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The aim of this work was to test a process-based model (hydrological model combined with forest growth model) on the simulation of seasonal variability of evapotranspiration (ET) in an even-aged boreal Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand over a 10 year period (1999-2008). The water flux components (including canopy transpiration (Et) and evaporation from canopy (Ec) and ground surface (Eg) were estimated in order to output the long-term stand water budget considering the interaction between climate variations and stand development. For validation, half-hourly data on eddy water vapor fluxes were measured during the 10 growing seasons (May-September). The model predicted well the seasonal course of ET compared to the measured values, but slightly underestimated the water fluxes both in non-drought and drought (2000, 2003 and 2006) years. The prediction accuracy was, on average, higher in drought years. The simulated ET over the 10 years explained, on average, 58% of the daily variations and 84% of the monthly amount of ET. Water amount from Et contributed most to the ET, with the fractions of Et, Ec and Eg being, on average, 67, 11 and 23% over the 10-year period, respectively. Regardless of weather conditions, the daily ET was strongly dependent on air temperature (Ta) and vapor pressure deficit (Da), but less dependent on soil moisture (Ws). On cloudy and rainy days, there was a non-linear relationship between the ET and solar radiation (Ro). During drought years, the model predicted lower daily canopy stomatal conductance (gcs) compared with non-drought years, leading to a lower level of Et. The modeled daily gcs responded well to Da and Ws. In the model simulation, the annual LAI increased by 35% between 1999 and 2008. The ratio of Ec: ET correlated strongly with LAI. Furthermore, LAI reduced the proportion of Eg as a result of the increased share of Ec and Et and radiation interception. Although the increase of LAI affected positively Et, the contribution of Et in ET was not significantly correlated with LAI. To conclude, although the model predicted reasonably well the seasonal course of ET, the calculation time steps of different processes in the model should be homogenized in the future to increase the prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

A soil–plant–air continuum multilayer model was used to numerically simulate canopy net assimilation (An), evapotranspiration (ET), and soil moisture in a deciduous teak plantation in a dry tropical climate of northern Thailand to examine the influence of soil drought on An. The timings of leaf flush and the end of the canopy duration period (CDP) were also investigated from the perspective of the temporal positive carbon gain. Two numerical experiments with different seasonal patterns of leaf area index (LAI) were carried out using above-canopy hydrometeorological data as input data. The first experiment involved seasonally varying LAI estimated based on time-series of radiative transmittance through the canopy, and the second experiment applied an annually constant LAI. The first simulation captured the measured seasonal changes in soil surface moisture; the simulated transpiration agreed with seasonal changes in heat pulse velocity, corresponding to the water use of individual trees, and the simulated An became slightly negative. However, in the second simulation, An became negative in the dry season because the decline in stomatal conductance due to severe soil drought limited the assimilation, and the simultaneous increase in leaf temperature increased dark respiration. Thus, these experiments revealed that the leaflessness in the dry season is reasonable for carbon gain and emphasized the unfavorable soil water status for carbon gain in the dry season. Examining the duration of positive An (DPA) in the second simulation showed that the start of the longest DPA (LDPA) in a year approached the timing of leaf flush in the teak plantation after the spring equinox. On the other hand, the end appeared earlier than that of all CDPs. This result is consistent with the sap flow stopping earlier than the complete leaf fall, implying that the carbon assimilation period ends before the completion of defoliation. The model sensitivity analysis in the second simulation suggests that a smaller LAI and slower maximum rate of carboxylation likely extend the LDPA because soil water from the surface to rooting depth is maintained longer at levels adequate for carbon gain by decreased canopy transpiration. The experiments also suggest that lower soil hydraulic conductivity and deeper rooting depth can postpone the end of the LDPA by increasing soil water retention and the soil water capacity, respectively.  相似文献   

