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This study presents a bioassay procedure, based on the root and shoot growth parameters, for the determination of the herbicide sulfosulfuron (1-(4,6 dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)-3-(2-ethylsulfonylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-3-ylsulfonil)urea) sensitivity on seven vegetal species. Plant response to sulfosulfuron was calculated with the equations fitted to the root growth data as a function of the logarithm of the herbicide concentration by non-linear regression and was used to calculate the doses for 10, 30 and 50% inhibition of root growth (EC10, EC30 and EC50). The results indicate that the phytotoxic effect of sulfosulfuron in all the species assayed followed the order: flax > maize > onion > vetch > lepidium sativum > tomato > barley. These species showed phytotoxicity at low levels of sulfosulfuron and flax appeared to be the most susceptible species to sulfosulfuron (0.001 mg/L).  相似文献   

Stormwater ponds have become common features of modern development and often represent significant amounts of open space in urbanized areas. Although stormwater ponds may provide habitat for wildlife, factors responsible for producing variation in wildlife use of ponds have received limited attention. To investigate the role of variation in species tolerances of pollutants in structuring pond-breeding amphibian assemblages, we exposed species tolerant (Bufo americanus) and not tolerant (Rana sylvatica) of urbanization to pond sediments in laboratory microcosms. Pond microcosms had elevated sediment metal levels and chloride water concentrations. Among R. sylvatica embryos, exposure to pond sediments resulted in 100% mortality. In contrast, B. americanus embryos and larvae experienced only sublethal effects (i.e., reduced size at metamorphosis) due to pond sediment exposure. Our results suggest variation in pollutant tolerance among early developmental stages of amphibians may act in concert with terrestrial habitat availability to structure amphibian assemblages associated with stormwater ponds.  相似文献   

Shinn C  Marco A  Serrano L 《Chemosphere》2008,71(3):507-514
Several authors have suggested that nitrogen-based fertilizers may be contributing to the global amphibian decline. We have studied the impact of sodium nitrite on early aquatic stages of Epidalea calamita, Pelophylax perezi and Hyla meridionalis larvae from Do?ana National Park (coastal wetland) and P. perezi from Gredos Mountain (high mountain ponds), exposed during 10 to 16 days. After 8 days of exposure all P. perezi larvae from Do?ana presented 100% mortality at 5 mg l(-1)N-NO2(-) while E. calamita larvae mortality rates were significantly lower at that concentration after 15 days. However, for H. meridionalis at day 15 no deaths were registered at 5 mg l(-1)N-NO2(-) and at 20 mg l(-1)N-NO2(-) presented intermediate mortality rates. In Do?ana the 10 d LC50 of older H. meridionalis larvae was between 20 and 30 mg l(-1)N-NO2(-) whilst for P. perezi it was below 5 mg l(-1)N-NO2(-). These results indicate inter-specific variation of the sensitivity of larval amphibians to nitrite. Gredos Mountain P. perezi larvae exposed since the egg stage were highly sensitive to nitrite, with a 16 d LC50 below 0.5 mg l(-1)N-NO2(-). The same species in Do?ana had a 15 d LC50 between 5 and mg l(-1)N-NO2(-). These results suggest that there is also intra-specific variation in sensitivity of amphibian larvae to nitrite: mountain amphibian populations appear to be more sensitive to polluted environments than coastal populations. Geographic and genetic variation and evolutionary adaptation of tolerance may also be the keys to variation amongst populations of the same species.  相似文献   

The risk of chemicals for ecological communities is often forecast with species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) which are used to predict the concentration which will protect p% of species (PCp value). However, at the PCp value, species richness in nature would not necessary be p% less than at uncontaminated sites. The definition of species richness inherent to SSDs (contaminant category richness) contrasts with species richness typically measured in most field studies (point richness). We determine, for salinity in eastern Australia, whether these definitions of stream macroinvertebrate species richness are commensurable. There were strong relationships (r2 ≥ 0.87) between mean point species, family and Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera species richness and their respective contamination category richness. Despite differences in the definition of richness used by SSDs and field biomonitoring, their results in terms of relative species loss from salinity in south-east Australia are similar. We conclude that in our system both definitions are commensurable.  相似文献   

