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能源安全是维持国民经济持续发展的重要保障,能源发展中的消防安全是确保我国能源安全的重要组成部分.本文根据能源发展战略,概述了目前我国能源发展现状,并以石油火灾为例,总结了火灾发生的原因和火灾发生与能源增长之间的关系.在此基础上,分析了能源发展过程中的消防安全问题,提出了相应对策,对能源消防安全管理的系统化和规范化具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

为完善事故致因理论体系,论述并解析能量流系统定义,分析系统能量流流向, 构建基于能量流系统的事故致因概念模型,并从能量串发、发散、集中和混合四方面解 析其内涵。对能量流的聚集、耦合、转换、释放,以及意外释放能量的防控效果、破坏 强度和伤害程度等进行数学描述。基于此,构建基于能量流系统的事故预防概念模型, 并提炼减灾措施。研究结果明晰了事故发生的物理本质,从能量流系统的视角为事故致 因的定量分析或半定量半定性分析提供理论参考,并可为事故预防与控制提供理论指导 。  相似文献   

针对油水两相流经过弯管时的流向改变会导致流体速度和压力发生突变,造成发生静电事故和腐蚀事故风险上升 的不利影响,提出了RSM模型和Mixture模型相结合的安全分析方法。该方法对不同入口速度和含水率的油水两相流进行 数值模拟,并用Origin软件拟合了进口最大允许流速与管径及含水率的经验关系。结果表明,在含水率和入口速度一定 时,随着管径的增加,弯管处的最大速度呈现逐渐减小的趋势:当管径和入口速度一定时,随着含水率的增加,弯管处 的最大速度也逐渐减小。最大压力出现在弯管外拱壁处,最小压力出现在弯管内侧拱壁处。在实际生产中,增加弯管下 游直管段内侧壁的壁厚,可有效防止空化腐蚀所造成的危害;通过含水率来确定安全流速,可有效降低静电事故的风险 。  相似文献   

为分析花岗岩颗粒流模型循环作用下的能量特征,基于花岗岩单轴压缩试验得到的应力应变曲线,完成了PFC3D数值试验的参数标定,探讨了不同循环次数下数值试件内部总能量、弹性应变能和耗散能的变化规律,建立了一定循环次数下耗散能随应力变化的演化方程。研究结果表明:在数值试件加载至破坏过程中,这些能量参数以应力应变曲线峰值点为分界,峰前的总能量、弹性应变能和耗散能随应力呈非线性增长,总能量增长速率最快,弹性能次之,耗散能最慢;至峰值点附近时弹性应变能达到储能极限,增速降为0;峰后则表现为弹性应变能急剧释放,耗散能随裂纹发展而快速增加,能量急剧释放是导致岩石灾变破坏的主要原因。提出的基于材料阻尼理论的耗散能演化方程,计算结果和试验数据对比表明其可以较好地反映一定循环次数下耗散能随应力变化的特征。  相似文献   

In this diary study, we aimed to examine the moderating effects of the following: (i) recovery efforts at work and (ii) detachment from work on the relationship between work‐related flow and energy after work. Specifically, we hypothesized that flow would be beneficial for energy after work when employees failed (versus managed) to recover during work breaks. Additionally, we predicted that when employees experience flow at work, they would be more vigorous (and less exhausted) at the end of the day when they detached from work in the evening compared with days when they failed to detach. The study tracked 83 participants who completed daily surveys over four consecutive days. Results of multilevel analyses indicated that some characteristics of flow, such as absorption and enjoyment, were significantly associated with energy after work. Recovery at work and detachment from work moderated the relationship between flow (specifically the enjoyment component) and after‐work energy. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the presentation of several works carried out, in France, in the field of transport ergonomics and psychology. It aims at pointing out the original features of the French ergonomics approach of dynamic situations; these features are related to the method used (the analysis of an activity in actual working conditions is emphasized) and the specific definitions of several concepts such as the concepts of ‘work activity’, ‘task’ and ‘situation’. This introductory paper proposes to define these notions and to show their relevance to an analysis of driving activities.  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis investigates the direction and strength of the relationship between diversity in culturally diverse teams and team creativity/innovation. We distinguish the effects of two diversity levels (i.e., surface level vs. deep level) in culturally diverse teams and examine the moderators suggested by the socio‐technical systems framework (i.e., team virtuality and task characteristics in terms of task interdependence, complexity, and intellectiveness). Surface‐level diversity in culturally diverse teams is not related to team creativity/innovation, whereas deep‐level diversity in culturally diverse teams is positively related to team creativity/innovation. Moreover, surface‐level diversity in culturally diverse teams and team creativity/innovation are negatively related for simple tasks but unrelated for complex tasks. Deep‐level diversity in culturally diverse teams and team creativity/innovation is positively related for collocated teams and interdependent tasks but unrelated for noncollocated teams and independent tasks. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