A model is presented to predict sanitary felling of Norway spruce (Picea abies) due to spruce bark beetles (Ips typographus, Pityogenes chalcographus) in Slovenia according to different climate change scenarios. The model incorporates 21 variables that are directly or indirectly related to the dependent variable, and that can be arranged into five groups: climate, forest, landscape, topography, and soil. The soil properties are represented by 8 variables, 4 variables define the topography, 4 describe the climate, 4 define the landscape, and one additional variable provides the quantity of Norway spruce present in the model cell. The model was developed using the M5′ model tree. The basic spatial unit of the model is 1 km2, and the time resolution is 1 year. The model evaluation was performed by three different measures: (1) the correlation coefficient (51.9%), (2) the Theil's inequality coefficient (0.49) and (3) the modelling efficiency (0.32). Validation of the model was carried out by 10-fold cross-validation. The model tree consists of 28 linear models, and model was calculated for three different climate change scenarios extending over a period until 2100, in 10-year intervals. The model is valid for the entire area of Slovenia; however, climate change projections were made only for the Maribor region (596 km2). The model assumes that relationships among the incorporated factors will remain unchanged under climate change, and the influence of humans was not taken into account. The structure of the model reveals the great importance of landscape variables, which proved to be positively correlated with the dependent variable. Variables that describe the water regime in the model cell were also highly correlated with the dependent variable, with evapotranspiration and parent material being of particular importance. The results of the model support the hypothesis that bark beetles do greater damage to Norway spruce artificially planted out of its native range in Slovenia, i.e., lowlands and soils rich in N, P, and K. The model calculation for climate change scenarios in the Maribor region shows an increase in sanitary felling of Norway spruce due to spruce bark beetles, for all scenarios. The model provides a path towards better understanding of the complex ecological interactions involved in bark beetle outbreaks. Potential application of the results in forest management and planning is discussed.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance (g) is a key parameter in controlling energy and water exchanges between canopy and the atmosphere. Stomatal conductance models proposed by Ball, Woodrow and Berry (BWB) and Leuning have been increasingly used in land surface schemes. In a recent study, a new diagnostic index was developed by Wang et al. to examine the response of g to humidity and new models were proposed to resolve problems identified in the BWB and Leuning models. This approach is theoretically sound, but relies on canopy latent heat and CO2 fluxes and environmental variables at the leaf surface which are not available at most eddy correlation (EC) observation sites. In this study, we tested the diagnostic index by empirically correcting EC measurements to canopy-level fluxes and by replacing leaf surface variables by their corresponding ambient air variables, and re-examined the stomatal conductance models of BWB, Leuning, and Wang et al. We found that the impact of the above modifications on the evaluation of g–humidity relationships is very small. This study provides a practical approach to investigate the stomatal response to humidity using routine EC measurements.  相似文献   

The impact of 2 × CO2 driven climate change on radial growth of boreal tree species Pinus banksiana Lamb., Populus tremuloides Michx. and Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP growing in the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest of Manitoba (DMPF), Canada, is simulated using empirical and process-based model approaches. First, empirical relationships between growth and climate are developed. Stepwise multiple-regression models are conducted between tree-ring growth increments (TRGI) and monthly drought, precipitation and temperature series. Predictive skills are tested using a calibration–verification scheme. The established relationships are then transferred to climates driven by 1× and 2 × CO2 scenarios using outputs from the Canadian second-generation coupled global climate model. Second, empirical results are contrasted with process-based projections of net primary productivity allocated to stem development (NPPs). At the finest scale, a leaf-level model of photosynthesis is used to simulate canopy properties per species and their interaction with the variability in radiation, temperature and vapour pressure deficit. Then, a top-down plot-level model of forest productivity is used to simulate landscape-level productivity by capturing the between-stand variability in forest cover. Results show that the predicted TRGI from the empirical models account for up to 56.3% of the variance in the observed TRGI over the period 1912–1999. Under a 2 × CO2 scenario, the predicted impact of climate change is a radial growth decline for all three species under study. However, projections obtained from the process-based model suggest that an