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With increasing expenditures on improving environmental management, there comes a need to determine a return on this investment by measuring performance. One such means of measurement, GEMI's environmental self-assessment procedure (ESAP), is based on a goal of meeting leadership standards and is the focus of this case study. Designed to be a self-assessment tool, the ESAP reflects a company's perceived rating of environmental performance. This perception can be different from actual performance, depending on the objectivity exercised and the level of compliance assurance information available.  相似文献   

The purpose of indices is to summarize a large volume of information into a single number that is easy to understand and interpret. Environmental indices provide a composite picture of an environmental condition derived from a series of observed measurements and parameters. They are used as communication tools by regulatory agencies to characterize the state of a specific environmental system (air, water, and sediments) and to study the impact of regulatory policies on various environmental management practices. In the development of environmental indices, a few issues and problems have been encountered arising as a result of the abstraction of information and data. These problems are referred to as characteristic properties that include ambiguity, eclipsing, compensation and rigidity. These characteristic properties have long been identified and interpreted in Boolean (e.g., Yes/No) or qualitative (e.g., low, medium, high) terms. In this paper, we propose a new approach to describe the above stated characteristic properties on a continuous scale to evaluate and compare the behavior of various aggregation models. Our approach is based on developing penalty functions for each characteristic property. A water quality index example by Swamee and Tyagi (2000) is used to explain our approach. A detailed case study for a developing microbial risk index is also provided to show how the proposed approach can be extended to complex hierarchical systems. Results show that it is possible to improve aggregation models for index development. Future research directions to improve index development are also discussed.  相似文献   

The use of magnetic particles in environmental remediation and wildlife rehabilitation is currently under investigation at Victoria University, in collaboration with the Phillip Island Research Centre, Victoria, Australia. Iron powder has been shown to be very effective for the magnetic cleansing of feathers and plumage and is almost ideal for this purpose, being non-toxic, a non-irritant and recyclable. Detailed investigations have demonstrated that by varying particle size, particle structure and surface texture, the efficacy of oil removal from feathers and plumage can be successfully manipulated. In this regard, it is possible to identify a grade of iron powder whereby, within experimental error, effectively 100% removal of a variety of fresh contaminants from different matrices, including feathers, can be achieved. Our investigations have been extended to the application of such particles to the successful removal of tarry and weathered/tarry contamination. The results of these investigations have indicated that, for such contaminants, removals ranging from 97–99% may be achieved. Magnetic particle technology may also be adapted for the screening of pre-conditioning agents that can further assist in the removal of tarry and weathered/tarry contamination from feathers. These investigations suggest that magnetic particles could have an important role to play in environmental remediation and wildlife rehabilitation as a clean and effective technology.  相似文献   

The historical and cultural situation in which environmental psychology has developed in Italy is described. Although this field raises great interest in scientific circles, it has not reached the same stage of development as in other countries. The causes of this include the following: the distrust of idealistic philosophy, the complexity of theoretical approaches and the scepticism from the long-established tradition of Italian culture, the growing bureaucracy of the Italian university system, the network of economic and political interests behind the environmental issue.Some theoretical implications attributed to this disciplinary choice are then outlined: the character of applied science, the references to the field, the lack of compatibility with behaviourist and materialistic schools, the risks of public participation, and the inclination towards idealism and reformism.Finally, a short survey is made of the most intensively studied areas of research: the image of the city, the subjective quality of the environment, hazard perception, the development of environmental cognition in the child, the images of unknown lands in historical documents, and the psycho-social and anthropological implications of environmental perception.  相似文献   

Too often in the past, public relations professionals were consulted only when there was a problem—or a crisis—that needed explaining. The author provides a model for a process-oriented approach to environmental communication that focuses on building and sustaining positive public relationships over time. The key is dialogue with critical publics as well as links with other important actors in the environmental drama that can help position you as part of the solution, not the problem.  相似文献   

The clearance of indigenous riparian vegetation and removal of large woody debris (LWD) from streams combined with the planting of exotic plant species has resulted in widespread detrimental impacts on the fluvial geomorphology and aquatic ecology of Australian rivers. Vegetation exerts a significant influence on fluvial geomorphology by affecting resistance to flow, bank strength, sediment storage, bed stability and stream morphology and is important for aquatic ecosystem function. As the values of indigenous riparian vegetation are becoming better recognised by Australian river managers, large amounts of money and resources are being invested in the planting of indigenous riparian vegetation as part of river rehabilitation programs. This paper summarises the results of an investigation into the survival, growth and regeneration rates of a series of trial native riparian vegetation plantings on in-channel benches in the Hunter Valley of southeastern Australia. The trials were poorly designed for statistical analysis and the paper highlights a number of shortcomings in the methods used. As a result, a new approach to riparian vegetation rehabilitation is outlined that promotes the use of scientific principles and understanding. Appropriate species should be selected using a combination of remnant vegetation surveys, historical records, palynology and field trials. A number of important factors should be considered in the rehabilitation of riparian vegetation to achieve worthwhile results. These include flood disturbance, vegetation zonation, vegetation succession, substrate composition, corridor planting width, planting techniques, native plant regeneration, LWD recruitment and adaptive ecosystem management. This approach, if adopted, revised and improved by river managers, should result in greater success than has been achieved by previous riparian vegetation rehabilitation efforts in Australia.  相似文献   