为提高H2S泄漏应急处置效率,分析H2S洗消效率影响因素,采用ASPEN模拟与实验相结合的方法获取填料层-文丘里耦合设备关键设计参数,研究进气量、入口浓度、液气比等参数对H2S洗消效率的影响规律,并搭建填料层-文丘里耦合H2S洗消设备。结果表明:填料层-文丘里耦合洗消设备最大洗消效率达91%,可以高效处置H2S泄漏危机。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的快速发展,地下建筑得到了充分的开发和应用。但是,由于这些地下建筑物具有封闭性强,自然通风条件较差,人流密集度高等特点,一旦发生火灾极易造成群死群伤重特大恶性事故。运用火灾动力学、烟气控制理论和有限元方法,对淮南中智大型地下车库不同条件下火灾烟气流动规律进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明:建筑喷淋系统对火灾抑制效果明显,但对火灾烟气控制会产生较为不利影响,有时会造成疏散出口处能见度下降20%~30%,且在一些半封闭区域内形成烟气集聚,不易被排出,从而对火灾遇险人员安全疏散产生不利影响。  相似文献   

In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic due to the frequent movement of students, densely populated colleges and universities are under pressure during the normalization stage of epidemic prevention and control. A typical scene of student flow in college campuses was selected, and a pedestrian flow model on campus was built in this paper. By introducing the concept of spatiotemporal concomitant, the risk of epidemic transmission caused by pedestrian⁃to⁃pedestrian contact was quantified. Based on the spatiotemporal concomitant indicators, simulation calculations were carried out for three campus epidemic prevention and control strategies in Xipu Campus of Southwest Jiaotong University, including opening all passageways in the dormitory park, designing a new road between different areas, and classes in batches. Comparing and analyzing the simulation results, it can be found that the declines of the spatial concomitant indicators of the three strategies are: 12. 12%, 6. 08%, and 74. 02%, and the declines of the temporal concomitant indicators are 30. 49%, 0. 16%, and 60. 78%, respectively. When the three strategies are implemented at the same time, the declines of the spatial concomitant indicators and temporal concomitant indicators are 82. 37% and 76. 63% respectively. © 2022 China Safety Science Journal. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

水下生产系统最近几年被广泛用于海洋深水油气田的开发.与传统陆上油气田相比,水下生产系统维护困难,系统故障可能导致更严重后果,能源公司越来越重视水下生产系统的可靠性.总结了可靠性、可用性和可维护性分析技术的基本原理和工作流程,以目前正在建设中的深水油气田开发项目为例,给出了可靠性、可用性和可维护性技术的应用过程,并根据结果优化了基本设计方案,确保了导管架平台与水下生产系统的总体可靠性和可用性,同时从可靠性观点出发,针对设计中的薄弱环节,提出了相应的改进措施,对今后海上油气开发项目的设计的选择和运行维护方案的制定具有一定的指导与借鉴意义.  相似文献   

An experimental device for evaluating the minimum ignition energy (MIE) of LDPE dust/ethylene hybrid mixture was built with the innovative mixing mode. The MIE of the hybrid mixture that contained ethylene below its lower explosive limit (LEL) was studied. The result indicated that adding a small amount of ethylene significantly reduced the MIE of the original dust cloud. All the MIEs with five different particle sizes were found to show similar trends of exponential attenuation with the increase of ethylene concentration; such attenuating effect grew as the dust particle size rose. When ethylene concentration increased and approached to its LEL, the reaction mechanism dominated by combustible dust turned into one dominated by combustible gas. The MIE decreased first and then increased with the dust mass and increased with the dust particle size. A multifactor mathematical correlation model of the MIE with the dust particle size and ethylene concentration was developed.  相似文献   