increasing growing season length in a changing climate could counteract and potentially overwhelm the negative influence of increased drought stress. The divergence between TRGI and NPPs simulations likely resulted, among others, from assumptions about soil water holding capacity and from calibration of variables affecting gross primary productivity. An attempt was therefore made to bridge the gap between the two modelling approaches by using physiological variables as TRGI predictors. Results obtained in this manner are similar to those obtained using climate variables, and suggest that the positive effect of increasing growing season length would be counteracted by increasing summer temperatures. Notwithstanding uncertainties in these simulations (CO2 fertilization effect, feedback from disturbance regimes, phenology of species, and uncertainties in future CO2 emissions), a decrease in forest productivity with climate change should be considered as a plausible scenario in sustainable forest management planning of the DMPF.  相似文献   

Modeling compensated root water and nutrient uptake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant root water and nutrient uptake is one of the most important processes in subsurface unsaturated flow and transport modeling, as root uptake controls actual plant evapotranspiration, water recharge and nutrient leaching to the groundwater, and exerts a major influence on predictions of global climate models. In general, unsaturated models describe root uptake relatively simple. For example, root water uptake is mostly uncompensated and nutrient uptake is simulated assuming that all uptake is passive, through the water uptake pathway only. We present a new compensated root water and nutrient uptake model, implemented in HYDRUS. The so-called root adaptability factor represents a threshold value above which reduced root water or nutrient uptake in water- or nutrient-stressed parts of the root zone is fully compensated for by increased uptake in other soil regions that are less stressed. Using a critical value of the water stress index, water uptake compensation is proportional to the water stress response function. Total root nutrient uptake is determined from the total of active and passive nutrient uptake. The partitioning between passive and active uptake is controlled by the a priori defined concentration value cmax. Passive nutrient uptake is simulated by multiplying root water uptake with the dissolved nutrient concentration, for soil solution concentration values below cmax. Passive nutrient uptake is thus zero when cmax is equal to zero. As the active nutrient uptake is obtained from the difference between plant nutrient demand and passive nutrient uptake (using Michaelis–Menten kinetics), the presented model thus implies that reduced passive nutrient uptake is compensated for by active nutrient uptake. In addition, the proposed root uptake model includes compensation for active nutrient uptake, in a similar way as used for root water uptake. The proposed root water and nutrient uptake model is demonstrated by several hypothetical examples, for plants supplied by water due to capillary rise from groundwater and surface drip irrigation.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of climate change on boreal forests which hold about 7% of the global terrestrial biomass carbon is a major issue. An important mechanism in boreal tree species is acclimatization to seasonal variations in temperature (cold hardiness) to withstand low temperatures during winter. Temperature drops below the hardiness level may cause frost damage. Increased climate variability under global and regional warming might lead to more severe frost damage events, with consequences for tree individuals, populations and ecosystems. We assessed the potential future impacts of changing frost regimes on Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) in Sweden. A cold hardiness and frost damage model were incorporated within a dynamic ecosystem model, LPJ-GUESS. The frost tolerance of Norway spruce was calculated based on daily mean temperature fluctuations, corresponding to time and temperature dependent chemical reactions and cellular adjustments. The severity of frost damage was calculated as a growth-reducing factor when the minimum temperature was below the frost tolerance. The hardiness model was linked to the ecosystem model by reducing needle biomass and thereby growth according to the calculated severity of frost damage. A sensitivity analysis of the hardiness model revealed that the severity of frost events was significantly altered by variations in the hardening rate and dehardening rate during current climate conditions. The modelled occurrence and intensity of frost events was related to observed crown defoliation, indicating that 6-12% of the needle loss could be attributed to frost damage. When driving the combined ecosystem-hardiness model with future climate from a regional climate model (RCM), the results suggest a decreasing number and strength of extreme frost events particularly in northern Sweden and strongly increasing productivity for Norway spruce by the end of the 21st century as a result of longer growing seasons and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, according to the model, frost damage might decrease the potential productivity by as much as 25% early in the century.