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《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》1999,12(3):217-225
Accident prevention relies on a proper understanding of relevant hazards so that appropriate controls can be put in place to safeguard those who are potentially endangered. Setting deaths from war, natural events and domestic accidents to one side, industrial chemicals in their manufacture, transport, storage and use arguably contribute significantly to society's accident toll. National and international regimes have been developed over the years to characterise the properties of these hazardous materials so that risks to society and workforces handling such `dangerous goods' are reduced. Sometimes it has taken a disaster to show that a hazard formerly unrecognised did in fact exist; sometimes the closer scrutiny of test methods has shown that a dangerous property may have gone unrecognised; sometimes misuse of materials precipitated controls. However, in all the deliberations surrounding hazardous materials characterisation, accident investigation and prevention, and development of controls, suitable exchange of information and viewpoints between experts is necessary to promote development and adoption of international conventions. These international protocols are normally agreed by policy makers who have technical advisers to support their negotiations. These technical advisers need to meet in an appropriate forum to develop an understanding of all the relevant factors and to test ideas; often such group discussions pave the way to agreements being reached at formal policy negotiations, to solutions being provided for certain disasters, to better methods of testing. The International Group of Experts on the Explosion Risks of Unstable Substances (OECD-IGUS) created by the OECD is one such group. It first met in 1962.Set up initially to harmonise test methods used by countries to identify and quantify the explosive properties of unstable materials, it has continued over the years to offer scientists who are advisers to their governments (and others) a forum to exchange data and information primarily in support of the development of classifications regimes to protect society from the hazards of unstable substances and remove barriers to international trade but also in understanding and quantifying the resulting effects—such as explosion—from accidents involving these and other `dangerous goods'. This paper describes some of the accidents which show the need for international controls for `dangerous goods' and some of the contributions made by OECD-IGUS (often referred to as `IGUS') to their developments. 相似文献
指出了安全管理工作者在车间事故预防工作中的错误思想和错误做法 ,这些做法严重阻碍了企业的安全生产 相似文献
通过瓮安磷矿3000t/a黄磷生产中几起事故的分析讨论,总结了黄磷生产处理和防范火灾的一些实际经验,提出今后预防的具体措施和建议,对小型黄磷生产具有一定的参考作用。 相似文献
现代化工业企业人因失误分析与事故预防 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
现代化工业企业中人因失误已成为影响系统安全与可靠性的最主要因素,通过分析现代化企业的基本特征,探讨了系统监控人员行为模型、人因失误分类及原因,并提出了人因事件的预防策略。 相似文献
文章从燃气的燃烧条件入手,分析了燃气火灾的危险性,列举了燃气在生产、运输、储存、使用中可能遇到的机械能类、热能类、电能类、化学能类的点火源,基于这些分析,提出了在实际工作中预防燃气着火、爆炸的具体措施. 相似文献
Dongo Rémi Kouabenan 《Safety Science》2009,47(6):767-776
This paper mainly deals with an old psychological theme, i.e., the impact of comprehensive reference systems such as belief systems and culture on safety and accident prevention. It is hypothesized that an understanding of the beliefs people hold about risks and the causes of accidents, as well as their perceptions of risk targets and the need for safety, are important prerequisites for effectively managing risk and designing preventive measures. This viewpoint is posited to be highly crucial today, especially in this era of globalization where workers from different backgrounds are relocating, and increasingly complex technology is being exported. Illustrations are given for both developing and developed countries. Different factors are shown to cause bias in accident explanation and risk perception. Among these, people’s beliefs about their own ability to cope and also their culture are described as important factors. Both defensive explanations of accidents and illusory or biased risk perception are shown to influence safety assessments and to have important implications for defining the best preventive actions and for writing relevant preventive communications. 相似文献
我国钢铁企业事故预防研究综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了明确我国钢铁企业事故预防的研究现状和今后研究重点,基于文献查阅,将事故预防从企业安全管理和事故诱因研究两方面进行分析,概括了我国钢铁企业安全管理模式的发展进程,并指出不同类型企业在安全管理模式方面存在的问题。归纳钢铁企业现有安全管理过程中关于管理方法、管理方式、管理目标、管理责任及管理人员方面存在的突出问题。汇总钢铁企业事故产生原因的重要分析指标,从横向和纵向两个方面分析现有文献在事故诱因方面的研究内容。最后从4个方面指出我国钢铁企业在今后事故预防中对安全管理模式及事故诱因研究应注意的主要问题。 相似文献
