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We used time-series analysis to identify weekly and annual patterns in the supply of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804), postlarvae to the Florida Keys, USA, over an 8 yr period. We also investigated the relationship between postlarval influx and wind forcing as a transport mechanism using the complex vector-scalar correlation analysis. Postlarval supply had a lunar phase periodicity at 4.5 wk intervals, with postlarval abundance peaking between the new moon and first-quarter lunar phases. A distinct annual cycle of postlarval supply with two peak periods was also apparent. Cross-correlation analysis between relative postlarval abundance and a 12 mo cycle showed that the annual peak occurs in spring, centered around March. With the 12 mo periodicity removed, a smaller peak at 5 mo intervals was also well defined. Wind-forcing for 7 d prior to the time of postlarval collection was marginally correlated with postlarval abundance through the entire time-series; the association was strongest during the late fall to early spring months. The analysis indicated that postlarval supply was correlated with winds from the northeast (ca. 45°), which are associated with winter atmospheric fronts. In contrast to results reported for other spiny lobster populations, these patterns suggest that recruitment of lobster postlarvae to south Florida is predictable only at a gross level and is presumably affected by the temporally inconsistent structure of regional oceanic gyres and variability in the timing of lobster spawning in the Caribbean. Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted: 4 March 1997  相似文献   

J. Welch  R. Forward 《Marine Biology》2001,139(5):911-918
Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) postlarvae (megalopae) use flood tide transport to move upstream in estuaries during nocturnal flood tides. The megalopae have a endogenous diel rhythm in activity that is inconsistent with this tidally timed behavior. Thus, it is hypothesized that this behavior is regulated by behavioral changes in response to exogenous cues associated with tidal currents. In a laboratory flow tank, blue crab megalopae were exposed to simultaneous changes in salinity and turbulence to simulate tides in an estuary. On simulated flood tides, megalopae ascended upon exposure to a salinity increase, remained swimming during times of high turbulence, and descended at times of low turbulence. Turbulence stimulated swimming for several hours, approximating the duration of tidal currents in estuaries. Swimming was inhibited by decreasing salinity on simulated ebb tides. These results support a model for regulation of flood tide transport by blue crab megalopae as follows: (1) blue crab megalopae are stimulated to swim into the water column by increasing salinity associated with flood tide; (2) megalopae remain swimming during flood tide in response to high levels of turbulence; (3) megalopae descend at the end of flood tide, when current speed and turbulence decline to low levels; and (4) megalopae are inhibited from swimming on ebb tides by the associated salinity decrease. This is the first model for regulation of flood tide transport in a species lacking a tidal rhythm in activity.  相似文献   

Assessments of the conservation and fisheries effects of marine reserves typically focus on single reserves where sampling occurs over narrow spatiotemporal scales. A strategy for broadening the collection and interpretation of data is collaborative fisheries research (CFR). Here we report results of a CFR program formed in part to test whether reserves at the Santa Barbara Channel Islands, USA, influenced lobster size and trap yield, and whether abundance changes in reserves led to spillover that influenced trap yield and effort distribution near reserve borders. Industry training of scientists allowed us to sample reserves with fishery relevant metrics that we compared with pre-reserve fishing records, a concurrent port sampling program, fishery effort patterns, the local ecological knowledge (LEK) of fishermen, and fishery-independent visual surveys of lobster abundance. After six years of reserve protection, there was a four- to eightfold increase in trap yield, a 5-10% increase in the mean size (carapace length) of legal sized lobsters, and larger size structure of lobsters trapped inside vs. outside of three replicate reserves. Patterns in trap data were corroborated by visual scuba surveys that indicated a four- to sixfold increase in lobster density inside reserves. Population increases within reserves did not lead to increased trap yields or effort concentrations (fishing the line) immediately outside reserve borders. The absence of these catch and effort trends, which are indicative of spillover, may be due to moderate total mortality (Z = 0.59 for legal sized lobsters outside reserves), which was estimated from analysis of growth and length frequency data collected as part of our CFR program. Spillover at the Channel Islands reserves may be occurring but at levels that are insufficient to influence the fishery dynamics that we measured. Future increases in fishing effort (outside reserves) and lobster biomass (inside reserves) are likely and may lead to increased spillover, and CFR provides an ideal platform for continued assessment of fishery-reserve interactions.  相似文献   