Duan J  Bi X  Tan J  Sheng G  Fu J 《Chemosphere》2007,67(3):614-622
Size distribution aerosol samples were collected at an urban location of Guangzhou in four seasons of 2003-2004 by a MOUDI (Micro-orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor). The particle loading (PM10: 80-397 microg m(-3)) was comparable with some other Asia cities; however, much higher than that of Western Europe and North America. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured by gas chromatography with mass selective detector (GC-MS). Seasonal effects on the size distribution of PAHs are presented. Bimode (accumulation and coarse mode) and unimode (accumulation mode) distributions were observed for low-molecule-weight and high-molecule-weight PAHs. A slight shift to larger particles was found for the accumulation mode in autumn and winter, compared with that of spring and summer. One explanation is that the longer aging process of PAHs in autumn and winter would result in volatilization from finer particles followed by condensation onto coarser particles. Another is there was mixing process of local emission with long-range transported aerosol in autumn and winter. The relative higher value of IcdP/(BghiP+IcdP) and lower value of BghiP/BeP in winter also give evidences to the mixing process. The level of PAHs concentration has been much elevated in recent years. This can be attributed to the fast growth of motor vehicle and energy consumption.  相似文献   

A regression model based on the provincial energy consumption data was developed to calculate the monthly proportions of residential energy consumption compared to the total year volume. This model was also validated by comparing with some survey and statistical data. With this model, a PAHs emission inventory with seasonal variation was developed. The seasonal variations of different sources in different regions of China and the spatial distribution of the major sources in different seasons were also achieved. The PAHs emissions were larger in the winter than in the summer, with a difference of about 1.3-folds between the months with the largest and the smallest emissions. Residential solid fuel combustion dominated the pattern of seasonal variation with the winter-time emissions as much as 1.6 times as that in the summer, while the emissions from wild fires and open fire straw burning was mainly concentrated during the spring and summer.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in liver tissues of seven species of birds collected from Ahmedabad, India during 2005–2007. All the samples collected were dead as victims of kite flying. Concentrations of ∑PAHs in livers of birds were ranged from 110?±?32.6 ng/g wet wt (1,078?±?320 lipid wt) in common myna Acridotheres tristis to 382?±?90.1 ng/g (2,388?±?563 lipid wt) in white-backed vulture. Statistically significant (p?<?0.05) differences in ∑PAHs were observed among species. However, year of collection and sex of birds did not show significant differences in concentrations of PAHs. The levels of ∑PAHs measured in the present study species were higher than the levels documented for a number of avian species and were lower than those reported to have deleterious effects on survival or reproduction of birds. Presence of PAH residues in birds of Ahmedabad city show the continuous input of PAHs through environmental exposure. Although no threat is posed by any of the hydrocarbons detected, continuous monitoring of breeding colonies of birds is recommended in unpolluted reference sites as well as polluted sites. It is also the first account of a comprehensive analysis of PAHs in various species of birds in India. Therefore, the values reported in this study can serve as baseline values for future research.  相似文献   

This study identified 83 species from existing publications suitable for inclusion in a database of sensitivity of species to ozone (OZOVEG database). An index, the relative sensitivity to ozone, was calculated for each species based on changes in biomass in order to test for species traits associated with ozone sensitivity. Meta-analysis of the ozone sensitivity data showed a wide inter-specific range in response to ozone. Some relationships in comparison to plant physiological and ecological characteristics were identified. Plants of the therophyte lifeform were particularly sensitive to ozone. Species with higher mature leaf N concentration were more sensitive to ozone than those with lower leaf N concentration. Some relationships between relative sensitivity to ozone and Ellenberg habitat requirements were also identified. In contrast, no relationships between relative sensitivity to ozone and mature leaf P concentration, Grime's CSR strategy, leaf longevity, flowering season, stomatal density and maximum altitude were found. The relative sensitivity of species and relationships with plant characteristics identified in this study could be used to predict sensitivity to ozone of untested species and communities.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the relative sensitivity among freshwater fish species to aqueous aluminium. Seven common Scandinavian fish species were exposed to acidic Al-rich water, acidic Al-poor water, and approximately neutral water as a control. The relative sensitivity among the species to an acute aluminium challenge was documented, and was in the following order: Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, as the most sensitive; then roach, Rutilus rutilus; minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus; perch, Perca fluviatilis; grayling, Thymallus thymallus; brown trout, Salmo trutta; and Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus. Substantial mortality was observed in all species when exposed to the Al-rich medium. Some mortality was also observed in minnow, roach, and brown trout exposed to the acidic Al-poor medium and the control medium. A high resistance to aluminium was observed in Arctic char, while perch was found to be more sensitive to aluminium than expected and, for the first time, a toxic response to aqueous aluminium in grayling was documented. Through controlled experimental studies, the results confirm that aluminium is an important factor in the toxicity of acidified waters to freshwater fish species.  相似文献   

