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INTRODUCTION: Operators of construction equipment perform various duties at work that expose them to a variety of risk factors that may lead to health problems. A few of the health hazards among operators of construction equipment are: (a) whole-body vibration, (b) awkward postural requirements (including static sitting), (c) dust, (d) noise, (e) temperature extremes, and (f) shift work. It has been suggested that operating engineers (OEs) are exposed to two important risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal disorders: whole-body vibration and non-neutral body postures. METHOD: This review evaluates selected papers that have studied exposure to whole-body vibration and awkward posture among operators of mobile equipment. There have been only few studies that have specifically examined exposure of these risk factors among operators of construction equipment. Thus other studies from related industry and equipment were reviewed as applicable. CONCLUSION: In order to better understand whole-body vibration and postural stress among OEs, it is recommended that future studies are needed in evaluating these risk factors among OEs.  相似文献   

我国建筑工程领域生产事故频发,建筑工人相比其他行业也显著表现出了高流动性的特点。研究目的在于分析建筑工人流动性对施工安全水平的影响机理。采用文献阅读法,引入安全沟通和安全参与两个中介变量,初步构建了建筑工人流动性影响施工安全水平的理论模型;运用问卷调查法收集数据,采用结构方程(SEM)进行理论验证。结果表明,建筑工人流动性对安全沟通、安全参与和施工安全水平都有显著负向影响,流动性越高,施工安全水平越低。  相似文献   



The importance of risk perception for workplace safety has been highlighted by the inclusion of risk appraisals in contemporary models of precautionary behavior at work. Optimism bias is the tendency to think that negative events are less likely to happen to oneself than to the average person, and is proposed to be related to the reduced use of precautions.


Building on studies of optimism bias for workplace hazards using samples with heterogenous risk profiles, the current study aimed to investigate whether optimism bias is present in a sample of workers exposed to similar workplace hazards. 175 Australian construction workers completed a brief survey that asked them to rate the likelihood of common construction industry hazards occurring to them and to the average worker of the same age doing the same job. Significant levels of optimism bias were found for many hazards (including being electrocuted, being trapped in a confined space, falling from heights, and causing someone else to have an injury).


Optimism bias was not related to perceived controllability, contrary to findings in other domains, yet consistent with findings of optimism bias for workplace hazards. Optimism bias was not found to be related to a reduction in safe work behaviors, though this may be due to difficulties in measuring safe or precautionary behavior, such as social desirability.

Impact on industry

That most workers think that hazards are less likely to happen to them than to the average worker presents a significant problem because it may ameliorate the efficacy of safety programs, yet constitutes a largely unexplored opportunity for improving workplace safety performance.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: This study evaluated injured construction workers' perceptions of workplace safety climate, psychological job demands, decision latitude, and coworker support, and the relationship of these variables to the injury severity sustained by the workers. METHODS: Injury severity was assessed using the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), which evaluates functional limitations. Worker perceptions of workplace variables were determined by two instruments: (a) the Safety Climate Measure for Construction Sites and (b) the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ). RESULTS: The overall model explained 23% of the variance in injury severity, with unique contributions provided by union status, the Safety Climate Score, and Psychological Job Demands. A positive significant correlation was found between injury severity and the Safety Climate Scores (r = .183, P = .003), and between the Safety Climate Scores and union status (r = .225, P < .001). DISCUSSION: There were statistically significant differences between union and nonunion workers' responses regarding perceived safety climate on 5 of the 10 safety climate items. Union workers were more likely than nonunion workers to: (a) perceive their supervisors as caring about their safety; (b) be made aware of dangerous work practices; (c) have received safety instructions when hired; (d) have regular job safety meetings; and (e) perceive that taking risks was not a part of their job. However, with regard to the 49-item JCQ, which includes Coworker Support, the responses between union and nonunion workers were very similar, indicating an overall high degree of job satisfaction. However, workers who experienced their workplace as more safe also perceived the level of management (r = -.55, P < .001) and coworker (r = -.31, P < .001) support as being higher. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The findings of this study underscore the critical need for construction managers to alert workers to dangerous work practices and conditions more frequently, and express concern and praise workers for safe work in a manner that is culturally acceptable in this industry. Workplace interventions that decrease the incidence and severity of injuries, but that are flexible enough to meet a variety of potentially competing imperatives, such as production deadlines and client demands, need to be identified.  相似文献   

Many occupations in industry such as metal stamping workers, electronics parts assembly operators, automotive industry welders, and lathe operators require working in a standing posture for a long time. Prolonged standing can contribute to discomfort and muscle fatigue particularly in the back and legs. This study developed the prolonged standing strain index (PSSI) to quantify the risk levels caused by standing jobs, and proposed recommendations to minimize the risk levels. Risk factors associated with standing jobs, such as working posture, muscles activity, standing duration, holding time, whole-body vibration, and indoor air quality, were the basis for developing the PSSI. All risk factors were assigned multipliers, and the PSSI was the product of those multipliers. Recommendations for improvement are based on the PSSI; however, extensive studies are required to validate their effectiveness. multipliers, and the PSSI was the product of those multipliers. Recommendations for improvement are based on the PSSI; however, extensive studies are required to validate their effectiveness.  相似文献   

