates from human and chicken. It may be that combining the potentially limited host range of Ent. faecalis with ribotyping is useful for prioritizing watersheds with fecal contamination.  相似文献   

Measurements were conducted during 2004-2005 and 2009-2010 to characterize atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition to the Jiulong River Estuary - Xiamen Bay area in southeast China. Isotopic analysis and long-term data (1990-2009) for inorganic N extracted from the national acid deposition dataset were used to determine the dominant source of atmospheric nitrate and N component dynamics. The results showed that the mean dissolved total N concentration in rain water for the three coastal area sites was 2.71 ± 1.58 mg N L(-1) (n = 141) in 2004. The mean dissolved inorganic N at the Xiamen site was 1.62 ± 1.19 mg N L(-1) (n = 46) in 2004-2005 and 1.56 ± 1.39 mg N L(-1) (n = 36) in 2009-2010, although the difference is not significant, nitrate turnover dominates the N component in the latter period. Total deposition flux over Xiamen was 30 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1), of which dry and wet deposition contributed 16% and 84%, respectively. Nitrate in wet deposition with low isotopic value (between -3.05 and -7.48‰) was likely to have mostly originated from combustion NO(x) from vehicle exhausts. The inorganic N in acid deposition exhibited a significant increase (mainly for nitrate) since the mid-1990s, which is consistent with the increased gaseous concentrations of NO(x) and expanding number of automobiles in the coastal city (Xiamen). The time series of nitrate anions and ammonium cations as well as pH values during the period 1990-2009 reflected an increasing trend of N emission with potential implication for N-induced acidification.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, solid waste management systems in Europe have involved complex and multi-faceted trade-offs among a plethora of technological alternatives, economic instruments, and regulatory frameworks. These changes resulted in various environmental, economic, social, and regulatory impacts in waste management practices which not only complicate regional policy analysis, but also reshape the paradigm of global sustainable development. Systems analysis, a discipline that harmonizes these integrated solid waste management strategies, has been uniquely providing interdisciplinary support for decision making in this area. Systems engineering models and system assessment tools, both of which enrich the analytical framework of waste management, were designed specifically to handle particular types of problems. Though how to smooth out the barriers toward achieving appropriate systems synthesis and integration of these models and tools to aid in the solid waste management schemes prevalent in European countries still remains somewhat uncertain. This paper conducts a thorough literature review of models and tools illuminating possible overlapped boundaries in waste management practices in European countries and encompassing the pros and cons of waste management practices in each member state of the European Union. Whereas the Southern European Union (EU) countries need to develop further measures to implement more integrated solid waste management and reach EU directives, the Central EU countries need models and tools with which to rationalize their technological choices and management strategies. Nevertheless, considering systems analysis models and tools in a synergistic way would certainly provide opportunities to develop better solid waste management strategies leading to conformity with current standards and foster future perspectives for both the waste management industry and government agencies in European Union.  相似文献   

Solid waste management in urban areas in Tanzania is examined from a governance point of view. Capitalising on the case of the Dar es Salaam City Council, governance is seen in terms of central–local government relationship and the relationship between local government and international, national, and community institutions and stakeholders. Major impediments to waste management in urban Tanzania include corruption, poor relations between the politicians and the general population, politics of privatisation, and political apathy. Lack of resources is seen as the least important of all the impediments. An evaluation of the governance of waste management with respect to public participation, privatisation, citizen-rights, accountability and transparency and financial efficiency is discussed. Management of solid wastes in Dar es Salaam and other urban centres in Tanzania should shift from command-and-control approaches to systems of partnerships between the public authorities and the various stakeholders on the urban scene. A community-based solid waste management approach is suggested for wider adoption. The strategic approach to this non-conventional method should be carried out through four steps: elaboration, trial, evaluation and extension to other neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

