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中国植物园保护稀有濒危植物的现状和若干对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对中国植物园稀有濒危植物的保护现状和存在问题进行分析,重点讨论了稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效性问题,涉及稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的生长和适应问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园重复栽培问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效种群大小问题、科学记录系统和监测中心的建立问题。就稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的可持续发展提出了若干对策与建议:以植物园为基础形成保护的网络系统;加强稀有濒危植物迁地保护规划并突出重点;加强科学记录系统和监测中心的建立;多方筹措资金,加强支持强度;加强人才培训与学术交流。  相似文献   

猪血木(Euryodendron excelsum H.T.Chang)为中国特有的山茶科单型属猪血木属的珍稀濒危植物,现仅分布于广东省阳春县八甲镇地区,且仅残存一个居群,居群内个体数量仅100余株,该物种已被列为国家二级保护植物。物种濒危原因分析是生物多样性保护的关键环节,文章从猪血木的地理分布、生活史特性、种群分布现状及生态环境因素影响等方面分析了该物种的濒危现状,猪血木种群地理分布的局限性限制了其空间拓展;种子萌发和幼苗生长对生境要求特殊和种群现状不利于其更新和发展,人为干扰对猪血木影响严重。其濒危的主要原因是人为因素引起的生境破碎化和过度砍伐所导致的个体数量下降,文章认为现存种群和生境的保护是濒危物种保护的最有效手段,针对猪血木的濒危现状和原因,提出了就地保护,促进自然种群的繁衍更新,建立猪血木繁育基地进行迁地保护和回归引种的保护策略,以期为猪血木的保护和种群恢复提供科学的理论指导,也为中国珍稀濒危物种和生物多样性的保护提供基础资料。  相似文献   

广西特有植物瑶山苣苔的濒危原因及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瑶山苣苔(Dayaoshania cotinifolia W.T.Wang)是苦苣苔科多年生草本植物,为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生植物.在2004-2006年对瑶山苣苔资源现状、生物学和生态学特性调查的基础上,探讨了瑶山苣苔的濒危原因及解濒措施.结果表明,人为原因是导致瑶山苣苔濒危的最主要原因;其次是昆虫对瑶山苣果实的捕食显著减少了种子数量;第三,瑶山苣苔同有的生物学特性限制其种群数量增加.为更好的保护瑶山苣苔,作者建议采用就地保护策略,即建立金秀老山自然保护区独木桥和青年工区两个瑶山苣苔保护点,有效地保护该种群及其分布生境;同时加强瑶山苣苔的科学研究,实施迁地保护.  相似文献   

中国东南部丹霞地貌区珍稀濒危保护物种的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据野外调查和丹霞地貌申遗委员会提供的各丹霞地貌区的资料,中国东南部丹霞地貌区共有各类珍稀濒危保护植物178种,隶属于39科93属;其中国家重点保护植物27科,34属,41种,Ⅰ级5种,Ⅱ级36种;被中国植物红皮书<中国物种红色名录>(2004)收录128种,隶属33科、77属,极危2种,濒危7种,易危65种;被(2006)收录的植物共14科15属17种,濒危种(EN)3种、易危种(VU)6种,极危种(CR)1种;CITES(野生动植物保护国际贸易公约)收录的有5科,46属,107种.根据国家重点保护野生动物名录(1999),国家重点保护动物71种,其中Ⅰ级重点保护10种,Ⅱ级重点保护61种;被IUCN收录85种,其中,濒危种8种,易危种20种,极危种2种,其他为低危种;CITES收录100种,隶属于14目29科,其中单目单科单种的有5种;中国动物红皮书的动物有72种,其中,濒危种(EN)7种、易危种(VU)26种,极危种(CR)1种,其他为低危种.珍稀濒危动植物资源极其丰富.通过比较可以看出,丹霞地貌区的野生重点保护植物数目高于黄山、神农架、武夷山,与三清山的相近.但从被子植物的野生重点保护植物来看,要比黄山、武夷山丰富,说明了丹霞地貌植物区系的丰富性和独特性,丹霞山可能是历史变迁过程中一个重要的避难所.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物评价分级专家系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开列珍稀濒危植物的清单并划分其保护序列,是生物多样性保护的一项最基本的工作。本文通过对珍稀濒危植物评价分级指标的研究,以评价指标体系为基础,并引入专家系统方法,建立了珍稀濒危植物评价分级专家系统。该系统模拟人类专家的思维过程,将有助于把珍稀濒危植物优先保护级别的划分,由定性划分提高到定量定性相结合的水平。  相似文献   

