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The production of algae in the Patuxent River estuary (Maryland, USA) was much less than the carbon requirements of a population of the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis. Detrital carbon was present in quantities that suggest turnover times of 8 to 83 days for this pool, assuming that all algal production was consumed by E. affinis. We hypothesize that E. affinis must consume detritus to meet a part of its requirements for energy.  相似文献   

Hematodinium perezi (genotype III) is a parasitic dinoflagellate that infects blue crabs along the eastern seaboard and Gulf of Mexico, USA. In order to examine the intra-specific genetic variation of this parasite, eleven microsatellite markers from H. perezi (III) were amplified from 227 infected blue crabs collected during 2008–2009 from six sites in Virginia. Simultaneous infections with multiple genetic types in a single-host individual were common and observed in 42 % of the samples. The remaining 58 % of samples had a single allele per locus at all eight polymorphic loci suggesting that the life history stages of the parasite in the host hemolymph are likely haploid. The composition and distribution of multi-locus genotypes (MLG) from samples with infections of a single genetic type indicated high genotypic variation along the Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, with no evidence of population structure. The lack of linkage disequilibrium combined with the large number of unique MLGs (84 %) is strong evidence for recombination in the life cycle, but the sexual stages remain undetermined. This is the first evidence of ploidy level, infections by multiple genetic types in an individual host animal, high levels of genotypic variation, and sexual reproduction for any species of Hematodinium.  相似文献   

G. Aneer 《Marine Biology》1987,94(2):163-169
Results from field studies in 1978 and 1982 together with results from a laboratory study carried out in 1984 indicate that the unusually high natural mortality of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus L.) eggs observed in situ is presumably caused by toxic exudates released by filamentous brown algae during a limited period which happens to coincide with the peak of spawning. Oxygen deficiency is no longer believed to be the major cause of the observed unnaturally high mortality. It cannot, however, be entirely ruled out.  相似文献   

Tube-building by a marine meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pseudostenhelia wellsi Coull and Fleeger is a meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod inhabiting muddy, estuarine sediments. All individuals observed, and all ages including nauplii, build and inhabit elongate, mucous tubes which may extend to a depth of 3.9 mm into the sediment. Many of the narrow tubes, 0.27 mm in diameter, have a tube-cap extending 0.32 mm above the sediment-water interface. The tubes are a matrix of fine silt, sand and detritus cemented with a mucopolysaccharide, as shown by the Periodic Acid Schiff stain, apparently secreted from glands in the ventrolateral margin of the cephalothorax. Upon addition to sterile, homogeneous sediment, P. wellsi quickly (within 1 to 2 h) transform the upper 0.4 cm to a cohesive conglomerate of tubes, silt-clay particles and mucous filaments.  相似文献   

In 1976–1985 period, some changes have been found during long‐term monitoring of physical, chemical and biological parameters in front of the largest harbours of the eastern Adriatic coast. For that reason, the control has been continued in 1985–1988 period.

This paper presents some recent results about copepods‐dominant mesozooplankton group—as they respond very quickly (both by composition and biomass) to the changes of the environment they inhabit. Besides the increased copepod density, further increasing of maximal values of Acartia clausi was found at the whole investigated area in 1987 and 1988, caused by progressive eutrophication of the eastern Adriatic coastal waters.  相似文献   

Recently developed theoretical models of stage-structured consumer-resource systems have shown that stage-specific biomass overcompensation can arise in response to increased mortality rates. We parameterized a stage-structured population model to simulate the effects of increased adult mortality caused by a pathogen outbreak in the perch (Perca fluviatilis) population of Windermere (UK) in 1976. The model predicts biomass overcompensation by juveniles in response to increased adult mortality due to a shift in food-dependent growth and reproduction rates. Considering cannibalism between life stages in the model reinforces this compensatory response due to the release from predation on juveniles at high mortality rates. These model predictions are matched by our analysis of a 60-year time series of scientific monitoring of Windermere perch, which shows that the pathogen outbreak induced a strong decrease in adult biomass and a corresponding increase in juvenile biomass. Age-specific adult fecundity and size at age were higher after than before the disease outbreak, suggesting that the pathogen-induced mortality released adult perch from competition, thereby increasing somatic and reproductive growth. Higher juvenile survival after the pathogen outbreak due to a release from cannibalism likely contributed to the observed biomass overcompensation. Our findings have general implications for predicting population- and community-level responses to increased size-selective mortality caused by exploitation or disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