Waste legislation in the United Kingdom (UK) implements European Union (EU) Directives and Regulations. However, the term used to refer to hazardous waste generated in household or municipal situations, household hazardous waste (HHW), does not occur in UK, or EU, legislation. The EU's Hazardous Waste Directive and European Waste Catalogue are the principal legislation influencing HHW, although the waste categories described are difficult to interpret. Other legislation also have impacts on HHW definition and disposal, some of which will alter current HHW disposal practices, leading to a variety of potential consequences. This paper discusses the issues affecting the management of HHW in the UK, including the apparent absence of a HHW-specific regulatory structure. Policy and regulatory measures that influence HHW management before disposal and after disposal are considered, with particular emphasis placed on disposal to landfill.  相似文献   

In order to exploit economies of scale Belgian municipalities regularly cooperate in the provision of waste related services. In particular for the collection and separation of household packaging waste, municipalities appear to seek technical and cost efficiency gains by cooperating via municipal waste joint ventures. Although most Belgian municipal waste joint ventures can present excellent recycling and recovery rates for household packaging waste, their performance in terms of cost-efficiency has never been assessed. Using a unique dataset comprising of the costs for all 35 Belgian municipal waste joint ventures in 2010, this paper present the first assessment of the cost efficiency of household packaging waste collection in Belgium. As we are not sure on the relative importance of the separate cost efficiency scores for the three selectively collected household packaging waste fractions when determining the overall cost efficiency, this paper draws on the Benefit-of-the-Doubt approach. Our results indicate that, despite the substantial cooperation between municipalities, still considerable differences in cost efficiency for household packaging waste collection exist.  相似文献   

The growing popularity of privatized solid waste management service in least developed countries warrants an exploration of factors that are likely to impact on its sustainability. This study takes integrated solid waste management approach by analyzing relevant issues on both market sides. We use a three step theme development sequence to analyze the data obtained on service providers through library research, observations and interviews. This was followed by an opinion survey on the demand side to elicit households’ support for service improvement. Findings show that source-separation issues, government enforcement, market segmentation, financial issues and waste disposal issues are key factors influencing improved service provision. Meanwhile, on the demand side, we found that households are willing to support proposed regulatory improvement in service provision. Thus, we suggest industrial stakeholders to consider the aforementioned supply side issues in designing future service improvements that will take advantage of existing demand side feasibility.  相似文献   

A decision support system (DSS) developed to assist the planner in decisions concerning the overall management of solid waste at a municipal scale is described. The DSS allows to plan the optimal number of landfills and treatment plants, and to determine the optimal quantities and the characteristics of the refuse that has to be sent to treatment plants, to landfills and to recycling. The application of the DSS is based on the solution of a constrained non-linear optimization problem. Various classes of constraints have been introduced in the problem formulation, taking into account the regulations about the minimum requirements for recycling, incineration process requirements, sanitary landfill conservation, and mass balance. The cost function to be minimized includes recycling, transportation and maintenance costs. The DSS has been tested on the municipality of Genova, Italy, and the results obtained are presented.  相似文献   

The sustainability concept applied to human activities implies the need to harmonise the protection of environment with a satisfactory economic and social development. This is particularly true for tourism development: a misuse of the natural resources can cause a degradation of the tourist appeal of the destination, bringing it finally to its economic decline. This problem is particularly important in coastal tourism destinations. The implementation of an environmental management system is a powerful way for progressing towards better environmental performances. In this paper, the main results obtained in applying the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme procedure to the municipality of Cervia, a well-known tourist destination located on the Adriatic coast of Italy are described. This research puts into evidence that the main environmental pressures in the summer season are related to the supply of potable water, the production of solid wastes and wastewater air pollution and noise, etc. However, if correctly planned and managed, tourism can also contribute to environmental protection, to the conservation of biodiversity and to a sustainable use of natural resources.  相似文献   