能源燃烧产物是PM2.5暴露水平提高的重要因素,燃烧不同种类的能源对PM2.5形成的影响机理不同,但各类能源消耗量对人群PM2.5暴露水平的影响程度尚不明确.基于2003-2010年的PM2.5质量浓度与煤炭、焦炭、原油、汽油、煤油、柴油、燃料油、天然气和电力消耗数据组成的面板数据,建立了不同种类能源消耗影响我国人群PM25暴露水平的随机效应模型.结果表明,我国2003-2010年多数省(市、自治区)的年均PM2.5质量浓度超过了世界卫生组织的标准.在研究时间段内,不同种类能源消耗量对人群PM2.5暴露水平的影响具有较大差异,煤炭、焦炭、汽油和煤油消耗对人群PM2.5暴露水平具有正影响,其中,正向影响最大的为焦炭消耗量,表明工业消耗焦炭对形成PM2.5的促进作用比较明显;与焦炭消耗量具有相近的影响效果的因素是汽油消耗,表明改进机动车和航空燃油技术同样非常重要;原油、柴油、燃料油、天然气和电力消耗对人群PM2.5暴露水平具有负影响,其中负向影响最大的为电力消耗量,表明电力作为一种清洁能源,有利于降低人群PM2.5暴露水平.  相似文献   

介绍了以五孔球形探针为主的除尘器流场自动检测系统的研制过程。同时,应用该系统对两种旋风除尘器进行了测定。测定结果表明,该系统完全满足除尘器三维流场的测定要求。  相似文献   

基于我国在长大隧道火灾安全体系研究方面的需要,采用CFD方法对长大隧道纵向式通风控制火灾烟流的问题进行了数值模拟计算,研究不同通风条件对烟流的控制效果,得出了在满足控制烟气回流的基础上排烟风速的提高与所取得的降温效果对比,以及风流经过火区后的蔓延增长变化,同时总结出烟流温度分布特征及对隧道结构不同部位的危害,可为隧道的防火与通风方案的制定,以及灾后检测评定工作提供相关的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

落实节能减排举措推进企业持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,凌钢积极落实科学发展观,不断推进管理创新、技术创新和体制创新,积极推进清洁生产和能源审计工作,加强源头和过程控制,努力建设资源节约型和环境友好型企业,促进了增长方式转变和经济效益提高.  相似文献   

High energy gas fracturing (HEGF) technique has been one of central stimulating measures to enhance oil recovery in low permeability reservoirs. But, in recently few years, some serious CO poisoning accidents took place in oilfields here in China. It is very important to reveal the dynamic mechanisms of carbon monoxide flow and diffusion to operating safety during high energy gas fracturing. In this paper, some dynamic mechanisms of carbon monoxide CO flowing inside a oil wellbore and diffusion on the top of the well during high energy gas fracturing were studied with fluid/gas hydrodynamics. The CO flow model within a wellbore and the diffusion model in air were established. The key factors affecting CO flow and diffusion such as wellbore pressure, gas-oil ratio, wind speed, leakage speed, air-permanence were inspected with mathematical simulation. It will be of significance to provide an important guidance for monitoring and preventing CO poisoning accidents during high energy gas fracturing.  相似文献   

1980-2007年中国居民生活用能碳排放测算与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
居民生活用能碳排放是指居民家庭在炊事、热水、照明、室温调节等生活起居方面对能源的直接消费所产生的碳排放.研究居民生活用能碳排放的测算方法,对1980至2007年中国居民生活用能碳排放状况进行实证分析.研究结果表明,该阶段我国居民生活用能碳排放量从6.728×107t碳增长至16.545×107t碳,人均生活用能碳排放量从每年68 kg碳增长至125 kg碳,呈较快的上升趋势,但仍处于满足基本生活需要的较低层次;受益于能源效率的提高及能源结构的改善,居民生活用能单位能耗碳排放量从每吨标准煤排放0.732 t碳下降至0.632 t碳,生活用能结构优化仍有较大的提升空间;人均生活碳排放的城乡比从5.87下降至1.84,城乡差距呈不断缩小的趋势.在此基础上,对我国居民生活用能的节能减排提出相应对策建议.  相似文献   

企业的任何一项安全生产业务都可以分解为一系列安全生产责任,完成一项安全生产业务,都需有若干个步骤,要几个部门或人员参加。为了最大限度地节省人力、物力和财力资源,提高效率,应尽量避免安全生产责任的交叉和步骤的重复,并且做到安全生产责任落实到企业部门或人员。本文充分利用图表直观的特点,提出了一种用图表分析企业安全生产责任的方法,明确了企业安全生产业务责任图表的基本概念及其编制过程,给出了分析案例。  相似文献   

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