Organochlorine contaminants (OCs) were determined in liver and fat of seven species of seabirds (Alle alle, Uria lomvia, Cepphus grylle, Rissa tridactyla, Pagophila eburnea, Larus hyperboreus, and Fulmaris glacialis) collected in May/June 1998 from the Northwater Polynya in northern Baffin Bay. OC concentrations ranged over an order of magnitude between seabird species and OC groups, with PCBs having the highest concentrations followed by DDT, chlordane, HCH and ClBz. Positive relationships between delta15N (estimator of trophic level) and OC concentrations (lipid basis) were found for all OC groups, showing that trophic position and biomagnification significantly influence OC concentrations in Arctic seabirds. Concentrations of a number of OCs in particular species (e.g., HCH in P. eburnean) were lower than expected based on delta15N and was attributed to biotransformation. P. eburnea and F. glacialis, which scavenge, and R. tridactyla, which migrate from the south, were consistently above the delta15N-OC regression providing evidence that these variables can elevate OC concentrations. Stable isotope measurements in muscle may not be suitable for identifying past scavenging events by seabirds. OC relative proportions were related to trophic position and phylogeny, showing that OC biotransformation varies between seabird groups. Trophic level, migration, scavenging and biotransformation all play important roles in the OCs found in Arctic seabirds.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of dissolved fluorene (Flu), phenanthrene (Ph) and pyrene (Py), three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), singly or as a mixture of the three, by two bacterial strains, MEBIC 5140 (Mycobacterium flavescens) and MEBIC 5141 (Mycobacterium scrofulaceum), as well as the effects of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs), e.g. malic acid, citric acid and butyric acid on biodegradation of the three PAHs in mineral salts medium aqueous solution were investigated using a newly established dual-wavelength fluorimetric method. The results showed that biodegradation processes can be monitored simultaneously, quickly and simply by dual-wavelength fluorimetry. Both co-metabolism and inhibitory effects were found during the biodegradation of the three PAHs by MEBIC 5140 and MEBIC 5141. Positive effects of butyric acid and negative effects of citric acid on biodegradation of the three PAHs in a mixture were observed.  相似文献   

A level IV fugacity model was applied to simulate the seasonal variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in various bulk media in Pearl River Delta (PRD), China. The predictions were validated against monthly observed concentrations of gaseous and particulate phase PAHs in air and annual mean concentrations of all other bulk media. The uncertainty of the predictions was evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation. The influential parameters were identified using sensitivity analysis on both media concentrations and seasonal variations. The predicted concentrations and the patterns of seasonal variation generally agreed with the field observations. Concentrations of gaseous phase PAHs in air increased in the summer and decreased in the winter while concentrations of particulate phase PAHs in summer were lower than those in the winter. The relative variations of PAHs in the other bulk media were not as profound as those in air and the variation patterns were chemical compound dependent. Temperature and precipitation were the most important parameters leading to the seasonalities of PAH concentrations. Other key parameters included dry precipitation rate, advective water flow from upstream, and solid fractions in air and water.  相似文献   

