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边安 《劳动保护》2009,(1):113-115
1.什么是职业危害与职业危害因素? 职业危害是指对从事职业活动的劳动者可能导致职业病的各种危害。职业危害因素包括:职业活动中存在的各种有害的化学、物理、生物因素,以及在作业过程中产生的其他职业性有害因素。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(3):329-353
A variety of OHSMS-based standards, guidelines, and audits has been developed and disseminated over the past 20 years. A good understanding of the impact of these systems is timely. This systematic literature review aimed to synthesize the best available evidence on the effects of OHSMS interventions on employee health and safety and associated economic outcomes. Eight bibliographic databases covering a wide range of fields were searched. Twenty-three articles met the study’s relevance criteria. Thirteen of these met the methodological quality criteria. Only one of these 13 original studies was judged to be of high methodological quality; the remainder had moderate limitations. The studies’ results were generally positive. There were some null findings but no negative findings. In spite of these promising results, the review concluded that the body of evidence was insufficient to make recommendations either in favour of or against OHSMSs. This was due to: the heterogeneity of the methods employed and the OHSMSs studied in the original studies; the small number of studies; their generally weak methodological quality; and the lack of generalizability of many of the studies.  相似文献   

In order to enhance Chinese workers’ occupational safety awareness, it is essential to learn from developed countries’ experiences. This article investigates thoroughly occupational safety and health (OSH) in China and the UK; moreover, the article performs a comparison of Chinese and British OSH training-related laws, regulations and education system. The following conclusions are drawn: China’s work safety continues to improve, but there is still a large gap compared with the UK. In China a relatively complete vocational education and training (VET) system has been established. However, there exist some defects in OSH. In the UK, the employer will not only pay attention to employees’ physiological health, but also to their mental health. The UK’s VET is characterized by classification and grading management, which helps integrate OSH into the whole education system. China can learn from the UK in the development of policies, VET and OSH training.  相似文献   

METHOD: A 24-week experiment was conducted to assess how first aid training affects the motivation of small business construction industry employees in avoiding occupational injuries and illnesses and its effect on their occupational health and safety behavior. A simplified multiple baseline design across workplace settings was used to evaluate the effects of first aid training. Participants' motivation to control occupational safety and health risks was explored during in-depth interviews before and after receipt of first aid training. Objective measurement of occupational safety and health behavior was conducted by a researcher directly observing the workplace before and after participants received first aid training. RESULTS: The observations at participants' worksites suggested that, for the most part, the first aid training had a positive effect on the occupational safety and health behavior of participants. First aid training appeared to reduce participants' "self--other" bias, making them more aware that their own experience of occupational safety and health risks is not beyond their control but that their own behavior is an important factor in the avoidance of occupational injury and illness. First aid training also appeared to reduce participants' willingness to accept prevailing levels of occupational safety and health risk and increase the perceived probability that they would suffer a work-related injury or illness. Participants expressed greater concern about taking risks at work after receiving first aid training. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: It appears that first aid training enhances participants' motivation to avoid occupational injuries and illnesses and improves their risk control behavior. The implications of this are that first aid training can have a positive preventive effect and could complement traditional occupational health and safety training programs. As such, there may be benefit in providing first aid training to all employees rather than limiting this training to a small number of designated "first aiders."  相似文献   

张玲 《劳动保护》2009,(12):48-50
从2008年北京奥运会,到新中国成立60周年国庆庆典,北京市安全监管队伍在保障首都的安全生产工作中,发挥了重要作用。特别是在国庆60周年庆典之际,北京市安监局作为国庆期间安全生产保障工作的牵头协调单位,在保障首都生产环境安全、有序、良好的同时,也对安全监管队伍进行了一次阅兵与练兵。北京市安监局局长张家明在2009年10月15日召开的“平安国庆”专题评选表彰大会上说:“在国庆安全保障工作中,北京市安监系统经受住了考验,  相似文献   

安全鞋、防护鞋和职业鞋是避免或减轻工作人员在生产和工作中足(腿)部伤害的必要个体防护装备。AQ/T6108-2008《安全鞋、防护鞋和职业鞋的选择、使用和维护》标准,在帮助企业如何正确地选择、使用和维护安全鞋、防护鞋和职业鞋等专业鞋方面,给出了很好的指导。  相似文献   