濒危植物矮牡丹种群生物量的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
对矮牡丹种群生物量的研究表明,矮牡丹地上无性小株的叶、茎干和根系的生物量可分别用m1(DW)=-0.232+000771A,ms(DW)=0.370+0.18000(D2H1),mr(DW)=1.54+0.000338(AH1)来表示象矮牡丹这种似棕榈型生长型的小灌木,植冠面积容易测得,用植冠面积进行叶重的模拟最为准确随年龄的增长,矮牡丹种群各部分生物量都呈指数模式增长  相似文献   

南岳珍稀濒危植物的调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在南岳野生植物中,珍稀濒危植物主要是指国家级保护植物,共有13种,其中一级2种,二级11种,它们是金钱松Pseudolarix amabilis (Nelson) Rehd.,篦子三尖杉Cephalotaxus oliveri Mast.,南方红豆杉Taxus chinensis (Pilger) Rehd.var.mairei (Lemeé et Lévl.) Cheng et L.K.Fu,榉树Zelkova Schneideriana Hand.-Mazz.,樟树Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl,闽楠Phoebe bournei (Hemsl.) Yang,伯乐树Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl,绒毛皂荚Gleditsia.japonica Miq.var. velutina L.C.Li,野大豆Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc.,花榈木Ormosia henryi Prain,毛红椿Toona sinensis (A.Juss.) Roem.var.pubescens (Franch.) Hand.-Mazz.,喜树Camptotheca acuminata Decne.,以及香果树等,本文主要介绍他们的分类位置、形态特征和地理分布状况,分析了它们的区系特征,提出应该尽快建立南岳国家级野生保护植物的核心或者优先保护地段、建立珍稀濒危植物的地理信息系统、研究其生物学和生态学特性以及采取就地或迁地保护措施来保存等对策.  相似文献   

中国动物园圈养丹顶鹤的数量和分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过电话咨询、实地调查和网络检索的方法调查了141个城市动物园、园中园和野生动物园的丹顶鹤圈养情况,以明确我国动物园圈养丹顶鹤的种群数量和分布格局。结果表明,141个动物园中,83个(58.9%)动物园有数量不等的圈养丹顶鹤(1~175只),总数达到917只;其中城市动物园319只,园中园82只,野生动物园516只。不同地区的不同动物园圈养丹顶鹤分布有明显差异。单因素方差分析表明野生动物园丹顶鹤数量显著大于园中园(P0.05)。圈养丹顶鹤最多的3个省级行政区分别为辽宁省、广东省和黑龙江省;圈养丹顶鹤数量最多的前10个省级行政区共圈养丹顶鹤719只,占中国动物园圈养丹顶鹤总数的78.4%。圈养丹顶鹤最多的3个地理区域分别为东北地区、华东地区和华北地区,占我国动物园圈养丹顶鹤总数的74.3%。  相似文献   

不同栽培基质对石山珍稀濒危植物苗期生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对 6种石山珍稀濒危植物在石灰岩土壤和酸性红壤上的苗期生长状况及体内化学元素含量进行了对比研究 ,结果表明 :(1 )每种植物在 2种土壤上的物候学特征基本一致 ;(2 )小花异裂菊和青檀在石灰岩土壤上生长量比酸性土壤上高 ,海南椴在酸性土壤上生长量比石灰岩土壤上高 ;(3 ) 6种植物体内Ca、B 2种化学元素的含量是石灰岩土上比酸性土上高 ;除小花异裂菊外 ,Al在其它 5种植物中的含量都是酸性土上高于石灰岩土上 ,小花异裂菊则是石灰岩土上高于酸性土上 ;(4 )K、Zn、B的生物吸收系数是石灰岩土高于酸性土 ,而N、P、Ca、Mg、Fe、Al、Mn则是酸性土高于石灰岩土。  相似文献   

国家濒危植物永瓣藤分布的土壤环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
永瓣藤(Monimopetalum chinense)是卫矛科(Celastraceae)的一个中国特有单型属植物,被列为国家二级稀有濒危保护物种。本文对永瓣藤分布区14个样地土壤样品的pH值、有机质、全氮、水解氮、硝态氮、全磷、速效磷和全钾进行了检测分析,以期弄清该物种分布与土壤环境因子的关系。结果表明,其pH值的变化幅度为4.55~5.57,主要处于强酸性范围,适应幅度较窄。有机质与氮素非常丰富,相互间具有明显的相关性,有利于永瓣藤的生长与繁衍,但土壤中磷、钾素较为缺乏。土壤酸碱度和有机质的质量分数在某种程度上对永瓣藤的分布范围具有制约作用。  相似文献   

