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<正>中国的PX项目建设正在遭遇困境。2007年,福建厦门民众因反对新建PX项目而走上街头,最终迫使PX项目迁离厦门,但厦门部分民众抵制PX工厂在全国尚未形成很大影响。2009年,上海石化、镇海炼化、福佳大化和中海油惠州同一年开闸投产,到2011年,中国的PX产能已经迅速增加到年产840万吨。PX项目遭遇困境的转折点是在2011年。这一年夏天的台风引起了当地部分民众对已经投产两年的福佳大化PX项目的恐慌,在强  相似文献   

<正>中国的PX项目就像被施了诅咒,所到之处几乎都硝烟四起。不明就里的激进民众坚决守护着"自家后院",将PX项目视为随时引爆的炸弹,能扔多远就扔多远。更有所谓的"国际组织规定PX项目至少应该离城市100公里才安全"的无稽之谈,让业内权威专家惊呼何出此言。在国外,没有一个国家的法律、法规  相似文献   

2007年,厦门PX项目引起了社会各界的广泛关注,厦门人通过颇具创意的集体“散步”等方式,影响了政府决策,最终改变了自身的命运。这种集体“散步的”公众参与模式,初具了环评公众参与组织化模式的雏形。这种临时性的组织化模式在个人力量薄弱而环境保护组织又欠发达的情形下产生的,其影响力因其具有组织化模型而不可小视,又因其临时性而受到限制。为进一步提高公众参与的有效性,应完善环评中公众参与组织化模式,建立专业的环保组织。  相似文献   

<正>从2007年厦门"放弃"PX到2011年大连承诺已建成的PX项目"一定搬迁",再到2012年宁波"坚决不上"PX和2014年茂名"如绝大多数群众反对(PX项目),市政府是不会违背民意进行决策的"。一时间,PX成为引发环境群体事件的最敏感词汇,面对"维稳"的压力,地方政府的反应几乎如出一辙。7年前当PX首次进入公众视野时,"高危"、"剧毒"、"致癌"以及"发达国家PX生产装置与居民区距离至少百公里以上"等"权威说法"主导了以互联网、手机短信等为代表的  相似文献   

绿色通讯:现代通讯的方向性标志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在这个高度信息化的时代,通讯已经深入到了社会、生活的许多方面,而且正逐渐成中的重要元素影响或操纵着我们的生活。可以说有人的地方就有通讯网络的覆盖,因为我们每天都已经无法离开通讯了。就通讯的发展而言.它经过了一个漫长的过程.从秦时的烽火狼烟到今天的移动通讯技术,通讯以一种不可思议的角度切入到了我们的生活中并以一种你无法拒绝的方式正在改变着我们的生活。  相似文献   

We intend to review our experience with the investigation and management of foetal arrhythmia on the basis of superior vena cava/ascending aorta (SVC/AA) Doppler flow velocity recordings. Irregular rhythms n = 307. Premature atrial and ventricular contractions were easily identified and generally self-limited in time. Sustained bradycardia n = 19. Four had sinus bradycardia, six presented with blocked atrial bigeminism, three showed 2:1, and five had a complete atrio-ventricular (AV) block. Another foetus that presented with first-degree AV block developed a Luciani–Wenckebach phenomenon 1 week later. These different types of bradycardia were all identified on SVC/AA Doppler recordings. Tachyarrhythmia n = 30. Five types of tachyarrhythmia were observed: Type I: Short ventriculo-atrial (VA) tachycardia (VA < AV) , n = 11. Ten foetuses of this group presented a distinctive Doppler flow velocity pattern characterised by 1:1 AV conduction and a tall atrial wave (‘a’ wave) superimposed on the aortic ejection wave. They were considered to have re-entrant tachycardia through a fast-conducting AV accessory pathway; all 10 responded to digoxin therapy. The eleventh foetus with short VA tachycardia had atrial ectopic tachycardia with AV node dysfunction; he was treated successfully with sotalol. Type II: Long VA tachycardia (VA > AV): n = 8. In seven cases, an ‘a’ wave of normal amplitude with normal AV time interval could be clearly identified in front of the aortic ejection wave: one foetus in this group was considered to be in sinus tachycardia based on the variability of its heart rate; in another, sudden onset of tachycardia triggered by extrasystoles led to the possibility of permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia (PJRT). The five other foetuses had atrial ectopic tachycardia. The last foetus presented with AV and VA intervals of the same duration and a heart rate of 210 beats/min; he did not respond either to digoxin or to sotalol, and was found after birth to have PJRT. The drug of first choice in this group was sotalol. Type III: Simultaneous onset of atrial and ventricular contractions : n = 3. These foetuses were classified as junctional ectopic tachycardia. Two responded to amiodarone. The other foetus converted spontaneously to sinus rhythm. Type IV: Flutter : n = 7. All presented with 2:1 AV relationship except one who had a variable block. Digoxin was prescribed as a first choice associated with sotalol in three cases. Conversion to sinus rhythm was documented in all; however, one hydropic foetus with advanced cardiomyopathy died one day after birth. Type V: Ventricular tachycardia : n = 1. This 30-week foetus presented alternance of AV dissociation (atrial rate: 130, ventricular rate: 170 beats/min) and atrial capture (ventricular rate of 138 beats/min). The arrhythmia responded well to propanol, and no recurrence was recorded after birth. Precise prenatal identification of arrhythmia type can be achieved with the SVC/AA Doppler approach. Such information allows for a better management and a rational choice of appropriate anti-arrhythmic drug. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bringing flood resilience into practice: the FREEMAN project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent shift in flood risk management concedes that floods cannot be prevented but the impacts on and vulnerability of the risk prone communities can be reduced. Beyond mere structural defence, an integrated risk management approach deploys a diversified set of measures that moderate the economic and social drivers of risk and improve risk governance. In this context, the concept of resilience gains on importance despite the many challenges that obstruct its implementation in management practice. This paper contributes to tackling these challenges and elaborates on opportunities and bottlenecks to bring resilience into practice based on a review of the flood risk management in three case studies in Europe: Flanders (Belgium), Niedersachsen (Germany) and Calabria (Italy). The paper summarizes insights gained on three components of resilience being – institutional interplay, flood management tools and risk communication. The work that has lead to this paper is done under the FREEMAN project (flood resilience enhancement and management), funded under the 2nd CRUE ERA-Net Funding Initiative.  相似文献   

环境与经济协调发展的新挑战:污染转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村环境污染形势严峻,全国因固体废弃物堆存而被占用和毁损的农田面积已超过200万亩,3亿多农村人口面临饮水不安全问题。[编者按]  相似文献   

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