IntroductionIdentifying and understanding the characteristics of workplace accidents can provide vital information required to clarify their causes and prevent similar accidents from happening in the future. The Hispanic workforce represents a significant segment of the U.S. construction labor force that is projected to continue increasing in population. The government statistical data show higher rates of fatalities among Hispanic workers when compared to other ethnic groups.MethodThis study aims to provide details about the trends of fatal injuries among Hispanic workers. The study examined 92 government investigation reports to reveal the general trends, then an examination of fatal fall injuries within the study sample was conducted since falling is the predominant cause of fatal injuries.ResultsThe findings suggest differences in accident characteristics between Hispanic workers and all workers, which could indicate a need for different interventions to improve the overall site safety. The study also revealed the dire need to propose revised investigation procedures that would help identify the root causes of accidents, which in turn leads to better recommendations and interventions.  相似文献   

Work-related accidents are considered as a major health problem worldwide. The aim of present study was to determine the epidemiological pattern of occupational accidents among workers insured by the Iranian Social Security Organization (ISSO) between 2001 and 2005.Subjects consisted of all workers and drivers who had a work-related accident during 2001–2005 and were registered in the Iranian Social Security Organization (ISSO) database according to the inspection reports. An ordinal logistic regression model (proportional odds regression model) was used to assess the concurrent effects of independent variables on accident outcomes.Overall, 86,437 work-related accidents were investigated. The accidents were more frequent in metal workplaces and electrical industries, respectively. More than half of the accidents were due to incautious activities. Workers’ age (age at the time of accident) (OR = 0.99, CI: 0.989–0.994), gender (OR = 1.3, CI: 1.191–1.683), marital status (OR = 1.25, CI: 1.143–1.675) as well as accident setting (OR = 1.88, CI: 1.728–1.975) had significant effect on accident outcomes. Pattern of occupational injuries in Iran was consistent with the global pattern for accident outcomes.  相似文献   

为梳理建筑工人不安全行为发生机理,对相关文献资料进行分析,基于建筑工人个体视角确定相关影响因素并构建不安全行为发生机理理论模型。结合现场访谈对模型进行修正后,采用结构方程模型处理问卷数据并对假设进行验证,最终确定建筑工人不安全行为发生机理。结果显示:安全认知与安全能力对建筑工人不安全行为影响关系显著,安全意识对建筑工人不安全行为影响关系不显著,且安全能力的影响程度要高于安全认知。  相似文献   

当前工人不安全行为研究多侧重从理论和方法的角度出发,而通过数据挖掘探究规律性方面的研究存在不足,因此,提出了地铁施工工人不安全行为关联规则研究。首先,构建关联规则挖掘数据库,以大量反映现场不安全行为的照片为数据来源。然后,利用Apriori算法,通过SPSS Modeler软件建模,以地铁车站施工机械操作人员为例介绍关联规则挖掘过程和结果。结果表明:机械操作人员存在有效强关联项为“开挖降水→挖土机作业时周围区域内有其余工人作业活动”。说明针对不同工种岗位的工人,在不同施工阶段存在易出现的不安全行为,可以有针对性地进行控制与管理,从而降低事故率。  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that unsafe behaviour is intrinsically linked to workplace accidents. A positive correlation exists between workers’ safe behaviour and safety climate on construction sites. Construction workers’ attitude towards safety is influenced by their perception of risk, management, safety rules and procedures. Pakistan, a developing country, is currently experiencing a strong growth in its construction activities. Unfortunately, the enforcement of safety regulations in Pakistan is not widespread. Indeed, some relevant regulations are both outdated and irrelevant to daily construction operations. This paper investigates local construction workers’ behaviour, perception and attitude toward safety, and attempts to link the research findings to the influence of national culture. A three-part interview-based questionnaire survey has identified that the majority of workers have a good degree of risk awareness and self-rated competence. Additionally, workers’ intentional behaviour was empirically explained by their attitudes towards their own and management’s safety responsibilities, as well as their perception of the risk they are generally exposed to in their workplace. The paper also reveals that workers operating in a more collective and higher uncertainty avoidance environment, are more likely to have safety awareness and beliefs, which can exhibit safer on-site behaviour.  相似文献   

为帮助建筑工人养成良好的安全行为习惯,基于操作性条件反射理论,在开展两轮调查的基础上,分析建筑工人的安全心理和行为特点及其安全行为习惯的特性,提出建筑工人安全行为习惯的塑造策略和方法,设计应用方案并进行评价。结果表明:安全行为习惯具有稳定性、自觉性和自动性;安全行为习惯塑造以低起点、小坡度、抓细节、重坚持、多实践为核心要求,以班组层面的塑造活动为核心任务;安全行为习惯塑造在过程体验和长期效果方面具有优势,但在强制力和针对性方面存在不足。  相似文献   