Self-recruitment rates are essential parameters in the estimation of connectivity among populations, having important consequences in marine conservation biology. Using ten highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, we estimate, over 3 years, the self-recruitment in a population of Tripterygion delaisi in the NW Mediterranean. Six previously described source populations were used for the assignment (Costa Brava, Columbretes, Formentera, Cabo de Palos, Cabo de Gata and Tarifa). Even though this species has a 16–21 day larval duration, a mean of 66.4 ± 1.4% of the recruits settled in their natal population. When refining in a more local scale the origin of individuals self-recruited to Costa Brava, using as source the three sampling localities that conform this population (Cap de Creus, Tossa and Blanes), the highest percentage (40.6 ± 8.9%) was self-assigned to the adult source locality (Blanes) where recruits were sampled each year. Our results suggest that a high proportion of the larvae of T. delaisi remained close to, or never leave, their natal spawning area. This observation can be extrapolated to other species with similar early life-history traits and low adult mobility and can have important implications for the conservation and management of Mediterranean littoral fishes.  相似文献   

Eutintinnus pectinis (Kofoid, 1905) Kofoid and Campbell is a seasonally important component of the Chesapeake Bay, USA, microzooplankton. During the summers of 1986 and 1987, E. pectinis populations commonly reached densities well above 103 cells l-1 and were often heavily infected by Duboscquella cachoni Coats, 1988, a lethal parasitic dinoflagellate. The temporal and spatial occurrence of D. cachoni suggests that this parasite has a significant impact on E. pectinis populations and may, under appropriate conditions, regulate host abundance. Infection levels above 10% were frequently encountered and epizootic events with 20 to 50% of host individuals parasitized by dinoflagellates were observed over broad areas. Epizootic infections were usually recorded in regions of the Bay that had high concentrations of E. pectinis, and data for vertical profiles, when integrated with depth, showed a significant positive correlation (p0.01) between host abundance and parasite prevalence. However, peak E. pectinis density and maximum levels of parasitism were often not vertically coincident at stations, and a clear relationship between host abundance and parasite prevalence was not evident for data from discrete samples. These vertical distributions and the absence of a correlation between host density and parasite prevalence for discrete samples may reflect death of E. pectinis as epizootics spread through the host population. Bay-wide infection levels averaged 10.4% (±1.73 SE) for eight cruises in 1986 and indicate that parasite-induced mortality removes 7 to 24% of the E. pectinis standing stock per day. Comparison of these values to ingestion rates for copepods on tintinnine ciliates reveals that parasite-induced mortality of E. pectinis is comparable to predation pressure by the dominant mesozooplankton grazers in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

A method is presented for modeling the effect of two stresses on mortality. The model assumes a multiplicative simple two-parameter dose-response curve relationship between mortality and the two factors as well as for the effect of combining the two factors. The dose-response curve is modified in order to model survival probabilities. It is shown that the model adequately describes mortality data of Folsomia candida (Collembola) in a two-stress factor design.  相似文献   

Yoo HJ 《Ecology》2006,87(3):634-647
In spatially heterogeneous systems, utilizing population models to integrate the effects of multiple population rates can yield powerful insights into the relative importance of the component rates. The relative importance of demographic rates and dispersal in shaping the distribution of the western tussock moth (Orgyia vetusta) among patches of its host plant was explored using stage-structured population models. Tussock moth dispersal occurs passively in first-instar larvae and is poor or absent in all other life stages. Spatial surveys suggested, however, that moth distribution is not well explained by passive dispersal; moth populations were greater on small patches and on isolated ones. Further analysis showed that several local demographic rates varied significantly with patch characteristics. Two mortality factors in particular may explain the observed patterns. First, crawler mortality both increased with patch size and was density-dependent. A single-patch difference equation model showed mortality related to patch size is strong enough to overcome the homogenizing effect of density dependence; greater equilibrium densities were predicted for smaller patches. Second, although three rates were found to vary with local patch density, only pupal parasitism by a chalcid wasp could potentially account for higher moth abundances on isolated patches. A spatially explicit simulation model of the multiple-patch system showed that spatial variation in pupal parasitism is indeed strong enough to generate such a pattern. These results demonstrate that habitat spatial structure can affect multiple population processes simultaneously, and even relatively low attack rates imposed on a reproductively valuable life stage of the host can have a dominant effect on population distribution among habitat patches.  相似文献   

