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微波萃取-气相色谱/质谱法测定土壤中的有机氯农药   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过微波萃取提取土壤中的有机氯农药,萃取溶液经浓硫酸脱色、佛罗里硅土柱净化,最后用气相色谱/质谱法分析.以石英砂为基体进行加标回收测定,有机氯农药的回收率在75.5%~103%之间,检出限为0.01μg/kg.  相似文献   

The lagoon system of Navachiste-Macapule is located in northern Mexico, in the state of Sinaloa, with an area of 24,000 ha. The main economic activity in the area is agriculture, and the lagoon lies next to the irrigation district ID-063 which covers 116,615 ha. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the levels of pollution generated by organochlorine pesticides (OC) in the surface sediments of the lagoon and in the agricultural drains of the ID-063 that are supposedly transported into the system as a result of agricultural activities and runoff from adjacent land. For this, between 2006 and 2007, 45 surface sediment samples were collected (warm dry, rainy and cold dry) from 15 sampling sites, during the three climatic seasons. Of these, eight were located inside the lagoon in marine conditions (salinity >31 PSU) and seven in the agricultural drains of the ID-063 in freshwater conditions (salinity <5 PSU). The average concentration of the OC in the sediments was 44.75 ng g − 1, among which the group of the alicyclic compounds presented the greatest concentrations. The average value of the total organic carbon (TOC) in the sediments of the system was 0.90%. The sediments collected inside the lagoon had an average OC concentration of 18.97 ng g − 1, and the predominant type of sediment was fine to very fine sand. The average OC concentration in the sediments collected in the agricultural drains was 75.69 ng g − 1, where fine sediments (silt) were predominant. The presence of methoxychlor, endrin and heptachlor suggested that these compounds were continuously used in the system, even though their use is forbidden in Mexico.  相似文献   

To determine the incidence of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in soil in a rapid urbanization region, soil samples from various land use types in Shenzhen were collected in winter, 2007. The concentration of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) ranged from non-detected to 149 ng g(-1) and 19 to 88 ng g(-1), respectively. The highest levels of OCPs were observed in soil from traffic and industry areas, reflecting that intensive human disturbance make the soil pollution accumulation more disperse. HCHs and DDTs profiles revealed that the sources were associated mainly with lindane and technical DDTs, respectively, while HCHs in the soil of Shenzhen might originate from both recent and historical sources. The loss of OCPs by soil erosion will enter surface runoff and impose impact on the water environment. Non-dietary exposure estimation indicates that children were the most sensitive group. The average daily exposure to OCPs for males was more serious than for females. Non-dietary exposure to DDTs and HCHs in residential blocks of Shenzhen were far below the acceptable daily intake recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides are present in the environment and suspected of causing serious health effects. Diet has been the main exposure source, but indoor source release is gaining focus. Within a monitoring study of polychlorinated biphenyls of Danish buildings built during the 1960s and 1970s, we coincidently determined extreme levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) levels in two of ten random samples. This raises concern and further large scale investigations are warranted to confirm this.  相似文献   

Increased water use associated with rapid growth in the Las Vegas Valley has inadvertently led to the creation of unique wetland systems in Southern Nevada with an abundance of biological diversity. Constructed and naturally created wetlands in the Las Vegas Valley watershed were studied to characterize and understand their potential role for improving ecosystem services (i.e., water purification). Nutrient and metal removal was assessed at four sites including a natural urban runoff wetland, a constructed urban runoff wetland, a constructed wastewater wetland, and a natural urban runoff/wastewater wetland. Plant nutrient uptake was dependent on ambient nutrient concentrations in water and sediments of specific wetlands, irrespective of the type of plants present. Phosphorus was mostly concentrated in below-ground plant parts whereas nitrogen was concentrated in above-ground parts. As for metalloids, bulrushes were more efficient than cattails at taking up arsenic and selenium. Averaging all the wetland sites and plant species, total nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic and selenium removal was 924.2, 61.5, 0.30, and 0.38 kg/ha/year, respectively. Our findings suggest that natural and created wetland systems can improve water quality in the Las Vegas Valley watershed for some common pollutants, however, other measures are still needed to improve water quality below regulatory thresholds.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the treatment process for the removal of pesticides in the final water supplies in Delhi has been evaluated. Samples were collected during 2000–2005 from five water treatment plants (WTPs). Analysis was carried out to identify pesticides, which are more commonly encountered in treated drinking water. In most of the treatment plants, the concentrations of lindane, total endosulphan and total DDT were significantly less in the finished water. Monitoring of these less soluble pesticide in the finished water from WTPs was done quarterly to arrive at the quality trends and to plan for the mitigation action, in case the concentration of the parameter exceeded at any site or time.  相似文献   

The concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in atmospheric particulate matter in Jinan, China, over the period from July 2009 to June 2010, were determined to study their pollution levels, compositions, size distribution and seasonal variations. All target compounds except endosulfan sulfate were detected. The annual average concentration of ∑18 OCPs was 92 ± 82 pg m(-3). Total HCH, total endrin, aldrin, endosulfan compounds and total DDT compounds were the primary components, accounting for approximately 27%, 20%, 16%, 14% and 10% of total OCPs, respectively. The annual mean ng g(-1) concentrations of ∑18 OCPs in PM(2.5), PM(5), PM(10) and TSP were 481 ± 190, 433 ± 161, 414 ± 158 and 264 ± 193, respectively, indicating that most OCPs tend to be strongly absorbed by fine air particles which were strongly related to a potential health risk. Distinct seasonal trends were found in OCPs concentrations with high concentrations appearing in November and March whereas low concentrations appeared in the summer, which were significantly positively correlated with particulate mass concentrations and Air Pollution Index (API). The high OCPs levels could be attributed to the seasonal usage, long-range atmospheric transport as well as adverse meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as chlorinated pesticides are of global concern due to their widespread occurrence, persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity to animals and human. This paper summarises recent research on 18 chlorinated pesticides in an important catchment in China, by determining their concentrations and behaviour in water, sediment, soil and plants. The concentrations of the total pesticides were in the ranges 187-893 ng l(-1) in river water, 8.53-210 ng g(-1) dry weight in soil, 2.66-13.45 ng g(-1) dry weight in river sediment, and 651-2823 ng g(-1) dry weight in plants. The predominance of beta-HCH as the major isomer of HCHs in all water, soil, sediment and plant samples was clearly observed, due to beta-HCH's resistance to biodegradation. On average beta-HCH accounted for 44%, 53%, 50%, and 46% of the total HCH concentration in water, soil, sediment and plant, respectively. Of the DDTs, DDE accounted for 48%, 43%, 53%, 55% of the total DDT, which suggested that DDT had been transformed to its metabolites, DDE and DDD, of which DDE was the more stable. The chlorinated pesticide levels in the River Wuchuan were generally below the guideline values in China, but some sites displayed levels in excess of EC Environmental Quality Standards for HCHs and DDTs. The results therefore provide important information on the current contamination status of a key agricultural watershed in China, and point to the need for urgent actions to evaluate the long-term fate and toxicity of such persistent compounds and an appropriate remediation strategy.  相似文献   

Keoladeo National Park (KNP) is an important wintering ground for thousands of birds that undertake a perilous journey over the Himalaya to make a seasonal home in a wetland ecosystem. However, this wetland is now getting polluted by various types of contaminants such as pesticides because of the agricultural practices in the catchment area from where the park receives water. Keeping this in mind, the present study has been undertaken to assess the organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues in the sediments inside and around KNP. Samples were collected from the different blocks of the park. The concentrations of α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, δ-HCH, S-HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, hept.epoxide, endosulfan-I, endosulfan-II, endo.sulfate, S-endosulfan, endrin, 4,4'-DDE, 4,4'-DDD, and DDT were quantified using gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Analysis showed that the samples were contaminated with the above mentioned pesticides and that the concentration of total OCPs in the sediments varied from 0.1173 (dieldrin) to 5.558 ppm (γ HCH) in the samples collected from inside the park, whereas a range of pesticides varying in concentration from 0.1245 (4,4'-DDD) to 7.54 ppm (γ HCH) was found in samples from outside the park. Residues of S-HCH and S-endosulfan were not detected in any of the sediment samples. The occurrence of pesticides inside the park is a major threat to the park's biodiversity. Eco-friendly agriculture practices with minimal use of inorganic chemicals are suggested to minimize the pesticide residue levels in the park.  相似文献   