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope Increasing background concentrations of ground-level tropospheric ozone and more frequent and prolonged summer drought incidences due to climate change are supposed to increase the stress on Bavarian forests. For such scenarios growth reduction and yield losses are predicted. Sustainable forest management in Bavaria aims to significantly increase the proportion of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) because of its broad ecological amplitude. In our regional study different approaches for calculating ozone impact were used to estimate the risks for Bavarian forests in the average climatic, rather moist year 2002 and the extremely dry year 2003.Materials and methods Measurements were conducted for eleven forest ecosystem sites and two forest research sites representing typical Bavarian forest stands under different climatic conditions and situated in different altitudes. For risk assessment currently used approaches were applied either based on the calculation of the cumulative ozone exposure (external dose; MPOC maximal permitted ozone concentration; critical level AOT40phen? accumulated ozone exposure over a threshold of 40 nl [O3] l–1, for the effective phenolgy of beech) or based on the calculation of the phytomedically relevant ozone flux into the stomata (internal dose, critical level AFst>1,6, accumulated stomatal flux above a flux threshold of 1.6 nmol O3?m–2 PLA; PLA = projected leaf area). For calculations continuously recorded ozone concentrations and meteorological and phenological data from nearby rural open field background measuring stations from the national air pollution control and from forested sites were used. Additionally ozone induced leaf symptoms were assessed.Results The exposure-based indices AOT40phen and MPOC as well as the flux-based index AFst>1.6suggest that Bavarian forests are at risk from O3 during a rather moist average year concerning climate conditions (2002) as well as in an extreme dry year (2003). Thus, growth reductions of 5?% are predicted when thresholds are exceeded. Threshold exceedance occurred in both years at all plots, mostly already at the beginning of the growing season and often even many times over. Ozone induced leaf symptoms could be detected only on a few plots in a very slight occurrence.Discussion The results for the applied critical level indices differed depending on climatic conditions during the growing seasons: Regarding exposure-based indices, the highest degree of threshold exceedance occurred in the dry year of 2003 at all plots; the flux-based approach indicated the highest stomatal ozone uptake and thus an increased risk at moist sites or during humid years, whereas the risk was decreasing at dry sites with prolonged water limitation. Hence, soil and accordingly plant water availability was the decisive factor for the flux-modelled internal ozone uptake via stomata. Drought and increased ozone impact can generate synergistic, but also antagonistic effects for forest trees. At water limited rather dry forest sites restricted transpiration and thus production, but concurrently lower ozone uptake and reduced risk for damage can be expected.Conclusions, recommendations, and perspectives For realistic site-specific risk assessment in forest stands the determination of the internal ozone dose via modeling flux based internal stomatal ozone uptake is more appropriate than the calculation of the external ozone dose. The predicted 5?% growth reductions are in discrepancy with the frequently observed increment increase during the last decades in forest stands. Comprehensive and significant statistical verification for ozone induced forest growth reduction as well as the systematic validation of thresholds for ozone in the field is still lacking. However, a multiplicity of different specific new and retrospective growth analysis data should allow closing the gap. Moreover, the determination of canopy transpiration with sap flow measurements is a novel approach to provide cause-effect related, site specific results for the effective internal ozone dose as well as for canopy water supply and consecutively for regional risk estimation. A further future objective is the refinement of O3 flux modelling by further consideration of soil/water budget characteristics and the above mentioned improved estimations of crown and canopy transpiration. Further, the introduction of threshold ranges for forest trees in view of their specific regional climatic conditions and their validation in real forest stands is necessary for developing meaningful ozone risk predictions for forests.  相似文献   