Since the adoption of community right-to-know programs in the US there has been an increase in the number of groups known as local emergency planning committees. These committees have matured in focus over the intervening years since the Bhopal incident and even more so since the events of September 11, 2001. There is a strong recognition that local communities working very closely with chemical handling facilities in their areas can directly and meaningfully reduce the threat of a chemical release incident, regardless of cause. Likewise, through similar means they can better prepare themselves to respond should an incident occur. Especially as regards modern concepts of process chemical safety and facility security, local communities can be of great assistance to smaller facilities that do not otherwise necessarily have the resources to accomplish these tasks. As the vulnerabilities of a facility to accident or intentional act, the impacts of these events and the ability of communities to react are all a function of local conditions, it is clear that these local efforts can be more meaningful than large-scale national efforts. While national legislation is certainly helpful to the process of bringing people together, it is the local relationships that produce results. 相似文献
《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》2005,18(3):127-138
Empirical research on major accident safety in the second largest chemical cluster worldwide, the Antwerp port area, supports the design of a meta-technical framework for optimizing external domino prevention. First, the majority of Seveso top tier companies have expressed a willingness to cooperate more intensively to protect themselves against potential off-site major accidents. Second, Hazop, What–If analysis and the Risk Matrix, interesting building blocks for such a framework, are frequently used risk analysis techniques at Seveso lower tier and Seveso top tier companies. The developed framework, called Hazwim, integrates these three complementary techniques into an effective standardized risk analysis framework for the prevention of external xdomino accidents in an industrial area. The main strengths of Hazwim are its completeness and its cost-effectiveness. The combination of techniques on the one hand and qualitative and quantitative data on the other, offers a comprehensive up-to-date list of cross-company domino hazards and recommended actions in the area under consideration. The Hazwim framework offers support to prevention managers and safety policy makers concerning external domino prevention. 相似文献
介绍了山东省某化工有限公司苯胺厂的工人在废硫酸罐顶部焊接管线时发生的一起废硫酸罐爆炸事故。通过对事故发生经过及现场情况的调查分析,找出了导致事故发生的原因,由于废硫酸罐耐酸瓷瓦破损,废硫酸渗漏与罐体接触反应产生的氢气,与由苯-稀硫酸萃取分离器串入废硫酸罐的苯或硝基苯蒸气及罐内空气混合形成爆炸性混合物,遇到因违章操作产生的明火、高温发生爆炸。通过对这次事故的详细描述、分析,在吸取事故教训的基础上,提出了相应的预防措施,为预防类似事故的发生提供参考。 相似文献
石油工业的生产方式、生产工艺、装备以及产品的特点决定了其生产过程中的事故多发性.因此建立健全石油企业内部快速防止事故灾害体系,迅速恰当处理生产过程中的紧急情况和突发事故,是石油企业安全管理工作面临的新课题、新任务.<安全生产法>第三十三条规定:生产经营单位对重大危险源应当登记建档,进行定期监测、评估、监控,并制定应急预案,告知从业人员和相关人员在紧急情况下应当采取的应急措施.因此,无论从石油企业面临的新课题、新任务,还是从立法的高度,都明确强调了石油企业制定事故应急预案与急救措施的必要性和重要性. 相似文献
《Safety Science》2006,44(6):537-550
Three individual-based approaches to accident involvement in the workplace, perceptual, attitudinal and dispositional, were evaluated using meta-analytic techniques. The study showed that whilst none of the approaches offered evidence of a strong relationship with work accidents, employees’ safety perceptions emerged as having greater predictive validity than attitudes towards safety, but that one aspect of personality (agreeableness) had greater predictive validity than either safety perceptions or safety attitudes. The study also showed that there is the possibility that safety perceptions are much more predictive in some occupational settings compared to others. Implications of the results for further research are discussed. 相似文献
在探索安全与事故的运动规律中,揭示了安全与事故同预防、控制事故的内在联系,依此确认预防、控制事故原理,并运用该原理促使人与物在生产系统中规律运动和改变其异常运动,从本质是超前有效预防、控制事故发生。 相似文献
针对我国安全管理手段落后,安全评价机构不可能对瞬时变化的煤矿生产系统进行详细评价的问题,提出了一种简单、快速的评价方法——安全评价五步法.安全评价五步法的实施步骤为:停止操作;查找安全隐患;判断隐患对人身、财产和环境的危害程度;对风险进行控制;如果控制有效则恢复操作,否则重新开始下一轮五步风险评价.在评价过程中进一步结合层次分析法和模糊评价法对危险因素进行评价.应用安全评价五步法对龙泉煤矿03采煤工作面顶板的安全状况进行了评价,评价结果与实际相符,验证了安全评价五步法的有效性.基于安全评价五步法可建立实时、动态的控制风险的方法体系,及时进行修正更新,从而使企业形成具有预防和矫正功能的自组织机制,进而实现安全管理工作的闭环控制,提高工作效率,预防事故的发生. 相似文献
The factors giving impulse to changing major accident prevention legislation within Europe, the so-called Seveso Directive, have not been thoroughly studied and molded into an understandable model thus far. For example the exact relationship between major industrial accidents and an ever changing legislation is still unexplored. This paper thoroughly investigates the parameters having influenced the change of the 1996 Seveso II Directive into the 2003 Seveso Directive Amendment 2003/105/EC and develops the accompanying legislation change process. The official major accident reports of Baia Mare, Enschede and Toulouse are studied in-depth, as well as many other official EU documents. Furthermore, experts from academia, government and industry who witnessed and/or participated into the legislation change process were interviewed in-depth. More profound insights into the societal debate following a major accident may help private companies to adapt their safety management system and their prevention policies, and may aid the legislator to develop more efficient and effective regulations. This way, the societal demand to change legislation in an ad hoc manner may be unpressurized. 相似文献
化工装置爆炸事故模式及预防研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
对建国以来我国已经发生的典型化工装置爆炸事故原因进行了统计分析 ,总结了爆炸危险性的影响因素。结合对已经发生的事故案例的剖析 ,提取并建立了装置内爆炸事故模式 ,对各种模式的爆炸机理和发生条件进行了初步的研究分析 ,并提出事故的预防措施 ,以期指导安全生产 相似文献