珍稀植物濒危机制及保育策略中的营养条件   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
首先简要论述了珍稀植物濒危的原因、濒危机制的各种理论和研究方法,包括就地保护和迁地保护两个方面的保育策略的制定与实践。然后着重从营养条件的角度对这些理论和现状进行了分析。认为濒危物种在其历史演化过程中存在的脆弱环节以及活植物迁地保护的评价标准均与营养条件密切相关,营养条件可能是某些物种濒危机制中的一个重要组成部分;营养条件方面的研究可以为保护区设立的大小提出指导性意见;珍稀植物迁地保护过程中应密切关注营养条件的影响;营养条件在一定程度上决定了对某些物种保育策略的制定;将分子生物学与植物营养学的研究方法相结合,将能成为珍稀植物濒危机制及保育策略研究中的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

广西地区自然分布有国家稀有濒危植物121种,是我国濒危植物资源最丰富的省份之一。本文在评价广西的自然保护区建设现状、保护区类型和结构布局以及对濒危植物资源保护情况的基础上,提出了广西的自然保护区建设和濒危植物资源有效保护的建议和对策。  相似文献   

2005年7至2007年4月,采用直接记数法和"GPS"技术定位监测对洞庭湖湿地珍稀濒危保护鸟类资源及其环境进行调查。结果表明:洞庭湖湿地珍稀濒危保护鸟类有218种,隶属于16目46科。其中古北界鸟类占优势,有118种,东洋界鸟类54,广布种鸟类46种。冬候鸟为主体,有118种,留鸟40种,夏侯鸟35种,旅鸟25种。按生态类群分,游禽45种、涉禽69种、陆禽3种、猛禽22种、攀禽11种、鸣禽68种;该湿地有国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类7种、Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类43种,国际湿地公约名录中的鸟类37种。洞庭湖湿地珍稀濒危保护鸟类群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀性指数分别为4.489 7和0.576 5。  相似文献   

We assessed the current status of plant conservation translocation efforts in China, a topic poorly reported in recent scientific literature. We identified 222 conservation translocation cases involving 154 species, of these 87 were Chinese endemic species and 101 (78%) were listed as threatened on the Chinese Species Red List. We categorized the life form of each species and, when possible, determined for each case the translocation type, propagule source, propagule type, and survival and reproductive parameters. A surprisingly large proportion (26%) of the conservation translocations in China were conservation introductions, largely implemented in response to large‐scale habitat destruction caused by the Three‐Gorge Dam and another hydropower project. Documentation and management of the translocations varied greatly. Less than half the cases had plant survival records. Statistical analyses showed that survival percentages were significantly correlated with plant life form and the type of planting materials. Thirty percent of the cases had records on whether or not individuals flowered or fruited. Results of information theoretic model selection indicated that plant life form, translocation type, propagule type, propagule source, and time since planting significantly influenced the likelihood of flowering and fruiting on the project level. We suggest that the scientific‐based application of species conservation translocations should be promoted as part of a commitment to species recovery management. In addition, we recommend that the common practice of within and out of range introductions in nature reserves to be regulated more carefully due to its potential ecological risks. We recommend the establishment of a national office and database to coordinate conservation translocations in China. Our review effort is timely considering the need for a comprehensive national guideline for the newly announced nation‐wide conservation program on species with extremely small populations, which is expected to stimulate conservation translocations for many species in the near future.  相似文献   

Based on a study of an experimental wild plant certification project implemented within a tribal community in India, this paper explores how wild plant collectors respond to two contradictory objectives of certification, namely, conserving a targeted plant species while promoting its sale. By providing economic incentives through certification, the project aimed to induce a shift from the collection of immature berries to mature berries from a targeted tree species. However, the majority of the collectors increased their harvests of mature berries while continuing to collect the same quantities of immature berries. This unanticipated project outcome can be attributed to the unique nature of wild plants as an uncertain income source that requires no investment. Evidently, collectors have developed their own concepts of ecological and economic sustainability derived from this unique income source endowed by nature, and have incorporated the new economic opportunity into their own natural resource management strategies.  相似文献   

Overharvesting is one of the greatest threats to species survival. Farming overharvested species is a conservation strategy that can meet growing market demand and conserve wild populations of the target species. This strategy is compatible with the international community's desire to uphold the right of local communities to use biological resources to support their livelihoods. However, studies investigating whether farming can alleviate poaching pressure have focused almost exclusively on animals. To address the shortfall in plant-focused studies, we compiled information on commercial cultivation of threatened plants to assess its conservation benefits. Because China's rising middle class has rapidly intensified demand for wildlife products, we searched the scientific literature published in Chinese (China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Baidu) and in English. We found 32 reports that contained data on 193 internationally or nationally threatened plant species that were under commercial cultivation. These reports showed that cultivations of 82% of the 193 species were sustained by collecting whole plants from the wild periodically or continuously. Although based on a small sample size, species that were maintained in cultivation only through artificial propagation or seeds collected in the wild were likely associated with a reported reduction in wild harvesting of whole plants. Even so, results of correlation analyses suggested that production system, scale, and when a species began being cultivated had little effect on conservation status of the species, either globally or in China. However, species brought into cultivation relatively recently and on a smaller scale were more likely to have undergone a reduction in collecting pressure. Farming of nonmedicinal plants was most problematic for species conservation because wild plants were laundered (i.e., sold as cultivated plants). For effective conservation, policy to guide cultivation operations based on the target species’ biological characteristics, cultural significance, market demand, and conservation status is needed.  相似文献   