The persistence and dissipation pattern of dazomet residues in nursery bed soil and tomato seedlings under field condition and in submerged soil and surface water under laboratory condition was studied. In nursery bed soil the half life (t 1/2) of dazomet ranged from 1.85 to 3.09 days indicating very rapid dissipation. No residues existed in tomato seedlings sown on the treated plots 3 weeks after application and the seedlings were healthy and devoid of any deformation. Under submerged condition dissipation was much faster both in soil and surface water, t1/2 being 0.82–0.84 days only in water.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,201(2):157-162
Soil respiration was measured with the enclosed chamber method during 2 years in fenced Leymus chinensis steppe, Inner Mongolia, China. Soil water content at 0–10 cm depth was a major limited factor of soil respiration in semi-arid grassland, accounting for 76.4% of the variation. The temperature-dependent exponential function could only explain 38.7% of the variation in soil respiration. With 246 data over the entire experimental period, multiple linear stepwise regressions of soil respiration rate were analyzed with the influencing factors, including soil water content at 0–10 cm depth, air temperature, air pressure, air humidity, total radiation and their interactions. With soil water content at 0–10 cm depth (W) and air temperature (Th) as combined factors, the twice linear regression (F = 1.68WTh  109.09) was simple and its coefficients were significant, accounting for 83.1% of the variation in soil respiration. Due to the lack of long-term and continuous soil water content, a water sub-model based on precipitation and evapotranspiration was introduced, which could provide better fits with the measured values (R2 = 0.813). The magnitudes of soil respiration calculated from the twice linear regression equation and water sub-model were 439.58 and 463.06 g CO2 m−2 in 2001 (19 June–23 September) and in 2002 (1 June–24 September), respectively. The mean hourly soil respiration rates were in the range of the previous studies in the adjacent region and the world's major temperate grasslands.  相似文献   

A crucial challenge for including biophysical photosynthesis–transpiration models into complex crop growth models is to integrate the plasticity of photosynthetic processes that is related to factors like nitrogen (N) content, age, and rank of leaves, or to the adaptation of plants to growth temperature (Tg). Here we present a new version of the combined photosynthesis-stomatal conductance model LEAFC3-N [Müller, J., Wernecke, P., Diepenbrock, W., 2005. LEAFC3-N: a nitrogen sensitive extension of the CO2 and H2O gas exchange model LEAFC3 parameterised and tested for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Ecological Modelling 183, 183–210.] that was revised, extended and completely re-parameterised for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) with special regard for these factors to facilitate the use of the model in ecophysiological studies and in crop modelling. The analysis is based on novel comprehensive data on photosynthetic CO2 and light response curves measured at two oxygen concentrations and different temperatures on leaves of barley (H. vulgare L.) differing in leaf N and chlorophyll content. Plants were grown in climatic chambers or in the field at different N and Tg.We thoroughly revised the existing and introduced new nitrogen relations for key model parameters that account for a linear increase with leaf N of Vmax, Jmax, Tp, and Rdmax (maximum rates of carboxylation, electron transport, triose phosphate export, and mitochondrial respiration), a saturation-type increase of φ (quantum yield of electron transport), and a non-linear decrease of θ and m (curvature of the light dependence of electron transport rate, scaling factor of the stomata model). The adaptation of photosynthetic characteristics to Tg was included into the model by linear relations that were observed between Tg and the activation energy ΔHa of the temperature response characteristics of Vmax, Jmax, and Tp as well as of the nitrogen dependency of these characteristics. Based on an analysis of diurnal time courses of gas exchange rates it was found necessary including not only the relation between leaf water potential (Ψ) and stomatal conductance as used originally in LEAFC3, but additional effects on Vmax and Jmax. With the above-listed extensions, the model was capable to reproduce the observed plasticity and the recorded diurnal time courses of gas exchange rates fairly well. Thus, we conclude that the new model version can be used under a broad range of conditions, both for ecophysiological studies and as a submodel of crop growth models. The results presented here for barley will facilitate adapting photosynthesis models like LEAFC3-N to other C3-species as well. The modelling of the effects of drought stress should be further elaborated in future based on more specific experiments.  