IntroductionInjury is a leading cause of death for infants and children. Teen mothering has been shown to put children at increased risk of injury. The mothers of teen parents often play a predominant role in the lives and caregiving of the children born to their children.MethodThis article presents the findings of three focus groups conducted with 21 mothers of teen parents. Grounded theory methodology was used to explore family dynamics and how they relate to injury prevention beliefs and practices regarding infants and children.ResultsOur findings revealed the difficulty mothers of teen parents and the teens themselves have in adjusting to the knowledge of the pregnancy. Unique barriers to injury prevention were also uncovered.ConclusionsOur findings provide evidence for the need of a multigenerational approach to programs aimed at improving the safety and well-being of children in this context.  相似文献   

为明确施工过程中人的不安全行为致因及产生路径,基于理论与案例分析构建以个体、设备、管理、环境为核心的评估指标体系;结合DEMATEL和ISM并借助专家知识构建层次网络模型,将其映射到BN中,依据节点的先验概率和条件概率实现因素之间耦合关系强度的量化;利用正向因果推理方法预测不同情况下不安全行为发生概率,反向诊断推理识别不安全行为产生的最大致因链。结果表明:施工过程不安全行为发生概率为26.5%,最大致因路径为政府监管力度不足→现场监管工作存在漏洞→不良行为习惯→安全认知失误→不安全行为,可为现场施工人员安全行为管控提供参考。  相似文献   

为降低建筑安全事故发生的概率,从建筑工人的不安全行为入手,构建体力疲劳与不安全行为理论影响模型,通过结构方程模型(structural equation model, SEM)与层次回归法实证检验二者间的影响关系。研究结果表明:体力疲劳直接正向影响建筑工人不安全行为,且通过工作倦怠作为中介因素间接影响建筑工人不安全行为;而心理资本反向调节体力疲劳与工作倦怠的关系。研究结果揭示体力疲劳与不安全行为的中介调节机制,丰富和完善二者的间接及整体关系,有助于管理者有效防控建筑工人的不安全行为。  相似文献   

为探讨工作满意度对建筑工人不安全行为矫正机制,基于文献调研构建工作满意度对建筑工人不安全行为矫正机制理论模型,并通过验证性因子分析和结构方程模型分析,对理论模型进行实证检验.结果表明:工作满意度对建筑工人安全不服从行为和安全不参与行为有显著矫正作用,敬业度在工作满意度和建筑工人安全不服从行为与安全不参与行为间起完全中介...  相似文献   

为探讨施工现场工人不良职业心理及不安全行为的影响关系,利用问卷调查,采用结构方程构建工作压力、不良职业心理与不安全行为的结构模型。结果表明:工作安排、工作环境、管理政策及人际关系带来的工作压力与不良职业心理及不安全行为均显著相关;个体因素带来的工作压力对不良职业心理无显著影响,但对不安全行为有显著影响;不良职业心理在工作压力与不安全行为之间起到部分中介的作用即工作压力与不安全行为之间不仅存在直接显著关系,且工作压力还可以通过产生不良职业心理从而影响不安全行为。  相似文献   

Objectives. The present study was designed to investigate the simultaneous effects of physical, psychosocial and other work-related risk factors on the work ability index (WAI) score among industrial workers. Methods. This study used a cross-sectional design with a questionnaire survey. A total of 280 workers were included in the study. Data were collected using three questionnaires including the Persian version of the WAI, the Persian version of the job content questionnaire and an author-developed measure (to assess work-related factors, health-related factors and socio-demographic characteristics). Results. The majority of the participants were young, but they had poor WAI scores (mean 37.3?±?6.4) and 44.3% of them had poor or moderate work ability. Occupational accidents and injuries were found to be the strongest predictors of WAI scores. Additionally, there was a strong association between WAI scores and supervisor support, skill discretion, occupational training, sleep quality, work nature and educational level. Conclusions. Intervention programs should focus on improving supervisor support, sleep quality, job skills and knowledge and on decreasing physical and mental work demands. Additionally, implementing a comprehensive occupational health and ergonomics program for controlling and reducing hazardous working environments and occupational injury rates should be considered.  相似文献   

为了控制不安全行为在建筑工人中的传播和流行,基于社会学习理论,通过行为调查、理论分析和案例研究,对建筑工人不安全行为的模仿与学习的方式、过程和影响因素进行了研究,提出了控制不安全行为传播的策略。结果表明:模仿与学习是建筑工人不安全行为复制和传播的重要方式和途径,对新不安全行为产生起着联系和催化作用。建筑工人不安全行为的模仿与学习的方式有视听式、想象式和参与式,其中视听式是最主要方式。建筑工人不安全行为的模仿与学习的影响因素涵盖榜样及其行为、模仿者和模仿学习过程。其中,榜样的权威性和影响力是最重要的增强因素,不安全行为后果的威慑力是最重要的抑制因素。  相似文献   

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