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Traditional indicators used to monitor trends in nonfatal injury are influenced by a range of factors other than the incidence of injury. Indicators based on threat-to-life scales offer a means of addressing this problem. The aim of the research described in this article was to compare trends in the official indicators with trends in selected threat-to-life indicators. We compared indicators based on the New Injury Severity Score and the International Classification of Diseases-based Injury Severity Score with the official New Zealand indicators; namely, (1) reported injuries, (2) reported injuries per 10,000 vehicles, (3) reported injuries per 100,000 people, and (4) number hospitalized (discharges). All the official indicators suggest that there has been a substantive decline in nonfatal Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes (MVTCs) for the period 1988-2000, but a notable increase in 2001. The latter appear to be artifactual increases due to changes in patterns of data collection and do not reflect any real changes in incidence. Further support for this is provided by the results for the two threat-to-life indicators, which suggest that the decline observed for 1988-98 may have been attributable to a decline in the ascertainment or occurrence of minor injuries since those injuries, which represent a significant threat to life, have not declined to the same degree. Given the prominence of motor vehicle crashes as a cause of unnecessary morbidity, more thought needs to be given to deriving valid indicators for measuring trends in serious nonfatal injury. 相似文献
Introduction: This paper represents a first attempt to fill a gap in research about different specific climates and safety outcomes, by empirically identifying patterns of climates and exploring the possible effect of different climates at the department level on some specific safety outcomes. The first objective was to explore how different specific climates (safety, communication, diversity and inclusion) can be associated to each other, considering the department level of analysis. The second objective was to examine the relationships between those patterns of climates with safety performance (compliance and participation behaviors). Method: A total of 429 blue-collar workers in 35 departments answered a questionnaire covering safety, diversity, inclusion, and communication climate measures. Cluster analysis was performed to identify clusters of departments with different climate patterns and their impact on safety compliance and safety participation behaviors. Subsequently, a hierarchical multiple linear regression was conducted at the individual-level to test the effect of climate patterns, by controlling for some sociodemographic variables. Results: Results showed the existence of four differentiated clusters of departments. Three of those clusters showed homogenous patterns (coherent association among perceptions of low, medium and high climates) and one heterogeneous (low and medium perceptions). The findings also revealed that the higher the climates perceptions, the higher the levels of safety participation and safety compliance, with safety participation being more affected than compliance. Conclusions: The present research showed the associated effects of some organizational climate factors, such as fair treatment, inclusion, safety and communication within the organization, which had not been previously studied in their combined relationships, on safety behaviors. Practical applications: Several other organizational climate factors, such as fair treatment, inclusiveness and communication, may play an important role in safety, showing the importance of broadening the focus on safety climate as one of the main predictors of safety behaviors. 相似文献
Recent traffic safety research has advocated the use of the Full Bayes (FB) approach to conduct controlled before-after safety evaluations. The FB approach was shown to offer both methodological and data advantages. However, there is still a lack of complete understanding of the role that the model parameters play in the formulation of treatment effectiveness. This paper offers a novel approach to compute components related to direct and indirect treatment effects under a linear intervention model for the Safety Performance Function (SPF). The isolation of a component corresponding to the direct treatment effects enables the analyst to assess the effectiveness of the countermeasures apart from local (site-related) environmental factors. Two