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen addition on the growth of the salt marsh grassElymus athericus were studied under greenhouse conditions. The addition of inorganic nitrogen (in the form of nitrate or ammonium and ranging from 0–24 g N/m2) stimulated the growth ofElymus athericus at the highest addition. Addition of nitrogen led to an increase of the soil nitrate concentrations both in the nitrate and ammonium treated soil in the first period of the experiment, whereas no differences were present at the end of the experiment. Ammonium in the ammonium treatments was transformed to nitrate within 15 days. In another experiment the values of the stable isotope nitrogen-15—expressed as δ15N-in nitrogen compounds used as fertilizer, in salt marsh soil and ofElymus athericus were measured. The δ15N of the N-compounds added (between ?3.2 and +2.6‰) were lower than the soil (ca.+10‰) and plants (ca.+8‰). During growth in water culture the δ15N of the leaves, stems and roots ofElymus athericus decreased from +9‰ to ?1‰. The latter value was close to the °15N of the N-compounds used in the water solution. Addition of N-compounds in soil culture, however, did not lead to such a decrease of the °15N ofElymus athericus. The difference in δ15N between soil nitrogen and the N-compounds added may be too small to be used successfully in ecological studies of nitrogen fluxes in the salt marsh environment.  相似文献   

Distribution of energy at the soil surface in a row-crop influences mainly soil temperature and water content, and therefore root activity, nitrogen mineralization and within canopy air temperature, which all affect plant physiology. In the case of a vineyard, it is also closely related to the energy available to the berries and therefore most influential for fruit quality. The aim of this study was to develop a simplified model of available energy distribution at the soil surface and at the bottom of the rows, where most of the clusters are located. Such a model would be helpful for optimising some aspects of row-crop management like training system choice, row geometry, leaf area density, and soil surface maintenance practices.The model simulated radiation balance at the soil surface, split up into downward and upward short- and long-wave fluxes. Row shadows were calculated at any point of the inter-row space, in interaction with actual row geometry and simplified porosity distribution within row volume. All hemispheric radiations (long-wave and diffuse solar radiation) were calculated according to view factors between the row and soil surfaces. Input variables were therefore incoming solar radiation over the canopy, air temperatures near the row walls and soil surface temperatures. Parameters were row geometry, dimensions and porosities.The model was validated in a 7 years old Merlot vineyard in the Médoc area, by comparing model predictions to measured net radiation (Rns) at five positions above the inter-row soil surface. Along the row sampling was achieved by a moving device carrying the net-radiometers. Structure of the vegetation was kept constant during the experiment and gap fraction parameters were derived from pictures of shadows at the soil surface. Since Rns measurements are impracticable directly at the soil surface and horizontal distribution of Rns is heterogeneous, comparison was performed by calculating net radiation at the actual measurement height which was close to average cluster height.Model prediction agreed with field measurement in most conditions, which suggests that all short- and long-wave radiation fluxes, as well as interactions with the canopy structure, were well described. Rns, energy available to clusters, and soil surface temperature variations were all mainly driven by shading due to the rows. Coupling the model to soil heat transfer and convective fluxes to the atmosphere models will help forecasting soil temperature distribution at the surface and in depth as well as canopy microclimate. The model will also be an essential part of a more elaborate model of cluster microclimate, a key determinant of berry quality.  相似文献   

The air temperature (Tair), total precipitation (TP) and potential evapotranspiration (PET) are standard input data for soil carbon dynamic models, i.e., for calculating temperature and moisture effects on soil biological activity. The resolution needed depends on objectives, the complexity of models and inbuilt pedotransfer functions. The Introductory Carbon Balance Model (ICBM) soil climate front end model calculates a multiplicative soil-temperature (re_temp) and -moisture (re_wat) factor with a daily time-step to estimate soil biological activity, i.e., re_crop = re_temp × re_wat. Our objective was to determine how much re_temp, re_wat and re_crop are affected by low-pass filtering of the climatic input data for a cool, humid temperate region. To achieve this we conducted spectral analysis on Tair, TP, PET and re_crop in the frequency domain. Thereafter we applied Fourier low-pass filters of 5, 15, 30, 60 and 180 days on Tair, TP, PET and tracked their effects through the soil climate model's state variables and outputs. This was done using a sandy