Qiantang River is a typical river used for drinking water source, flowing through agricultural area in east China. Surface water samples at 45 sampling sites from the river were collected and analyzed for 13 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) during six surveys in 2 years of 2005–2006. Sediments, soils, farmland runoff water and dry/wet deposition of this region were also measured for their OCPs residue in order to know possible source of OCPs contamination. The total OCPs concentrations in surface water were 7.68–615.2 ng/l. β-HCH, δ-HCH, Aldrin, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide are the major OCPs in water. The maximum levels of OCPs in water were found in July, while significantly lower OCP concentrations were measured in January. Significant linear correlation was found between the concentration of HCH and that of total 13 OCPs in water. The measured OCP concentrations in sediments, soils, farmland runoff water and dry/wet deposition are discussed in relation to concentrations and patterns found in the surface water. Comparison of OCP levels in sediments and soils led to conclusion that erosion of soil contribute significantly to the contamination of water. The OCPs dry and wet deposition to water body was estimated to 0.49 and 0.86 ton/year, respectively. The ratio of α/γ-HCH and (DDE+DDD)/∑DDT in environmental matrix indicated there probably existed new OCPs input of lindane and dicofol into the river.  相似文献   

The levels of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) in the water, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and sediments from Lake Small Baiyangdian were measured by gas chromatograph with a 63Ni microelectron capture detector. The residual levels of the total HCHs in the water, SPM, and sediments were 1.59?±?2.24 ng L?1, 25.42?±?1.72 ng g?1 dw (dry weight), and 0.86?±?1.44 ng g?1 dw, respectively. DDTs were not detected in the water samples. The concentrations of total DDTs were 158.79?±?1.67 ng g?1 dw in SPM and 0.46?±?1.97 ng g?1 dw in the sediments. Compared to other areas in China and abroad, the levels of residual HCH and DDT were relatively low in the water and sediments, but they were moderate to high in the SPM. Organic carbon partition coefficient values for HCH in this study were higher than previously published values and may reflect new input in this area. The residual HCHs in this area could be derived from a mixture of technical HCH and lindane because ongoing lindane use may be occurring. DDT in the majority of the study area was primarily attributed to historical discharge, but some regions may be receiving new input. The ecological risks of γ-HCH in the water were very low according to species sensitivity distribution models. The concentrations of HCH and DDT in the sediments from the study area did not exceed the sediment quality guidelines, which indicate little risk for benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs; DDTs, HCHs, CHLs, and HCB) were measured in human breast milk samples collected across Massachusetts, USA, in 2004. Seventeen PBDE congeners were found in the samples, ranging in concentration from 0.06 to 1910 ng g(-1) lipid wt. BDE-47 (2,2',4,4'-tetraBDE), BDE-99 (2,2',4,4',5-pentaBDE), and BDE-100 (2,2',4,4',6-pentaBDE) were the major congeners detected in breast milk samples. Overall mean (+/-SD) concentrations of DDTs, HCHs, CHLs, and HCB were 64.5 +/- 75, 18.9 +/- 19, 32.4 +/- 36, and 2.3 +/- 2.2 ng g(-1) lipid wt, respectively. Concentrations of PBDEs were strongly correlated with concentrations of OCPs in the samples. Based on the concentrations of organohalogens and the intake rates of breast milk by infants in the United States, daily ingestion rates of contaminants were calculated. The median ingestion rates for PBDEs, HCHs, DDTs, CHLs, and HCB were 4.0, 212, 141, 44, and 5.79 ng kg(-1) body wt day(-1), respectively. The estimated daily intake of organohalogens by infants was compared with threshold reference values suggested by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), for calculation of hazard quotients (HQs). HQs for individual organohalogens and the sum of HQ for all organohalogens were calculated as HQ indices (HQI). The results suggest that one or more of the contaminants analyzed in this study exceeded the threshold reference values in at least 26% of the breast milk samples.  相似文献   

The Xiangjiang River (XR), the second largest tributary of the Yangtze River, is mainly located in Hunan province in south-central China. Nineteen surface sediment samples (the top 3-cm layer) collected from XR were analyzed to determine the concentrations, distribution, sources, and ecological risk of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). The concentrations of OCPs were 3.0–29.8 ng/g (dry weight) with a mean of 12.6?±?7.7 ng/g. The widely detected compounds included HCHs, DDTs, HCB, and dieldrin. Overall, the dominant OCPs in the sediments were mainly composed of residual and degradation products, e.g., β-HCH with a mean of 42.2 % in HCHs and p,p′-DDE with a mean of 43.5 % in DDTs, implying that OCPs in the sediments had suffered from long-term aging without fresh inputs in XR. However, there was a high proportion of p,p′-DDT to DDTs in three sites, suggesting that there was use of technical DDT from their surrounding areas at present. The ratios of α-HCH/γ-HCH and p,p′-DDD?+?p,p′-DDE/DDTs increase from the upper reaches to the lower reaches of XR, suggesting sediments enriched with α-HCH and metabolites DDD and DDE during sediment transport process and could be attributed to the transformation of γ-HCH to α-HCH and DDT to DDE or DDD. The assessment of the ecological risk indicates that the OCPs in the sediments of XR have a moderate adverse biological effect on organisms.  相似文献   