This study used manual full cross-sectional flow discrete sampling and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) methods to gravimetrically characterize noncolloidal hetero-disperse particulate matter (PM). This PM was examined as suspended, settleable, and sediment fractions to assess the distinct transport behavior of each PM fraction throughout each runoff event. Eight runoff events loading an urban paved source area watershed were examined to characterize transport of PM (as SSC) and fractions thereof. An event-based PM mass balance demonstrated recoveries exceeding 90%. With respect to PM transport, two phases were differentiated using a first flush index (m = DeltaM/DeltaV) developed in this study. The m >/= 1 and m < 1 transport phases of the coarser settleable/sediment PM accounted for a higher mass fraction of PM transported during higher flow rates, whereas delivery of the finer suspended fraction became more significant at lower flows. A positive relationship between PM concentration and particle size distribution was found for all events. Event mean concentrations (EMCs) of PM (as SSC) were compared with literature EMCs, sampling methods, and PM analysis method (as total suspended solids [TSS]). Particulate matter study results (as SSC) were higher than many published EMCs (as TSS) (p < 0.05). Differences are attributed to full cross-sectional flow sampling and the use of the the SSC method in contrast to automated sampling combined with TSS methods. Representative characterization of hetero-disperse source area PM is important for water chemistry monitoring, regulatory decisions, best management practice performance and maintenance, and PM inventories in urban systems.  相似文献   

Balci  Esin  Balci  Sezin  Sofuoglu  Aysun 《The Environmentalist》2022,42(3):372-387
Environment Systems and Decisions - In the study, a multi-purpose reverse logistics network has been designed to create effectual management of medical waste (MW) generated in 39 districts of...  相似文献   


Climate change is expected to contribute to global inequality, and exacerbate ecological risk for the world's poor. Despite recent trends within waste management academic discourse, which has begun to engage with inequality, and its underlying socio-economic and socio-political causes, discussions of inequality have so far remained absent from our investigations on climate change's impacts on waste management systems and practices. The purpose of the discussion is to call for a centring of inequality within our waste and climate discourse. I identify two main pathways for scholarly investigation, specifically, developing alternative waste management solutions for contexts in which waste management systems fail, which do not just perpetuate existing inequalities, and addressing the growing inequality in waste management technology and practice between the Global North and the Global South.  相似文献   

This paper clarifies household income, living and working conditions of dumpsite waste pickers at Bantar Gebang final disposal site for municipal solid waste generated in Jakarta, and investigates the feasibility of integrating the informal sector into formal waste management in Indonesia. The first author did fieldwork for totally 16 months at the site and quantitative field surveys were conducted twice during the period. All respondents in the first round quantitative survey (n = 1390) were categorized as follows: waste pickers, family workers, wage labors, bosses, family of the bosses, housewives, pupils/students, preschoolers, the unemployed, and others. Based on the results of the second round quantitative survey (n = 69 households), their average household income was estimated to be approximately US 216 dollars per month (n = 59 households), which was virtually equivalent to the minimum wage in Jakarta in 2013. Living conditions of scavengers at the site were horrible, and their working conditions were dangerous due to medical waste and other sharp waste. Polluted groundwater was one of the serious environmental problems at the site. Despite the social, health and environmental problems, they were attracted to the freedom of entering the informal recycling system in Bantar Gebang and withdrawing from the system, in which a lot of opportunities were provided for the people having few marketable skills to obtain cash earnings. The freedom of their choice should be guaranteed as a prerequisite before integrating the informal sector into formal waste management. Furthermore, special attentions are required when incomes of scavengers are the same level as minimum wages and the national economy is rapidly growing, because scavengers cannot easily change their jobs due to few marketable skills. Indonesian national waste laws and regulations should be properly applied to facilitate a socialization process at final disposal sites. Measures need to be taken to prevent children from working as informal recycling actors, especially for waste pickers aged 15 or younger.  相似文献   

