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The analysis of rainfall intensity is useful in various fields of life e.g. agricultural planning, hydrology and transmission of microwaves and high-voltage electricity. The monthly precipitation totals for a 21 year period are used to compare the rainfall regimes at seven sites in Saudi Arabia. These sites differ in their latitude, longitude and elevation above sea level. Some basic monthly statistics of data from these sites are presented to identify the nature of the rainfall at each site. The trend of the number of dry months per year is also used to compare between the sites. The probability of dry months for each month of the 21 yr is used for comparison between the rainfall regimes. Plots for mean and maximum rainfall at these sites are presented. The Fisher-Cornish proposed model for rainfall in arid regions is considered and a simple empirical method for estimating its parameters is used for the twelve month period rainfall data from the seven sites.  相似文献   

Depleted uranium (DU) weapons testing programmes have been conducted at two locations within the UK. An investigation was therefore carried out to assess the extent of any environmental contamination arising from these test programmes using both alpha spectrometry and mass spectrometry techniques. Uranium isotopic signatures indicative of DU contamination were observed in soil, plant and earthworm samples collected in the immediate vicinity of test firing points and targets, but contamination was found to be localised to these areas. This paper demonstrates the superiority of the (235)U : (238)U ratio over the (234)U : (238)U ratio for identifying and quantifying DU contamination in environmental samples, and also describes the respective circumstances under which alpha spectrometry or mass spectrometry may be the more appropriate analytical tool.  相似文献   

Airborne dust bioaerosols, ammonia and formaldehyde levels were determined inside two different (ventilated and unventilated) wood working shops. Airborne dust was found at mean values of 4.3 and 3.01 mg m(-3). These levels were higher than that recommended by Egyptian environmental law [1 mg m(-3) indoor maximum allowable concentration (MAC) for hard wood]. The highest frequency of aerodynamic size distribution of airborne wood dust was detected at a diametre of 4.9 microm which was recorded during a machining operation. Total viable bacteria were recorded at a mean value of 10(4) colony-forming units (cfu) m(-3), whereas Gram-negative bacteria were found at very low counts (10(1) cfu m(-3)). Fungi levels were recorded at mean values of 10(3) and 10(2) cfu m(-3) in ventilated and unventilated shops, respectively. Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium and yeast species were dominant isolates. Moreover, actinomycetes were found at a mean value of 10(3) cfu m(-3) at both workshops. Ammonia was detected in relatively low concentrations (mean values of 457 and 623 microg m(-3)), whereas formaldehyde was found in relatively moderate concentrations (mean values of 0.42 and 0.64 ppm).  相似文献   

硼作业工人的空气粉尘暴露与硼暴露测量与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报告了硼作业工人与对照人群的个人空气粉尘暴露浓度、空气硼暴露浓度以及通过空气的日硼暴露量.结果表明,硼作业工人的两次(间隔4周)空气粉尘暴露浓度分别为19.2mg/m3和21.0mg/m3,空气硼暴露浓度分别为516μg/m3和797μg/m3,8小时空气硼暴露量为2.58mg和3.98mg;而对照组的这三类值分别为0.53mg/m3、1.87μg/m3和0.009mg.各类人群的日空气硼暴露量随工作环境的不同而有很大差异,井下采矿、原料车间、成品车间、生产管理人员的日空气硼暴露量分别为1.58mg、5.55mg、0.98mg、0.14mg,高出对照组几十倍至几百倍.  相似文献   

Uranium and radon concentration was assessed in water samples taken from hand pumps, natural sources and wells collected from some areas of Upper Siwaliks, Northern India. Fission track registration technique was used to estimate the uranium content of water samples. The uranium concentration in water samples was found to vary from 1.08 +/- 0.03 to 19.68 +/- 0.12 microg l(-1). These values were compared with safe limit values recommended for drinking water. Most of the water samples were found to have uranium concentration below the safe limit of 15 microg l(-1) (WHO, World Health Organization, Guidelines for drinking-water quality (3rd ed.). Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2004). The radon estimation in these water samples was made using alpha-scintillometry to study its correlation with uranium. The radon concentration in these samples was found to vary from 0.87 +/- 0.29 to 32.10 +/- 1.79 Bq l(-1). The recorded values of radon concentration were within the recommended safe limit of 4 to 40 Bq l(-1) (UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiations, Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. New York: United Nations, 1993). No direct correlation was found between uranium concentration and radon concentration in water samples belonging to Upper Siwaliks. The values of uranium and radon concentration in water were compared with that from the adjoining areas of Punjab state, India.  相似文献   