用正己烷一次同时萃取地表水中的百菌清、环氧七氯和有机氯农药,萃取液脱水后进气相色谱仪进行测定。当取样体积为500ml时,方法检出限为0.01~0.02μg,/L,标准曲线相关系数大于0.999,方法精密度的相对标准偏差为1.5%-4.0%,加标回收率为81.6%~109.6%。该方法用于实际样品测定,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

During the Danish Galathea 3 expedition, bivalve samples were collected at the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Ghana, South Africa, Australia, Solomon Islands, New Zealand, Chile, US Virgin Islands, Boston, Newfoundland and Shetland Islands and analysed for organochlorines and PAHs. Concentration differences of up to three orders of magnitude were observed, with the highest concentrations at Boston harbour (SPCB 338 ng g(-1) dw, ΣSPAH 5966 ng g(-1) dw) and the Sydney estuary (ΣSPCB 282 ng g(-1) dw, SPAH 1453 ng g(-1) dw). Local impacts were also found for the Greenland capital Nuuk in terms of PCB and PAH levels, while other Greenland samples came closest to representing PAH background levels. Several locations had undetectable organochlorine levels, including Hobart and Chile, which had the lowest SPAH concentrations (<200 ng g(-1) dw). It was possible to group the stations according to their pyrogenic/petrogenic influence using Principal Component Analyses, and indications of petroleum sources were found at Nuuk.  相似文献   

Characteristics and transport of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in urban multiple environments, including air, dust, rain, canopy throughfall, and runoff water, are explored in this study. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) dominated in both air and rain water, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) related substances showed a higher affinity to dust. Relatively high concentrations of DDT and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) in air, rain and dust imply that technical DDT in the environment has been degrading, and there may be unknown local or regional emission sources that contain DDTs in the study area. Source identification showed that DDTs in Beijing urban environments with a fresh signature may originate from the atmospheric transport from remote areas. The ratio of α-/γ-HCH in dust, rain, canopy throughfall and runoff were close to 1, indicating the possible use of lindane. OCPs in runoff were transported from various sources including rain, dust, and canopy throughfall. In runoff, DDTs and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were mainly transported from dust, and HCHs were mainly from rain and canopy throughfall.  相似文献   

南四湖表层沉积物中有机氯农药的含量及分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用气相色谱-电子俘获检测(GC-ECD)方法对南四湖表层沉积物中13种有机氯农药进行了分析测定。每个采样点均检出了有机氯农药,与世界其它类似水体比较,南四湖表层沉积物中的有机氯农药处于低水平含量,属于低生态风险水平。多数点位有机氯农药均是由于历史上使用造成的,但不排除个别点位存在新的污染源。  相似文献   

The concentration of 12 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were measured in water, sediment, aquatic plant, and animal (shrimp and fish) of Nansi Lake by gas chromatography equipped with an electron capture detector. The total OCPs concentrations were 65.31–100.31 ng L?1 in water, 2.9–6.91 ng g?1 dry weight (dw) in sediments, 1.29–6.42 ng g?1 dw in aquatic plants and 7.57–17.22 ng g?1 dw in animals. The OCPs composition profiles showed that heptachlor compounds was also the predominant OCPs contaminants in addition to hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in Nansi Lake. According to the source of HCHs and DDTs in sediment samples, there was no new input and the HCHs pollution mainly came from the use of Lindane in Nansi Lake. Bioaccumulation of OCPs in aquatic biota indicated that DDTs and heptachlor compounds had a strong accumulation, followed by HCHs and drins. The accumulation abilities of fish for OCPs were higher than those of plants and shrimps. The OCPs biota-sediment accumulation factor values of Channa argus was the highest in fish samples, followed by Carassius auratus, and Cyprinus caspio. Risk assessment of sediment showed that heptachlor epoxide had a higher occurrence possibility of adverse ecological effects to benthic species. Based on the calculation of acceptable daily intake and hazard ratio, HCHs in fish and shrimps from Nansi Lake had a lifetime cancer risk of greater than one per million. The risk assessment of water, sediment, and fish indicated the water environment of Nansi Lake is at a safe level at present.  相似文献   

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