case studies are used to demonstrate the approach. The first case study is based on the results published from a previous safety evaluation in Iowa and the second uses a new data set from British Columbia based on the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Road Improvement Program. The various direct and indirect components have yielded valuable insight into the effects of the model parameters on treatment impacts. Moreover, the calculation of the treatment effectiveness indices have been simplified by providing straightforward equations in terms of model parameters for the computation of their components without resorting to additional algorithms. More importantly, the results can have a significant impact on the economic evaluation of safety programs and countermeasures by allowing the calculation of collision modification factors (CMFs) that vary with time. 相似文献
PROBLEM: Road accident outcomes are traditionally analyzed at state or road network level due to a lack of aggregated data and suitable analytical methods. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate usefulness of a simple spatiotemporal modeling of road accident outcomes at small-scale geographical level. METHOD: Small-area spatiotemporal Bayesian models commonly used in epidemiological studies reveal the existence of spatial correlation in accident data and provide a mechanism to quantify its effect. The models were run for Belgium data for the period 2000-2005. Two different scale levels and two different exposure variables were considered under Bayesian hierarchical models of annual accident and fatal injury counts. The use of the conditional autoregressive (CAR) formulation of area specific relative risk and trend terms leads to more distinctive patterns of risk and its evolution. The Pearson correlation tests for relative risk rates and temporal trends allows researchers to determine the development of risk disparities in time. RESULTS: Analysis of spatial effects allowed the identification of clusters with similar risk outcomes pointing toward spatial structure in road accident outcomes and their background mechanisms. From the analysis of temporal trends, different developments in road accident and fatality rates in the three federated regions of Belgium came into light. Increasing spatial disparities in terms of fatal injury risk and decreasing spatial disparities in terms of accident risk with time were further identified. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The application of a space-time model to accident and fatal injury counts at a small-scale level in Belgium allowed identification of several areas with outstandingly high accident (injury) records. This could allow more efficient redistribution of resources and more efficient road safety management in Belgium. 相似文献
IntroductionSafe behavior and work conditions are a major concern in construction projects. However, accidents occur due to system failures, not a single factor such as unsafe behavior or condition. Construction safety should be investigated by a systematic view capable of illustrating the complex nature of accidents. MethodThe present research aims to detect and categorize behavior patterns recurring in construction safety management continuously. Content analysis and ground theory method (GTM) were adopted to achieve the study objectives. In total, 90 articles were reviewed to explore the factors influencing safety in construction projects all over the world. Furthermore, 20 interviews were conducted on participants with rich experience in construction health and safety. Four archetypes were identified from data collection process, including delay in design, number of subcontractors, cost and safety of project, and supervisors and safety. Each archetype is completely discussed at different steps of dynamic complexity, behavior over time, and the leverage point to show how to deal with the archetype. 相似文献
为科学贯彻落实新《安全生产法》“县级以上人民政府应编制安全生产规划”的要求,进一步提高政府安全生产规划编制的质量与水平,针对目前地方政府对安全生产规划编制方法与要点把握不到位、造成规划操作性不强的问题,结合以往政府安全生产规划编制的实践经历,研究提出将政府安全生产规划编制程序归纳为背景分析、框架确定、对策设计、文本起草四大部分,重点探讨了政府层面安全生产规划编制过程中的背景调查、现状评价、趋势分析、规划范围设定、规划原则确定、规划目标与指标体系构建、规划依据查找、措施设计、方案优化论证等环节的实施要求、实施方法和注意事项。研究结果将为各级政府编制好安全生产规划提供有益参考与指导。 相似文献