Studies have been carried out in a Goldmine in Ghana to determine the exposure of the public to naturally occurring radioactive materials from processing of gold ore. Direct gamma spectrometry and neutron activation analysis techniques were used to analyse soil, rock, water and dust samples from the mining environment. The mean activity concentrations measured for (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K in the soil/rock samples were 15.2, 26.9 and 157.1 Bq kg(?-?1), respectively. For the water samples, the mean activity concentrations were 0.54 and 0.41 Bq l(?-?1)) and 7.76 Bq l(?-?1) for (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K, respectively. The mean activity concentrations measured in the dust samples were 4.90 and 2.75 μBq m(?-?3) for (238)U and (232)Th, respectively. The total annual effective dose to the public was estimated to be 0.69 mSv. The results in this study compared well with typical world average values. The results indicate an insignificant exposure of the public from the activities of the Goldmine.  相似文献   

Chromium concentrations of up to 91 mg l(-1) were found by ICP-OES for ground water from nine boreholes at four landfill sites in an area of S.E. Glasgow/S. Lanarkshire where high-lime chromite ore processing residue (COPR) from a local chemical works had been deposited from 1830 to 1968. Surface water concentrations of up to 6.7 mg l(-1) in a local tributary stream fell to 0.11 mg l(-1) in the River Clyde. Two independent techniques of complexation/colorimetry and speciated isotope dilution mass spectrometry (SIDMS) showed that Cr was predominantly (>90%) in hexavalent form (CrVI) as CrO4(2-), as anticipated at the high pH (7.5-12.5) of the sites. Some differences between the implied and directly determined concentrations of dissolved CrIII, however, appeared related to the total organic carbon (TOC) content. This was most significant for the ground water from one borehole that had the highest TOC concentration of 300 mg l(-1) and at which < 3% of Cr was in the form of CrVI. Subsequent ultrafiltration produced significant decreases in Cr concentration with decreasing size fractions, e.g. <0.45 microm, < 100 kDa, <30 kDa and < 1 kDa by the tangential-flow method. As this appeared related more to concentrations of humic substances than of TOC per se, horizontal bed gel electrophoresis of freeze-dried ultrafilter retentates was carried out to further characterise the CrIII-organic complex. This showed for the main Cr-containing fraction, 100 kDa-0.45 microm, that the Cr was associated with a dark brown band characteristic of organic (humic) matter. Comparison of gel electrophoresis and FTIR results for ultrafilter retentates of ground water from this borehole with those for a borehole at another site where CrVI predominated suggested the influence of carboxylate groups, both in reducing CrVI and in forming soluble CrIII-humic complexes. The implications of this for remediation strategies (especially those based on the addition of organic matter) designed to reduce highly mobile and carcinogenic Cr(VI)O4(2-) to the much less harmful CrIII as insoluble Cr(OH)3 are discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of light (C(2)-C(5)) non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) were made along with ozone (O(3)), oxides of nitrogen (NO(x)), carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH(4)) at Hissar and Kanpur in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) in India during the month of December, 2004. Air samplings during noon and evening hours provided an opportunity to study the emission characteristics and changes during this period at these sites. The mixing ratio of O(3) was higher during noon hours due to photochemical formation, while the levels of precursor gases showed elevated values during the evening hours on a clear sky day. On foggy days there is no such variation. The lower mixing ratios of O(3) observed on foggy days could be due to the slower rate of photochemical formation caused by a reduction in solar flux and surface deposition caused by the presence of a stable planetary boundary layer. Propene and ethene show the highest evening to noon ratio due to their faster reactivities with OH radicals. Correlations among different species of the measured gases indicate contributions of emissions from biomass and biofuel burning as well as fossil fuel combustion. Although qualitatively in relation to O(3), the propylene (propene) equivalents of NMHCs have been calculated to investigate their roles in O(3) photochemistry and compared with the data from Ahmedabad, an urban site in western India. The important result, which has emerged from the analysis of the observed data, is that while the total amount of these NMHCs is least at Hissar and highest at Ahmedabad, the total propylene-equivalent is highest at Hissar and lowest at Ahmedabad. Further, these two sites in the IGP show significant contributions, almost 72-77%, by propene and ethene while the contribution by these two gases at Ahmedabad is only about 47%. The surface level mixing ratios of O(3) could be treated as representative for the chemical characterization of air mass at a regional scale over the IGP as the month long trends of O(3) show significant similarity compared to the trends in precursors at the two sites.  相似文献   