The extraction of construction material in Addis Ababa has been a source of public conflict for many years, especially in terms of quarry operation, displacement of people, rehabilitation of quarry sites, and land after‐use. One of the main reasons for the conflict has been the extraction sector's inability to adjust to the existing laws. This paper reports the findings of a study undertaken to assess the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of quarry mining in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and it prescribes interventions that can assist in mitigating the negative impacts of mining. Marked operational, environmental, and socioeconomic impacts have occurred as a result of cobblestone quarrying in Addis Ababa. Improvements in the mitigation of these impacts can be achieved if quarrying operations are planned prior to commencement; resource‐efficient and sustainable mining techniques are employed; stakeholder participation is enhanced; the government provides institutional, organizational, and technical support to the operators; regulations are improved and regulatory implementations receive strict follow‐up; and the provision of the Ethiopian constitution's regarding “rights to development” is respected.  相似文献   

Dutch regulations for ammonia emission require farmers to inject slurry into the soil (shallow) or to apply it in narrow bands at the surface. For one commercial dairy farm in the Netherlands it was hypothesized that its alternative farming strategy, including low-protein feeding and surface spreading, could be an equally effective tool for ammonia emission abatement. The overall objective of the research was to investigate how management at this farm is related to nitrogen (N) losses to the environment, including groundwater and surface water. Gaseous emission of ammonia and greenhouse gasses from the naturally ventilated stables were 8.1 and 3.1 kg yr(-1) AU(-1) on average using the internal tracer (SF(6))-ratio method. Measurements on volatilization of ammonia from slurry application to the field using an integrated horizontal flux method and the micrometeorological mass balance method yielded relatively low values of ammonia emissions per ha (3.5-10.9 kg NH(3)-N ha(-1)). The mean nitrate concentration in the upper ground water was 6.7 mg L(-1) for 2004 and 3.0 mg L(-1) for 2005, and the half-year summer means of N in surface water were 2.3 mg N L(-1) and 3.4 mg N L(-1) for 2004 and 2005, respectively. Using a nutrient budget model for this farm, partly based on these findings, it was found that the calculated ammonia loss per ton milk (range 5.3-7.5 kg N Mg(-1)) is comparable with the estimated ammonia loss of a conventional farm that applies animal slurry using prescribed technologies.  相似文献   

Existing federal and state environmental regulatory structures divide the world into three mutually exclusive “media”: air, water, and land. Many experts believe that both pollution prevention and technological innovation would benefit from an integrated, multimedia permitting process. This article profiles groundbreaking programs in the two states that have taken the lead in multimedia permitting—New Jersey and Massachusetts.  相似文献   

Using ecological criteria to evaluate wilderness planning options in Idaho   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Legally designated wilderness areas are acknowledged to be an important element in strategies to conserve biological diversity in United States. However, because of the restrictions on consumptive uses in wilderness, their establishment is normally contentious. Criteria for establishment have typically been associated with opportunity and aesthetic and experiential values. Biological data have not normally played a major role in guiding wilderness establishment. We present four wilderness allocation options for those public lands considered suitable for wilderness designation in Idaho. These options cover the span of choices presently available to wilderness planners in the state and range from not establishing any new wilderness areas to the inclusion of all suitable lands in wilderness. All options are evaluated using spatial biological data from the National Biological Survey's Gap Analysis Project. A conservation strategy that would protect a minimum of 10% of the area occupied by each of 113 native vegetation types and at a minimum 10% of the distribution of each of 368 vertebrate species was evaluated for each option. Only the inclusion of all suitable lands in wilderness, creating a system of 5.1 million ha came close to achieving these goals, protecting 65% of the vegetation types and 56% of the vertebrate species. We feel this approach, which allows planners to evaluate the ecological merits of proposed widerness units along with other values, can provide a means to resolve the impasse over additional wilderness designation in Idaho.  相似文献   

The concern of this paper is a review of the urban environmental degradation and the current approach by the military (environmental task force) in solving the problem. It is based on the experience of a few states in Nigeria. The paper proposes a comprehensive urban planning approach which should be integrated with an awareness campaign.  相似文献   