Survey data were collected before and after a local union governance election in which half of the committeeperson incumbents lost. Examination of committeeperson role effectiveness shows that those who lost were rated significantly lower before the election compared to those who were retained. Newcomers who replaced incumbents were rated higher than those they replaced. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper discusses the relationship between efficiency and equity as objectives of road safety policy. The term efficiency refers to the efficient use of all road safety measures. Road safety measures are used efficiently if the priority given to them is based on the criterion that marginal social benefits should be at least equal to marginal social costs. To use road safety measures efficiently therefore means that the priority given to each measure is set strictly according to cost–benefit analyses. Thus, the main question discussed in this paper is whether setting priorities for safety measures strictly according to cost–benefit analyses will produce results that are regarded as equitable and fair. The notions of equity and fairness do not have any universally accepted definitions. In the paper, an attempt is made to apply John Rawls’ difference principle as a criterion of fairness with respect to the distribution of risk. The distribution of risk is examined along several dimensions: between groups of road users, between regions, between social groups, and with respect to the relationship between who pays for a road safety measure and who benefits from it. It is concluded that there is a conflict between efficiency and equity as far as the provision of road safety is concerned. Promoting greater equity requires a departure from efficiency, as defined in economic welfare theory, as the only criterion for setting policy priorities. 相似文献
为提高飞行员安全绩效,运用结构方程模型探讨了驾驶水平、管理能力和身心素质三者对安全绩效的影响程度。结果表明,驾驶水平、管理能力和身心素质对安全绩效影响的标准化路径系数分别为0.20,0.22和0.17。飞行员管理能力对安全绩效的影响程度最大,其次是驾驶水平,身心素质对安全绩效的影响程度最小。同时管理能力对驾驶水平影响的标准化路径系数为0.19,说明管理能力通过驾驶水平的中介作用对安全绩效产生间接影响。而身心素质对驾驶水平的影响不显著,身心素质不会通过影响驾驶水平间接影响安全绩效。 相似文献
安全是个系统工程,它包括安全管理、安全技术、安全教育等诸多方面.从国家颁布的法规到每个人的衣食住行,无一不与之有密切的关系.各行各业也都需要有一套行之有效的安全管理体制来保证其工作的顺利运行.随着我国经济的快速发展,一些新的事物不断出现,为安全管理工作提出了新的课题.此时,借鉴一些国外的先进经验,分析失误的教训,有重要的意义. 相似文献
Young practicing chemical engineers must be able to operate safely in an industrial setting. Therefore, chemical process safety education is essential for undergraduate chemical engineers and ABET (the University Accreditation Board) supports this initiative by requiring that university graduates understand the hazards associated with chemical processes. One way to understand the hazards associated with processes is to conduct a process hazard analysis. This analysis can be conducted in an experiential learning environment by collaborating with an industrial partner or by utilizing facilities on the university campus. In this environment students are able to see and interact with the processes under normal operating conditions. Utilizing industrial or research mentors allows students to receive formative feedback as they analyze the process. In addition, these process hazard analyses require students to practice “soft skills” such as teamwork, problem solving, and oral and written communication which are essential work place skills. This paper reviews teaching hazard analysis methods to chemical engineering students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Covered are examples of how students are introduced to the checklist and bowtie analysis methods, and the conduction of a HAZOP. Examples of the different resources that can be utilized are described. Ultimately, from these experiences, students are more prepared to enter the chemical process industries with first-hand knowledge of how to conduct various hazard analyses before reaching their place of employment. 相似文献
根据近几年来我国道路安全状况的实际,针对目前我国道路交通安全管理的现状,本文对我国道路基础设施建设、我国道路交通安全管理现状和近几年的事故数据进行了分析,找出我国道路交通安全管理中存在的问题,并提出了针对这些问题的解决方法。 相似文献
根据近几年来我国道路安全状况的实际,针对目前我国道路交通安全管理的现状,本文对我国道路基础设施建设、我国道路交通安全管理现状和近几年的事故数据进行了分析,找出我国道路交通安全管理中存在的问题,并提出了针对这些问题的解决方法. 相似文献
统计数据显示,我国2007-2009年道路运输事故呈下降趋势。但道路运输事故造成的死亡人数远远高于煤炭事故造成的死亡人数,道路交通安全形势依然很严峻。交通安全形势严峻的主要原因之一就是人为因素,加强对交通参与者的相关教育培训,提高安全意识,规范安全行为,是改善交通安全形势的根本途径。本文系统分析了我国的安全教育环境、交通文化、交通安全法律法规及交通安全教育培训存在问题,提出了改善我国交通安全教育的措施及建议。 相似文献
针对运输网络的韧性标准尚未统一的问题,在集疏运路网特征分析基础上,从结构韧性和功能韧性2个角度构建韧性评价指标框架,通过吸收时间、吸收速率、恢复时间、恢复速率和功能韧性说明路网的某一部分在受到灾害扰动后路网服务能力的保留程度,通过节点保存率和网络结构指标量化路网的结构韧性,依托上海市历年降水数据进行集疏运路网韧性分析。研究结果表明:抵抗能力与功能韧性呈正比,网络属性分布与结构韧性呈正比;网络属性应均匀地分布在功能区域,保证集疏运主要路线的功能性和结构完整性。研究结果可为集疏运路网性能分析和集疏运路网韧性评价指标体系构建提供思路。 相似文献
