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在水形势现状分析的基础上,提出了绿色用水的新理念;应用系统学方法,从绿色用水系统的功效分析出发,构建了以绿色水供给、绿色水消费和绿色水管理为基础的绿色用水系统结构,并与传统用水系统进行比较分析;进而从绿色用水的目的性出发,针对目前用水现状,从提供绿色用水科学范式、深化水资源综合规划改革、制定绿色用水导则和评价标准4个方面,提出了绿色用水实施路径。  相似文献   

在以往20余年系统开展环境绿色修复基础研究与应用实践基础上,进行了成果总结与理论阐述。在补充、完善超积累/修复植物筛选评判标准的基础上,通过大量实践提出了"未污染区也存在超积累/修复植物"的新认识,构建了未污染区与污染区相互印证的超积累/修复植物筛选的新方法并得到验证;在阐明超积累/修复植物与环境介质的交互作用关系基础上,进一步探讨了超积累/修复植物形成的环境介质与植物交互作用机制以及环境修复的生态格局优化与综合强化的理论。这一进展将为今后该领域研究的深入开展和广泛实践打下理论基础,指明发展方向。  相似文献   

工业的快速发展,给资源环境带来了前所未有的压力,于是人们纷纷探讨绿色发展之路.工业绿色发展评价指标体系的研究旨在发现工业绿色转型升级中的薄弱环节,设计评估工业的绿色发展状况的指标,引导工业绿色转型升级,从而实现工业发展与资源环境的和谐统一.文章借鉴脱钩理论的核心理念,分析资源环境的特征指标,利用工业资源消耗或污染物排放变化对工业产值的弹性脱钩值作为考察工业绿色转型升级的动态指标,建立包括工业资源环境压力、工业资源环境弹性脱钩和工业发展绿化度3个方面的工业绿色发展评价指标体系,并应用于广东省21个地级以上城市的评价分析.研究表明,该指标体系对于评价工业绿色发展具有实际可操作性,结果合理、可靠.对广东各地的实证评价分析显示,广东省工业总体绿色发展水平不断提升,在高压力水平下,逐步向资源节约型、环境友好型的新型工业化道路转型.但由于各地工业发展水平不同、资源环境约束目标不同,工业绿色发展的进程也存在较大区域差异.资源环境约束严格的珠三角核心区工业绿色发展情况相对其他地区较好,属高绿化度高资源环境压力的绿色发展模式.资源环境约束较严格的粤北山区工业转型升级也有明显进展.而在资源环境约束管理不大的珠三角非核心区与粤西地区中,江门和湛江工业绿色发展相对较好,肇庆和茂名一般,惠州和阳江工业呈粗放发展,粤东地区除汕头外,工业粗放发展趋势明显.因此,各地应制定针对性措施,促进工业结构调整,限制高消耗、重污染型行业发展,加大工业污染防治力度,推进高消耗、重污染型行业的生态化转型,推动工业绿色转型升级加快.  相似文献   

节约型社会提出的现实背景、理论前提及其法律内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对节约型社会提出的现实背景的阐述,认为节约型社会的理论前提和基础有生态政治理论、环境资源承载能力理论、资源生态经济理论、资源生态化和环境资源化理论等。并对节约型社会的目标、节约型社会的理念、基本原则等进行了探讨。最后在以上分析的基础上对节约型社会的法律内涵进行界定。认为节约型社会在第一层面的涵义是以供定需的发展战略和资源禀赋导向型的发展规划;第二层面的内涵是资源生态承载能力范围内的经济发展道路选择;第三层面的内涵是对自然资源进入社会经济生产的全过程进行规划和调控。  相似文献   

论环境与发展综合决策的哲学基础及实现途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用马克思主义哲学观点对环发综合决策作了理论方面的探讨,认为它符合“从实际出发、实事求是”的思想路线;符合“发展是硬道理”的科学诊断;符合系统论原则;符合矛盾统一原则,同时提出阵条实现综合决策的建议和对策,即建立环发综合决策体制;建立环发综合决策制度;环保部门主动参与环发综合决策;做好“结合”工作,使环发综合决策落在实处。  相似文献   

文章系统地总结了影响生态状况判断的六个理论,分别为:可持续发展、跨越式发展、环境库兹涅茨曲线、熵与混沌理论、耗散结构和社会-经济-自然复合生态系统理论。这些理论是人类认识自然的结晶,而且也是区域生态状况判断坚实的理论基础。在阐述理论的基础上,对中国生态状况作出的准确判断,认为中国的生态状况总体上处于治理与破坏的相持阶段,水土流失、土地荒漠化等得到有效遏制、人们的生态意识不断增强,但传统经济结构和发展模式的调整目标尚未完成,退化生态系统还未得到根本恢复,社会经济可持续发展的目标还需很长时间。这些基于理论分析的判断对于对中国生态建设和可持续发展具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

中国汞污染的来源、成因及控制技术路径分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
汞是一种能长期存在于环境且具有全球迁移性的污染物.汞污染防治是一个复杂的系统工程,涉及多部门、多领域、多行业,国家需要在政策、管理和技术等方面采取综合的战略措施推进汞污染防治.本文基于汞污染的环境和社会影响,分析了中国汞污染的来源、成因并评估了中国汞管理体系,结合中国参加全球汞公约谈判的特定背景,识别出汞污染防控的优先行业,包括汞的无意排放优先控制行业:燃煤、有色金属冶炼、汞矿开采和含汞废物处理;汞的有意使用优先控制行业:电石法聚氯乙烯生产,医疗产品、荧光灯和电池生产.本文也进一步提出了汞污染控制技术路径,包括构建汞风险管理和识别平台、完善汞管理体系、加强环境技术研发、推进绿色转型、保护环境和公众健康等.  相似文献   