Water samples have been extracted from inside (from standpipes) and from outside (from boreholes) of the trenches at the low level radioactive waste disposal site at Drigg in Cumbria, UK. The samples were taken anaerobically from between 8.5 and 10.0 m below the surface using a submersible pump at low flow rates to ensure that the waters in the standpipes and boreholes were maintained at constant levels. To ensure representative samples, the Eh, pH. conductivity, temperature, iron and dissolved oxygen concentrations of the waters were taken during initial purging and during sampling. The gross tritium, gross non-tritium beta, gross alpha and gamma activities of each sample were determined using suitable sample preparation and counting techniques. Samples were then anaerobically, sequentially filtered through 12 microm, 1 microm, 30 kDa and 500 Da filter membranes. The filtrates were analysed for gross alpha, gross non-tritium beta and gamma activities. SEM and STEM analyses were used to determine the colloid population. An energy dispersive analyser on the SEM was used to determine the major elements present in the colloids. UV-visible spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectrophotometry and high performance size exclusion liquid chromatography were used to analyse the waters before and after treatment with ion exchange materials to determine whether natural organic matter was present in the waters. Results showed that two major types of colloids (iron containing colloids and silicon containing colloids) were present in the waters. There were also a small number of other colloids that contain, as major elements, aluminium, calcium and chromium. Organic colloids were also present. The majority of the radioactivity in the waters was due to tritium. Waters taken from outside the trenches contained low levels of non-tritium beta activities and alpha activities which were lower than the minimum detectable amount. Waters taken from the trenches contained non-tritium beta activities and low levels of alpha emitters. Filtration of the trench waters showed that some of the alpha activity was retained by the 30 kDa and 500 Da membranes suggesting that this activity was associated with small colloids. Radioactivity was not found to be associated with colloids present in the waters taken from outside the trenches. Possible reasons for this observation could be that radionuclide bearing colloids have not yet reached the far-field or that the radionuclide concentration is diluted to below the minimum detectable amount. After concentrating two of the samples by factors of x20 and x 16 respectively, 2.4+/-0.1 and 0.6+/-0.1 Bq dm(-3) of 137Cs were measured.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in uranium mining in the United States via in situ recovery techniques. One of the main environmental concerns with in situ uranium mining is the potential for spreading groundwater contamination. There is a dearth of detailed analysis and information regarding the outcome of in situ uranium mine remediation to ascertain the environmental impacts. Regulatory measurements performed at a Wyoming in situ uranium mine were collected and analysed to ascertain the efficacy of remediation and potential long term environmental impact. Based on the measurements, groundwater sweeping followed by reverse osmosis (RO) treatment proved to be a highly efficient method of remediation. However, injection of a reductant in the form of H(2)S after groundwater sweeping and RO did not further reduce the aqueous concentration of U, Mn, or Fe. Low concentrations of target species at monitoring wells outside the mined area appear to indicate that in the long term, natural attenuation is likely to play a major role at reductively immobilizing residual (after remediation) concentrations of U(VI) thus preventing it from moving outside the mined area. Our analysis indicates the need for additional monitoring wells and sampling in conjunction with long term monitoring to better understand the impacts of the different remediation techniques.  相似文献   