P Juneau  D Dewez  S Matsui  S G Kim  R Popovic 《Chemosphere》2001,45(4-5):589-598
In this study, the pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM)-fluorometric method was used to evaluate the difference in the sensitivity to mercury (Hg) and metolachlor of six algal species: Ankistrodesmus falcatus, Selenastrum capricornutum, Chlorella vulgaris, Nannoplankton (PLS), Microcystis aeruginosa and Pediastrum biwae. We found that the fluorescence parameters (phiM, the maximal photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield, phi'M, the operational PSII quantum yield at steady state of electron transport, Q(P), the photochemical quenching value, and Q(N), the non-photochemical quenching value) were appropriate indicators for inhibitory effects of mercury but only phi'M and Q(N) were useful for metolachlor. The examined algal species showed very different levels of sensitivity to the effect of Hg and of metolachlor. The most sensitive species to Hg and metolachlor were respectively M. aeruginosa and A. falcatus, while the least sensitive were C. vulgaris and P. biwae. We interpreted these differences by the action mode of pollutants and by the different metabolism properties and morphological characteristics between algal species. These results related to fluorescence parameters may offer useful tool to be used in bioassay for different pollutants. Heterogeneous algal sensitivity to the same pollutant suggests the need to use a battery of species to evaluate the effects of mixtures of pollutants in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

In the aquatic environment, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination can result from several anthropogenic sources such as petroleum runoff, industrial processes, and petroleum spills. When ultraviolet light (UV) is present at sufficient intensity, the acute toxicity of some PAHs to aquatic biota is greatly enhanced. This photo-induced toxicity of PAHs is directly influenced by the amount of PAH and by the level of UV intensity present in the aquatic environment. Thus, behavioral responses and habits that affect an aquatic organism's exposure to UV as well as exposure to PAHs can influence the extent to which damage due to photo-induced toxicity occurs. Experiments demonstrated the effects of photo-induced toxicity of anthracene and fluoranthene on the survival of two benthic macroinvertebrates, the midge Chironomus tentans and the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca. This study further investigated the survival and behavior of the test organisms in different substrates (no substrate, a sand monolayer, leaf discs, and sediment) with and without UV. The free-swimming, epibenthic H. azteca avoided the effects of photo-induced toxicity of PAHs to some extent by hiding in leaves when this substrate was available. Results emphasize the importance of organisms' behavior in affecting the photo-induced toxicity of PAHs in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

7种水生植物去除城市生活污水氮磷效果的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对南方地区水生植物全面了解的基础上,选择凤眼莲、长鬃蓼、美人蕉、短叶茳芏、鸭趾草、空心莲子草和风车草7种南方地区最常见的水生植物作为研究对象,分别从7种水生植物对城市生活污水中NH3-N、TN和TP等污染的净化效果进行研究,结果表明,7种植物对生活污水中的NH3-N、TN和TP等污染成分都有一定的去除效果,其中凤眼莲...  相似文献   

Butanol extraction to predict bioavailability of PAHs in soil   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Liste HH  Alexander M 《Chemosphere》2002,46(7):1011-1017
The feasibility of a mild-solvent extraction procedure to predict the bioavailability of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil was assessed. The quantities that were degraded during the course of biodegradation of phenanthrene and pyrene in soil with or without plants correlated with the amounts extracted by n-butanol, with R2 values of 0.971 and 0.994, respectively. Six consecutive groups of earthworms removed ca. 70% of the pyrene remaining after extensive biodegradation, a value similar to the quantity extracted by n-butanol. The amount of chrysene aged in sterilized soil that was extracted by n-butanol was not statistically different from the quantities assimilated by earth-worms (Eisenia fetida) introduced into the soil. Such a mild extraction procedure may be useful as a means of predicting PAH bioavailability.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the influences of position, number of nitrogen (N) atoms and –C–N– or –N=N– linkage present in the six membered heterocyclic compounds such as pyridine, pyrazine, and pyridazine on their photocatalytic degradation by Au, Ag, and Fe+2 deposited TiO2 photocatalyst. The photodegradation rate of these heterocyclic compounds follow the order pyridine > pyrazine > pyridazine due to the different extent of hydroxylation and difference in position and number of N atoms in the aromatic moiety. The Au photodeposition significantly improved the TiO2 photoactivity as compared to Ag and Fe+2 loading. The presence of two N atoms in pyrazine and pyridazine as compared to one N atom in pyridine hamper the nucleophilc attack of OH radicals in comparison to easy hydroxylation of pyridine ring. There is 1 N atom, 4C–C, 1C–N and 1C=N bond in pyridine, 2 N atoms in the 1 and 4 positions, 2C–C, 2C–N bonds and 2C=N bonds in pyrazine, and pyridazine ring contains 2 N atoms in the 1 and 2 positions, 3C–C, 1N–N bond and 2C=N bonds. The bond strength/energy decreases gradually as: C=N– (615 KJ/mol)?>?–N=N– (418 KJ/mol)?>?–C–C– (347 KJ/mol)?>?–C–N– (305 KJ/mol)?>?–N–N– (163 KJ/mol). As pyridine has 1C–N, 1C=N, and no N–N bond, it photodegrades easily as compared to 1 N–N and 2C=N bonds of pyridazine of lowest photodecomposition rate. The improved photoactivity of Au–TiO2 is explained on the basis of its favorable redox potential, work function, and electron-capturing capacity, etc.  相似文献   