备受瞩目的GB/T 45001—2020/ISO 45001:2018《职业健康安全管理体系要求及使用指南》已于2020年3月6日由国家市场监督管理总局和国家标准化管理委员会联合发布,并同时在我国正式实施。该标准是对GB/T 28001—2011/OHSAS18001:2007《职业健康安全管理体系要求》和GB/T 28002—2011/OHSAS 18002:2008《职业健康安全管理体系实施指南》的修订。  相似文献   

近年来,公共安全风险形态发生了重大变化。以往完全发生在公共场所群死群伤的重大事故明显减少,而发生在职业场所之内或附近的公共安全事故却明显增多,反映出一些地方和企业对职业安全与公共安全叠加而生的新风险认识不到位,管控不到位。安全发展的形势迫切要求我们必须从理念、内涵、评价等多维度进行深入研究。本文对公共安全在新时期内涵与形态的变化进行了再认识,对职业安全风险、公共安全风险以及两者叠加而成的新风险特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

The nature of safety culture: a review of theory and research   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper reviews the literature on safety culture and safety climate. The main emphasis is on applied research customary in the social psychological or organisational psychological traditions. Although safety culture and climate are generally acknowledged to be important concepts, not much consensus has been reached on the cause, the content and the consequences of safety culture and climate in the past 20 years. Moreover, there is an overall lack of models specifying either the relationship of both concepts with safety and risk management or with safety performance. In this paper, safety culture and climate will be differentiated according to a general framework based on work by Schein (1992 Schein) on organisational culture. This framework distinguishes three levels at which organisational culture can be studied — basis assumptions, espoused values and artefacts. At the level of espoused values we find attitudes, which are equated with safety climate. The basic assumptions, however, form the core of the culture. It is argued that these basic assumptions do not have to be specifically about safety, although it is considered a good sign if they are. It is concluded that safety climate might be considered an alternative safety performance indicator and that research should focus on its scientific validity. More important, however, is the assessment of an organisation's basic assumptions, since these are assumed to be explanatory to its attitudes.  相似文献   

This article presents a broad review of the literature on frontal air bag field performance, starting with the initial government and industry projections of effectiveness and concluding with the most recent assessments of depowered systems. This review includes as many relevant metrics as practicable, interprets the findings, and provides references so the interested reader can further evaluate the limitations, confounders, and utility of each metric. The evaluations presented here range from the very specific (individual case studies) to the general (statistical analyses of large databases). The metrics used to evaluate air bag performance include fatality reduction or increase; serious, moderate, and minor injury reduction or increase; harm reduction or increase; and cost analyses, including insurance costs and the cost of life years saved for various air bag systems and design philosophies. The review begins with the benefits of air bags. Fatality and injury reductions attributable to the air bag are presented. Next, the negative consequences of air bag deployment are described. Injuries to adults and children and the current trends in air bag injury rates are discussed, as are the few documented instances of inadvertent deployments or non-deployment in severe crashes. In the third section, an attempt is made to quantify the influence of the many confounding factors that affect air bag performance. The negative and positive characteristics of air bags are then put into perspective within the context of societal costs and benefits. Finally, some special topics, including risk homeostasis and the performance of face bags, are discussed.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Continuous progress in the occupational safety and health field, as well as social-economic development, generates a need for access to definitions. Definitions are usually scattered in many sources and not easy to find. Electronic documents give new opportunity to information access. METHOD: As an experiment, the feasibility of automatic full-text searching of definitions was examined using the Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, edited by the International Labour Organization (ILO), on CD-ROM. DISCUSSION: The results were compared with the traditional index search by subject, using the paper version of the encyclopedia. The automatic search appeared successful; about 100 definitions were excerpted the automatic way. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: As in most industries, finding accurate information is a necessity in the safety industry. The electronic document seems to be a powerful instrument as a source of definitions and can be quite easy to use by specialists as well as safety personnel in information processing.  相似文献   

The role of the self in moral functioning has gained considerable theoretical and empirical attention over the last 25 years. A general consensus has emerged that the self plays a vital role in individuals' moral agency. This surge of research produced a proliferation of constructs related to the moral self, each grounded in diverse theoretical perspectives. Although this work has advanced our understanding of moral thought and behavior, there has also been a lack of clarity as to the nature and functioning of the moral self. We review and synthesize empirical research related to the moral self and provide an integrative framework to increase conceptual coherence among the various relevant constructs. We then discuss emerging opportunities and future directions for research on the moral self as well as implications for behavioral ethics in organizational contexts. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