Fission track technique has been used for uranium estimation in drinking water samples collected from some areas of Amritsar District, Punjab, India. The uranium concentration in water samples is found to vary from 3.19 to 45.59 microg l(-1). Some of the physico-chemical properties such as pH, conductance and hardness and the content of calcium, magnesium, total dissolved solids (TDS), sodium, potassium, chloride, nitrate and heavy metals viz. zinc, cadmium, lead and copper have been determined in water samples. An attempt has been made to correlate uranium concentration with these water quality parameters. A positive correlation of conductance, nitrate, chloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium, TDS, calcium and hardness with uranium concentration has been observed. However, no correlation has been observed between the concentration of uranium and the heavy metals analysed.  相似文献   

To date, the majority of empirical approaches used to derive sediment quality values (SQVs) have focused on metal concentrations in sediment associated with adverse effects on benthic invertebrate communities. Here, we propose the no-effect (NE) approach. This SQV derivation methodology uses metal concentrations in sediment associated with unaffected benthic communities (i.e., from reference sites and lightly contaminated no-effect sites) and accounts for local benthic invertebrate tolerance and potential chemical interactions at no-effect exposure sites. This NE approach was used to propose alternative regional SQVs for uranium operations in northern Saskatchewan. Three different sets of NE values were derived using different combinations of benthic invertebrate community effects criteria (abundance, richness, evenness, Bray–Curtis index). Additionally, reference values were derived based solely on sediment metal concentrations from reference sites. In general, NE values derived using abundance, richness, and evenness (NE1 and NE2 values) were found to be higher than the NE values derived using all four metrics (NE3 values). Derived NE values for Cr, Cu, Pb, and V did not change with the incorporation of additional effects criteria due to a lack of influence from the uranium operations on the concentrations of these metals in sediment. However, a gradient of exposure concentrations was apparent for As, Mo, Ni, Se, and U in sediment which allowed for tolerable exposure levels of these metals in sediment to be defined. The findings from this assessment have suggested a range of new, alternate metal SQVs for use at uranium operations in northern Saskatchewan.  相似文献   

The study was performed using a silicon surface barrier alpha spectrometer at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India. Through the study, the observed 210Po activity in water sample from different locations in the Domiasiat area ranges from 0.04 to 0.69 Bq/l. The daily and annual intake of 210Po through water was also estimated and the mean value of 0.72 and 263.61 Bq, respectively, were observed. It is observed that the effective doses through water were higher than the World Health Organization recommended dose of 0.05 mSv/year. The total annual effective doses through terrestrial ingestion for all the locations was studied and the mean annual effective dose was observed to be 0.315 mSv, which, when compared to the worldwide and the Indian values, was observed to be slightly higher. The mean activity in soil is found to be 124.8 ±5.7 Bq/kg and in meat the activity is 0.43 ±0.05 Bq/kg. In fishes, an activity of 0.48 ±0.07 Bq/kg in Garra lamta, 0.29 ±0.02 Bq/kg in Neolissocheilus hexaganolepis, and 3.3 ±0.1 Bq/kg in Macrobrachium sp. is observed. Activity concentration in plant samples was analyzed and the activity ranges from 0.020 ±0.002 to 9.69 ±0.35 Bq/kg. Committed effective dose by the adult population of the Domiasiat area through intake of 210Po through these food items was also determined and compared with the Indian average value and the worldwide average value.  相似文献   

In situ methane (CH(4)) measurement techniques and data from the Zeppelin Station in Ny-Alesund on Svalbard (N 78 degrees 54' E 11 degrees 53') on Mt. Zeppelin (475 m.a.s.l) are presented. The data span the time period from October 1998 to December 2003, though not continuously. The daily mean was calculated from 96 samples per day which are analysed by gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection. Details of the experimental methods and procedures are given. A harmonic function is fitted to the data with a constant trend and seasonal amplitude. The data are also presented in a regression plot showing the difference between the in situ measurements and flask measurements from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (NOAA/CMDL) in Boulder, Colorado (http://www.cmdl.noaa.gov/). The Zeppelin data show typical Arctic air characteristics with wintertime pollution episodes from Europe and Russia and a relatively calm summer state.  相似文献   