Local governments in Australia, especially in large urban areas, have faced a challenge of the growing quantity of waste generated and the diminishing space for waste disposal in recent years. The central government has demonstrated the importance of developing strategies to make full environmental costs and impacts of waste disposal and material recovery accountable for waste management decision-making. However, research into this field is limited. This paper investigates environmental accounting practices in local government waste management. From a survey conducted with local government authorities in New South Wales (NSW) Australia, it is found that overall the level of direct waste flow and activity accounting is higher than the level of hidden and external environmental cost accounting, though local governments tend to identify and use more physical information associated with waste flows and activities than relevant monetary information. External environmental impacts of waste disposal are often overlooked and show the lowest level of practices. The survey results also indicate that urban local governments have taken more environmental information into account than rural local governments, but such difference is not significant between local governments of different sizes. The complexity of waste technical services and operations is confirmed to have a positive and significant effect on the level of environmental accounting for waste management across local governments surveyed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the opportunities for and the benefits of considering gender in municipal waste management (MWM) policy. Two case studies in Ireland and the UK are presented. These show that the structural mechanisms for achieving a more consistent and coherent approach to ensuring that MWM policy is sensitive to gender differences and inequalities are still weak. They also show that political structures and champions for gender equality and equal opportunities make a difference to the way in which women are involved and considered in MWM policy making. The research is set within the broader context of environmental justice which, to date, has been more concerned with race, ethnicity and wealth inequalities than with gender inequalities.  相似文献   

In this paper, the implementation of effective waste management practices in construction projects and sites is analyzed, using data from a survey answered by 74 Spanish construction companies based in Catalonia. Most commonly implemented practices were found to be on-site cleanliness and order, correct storage of raw materials, and prioritization of the nearest authorized waste managers. The least widespread practices were the use of a mobile crusher on site, the creation of individualized drawings for each construction site, and the dissemination of the contents of the waste management plan to all workers, to help them to meet its requirements. Waste regulations for construction and demolition, and the corresponding construction waste management facilities, were designed before the recession in the Spanish construction sector. Current waste generation rates are still below predicted levels, and the infrastructure was designed for five times more waste generation. Even so, the percentage of reused and recycled waste currently amounts to 43%. Survey respondents highlighted various instruments and measures that would make the management of construction and demolition waste more sustainable. Most of the opportunities identified by construction firms are within the scope of government and related to a combined system of bonus and penalties and the establishment of environmental awareness and training programmes for all the stakeholders. Within the scope of authorized waste managers, firms suggested improvements such as the standardization of fees, a reduction of the time until the issue of waste management certificates, a higher number of inspections, and a change in the current model of a few large construction waste management facilities. This research is useful to better understand the current status of construction and demolition waste management in construction projects and sites. Thus, the results of this research will guide policy makers and relevant stakeholders such as contractors, clients, architects and engineers to achieve the EU target of recovering 70% of construction and demolition waste in 2020. In this sense, reliable information can help governments and professional associations to set future C&D waste management regulations, training programmes and dissemination tools, inspections, etc.  相似文献   

A tsunami, triggered by a massive undersea earthquake off Sumatra in Indonesia, greatly devastated the lives, property and infrastructure of coastal communities in the coastal states of India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand. This event attracted the attention of environmental managers at all levels, local, national, regional and global. It also shifted the focus from the impact of human activities on the environment to the impacts of natural hazards. Recovery/reconstruction of these areas is highly challenging. A clear understanding of the complex dynamics of the coast and the types of challenges faced by the several stakeholders of the coast is required. Issues such as sustainability, equity and community participation assume importance. The concept of ICZM (integrated coastal zone management) has been effectively used in most parts of the world. This concept emphasizes the holistic assessment of the coast and a multidisciplinary analysis using participatory processes. It integrates anthropocentric and eco-centric approaches. This paper documents several issues involved in the recovery of tsunami-affected areas and recommends the application of the ICZM concept to the reconstruction efforts.  相似文献   

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