强调了劳动安全卫生设计的重要性,就《废气治理环保项目劳动安全卫生设计专篇》的编写方法进行了说明。指出了环保项目中常见的危险危害因素,并提出相应的防范技术措施。  相似文献   

This study is anchored in a contractor company providing well services for platform drilling on the Norwegian (NCS) and the UK Continental Shelves (UKCS). The research project has as its point of departure the potential influences of group level characteristics, structural work factors, trust, and safety behaviour on safety performance. Do perceptions and performance differ across Shelves? Are “nomadic” groups or employees that have more unpredictable shift rotations more exposed to accidents than others? Is high trust and sound safety behaviour enhancing good safety performance? The results are based on questionnaire data from two samples of personnel distributed across three installations on the UKCS and nine on the NCS with a response rate of 67%: N = 170 (UKCS) and N = 621 (NCS). In addition, two focus group interviews were held in each country, with 15 participants in each. The results show that our model makes sense. Shelf shows a significant influence on safety performance in all but the final stage in our five-step logistic regression model, indicating that the effect may be mediated by safety compliance and safety participation. Installations and different work teams have different exposure and structural work factors matter significantly. Somewhat counter-intuitively, employees who have a “nomadic” status and who hold the least regular shift rotations appear to have a lower risk of being involved in incidents. High trust in workmates buffers against incident involvement and the same applies for high safety compliance. The results, challenges and implications for research and safety practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

HSE管理体系是近些年石油石化系统从国外引进的健康、安全和环境管理标准体系,中国石化集团河南石油勘探局、中国石化股份有限公司河南油田分公司(本刊以下都简称"河南油田")2003年2月开始正式启动运行这一体系,在近3年的运行中,他们克服国外管理模式在中国本土经常出现的"水土不服"的困难,在河南油田这块土壤上,逐渐培育形成了具有自己特色的HSE文化,这一文化渗透于河南油田安全生产管理的方方面面,使得油田近两年安全生产状况明显好转.2004年,河南油田生产原油188万吨,在册职工3万多人,工业生产中事故千人死亡率、千人重伤率均为0.2005年度到目前为止,工业伤害事故千人死亡率、千人重伤率、交通千台车死亡率均为0,被中石化集团公司评为"安全生产先进单位".  相似文献   

重点介绍了英国、法国、德国、意大利、芬兰、瑞典、挪威、西班牙、瑞士和俄联邦等21个欧洲国家的国民健康水平,以及职业病和劳动安全状况。  相似文献   

2008年11月27日,北京西郊宾馆银杏大厅座无虚席。由国家安全监管总局、全国总工会、中国安全生产协会共同主办,《劳动保护》杂志社承办的“生产安全事故隐患排查治理知识竞赛总结颁奖会暨《劳动保护》杂志创刊55周年纪念活动”在这里隆重举行。竞赛组委会主任、国家安全生产监管总局副局长、中国安全生产协会会长孙华山出席了会议并发表讲话。来自全国各地的210多名竞赛组织奖获奖单位代表到会领奖。  相似文献   

调查显示,两会期间,安全话题一直位居热点前列,社会各界对此进行了热烈的讨论。有关专家认为,2005年我国经济、社会发展将有诸多进步,同时面临着10大考验,重特大矿难不断发生,安全生产备受关注就是其中之一。  相似文献   

一、活动主题美国国家安全委员会把每年的6月份确定为“全国安全月”,向全国公众宣传预防道路、家庭、社区和工作场所伤害事故的建议和措施。美国国家安全委员会在健康和安全领域已有90多年的工作经验,是保护国民生命、促进国民健康的非赢利、非政府组织,“全国安全月”已成为其组织的一个标志性活动。2006年6月,美国国家安全委员会将在全国举行第10届“全国安全月”活动,主题是“使我们的世界变得更安全”。这个主题也反映了美国国家安全委员会的使命,即:通过教育使人们在日常生活的各方面保持安全、健康的习惯和行为,以预防伤害和死亡事故…  相似文献   

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