Squat lobster populations found in the Humboldt Current System over the continental shelf from ~28 to 37°S release pelagic larvae in sub-surface cold (~11 °C) hypoxic waters. Larvae subsequently spread throughout the water column encountering both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. We analyzed some short- and long-term responses of Pleuroncodes monodon larval metabolism to hypoxia at 11 °C. Routine and postprandial aerobic respiration rates were lower in hypoxia than in normoxia for all zoeal stages. Zoea V oxyconformed, while megalopae oxyregulated down to very low oxygen concentrations. Throughout zoea I development, the rate of nitrogen (protein) accumulation in zoea I was lower, and C:N ratios were higher under hypoxic conditions than in normoxia. Citrate synthase (CS) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) apparent specific activities (as indicators of aerobic and metabolic potentials, respectively) decreased and remained at the same level, respectively, throughout zoea I reared under hypoxic conditions. Anaerobic to aerobic potential (lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)/CS) was higher in organisms reared under hypoxia, and MDH/LDH potential ratios were characteristic of organisms tolerant to hypoxia. In spite of P. monodon zoea endurance and metabolic adaptations to decreasing oxygen tensions, intense hypoxia as such of their release site would affect their overall condition especially toward the end of the molt cycle. Our results indicate the importance of considering the interaction between environmental oxygen variability and recruitment success.  相似文献   

The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is moderately tolerant of sulphide [the lethal time to 50% mortality (LT50) was 22.5 h when exposed to 500 M sulphide] but, whenever possible, it attempts to avoid the presence of sulphide in its immediate vicinity. Any sulphide entering the animal is oxidized to thiosulphate, which accumulates in the haemolymph and in the tissues. During exposure to low concentrations of sulphide, the rate of oxygen consumption is maintained or even enhanced even though the lobsters become quiescent. The apparent increase in oxygen consumption is probably due to the oxidation of sulphide to thiosulphate. At higher concentrations, oxygen consumption decreases, perhaps because of the inhibitory effect of sulphide on electron transport, and N. norvegicus resorts to anaerobic metabolism as indicated by the accumulation of lactate in the haemolymph and in the tissues.Communicated by L. Hagerman, Helsingør  相似文献   

Sublethal behavioural responses including avoidance and burial rate were compared with 10 d acute morbidity and mortality in bioassays using juvenile Macomona liliana 1 to 3 mm long. The bivalves showed significant movement away from all copper-dosed sediments, with maximal movement after 96 h at 25 mg Cu kg (dry wt)-1. Increasing copper concentrations slowed the rate of burial, and above 15 mg Cu kg (dry wt)-1, most shellfish failed to bury after 90 min. After 10 d exposure, morbidity (defined as inability to rebury) occurred at 15 mg Cu kg (dry wt)-1 and mortality at 30 mg Cu kg (dry wt)-1. In avoidance trials, chlordane had a significant effect on overall movement from 20 g kg (dry wt)-1, but increasing concentrations reduced movement away from dosed sediment. Chlordance appeared to have no effect on burial rate. Survival was affected by 10 d exposure to 400 g chlordane kg (dry wt)-1, with increased morbidity and death. The relative sensitivities of the responses shown by M. liliana to copper were avoidance > burial/morbidity > mortality, with a 6-fold difference in the response threshold between avoidance and mortality. With chlordance, an avoidance response was detected at a concentration 20-fold lower than that causing morbidity. Behavioural responses of M. liliana have the potential to provide a sensitive bioassay.  相似文献   

Many predators hunt using the social and waste odors of their prey. It is unknown, however, whether potential prey modify their behavior in response to the risks of predation associated with accumulations of conspecific odor. We examined this question by measuring foraging trade-offs of wild house mice (Mus domesticus) in the field where we increased both predation risk and conspecific odor at artificial food patches in a two-factor design. Mouse giving-up densities (GUDs) were significantly higher in open habitats than in closed habitats but did not differ with the addition of mouse odors. Fine-scale behavioral observations of captive mice confirmed their attraction to the conspecific odor in an enclosure experiment, without any change to the GUD. These results indicate that house mice continue to visit and forage at food patches despite accumulations of predator-attracting odors. This most likely occurs for the social benefits obtained from conspecific odor exploration; however, such behavior may cause mice to become vulnerable to considerable olfactory exploitation by their predators. Future work must therefore focus on how mice trade off the social benefits of investigating odors that also attract their enemies.  相似文献   