and a heavy clay soil and an 89-year daily time-series from a meteorological station in Quebec (Canada). The Fourier spectra showed that the variance for Tair, PET and re_crop was dominated by an annual cycle, as could be expected. There was no yearly cycle for TP. The variation in re_temp explained most of the variance in re_crop. The soil climate module outputs were not sensitive to low-pass filtering of PET. A daily time-step was needed to avoid overestimating re_crop for the sandy soil. Using a weekly time-step for TP and Tair allowed us to explain about 80% of the variance in re_crop for the heavy clay soil. This study also indicates that the standard leaf (and green) area index functions for calculating transpiration should receive more attention, since they have significant effects on the state and output variables.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,187(4):449-474
We applied a new version of the G’DAY ecosystem model to short-rotation plantations of Eucalyptus globulus growing under a Mediterranean climate in south-western Australia. The new version, that includes modified submodels for biomass production, water balance, litter and soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, and soil inorganic N balance, was parameterised and applied to three experimental eucalypt sites (Mumballup, Darkan and Northcliffe) of contrasting productivity. With a common base set of parameter values, the model was able to correctly reproduce observed time series of soil water content, canopy leaf area index and stemwood data at the three sites. The model's ability to simulate soil N supply under forest plantations was tested by simulating N mineralisation at each of the three sites over the duration of the experiment (10 years). Simulated annual net N mineralisation in the litter and top 20 cm soil layer ranged from 50 to 170 kg N ha−1 across the sites as a result of differences in rates of litter production, SOM and litter decomposition, and microbial N immobilisation and (re-)mineralisation. Simulations of annual soil N mineralisation were similar to measured rates over a 3-year period, except for an overestimation in 1 year at Mumballup and 2 years at Darkan. Model results indicated the importance of fine root production and turnover for N supply. As plantations age, supply of N to trees increasingly originates from litter decomposition, while the contribution from decomposition of SOM decreases. Although major soil feedbacks associated with litter production, decomposition and N availability are adequately integrated into G’DAY, further work is required in some aspects of the model, including the utility of the C-allocation submodel over a wide range of site conditions and silvicultural treatments.  相似文献   

The persistence of fenazaquin (4-t-butylphenylethyl quinazolin-4-yl ether) was studied in three different soils, namely, Gangetic alluvial (pH 6.9), laterite (pH 5.3), and terai (pH 5.1) soil and in water at three different pH values (4.0, 7.0, and 9.2) under laboratory-simulated condition and samples were analyzed upto 60 days at regular intervals. Fenazaquin was applied at 5 and 10 µg g?1 for each soil and at 0.2 and 0.4 µg mL?1 to each water sample. Dissipation of fenazaquin in soil and water followed first-order kinetics irrespective of any treatments. The half-life of fenazaquin was found in the range of 47–64 days in soils and 3.49–37.6 days in water irrespective of dose. The persistence of fenazaquin in soil significantly increased in the order of Gangetic alluvial soil (pH 6.9) > laterite soil (pH 5.3) > terai soil (pH 5.1), whereas in water the trend of persistence was pH 9.2 ≥ pH 7.0 > pH 4.0. The dissipation of fenazaquin in soil and water was found to be dependent on pH irrespective of doses.  相似文献   

A methodology for simulating climate change impacts on tree growth was introduced into a statistical growth and yield model in relation to variations in site fertility and location implemented with current temperature sum. This was based on a procedure in which the relative enhancement in stem volume growth was calculated from short-term runs of a physiological simulation model for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) stands. These simulations were made for a set of stands with species-specific variations in stand characteristics, location and fertility type first in current climatic conditions and then in different combinations of CO2 and temperature elevations. Based on these simulations, the relative enhancement of volume growth induced by the climate change (relative scenario effect, RSEv) was calculated and modelled in relation to: (i) CO2 and temperature elevation, stand density and the competition status of the tree in its stand, and (ii) variations in site fertility type and current temperature sum of a stand. Finally, these transfer functions for RSEv were applied to adapt the stem volume growth in the statistical growth and yield model to reflect the response to climate change.  相似文献   

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