This study determines the factor structure of safety climate within a road construction organization using a modified version of the safety climate questionnaire (SCQ). It also investigates the relationship between safety climate and safety performance. The SCQ was administered to 192 employees from two districts and in two job categories — construction and maintenance. A behavioural observation measure of safety performance was also developed. Factor analysis derived six factors, which were similar to those obtained in an earlier study using the SCQ. Differences in the safety climate of job sub-groups were found on two of the factors. No differences between the two districts were found. No relationship was found between safety climate and the safety performance measure. While identical safety climate factors cannot apply to all organizations, some general safety climate factors may emerge. Discussion focuses upon the measurement of safety climate. 相似文献
Objective: The purpose of this article is to describe a public school–based educational intervention (EI) designed to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change practices related to road safety. Methods: We used a mixed-methods evaluation of a road traffic safety baseline diagnosis conducted in 4 public schools, 2 primary and 2 secondary. Research was organized into 4 phases: (1) diagnosis, (2) EI design, (3) implementation, and (4) evaluation. We used convenience sampling (n = 219 students) across schools and applied a pre-/posttest design based on quantitative and qualitative data. The former related to surveys on road safety experiences, knowledge, attitudes, and practice and the latter to observation checklists, community mapping, ethnography, and focus groups. To compare pre–post scores, we used multilevel mixed-effect ordinal logistic regressions. We developed data matrices, field notes, and systematized community mapping. We also transcribed focus group discussions, generated categories, and carried out thematic analysis. Results: Ethnography indicated poor sidewalk conditions, no helmet or seat belt use, overcrowded public transportation, and no traffic lights or proper signals. Pedestrians did not use sidewalks and crossed streets unsafely. Subsequent to the intervention, however, the study population showed significant changes in their knowledge, practices, and attitudes. They identified road traffic incidents (RTIs) as the first cause of death among children and youth, and most understood that the solution to the problem was incumbent upon each and every individual. They also displayed increased perceptions of danger in practices such as traveling on overcrowded public transportation, failing to wear seat belts in cars and helmets on motorcycles, crossing the street while using mobile phones or playing with friends, and riding with drunk drivers. Changes varied according to gender, and students reported being able to carry out safe practices only when they were in control of the situation; for instance, as pedestrians. Conclusions: Because safe practices depend not only on children and youth but on the adults and social environment surrounding them, it is essential to engage parents, teachers, and decision makers in efforts to reduce RTIs. This will improve the establishment of commitments to impact social reality through consistent changes and mobilize greater resources for creating more secure communities in matters of road safety. 相似文献
为更系统地归纳安全氛围与安全绩效的关系,探究安全氛围、安全绩效及安全结果间的影响机制,采用Meta分析方法,通过2000—2020年54篇文献的55个独立研究样本进行定量综合分析,并进一步探讨安全氛围与安全绩效各维度间的关系,同时运用Meta二元回归探究潜在调节变量对2者间关系的调节作用。结果表明:安全氛围显著正向影响安全绩效,在高危行业中安全氛围对安全绩效影响更大;安全氛围与安全参与、安全遵守均显著正相关,且安全氛围对安全参与的影响强于对安全遵守的影响;安全氛围和安全绩效均与安全结果显著负相关,且安全绩效对安全结果的影响强于安全氛围对安全结果的影响。 相似文献
Safety climate surveys were conducted on 13 offshore oil and gas installations in separate years ( N=682 and 806, respectively), with nine installations common to both years. In addition, data on safety management practices were collected by questionnaire from senior management on eight installations in each year. The associations between management practices and climate scores with official accident statistics and self-reported accident involvement were tested via a series of hypotheses. Associations were found between certain safety climate scales and official accident statistics and also the proportion of respondents reporting an accident in the previous 12 months. Proficiency in some safety management practices was associated with lower official accident rates and fewer respondents reporting accidents. 相似文献
企业安全能力是企业在特定的安全文化的氛围下,形成的一种现实的或潜在的作用力.在综合企业能力理论和现代安全管理理论相关研究成果基础上,依据系统论的思想,构建了由安全系统目标、安全能力系统和安伞系统外部环境三部分组成的企业安全能力系统.企业通过安全资源的输入,在企业内部系统和安伞外部环境的共同作用下,产生一定的安全效益,达到安全目标.安全能力系统是改进安全水平的重要部分,企业一定的安全能力水平,是安全知识、安全结构和安全文化三者的耦合作用的结果,也是企业内部安全条件和外部安全环境共同作用的结果.最后,探讨了企业安全能力划分方式,可分为潜在安全能力和现实安全能力两个层次,安全能力的提高需经历一个从潜在安全能力到现实安全能力的过程. 相似文献