Cues for detecting and responding to perceived predation risk may be indirect, i.e., correlated with the probability of encountering a predator, or direct, i.e., produced by or related to the actual presence of a predator. Research shows, independently, both types of cues can influence anti-predator and foraging behaviours in prey species. However, since animals naturally encounter indirect and direct cues simultaneously, we were interested in quantifying their cumulative effect. Our aim was to evaluate food intake and behaviours (patch use, feeding (rate and time), vigilance) of a nocturnal mammalian herbivore to indirect (open vs. covered microhabitats; illumination) and direct (fox/owl odours) predator cues. We ran a preference trial with four paired treatments using a covered Safe food patch and an open Risk food patch, with one of four combinations of indirect and direct predator cues. Predation risk had a significant effect on both intake and behaviour (including feeding time, rate, and vigilance), but these effects differed depending on cues. No two combinations of cues produced exactly the same effects, illustrating the complexity of interactions that occur between cues. Covered patches were always perceived as less risky than open patches, but unexpectedly, open patches were perceived as riskier when dark rather than light. The strongest suite of (negative) responses to risk was associated with combined indirect and direct cues. These results highlight the importance of considering jointly, intake from a patch, intake rate, and behaviours, such as the proportion of time spent vigilant, when quantifying predation risk, rather than intake alone.  相似文献   

Although much is known about the relationship between vigilance, group size and predation risk, behavioural responses to predation risk and their resultant costs are less clear. We investigated the response of Diana monkeys to increased predation risk by looking at behavioural changes associated with male long-distance calls, which are reliably given to certain predators. After male long-distance calls, group spread and nearest-neighbour distance decreased whilst travel and association rates for the group increased. The average height and exposure level of individuals in the group did not change after calls. Individual Diana monkeys changed their behaviour and were more likely to be vigilant or travel and less likely to engage in social or resting behaviours after long-distance calls. In addition, movement rates increased with the number of species the Diana monkeys were associated with. Diana monkey long-distance calls facilitate the joining of groups of other species. Black and white colobus and lesser spot-nosed monkeys were more likely to be in an association following a long-distance call than before. Behavioural responses, such as increased travel or association rates, that reduce foraging efficiency are interpreted as evidence of a non-lethal impact of increased predation risk.  相似文献   

We present experimental results demonstrating that, for the turbulent plume from a buoyancy source that is vertically distributed over the full area of a wall, detrainment qualitatively changes the shape of the ambient buoyancy profile that develops in a sealed space. Theoretical models with one-way-entrainment predict stratifications that are qualitatively different from the stratifications measured in experiments. A peeling plume model, where density and vertical velocity vary linearly across the width of the plume, so that plume fluid “peels” off into the ambient at intermediate heights, more accurately captures the shape of the ambient buoyancy profiles measured in experiments than a conventional one-way-entrainment model does.  相似文献   

Growth increments of the male rock lobster Jasus lalandii vary systematically with location within a small (38 km2) fishing ground off the South African west coast. High growth rates were recorded from an area where the availability of benthos suitable as rock-lobster food was also high. Increments could also be shown to vary significantly in different years, but over the size range examined, growth did not appear to be a function of size. Benthic biomass was found to be inversely related to depth. However, comparisons between biomass values from the same depths in two different areas of the fishing ground suggested that biomass was higher in areas which were in proximity to shallow water, where extensive kelp beds were found. Mussels (Aulacomya magellanica) formed an important constituent of the rock lobster's diet; these were prevalent at depths between 20 and 40 m, and especially in areas where rock-lobster growth rates were high.  相似文献   

To characterise some traits of the life strategies of Polycheles typhlops, a deep-sea small lobster usually encountered as by-catch within deep trawls in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Mediterranean Sea), we analysed the biochemical composition of the caudal muscles of 49 specimens collected in March and April 2007. Differences in the biochemical composition between females and males were weak, but relevant differences in protein (>90% of the organic C) and lipid (4–6%) contents were observed between developmental stages both in females and males. These differences are likely to be related to different food items and/or to the metabolic shifts associated with their reproduction. We argue that this deep-sea lobster could cover a relevant role in the meso-pelagic food webs and attract future commercial interest.  相似文献   

In the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae, females attract males by producing 1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane (olean), the main component of the sex pheromone secreted by rectal glands. It has been recently demonstrated that males are able to produce (Z)-9-tricosene (muscalure) in rectal glands, a compound that selectively attracts females. In this study, a male grooming reaction that may transfer the male-borne compounds from rectal to urotergal glands was observed, suggesting that urotergal glands could be involved in B. oleae sexual communication. GC/MS, EAG, GC/EAD analyses and behavioural assays were carried out to compare the role of male rectal and urotergal glands during courtship. In both male glands, olean and muscalure amounts were age dependent. Extracts of rectal glands contained higher amounts of olean and/or muscalure than urotergal ones. Extracts of rectal and urotergal glands of males and females elicited EAG responses in both sexes. GC/EAD showed that female EAG response to male rectal extracts was mainly due to olean and muscalure. Synthetic compounds evoked EAG dose-dependent responses in both sexes, and the EAG response to muscalure was higher as compared to olean. Rectal and urotergal glands from old males were able to attract females, while urotergal glands from young males attracted only males. Overall, our results add knowledge to the mating system of B. oleae, giving first evidences on the electrophysiological activity of muscalure towards both sexes, as well as on the involvement of male urotergal glands in the chemical sexual communication of this pest.  相似文献   

