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With consideration of the data on soil temperature within the range of the Altai zokor Myospalax myospalax Laxmann (1773) published in the Handbook on the Climate of the Soviet Union, it has been shown that the actual temperature niche of this species is relatively narrow. Seasonal movements over the vertical profile of the burrow allow zokors to avoid exposure to subzero temperatures.  相似文献   

The structure of Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour.) and Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) stands and specific features of their formation have been studies in the forest-tundra ecotone on the North Chuya Ridge (2235–2475 m a.s.l.). Changes in the structure of these stands along the transition from the upper boundary of closed forests to the high-mountain tundra have proved to have an ambiguous pattern. Both tree species form mixed clusters of similar-aged trees in the lower part of the ecotone but grow singly, in scatters, in its upper part. The formation of conifer stands (tree clusters) in the lower part of the ecotone, on the slopes of the Aktru River valley, began during climate warming in the second half of the 19th century. The expansion of confers to its upper part took place markedly later, in the early 20th century (Siberian larch) or even in the 1930s (Siberian stone pine).  相似文献   

Data are presented that concern specific features of primary plant community formation on the moraine complex of the Malyi Aktru Glacier (2190–2300 m a.s.l., Severo-Chuiskii Ridge, Central Altai), which dates from the Minor Glaciation Period. The main stages and rate of primary plant succession in the areas that became free of ice 1–150 years ago are discussed.  相似文献   

The population density and relative abundance of some bird species reach the highest values in the communities of habitats with a high degree of anthropogenic transformation. The species diversity of birds shows an inverse correlation with the index of anthropogenic impact (in grades) calculated with regard to a number of parameters. Relevant correlations change periodically, with the correlation coefficient reaching the highest values in the nesting period and decreasing to a minimum during the flight period.  相似文献   

The composition and species richness of ichthyofauna have been studied in 36 stretches of small rivers in the Udmurt Republic to estimate the dependence of species richness on the distance from the river source and the level and type of anthropogenic load. Some specific features of modification of the fish community structure under the influence of agriculture, urbanization, and industry (oil production) have been revealed. Basic trends in the change of dominant complexes of fish species with an increase in the distance from the river source are described for small rivers flowing in different natural and anthropogenic landscapes of the Udmurt Republic.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring and artificially produced radionuclides in the environment may be present in different physico-chemical forms (i.e., radionuclide species) varying in size (nominal molecular mass), charge properties and valence, oxidation state, structure and morphology, density, degree of complexation, etc. Low molecular mass (LMM) species are believed to be mobile and potentially bioavailable, while high molecular mass (HMM) species such as colloids, polymers, pseudocolloids and particles are considered inert. Due to time-dependent transformation processes such as mobilisation of radionuclide species from solid phases or interactions of mobile and reactive radionuclide species with components in soils and sediments, the original distribution of radionuclides deposited in ecosystems will change over time. To assess the environmental impact from radionuclide contamination, information on radionuclide species deposited, interactions within affected ecosystems and the time-dependent distribution of radionuclide species influencing mobility and biological uptake is essential. The development of speciation techniques to characterize radionuclide species in waters, soils and sediments should therefore be essential for improving the prediction power of impact and risk assessment models. The present paper reviews available fractionation techniques which can be utilised for radionuclide speciation purposes.  相似文献   

The flora of liverworts has been studied in the vicinity of the Bil’chenok glacier (the Ushkovskii volcano, Kamchatka), which is in a zone of volcanic ash fallout. Specific complexes of liverworts growing on young moraine and ash deposits have been identified. These complexes are dominated by thallose marchantioid species. Under the effect of periodic ash fallout (in the absence of glacial activity), communities are formed that contain increased proportions of xerophytes and species preferring sites with a disturbed ground vegetation cover.  相似文献   

The results of studies on postfire succession in larch forests of the permafrost zone are discussed. The main directions of successional processes in burned-out areas of different ages are described. It has been shown that secondary pyrogenic successions in larch forests follow the scheme of rapid regeneration without tree species replacement and the model of succession tolerance. Groups of plant species with different life strategies and indicator species characterizing different stages of the overgrowing of burned-out areas have been identified.  相似文献   

In Belarussian Polesye, characteristics of reproduction, population dynamics, and factors responsible for a decrease in the abundance of the pond turtle were studied. The main factors limiting pond turtle reproduction in Polesye include the focal distribution of its populations and limited areas of reproductive biotopes. The pond-turtle popuation itself is characterized by a high potential for reproductive growth; in the current situation, the population growth is mainly limited by a high pressure of oophagous predators and anthropogenic destruction of reproductive sites.  相似文献   