Protection from the hazards from radioactivity is of prime importance in the management of uranium mine and mill wastes. Such wastes also contain non-radiological contaminants (heavy metals, acids and neutralising agents) which give rise to potential long-term health and environmental hazards and short-term hazards to the aquatic ecosystem, e.g. as a result of release of waste water. This study seeks to identify non-radiological contaminants (elements) transferred to waste water at the Ranger uranium mine/mill complex at Jabiru, which are likely to hazardous to the aquatic environment. The two principal sources of contaminants are:
  1. ore and waste rock mobilised from mining; and
  2. process reagents used in the milling and mineral extraction process.
These substances may or may not already be present in the natural environment but may lead to deleterious effects on the aquatic environment if increased above threshold levels. Rhenium, derived from the ore body, was found to be significantly enriched in waste water from Ranger, indicating its suitability as an indicator element for water originating from the mining and milling process, but only uranium, likewise derived from the ore, and magnesium, manganese and sulfur (as sulfate) from the milling process were found to be significant environmental contaminants.  相似文献   

The main purpose for this study is to observe the seasonal and monthly variations for arsenic (As) in total suspended particulates (TSP) concentration and dry deposition at five characteristic sampling sites during the years 2009 and 2010 in central Taiwan. The results show that the highest and lowest monthly average As concentrations in TSP occurred in January and May at Bei-shi (suburban/coastal) and Quan-xing (industrial) sampling sites. In addition, the results show that the highest and lowest monthly average As dry deposition occurred in October and May at Chang-hua (downtown) and Gao-mei (wetland) sampling sites. This study reflected that the mean highest As concentrations in TSP and mean highest As dry deposition occurred at Quan-xing (industrial). However, the mean lowest As concentrations in TSP and mean lowest As dry deposition also occurred at Gao-mei (wetland). Regarding seasonal variation, the results show that the As average seasonal concentration order in TSP was winter > spring > fall > summer, respectively, at Chang-hua (downtown) and He-mei (residential) sampling sites. Finally, the order of As average seasonal dry deposition was fall > winter > spring > summer, respectively, at Chang-hua (downtown), He-mei (residential), and Gao-mei (wetland) sampling sites.  相似文献   

Results from a five month monitoring campaign of BTX (benzene, toluene and the sum of ethyl benzene, o-xylene, m-xylene and p-xylene), performed at Monterotondo, a little town 23 km NE of Rome, and correlation of the measured concentrations with meteorological and natural radioactivity data are presented and discussed. This campaign allowed us to extrapolate a pattern of the annual distribution of benzene in the town. A map, showing the average distribution of pollutants, is presented, as a useful tool to manage an appropriate policy of air pollution. A contemporary indoor-outdoor investigation has been performed at five homes and two classrooms of Monterotondo and at thirteen homes and thirteen classrooms in the outskirts of Rome. Non-smoking people and low polluted sites were chosen for this campaign, in order to highlight if commonly used domestic materials could act as internal sources. Data, obtained by employing long-term diffusive samplers, are compared with a parallel experiment showing the day-night indoor-outdoor trend. The obtained results, confirmed through statistical analysis of data, let us conclude that there is evidence of internal sources at homes whilst, in the schools, depletion phenomena prevail, probably due to the walls adsorption.  相似文献   

The winter fog in India is a recurrent phenomenon for more than a decade now affecting the entire Himalayan and sub-Himalayan regions covering an area of nearly 500,000 km2. Every winter (December–January), the air and surface transports in cities of northern India (Amritsar, New Delhi, Agra, Gwalior, Kanpur, Lucknow, and Allahabad) are severely disrupted with visibility reduced to <50 m at times. Since dust particles are known to act as nuclei for the fog formation, this study is aimed to carry out physicochemical characterization of the dust particulates accumulated during a protracted fog period from one of the severely fog affected cities of north India (Allahabad; 25°27′33.40″N–81°52′45.47″E). The dust-loaded tree leaves belonging to Ficus bengalensis and Ficus religiosa from 50 different locations between January 24 and 31, 2010 are sampled and characterized. The mass of dust, color, grain shape, size, phase constituents, and mineral magnetic parameters, such as magnetic susceptibility, SIRM, χ fd%, and S-ratio, show minor variation and the regional influence outweighs local anthropogenic contributions. The dust compositions show fractionated rare earth element pattern with a pronounced negative Eu anomaly similar to upper continental crust and further suggesting their derivation from sources located in parts of north and central India.  相似文献   

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