The embryotoxicity of an artificial mixture of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was tested by injection into the yolk sacs of eggs of four avian species: chicken Gallus domesticus, turkey Meleagris gallopavo, domestic duck Anas platyrhynchos and common eider Somateria mollissima. A dose of 2.0 mg kg egg(-1) of the PAH mixture increased the mortality among the embryos of all four species. In the domestic duck, but not in the three other species, there was a significantly increased embryonic mortality at a dose of 0.2 mg kg(-1) of this mixture. All 18 individual compounds in the mixture were tested for embryotoxicity in the chicken. The compound most toxic to chick embryos was benzo[k]fluoranthene. This substance also proved to be highly embryotoxic in the three other species. Previous studies have shown coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to be much more embryotoxic in the chicken than in other avian species studied. In accordance with this, eider duck embryos proved to be considerably less sensitive to 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl and 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl than was previously found for chick embryos. For PAHs, however, chick embryos did not have a higher sensitivity than the other species tested.  相似文献   

In this study, laboratory experiments were carried out in order to come to a better understanding of the fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the marine environment and especially on their bioaccumulation, biotransformation and genotoxic effects in fish. Juveniles of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were exposed to PAHs through different routes via (1) a mixture of dissolved PAHs, (2) a PAH-polluted sediment and (3) an oil fuel elutriate. Fish were exposed 4 days followed by a 6-day depuration period. In each experiment, PAH concentrations in the seawater of the tanks were analysed regularly by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Muscle and liver samples were also analysed for parent PAH levels and PAH bioconcentration factors were calculated. Biotransformation was evaluated by measuring the levels of PAH metabolites in fish bile. Genotoxicity was assessed by the alkaline comet assay. Regardless of exposure route, the parent PAH concentrations in the liver and muscle showed a peak level 1 day after the beginning of the exposure, followed by a decrease up to the background level towards the end of the experiment, except for the exposure to dissolved PAHs for which levels were relatively low throughout the study. As a consequence, no bioaccumulation was observed in fish tissues at the end of the experiment. In contrast, regardless of exposure routes, a rapid production of biliary metabolites was observed throughout the whole exposure experiment. This was especially true for 1-hydroxypyrene, the major metabolite of pyrene. After 6 days of recovery in clean water, a significant decrease in the total metabolite concentrations occurred in bile. Fish exposed through either route displayed a significant increase in DNA strand breaks after 4 days of exposure, and significant correlations were observed between the level of biliary PAH metabolites and the level of DNA lesions in fish erythrocytes. Overall results indicate that exposure to either a mixture of dissolved PAHs, a PAH-contaminated sediment or a dispersed oil fuel elutriate leads to biotransformation and increase in DNA damage in fish. The quantification of PAH metabolites in bile and DNA damage in erythrocytes appear to be suitable for environmental monitoring of marine pollution either in the case of accidental oil spills or sediment contamination.  相似文献   

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