An allozyme analysis of 67 Pinus sylvestris L. populations distributed over the entire species range has provided a basis for determining locations of 12 hypothetical Pleistocene refugia (HPRs) in its southern marginal part and estimating their relative contributions to the gene pools of seven phylogeographic population groups (PPGs) in the glaciated zone of the range. Using Nei’s (1978) minimum genetic distances (DN78 < 0.015) reflecting similarities and differences in allele frequencies between PPGs and the refugia, it has been shown that the main contributions to the P. sylvestris gene pool in Central Europe, Scandinavia, and the Russian Plain were probably made by the Balkan and Southern Ural refugia, and in Western and Central Siberia, by the Southern Ural, Turgai, and Southern Siberian mountain refugia.  相似文献   

During a historically observable period, profound and often irreversible changes in the faunal composition, distribution, and abundance of game animals were taking place throughout the territory of northern Europe. These changes were especially conspicuous in case of large mammals because of their large body size and roles in biocenoses and human economic activities. This paper deals with the results of monitoring the range and abundance of the wild boar and some ecological observations on this species at the northern limit of its distribution in European Russia.  相似文献   

The results of long-term studies on phytoplankton in the cooling reservoir of the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant (the Middle Urals) are reviewed. Altogether, 199 taxa of the species and subspecies rank have been recorded, including 144 taxa described in this water body for the first time. The algoflora of the reservoir consists mainly of widespread and eurybiontic freshwater species.  相似文献   

绿色农业产地环境的生态补偿政策绩效评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安全的产地环境为绿色农产品生产和绿色农业可持续发展奠定了良好的物质基础,是保证消费者食品安全的源头。农业生态补偿是通过综合利用行政、法律、经济等手段,对造成农业生态环境污染、农业生态破坏的个人和组织的负外部性行为进行收费(税),对恢复、维持和增强农业生态系统服务功能做出贡献的个人和组织的正外部性行为给予经济补偿的一种制度。为了了解区域绿色农业产地环境生态补偿政策的实施效果,本文以武汉市重要的农产品生产和供应基地东西湖区为例,运用层次分析法与模糊综合分析法,以生态价值、经济价值和社会价值为价值取向,构建了包括职能指标、效益指标、潜力指标3个一级指标,10个二级指标和39个三级指标体系,对东西湖区农业生态补偿政策实施绩效进行评价。评价结果表明,东西湖区在实施绿色农业产地环境生态补偿政策前后效益变化分值差都在30以上,最低变化值为31.42,最高变化值为59.75。其中,政策目的设计、政策战略规划、政策反馈指标、经济效益、生态效益、社会效益和行政组织建设等方面的变化值都在50以上,政策实施管理指标、资源利用、农业生态补偿技术的变化值都在30以上。由此可以看出,绿色农业产地环境生态补偿政策发挥了一定的作用,但还有进一步提升空间。为此,要加强绿色农业产地环境生态补偿政策实施管理,提高绿色农业产地环境生态资本利用效率,提升绿色农业产地环境生态补偿技术水平。  相似文献   

The structural-temporal organization of a murine rodent community in the taiga has been studied near Lake Teletskoe, Mountain Altai. The results show that the long-term dynamics of indices characterizing community diversity depend mainly on changes in the structure of dominance rather than on the population dynamics of species. The distribution of species in the factor space corresponds to their preference for certain biotopes, from dry to relatively moist. An analysis of relationships within the rodent community has revealed the synchronous dynamics of species abundance and antiphase pattern of changes in the structural indices of dominant species.  相似文献   

Specific features of vegetation synanthropization under the effect of human activities and a long-term grazing load were studied in the subalpine and upper mountain-forest belts of the Seminskii Range.  相似文献   

西南岩溶区生态安全评价研究 ——以广西为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南岩溶区是举世公认的典型的生态环境脆弱系统之一,也是我国典型的极贫困代表区域之一.广西处于西南岩溶地区,岩溶面积为9.8×104km2,占广西土地总面积的41%.本文以广西为例,采用生态足迹的理论和方法来测算广西区域生态安全状况,对1990~2003年广西岩溶生态环境的生态足迹、生态承载力、生态盈亏及生态压力指数进行测算分析并提出预测模型.研究结果①广西生态足迹呈不断增加趋势,从1990年的0.601 7 hm2增加到2003年的1.137 8 hm2;②生态承载力呈不断下降趋势,从1990年的0.820 4 hm2减少到2003年的0.653 7 hm2;③生态盈亏从1990年生态盈余的0.218 8 hm2下降到2003年的生态赤字达-0.484 8 hm2,出现严重的生态赤字;④1990~2003年生态足迹压力指数由0.7334增加到1.7406,增长幅度巨大,从临界安全状态到不安全状态.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of paleobotanical materials collected in the northern part of the Eastern Sayan was performed, including botanical analysis of peat, palynological and carpological analysis, and radiocarbon dating. The results provided a basis for reconstructing in detail the spatiotemporal distribution of ecocenotic complexes and corresponding paleoclimate types and calculating quantitative gradients of heat and moisture supply in the Late Holocene, beginning from 3500 ka.  相似文献   

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