A. Tsuda  H. Sugisaki 《Marine Biology》1994,120(2):203-210
Time series sampling with a multi-layer plankton sampler was carried out in the western subarctic North Pacific during spring 1991. Neocalanus cristatus, N. flemingeri and Eucalanus bungii dominated and accounted for 88.5% of the copepod population in volume. Neocalanus spp. were distributed in the upper mixed layer, while E. bungii was mainly distributed between 120 and 300 m throughout the day and night. In contrast, Metridia pacifica, Pleuromamma scutullata and Gaetanus simplex showed clear diel vertical migration. Grazing activities were estimated simultaneously by gut fluorescence. Nocturnal grazing was observed for diel migrating species. Neocalanus spp. did not have a diel feeding rhythm and had relatively low gut fluorescence. E. bungii was considered to be dormant during the observation period. The estimated grazing rate of the copepod population on phytoplankton was 1.4 to 2.0% of the primary production while the metabolic requirement was 8.3 to 12.4% of the primary production. These facts suggest that the copepod population was unimportant as primary consumers and that microzooplankton plays a much more important role in sustaining low standing stock of phytoplankton and a high nutrient concentration in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods typically exhibit escape reactions to hydrodynamic stimuli such as those generated by the approach of a predator. During the summers of 2000, 2001 and 2004, two small calanoid species, Temora turbinata Dana, 1849 and Paracalanus parvus Claus, 1863 were exposed to a visual predatory fish, the blenny Acanthemblemaria spinosa Metzelaar, 1919, and their predator–prey interactions were recorded using both high-speed and standard videographic techniques. Copepod escape reaction components, including swimming pattern, reactive distance, turning rate, and jump kinetics, were quantified from individual predation events using motion analysis techniques. Among the observed escape reaction components, differences were noted between the species’ swimming patterns prior to attack and their response latencies. Temora turbinata was a continuous cruiser and P. parvus exhibited a hop-and-sink swimming pattern. During periods of sinking, P. parvus stopped beating its appendages, which presumably reduced any self-generated hydrodynamic signals and increased perceptual abilities to detect an approaching predator. Response latency was determined for each copepod species using a hydrodynamic stimulus produced by a 1 ms acoustic signal. Response latencies of T. turbinata were significantly longer than those of P. parvus. Despite some apparent perceptual advantages of P. parvus, the blenny successfully captured both species by modifying its attack behavior for the targeted prey.  相似文献   

We model coral community response to bleaching and mass mortality events which are predicted to increase in frequency with climate change. The model was parameterized for the Arabian/Persian Gulf, but is generally applicable. We assume three species groups (Acropora, faviids, and Porites) in two life-stages each where the juveniles are in competition but the adults can enter a size-refuge in which they cannot be competitively displaced. An aggressive group (Acropora species) dominates at equilibrium, which is not reached due to mass mortality events that primarily disadvantage this group (compensatory mortality, >90% versus 25% in faviids and Porites) roughly every 15 years. Population parameters (N individuals, carrying capacity) were calculated from satellite imagery and in situ transects, vital rates (fecundity, mortality, and survival) were derived from the model, field observations, and literature. It is shown that populations and unaltered community structure can persist despite repeated 90% mortality, given sufficiently high fecundity of the remaining population or import from connected populations. The frequency of disturbance determines the dominant group—in low frequency Acropora, in high frequency Porites. This is congruent with field observations. The model of an isolated population was more sensitive to parameter changes than that of connected populations. Highest sensitivity was to mortality rate and recruitment rate. Community composition was sensitive to spacing of disturbances and level of catastrophic mortality. Decreased mortality led to Acropora dominance, increased mortality led to Acropora extinction. In nature, closely spaced disturbances have severely disadvantaged Acropora populations over the last decade. Unless a longer (>10 years) disturbance-free interval can be maintained, a permanent shift away from Acropora dominance will be observed. A mortality rate of 99% in Acropora, as observed in 1996, is not sustainable if repetitive and neither is a disturbance frequency <15 years—each leading to population collapse. This shows that the severity and/or the spacing of the 1996–1998–2002 disturbances were unusual in frequency and duration.  相似文献   