The field of environmental risk management is relatively new and has developed rapidly over the past several years. There has been, however, a significant lack of integration of seemingly dissimilar disciplines into a meaningful context for top management risk decisions—until now. A new holistic approach, centered on the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems, addresses many of the issues that have kept environmental risk management focused on technical rather than strategic issues. This article describes the risk management process, illustrates how the ISO 14001 standard can be used by organizations to integrate and assess technical environmental information, and shows how to place this information in a strategic risk management context. It also explains how key ISO 14001 concepts such as policy implementation, operational control, and continuous improvement form the basis of a systems approach, and why the systems approach is the preferred, cost-effective structure for controlling environmental risk.  相似文献   

Environmental attitudes (EA), a crucial construct in environmental psychology, are a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating the natural environment with some degree of favour or disfavour. There are hundreds of EA measures available based on different conceptual and theoretical frameworks, and most researchers prefer to generate new measures rather than organize those already available. The present research provides a cumulative and theoretical approach to the measurement of EA, in which the multidimensional and hierarchical nature of EA is considered. Reported are findings from three studies on the development of a psychometrically sound, multidimensional inventory to assess EA cross-culturally, the Environmental Attitudes Inventory (EAI). The EAI has twelve specific scales that capture the main facets measured by previous research. The twelve factors were established through confirmatory factor analyses, and the EAI scales are shown to be unidimensional scales with high internal consistency, homogeneity and high test-retest reliability, and also to be largely free from social desirability.  相似文献   

The widespread recognition of lake degradation as a major environmental concern has led to accelerated efforts to better protect and manage lake resources. Where it is too late for avoidance strategies, lake rehabilitation is receiving increasing attention as a natural resources management option. In recent years, a significant number of lake rehabilitation experiences has been documented throughout the world, and many nations and states have embarked upon major lake rehabilitation programsLake rehabilitation is not a ready-to-go technology at this time and still must be regarded as partly experimental. Nevertheless, there have been a number of notably successful lake rehabilitation experiences. Reducing or halting the influx of undesirable materials is the sine qua non for lake rehabilitation. In most successful experiences to date, this has been accomplished by diversion and/or wastewater treatment. A number of in-lake strategies have also been employed to rehabilitate degraded lakes, often as part of an overall restoration plan. Techniques that appear to be most useful include dredging and nutrient inactivation. Several examples of successful applications are noted.Although efforts to rehabilitate lakes have produced a mixed record, there are encouraging results that suggest the viability of this approach. Lake rehabilitation, however, is no substitute for environmental management strategies that provide for protection of lake ecosystems in the first place.  相似文献   

A synthesis of current empirical work in environmental aesthetics is overdue. Based on the twin criteria of methodological rigour and social relevance, four major approaches to environmental aesthetics are defined and described. A contemplative humanist approach is matched by goal-oriented activism. The planner, doomed to relevance, confronts the rigorously scientific experimentalist. Advances in environmental aesthetic research and practice will depend upon the fruitful collaboration of the four approaches.  相似文献   

Acidic mine drainage (AMD) can be neutralized effectively in underground, anoxic limestone drains (ALDs). Owing to reaction between the AMD and limestone (CaCO3), the pH and concentrations of alkalinity and calcium increase asymptotically with detention time in the ALD, while concentrations of sulfate, ferrous iron, and manganese typically are unaffected. This paper introduces a method to predict the alkalinity produced within an ALD and to estimate the mass of limestone required for its construction on the basis of data from short-term, closed-container (cubitainer) tests. The cubitainer tests, which used an initial mass of 4 kg crushed limestone completely inundated with 2.8 L AMD, were conducted for 11 to 16 d and provided estimates for the initial and maximum alkalinities and corresponding rates of alkalinity production and limestone dissolution. Long-term (5-11 yr) data for alkalinity and CaCO3 flux at the Howe Bridge, Morrison, and Buck Mountain ALDs in Pennsylvania, USA, indicate that rates of alkalinity production and limestone dissolution under field conditions were comparable with those in cubitainers filled with limestone and AMD from each site. The alkalinity of effluent and intermediate samples along the flow path through the ALDs and long-term trends in the residual mass of limestone and the effluent alkalinity were estimated as a function of the computed detention time within the ALD and second-order dissolution rate models for cubitainer tests. Thus, cubitainer tests can be a useful tool for designing ALDs and predicting their performance.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in including measures of external reality in models of person-environment transactions. That step is necessary to avoid circularity in reasoning and to change environments in desired ways. This study tests the utility of technical assessments of environmental quality, derived independently of the judgements of respondents or observers. Nine components based on objective facts about the residential environment, nine components based on person charactertistics, plus age and sex were used to predict 13 criteria which reflect the residents' perceptions of various aspects of their environment and of its impact on their well-being. The technical environmental assessment indices made statistically significant independent contributions which cross-validated with all of the 13 criteria. The person components plus age and sex also made independent contributions which cross-validated with 12 of the 13 criteria. The results support the idea that technical environmental assessments can play a constructive role in clarifying person-environment transactions, and that they are complementary to rather than redundant with personal characteristics of respondents in affecting environmental perceptions.  相似文献   

A more positive environmental outlook   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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