Rafting on floating objects is a common dispersal mechanism for many marine invertebrates. In order to identify adaptations to the rafting life style, we compared behavioural and metabolic characteristics of two isopods, the obligate rafter Idotea metallica and the facultative rafter Idotea baltica. In laboratory experiments, I. metallica showed low locomotive activity and a tight association to the substratum. Idotea baltica, in contrast, was more active with more frequent excursions in the surrounding water column. Oxygen consumption rates were similar in both species. Idotea metallica fed on zooplankton making this species widely independent of autochthonous food resources of the raft. Feeding rates and digestive enzyme activities were low in I. metallica. Reduced egestion rates may indicate slow gut passage and, thus, efficient resorption of nutrients. Efficient food utilization and the ability to accumulate high amounts of storage products, i.e. lipids, indicate a possible adaptation of I. metallica to low food availability or starvation. The feeding behaviour of I. baltica, in contrast, was more herbivorous and appeared wasteful and inefficient. Low lipid contents in I. baltica also indicate poor storage reserves. Thus, I. baltica requires a permanent access to food.  相似文献   

The application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), particularly Large Eddy Simulation, for the modelling of buoyant turbulent plumes, has been demonstrated to be very accurate, but computationally expensive. Here a more basic, and therefore more generally practicable, approach is presented. Commercial CFD software is used to model such plumes using Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models. A careful comparison is made between the numerical predictions and well-established results regarding the bulk properties of plumes. During this process, we are able to observe the well-known approximate Gaussian nature of the plume and achieve quantitative agreement with empirical plume spread coefficients. The use of numerical modelling allows for the investigation of the flow field and turbulence in those regions of the plume of most interest—the plume edge and near source regions. A comprehensive sensitivity study is conducted to identify the limits of applicability of this modelling approach. It is shown that the standard modelling approach of Morton, Taylor and Turner, which introduced the well-known entrainment assumption, pertains in a region well above the source region. At the plume edge, the levels of turbulence are contrasted with the value of the entrainment parameter. Finally, the effects of forcing the plumes with additional momentum at the source are considered, including the case of a pure jet. We show how these forced plumes eventually lose their momentum excess and tend to the behaviour of a pure, buoyant plume.  相似文献   

The statistics of the fluctuating concentration field within a plume is important in the analysis of atmospheric dispersion of toxic, inflammable and odorous gases. Previous work has tended to focus on concentration fluctuations in single plumes released in the surface layer or at ground level and there is a general lack of information about the mixing of two adjacent plumes and how the statistical properties of the concentration fluctuations are modified in these circumstances. In this work, data from wind tunnel experiments are used to analyse the variance, skewness, kurtosis, intermittency, probability density function and power spectrum of the concentration field during the mixing of two identical plumes and results are compared with those obtained for an equivalent single plume. The normalised variance, skewness and kurtosis on the centre-lines of the combined plume increase with distance downwind of the stack and, in the two-source configuration, takes lower values than those found in the single plumes. The results reflect the merging process at short range, which is least protracted for cases in which the sources are in-line or up to 30 \(^{\circ }\) off-line. At angles of 45 \(^{\circ }\) and more, the plumes are effectively side-by-side during the merging process and the interaction between the vortex pairs in each plume is strong. Vertical asymmetry is observed between the upper and the lower parts of the plumes, with the upper part having greater intermittency (i.e. the probability that no plume material is present) and a more pronounced tail to the concentration probability distribution. This asymmetry tends to diminish at greater distances from the source but occurs in both buoyant and neutral plumes and is believed to be associated with the ‘bending-over’ of the emission in the cross-flow and the vortex pair that this generates. The results allowed us to identify three phases in plume development. The first, very near the stack, is dominated by turbulence generated within the plume and characterised by concentration spectra with distinct peaks corresponding to scales comparable with those of the counter-rotating vortex pair. A second phase follows at somewhat greater distances downwind, in which there are significant contributions to the concentration fluctuations from both the turbulence internal to the plume and the external turbulence. The third phase is one in which the concentration fluctuations appear to be controlled by the external turbulence present in the ambient flow.  相似文献   

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