Vermeij MJ  Sandin SA 《Ecology》2008,89(7):1994-2004
The local densities of heterospecifics and conspecifics are known to have profound effects on the dynamics of many benthic species, including rates of settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. We described the early life history of the Caribbean coral, Siderastrea radians by tracking the population dynamics from recently settled planulae to juveniles. Through three years of observation, settlement correlated with the abundance of other benthic organisms, principally turf algae (negatively) and crustose coralline algae (positively). In addition, adult density showed independent effects on coral settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. Settlement rates increased across low levels of adult cover and saturated at a maximum around 10% cover. Early post-settlement survivorship decreased with adult cover, revealing structuring density dependence in coral settlers. The earliest life stages of corals are defined by low survivorship, with survivorship increasing appreciably with colony size. However, recent settlers (one-polyp individuals, < 1-year-old) are more likely to grow into two-polyp juveniles than older single polyps (> 1-year-old) that were delayed in their development. The early benthic phase of corals is defined by a severe demographic bottleneck for S. radians, with appreciable density-dependent and density-independent effects on survivorship. For effective management and restoration of globally imperiled coral reefs, we must focus more attention on this little studied, but dynamic, early life history period of corals.  相似文献   

The design and construction of a closed system circulating sea-water tidal estuarine sediment microcosm is described. The microcosm was used to culture mixed species populations of the Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) and the evolution of the community and the successional changes are detailed. The communities that developed in each of four replicate microcosms were statistically indistinguishable with respect to the species richness, the numbers of individuals recorded, the log series diversity and the dominance diversity statistics. The most abundant species were the same in each microcosm with the same rank. A diverse community was maintained that did not tend to monoculture; however, the successional changes observed were not apparent in the estuarine communities from which the culture sediments was collected. Rather than a functional reorganisation of the community effecting this, gross environmental changes resulting from a decreased depth of sediment matrix are implicated. The success in maintaining a diverse community is attributed to a provision of a number of nutrient sources.  相似文献   

Copepod nauplii are important in plankton food web dynamics, but limited information is available about their ecology due to methodological challenges. Reported here is a new molecular method that was developed, optimized, and tested in laboratory and field samples that uses quantitative PCR (qPCR) to identify and estimate the abundance of nauplii of the planktonic copepod, Parvocalanus crassirostris. The overall approach included collection of bulk zooplankton samples in the field, size fractionation to create artificial cohorts of relatively few developmental stages, obtaining DNA copy number for each size fraction by qPCR amplification of a target gene region, and estimation of the number of animals in each fraction through application of known DNA copy number across developmental stage. Method validation studies found that our qPCR-based approach has comparable accuracy to microscope-based counts of early developmental stages. Naupliar abundance estimates obtained using the two methods on cultured populations were similar; the regression of qPCR estimates on microscope-based counts resulted in a nearly 1:1 ratio (slope = 1.09). The qPCR-based method is superior to traditional identification and quantification methods for nauplii due to its higher taxonomic resolution, sensitive detection over a range of DNA quantities, and relatively high throughput sample processing.  相似文献   

A dense dinoflagellate bloom of Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt in a shallow temperate zone estuary was monitored during the summers of 1982 and 1983. The bloom was typically extremely localized, its densest part exceeding 1000g chlorophyll a liter-1 (2x104 cells ml-1). The bloom began at temperatures between 24.5° and 27°C, existed at as high as 30°C and terminated when water temperature dropped to between 19° and 22°C. The highest specific growth rate measured was 0.90d-1 (1.3 divisions d-1) and near the termination of the bloom decreased to 0.28d-1 (0.4 divisions d-1). A diel vertical migration of the bloom was observed. A box model analysis, based on division rates, vertical migration and water circulation patterns, indicated that the bloom must move downward at the estuary mouth to maintain itself in the estuary, either by means of a convergence system or by downward swimming. High growth rate, low grazing pressure, and a stratified water column are proposed to stimulate bloom formation. Decreasing growth rate appeared to reduce the intensity of the bloom and finally allowed its disappearance by estuarine flushing and mixing.Communicated by J. M. Shick, Orono  相似文献   

A population of the bivalve mollusk Tridacna maxima (Röding) from Hron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, was studied by gel electrophoresis, and proved to be highly variable genetically, with an average heterozygosity of about 22%. This compares closely with a population of T. maxima from Enewetak (Eniwetok) Atoll, with an average heterozygosity of about 20%, very high for marine organisms. Enewetak Atoll was the site of a series of nuclear tests. The Heron Island study verifies that the high variability is natural, and supports the hypothesis that species from trophically stable environments tend to be highly variable genetically.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effects of detergents on a microcosm system several types of detergents (anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amino acid detergents) were tested. Data showed growth perturbations in the microcosm, indicating that these detergents affected the microcosm. The potential use of growth perturbations of microcosm by addition of detergents as a biomarker of exposure is described.  相似文献   

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