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Index (RLI) is used to measure trends in extinction risk of species over time. The development of 2 red lists for Spanish vascular flora during the past decade allowed us to apply the IUCN RLI to vascular plants in an area belonging to a global biodiversity hotspot. We used the Spanish Red Lists from 2000 and 2010 to assess changes in level of threat at a national scale and at the subnational scales of Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, and peninsular Spain. We assigned retrospective IUCN categories of threat to 98 species included in the Spanish Red List of 2010 but absent in the Spanish Red List of 2000. In addition, we tested the effect of different random and taxonomic and spatial Spanish samples on the overall RLI value. From 2000 to 2010, the IUCN categories of 768 species changed (10% of Spanish flora), mainly due to improved knowledge (63%), modifications in IUCN criteria (14%), and changes in threat status (12%). All measured national and subnational RLI values decreased during this period, indicating a general decline in the conservation status of the Spanish vascular flora. The Canarian RLI value (0.84) was the lowest, although the fastest deterioration in conservation status occurred on peninsular Spain (from 0.93 in 2000 to 0.92 in 2010). The RLI values based on subsamples of the Spanish Red List were not representative of RLI values for the entire country, which would discourage the use of small areas or small taxonomic samples to assess general trends in the endangerment of national biotas. The role of the RLI in monitoring of changes in biodiversity at the global and regional scales needs further reassessment because additional areas and taxa are necessary to determine whether the index is sufficiently sensitive for use in assessing temporal changes in species’ risk of extinction.  相似文献   

兰竹虹  陈桂珠 《生态环境》2006,15(2):430-434
南中国海具有丰富的浅海和热带的生物多样性,是全球珊瑚礁分布的中心之一。全球34%的珊瑚礁分布在东南亚,该海区拥有全球70个珊瑚属的50个属。东南亚的珊瑚种类有超过一半的分布在南中国海,75种的海绵以及118种的棘皮类动物属于南中国海的地方特有种。珊瑚礁具有重要的生态服务功能,它支持渔业生产、保护海岸、净化空气、提供沿海社区发展的生活资料,在海岸旅游和药物开发等方面具有巨大的潜力。但是由于受人口增加和经济发展的巨大压力,南中国地区珊瑚礁资源破坏严重,退化趋势明显。文章在对南中国海地区珊瑚礁资源的利用现状和退化原因进行分析的基础上,提出南中国海地区珊瑚礁资源保护与管理的建议,以期能在双边或区域的层面上共同协作,采取适当的措施去扭转南中国海地区珊瑚礁生境退化趋势。  相似文献   

稀土尾矿区土壤重金属污染与优势植物累积特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
矿山废弃地不仅占用大量土地,而且还是严重的污染源,因此,矿山废弃地的生态恢复己成为一项紧迫而重要的研究课题。对广东省河源市和平县下车镇内的稀土矿区土壤的重金属污染情况进行调查,并对该区优势植物对重金属的富集特征进行分析,以期对稀土尾矿区的生态系统的恢复和重建提供理论依据。主要研究的3种植物分别是:马唐草(Digitaria sanguinalis),香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides),望江南(Cassia occidentalis)。采用原子吸收分光光度法测定稀土矿区废弃地土壤和植被中Mn、Pb、Zn的含量,并计算优势植物对重金属的生物富集系数BAC(Biological Accumulating Coefficient)和生物转移系数BTC(Biological Transfer Coefficient)。结果表明:研究区域的土壤中重金属含量Mn、Pb、Zn的平均含量均超出广东省土壤背景值和中国土壤背景值,土壤受Mn污染最严重,其次是Pb、Zn的污染。3种草本植物对于Pb的BAC和BTC均小于1,说明这3种植物对Pb的富集和运输能力都很弱。香根草对于Mn和Zn的BAC分别为0.9和0.4,小于1,BTC分别为3.7和1.1,大于1,说明香根草对Mn和Zn的富集能力不强,但吸收后的运输能力很强。马唐草和望江南2种植物对于Mn和Zn的BAC和BTC均大于1,说明它们对重金属Mn和Zn具有较强的吸收和转移能力,是Mn和Zn的超富集植物。马唐草覆盖率高,抗病虫能力强,可作为该矿区生态恢复的先锋植物,望江南可以间作种植。  相似文献   

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