湖南省南瓜和西葫芦的产业现状、问题及发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就湖南省农业产业化结构的调整,正确认识南瓜、西葫芦产业化的优势,现根据湖南农业气候状况及南瓜、西葫芦生产现状,找出南瓜、西葫芦生产中存在的问题,提出南瓜、西葫芦产业竞争力的科学发展战略.表1,参8.  相似文献   

在中国东部花岗岩、玄武岩和石灰岩地区布设91个采样点,采集土壤剖面和母岩样品,测试13种微量元素的含量,研究其纬向分异规律及影响因素。结果表时:(1)土壤微量元素含量顺序为:玄武岩土壤>石灰岩土壤>花岗岩土壤;(2)花岗岩和玄武岩上土壤微量元素含量与母岩接近,石灰岩上土壤微量元素含量远高于母岩;(3)花岗岩上土壤微量元素的含量由北向南呈降低趋势,而玄武岩和石灰岩上土壤微量元素含量由北向南均呈增高趋势,且与游离氧化铁含量的增高同步;(4)微量元素含量与氧化铁含量在玄武岩土壤中的相关性大于这两者在花岗岩土壤中的相关性。  相似文献   

生态系统健康是研究人类活动、社会经济组织、自然系统和人类健康的综合性学科,是人类社会可持续发展的保证,国内外对不同类型的生态系统健康进行了大量研究,指出生态系统健康是在时间上具有维持其组织结构、自我调节和对胁迫受损的恢复能力,实现生态系统的稳定性和可持续性.农村生态系统是一类自然一人工复合生态系统,在综合分析农业生态系统健康和城市生态系统健康概念的基础上,提出农村生态系统是指在不同区域范围的农村地域内,不同类型生态系统间的相互能量关系,以及农村人群和周围环境的相互影响与相互作用的总和.农村生态系统健康是指农村生态系统能够实现农村环境健康目标、生态系统活力目标、农业生产与乡镇企业发展目标,并具有一定的自我调节和对胁迫受损的恢复能力.通过分析已有生态系统健康评价所采用的指标体系,结合农村生态系统的特性,研究构建了由环境健康目标、生态系统活力目标和功能目标组成的农村生态系统健康评价的框架体系,以期明确农村生态系统健康的内涵,为开展评价研究建立初步基础.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a green finance index that may help policymakers and investors take more favorable actions based on the development of green finance. After analysis and organization of the development process of green finance and related green finance and index concepts, this paper uses the improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to construct a measurement model suitable for measuring the development level of green finance based on the principle of fuzzy mathematics. The index weight adopts the entropy method and improved Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) joint determination. At the same time, using the relevant statistical indicators of China's green credit from 2011 to 2019, and using the constructed model, the level of China's green finance development during this period was evaluated. Finally, the obtained data and classical gray model methods were used to predict China's green development level from 2020 to 2024. The research results show that: This model is a good measure of the level of development of green finance, and China's green finance index has generally shown a rapid growth trend over the past nine years, with the fastest growth rate between 2013 and 2014. From the perspective of the weight of each index affecting the green financial index, the weight of new energy, green transportation projects and new energy vehicles ranked in the top three, and the impact of these three indexes on China's green financial index is significant. In the future, China's green financial development level will continue to improve.



What is sustainable development? Why is at an issue? Ideally, what needs to be done? and Practically, what can be done? are answered here by relying on the cultural theory of Mary Douglas and her colleagues, more especially Aaron Wildavsky and Michael Thompson, both of whom have used the model to address sustainable development. The implications of cultural theory for sustainable development are substantial.

The article is divided into five sections. The first describes the current controversy over sustainable development. The second sets out the cultural theory model, and the third applies that model to reformulate our understanding of sustainable development. The fourth draws out the implications of a reformulated sustainable development, while the conclusion uses those implications to answer the four questions that started the article.  相似文献   

We examined the behavioral and developmental responses of Xenopus laevis larvae to their mirror images in three experiments. The mirrors allowed us to visually simulate increased density, without the tadpoles’ behavior being confounded by chemical cues from additional tadpoles. In the first experiment, we demonstrated that Xenopus tadpoles have a right eye preference for mirrors, contrary to the left eye preference of all other anuran species studied to date. This lateralized eye use disappeared, however, as tadpoles approached metamorphosis. Next, we examined how mirrored aquaria walls affected tadpole growth and development. We found that tadpoles raised in aquaria with partially mirrored walls showed depressed growth compared to tadpoles raised without mirrors, despite the fact that Xenopus larvae normally thrive when raised in visual contact with conspecifics. The tadpoles raised with mirrors had, though not significantly, proportionally larger bodies relative to their tail length (d = 0.51). This suggests that a phenotypically plastic response in body proportions was induced in these tadpoles solely by the sight of other tadpoles. The third experiment established that X. laevis tadpoles are more active in front of a mirror; i.e., they turn more often and spend more time in front of mirrored surfaces. We consider this increased activity to be an aberrant behavior of the tadpoles, which were attempting to school with their own images. We suggest that this extra activity reduced the amount of energy available for growth, accounting for the depressed growth seen in our second experiment.  相似文献   

张理茜  蔡建明 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2764-2772
脆弱的生态环境会对城市化进程产生一定的约束作用。生态环境脆弱地区的城市化,表现出与非脆弱地区不同的特征。以往的研究,更倾向于对各类生态环境脆弱地区分别进行研究。本文试图站在更宏观的角度,通过研究生态环境脆弱和非脆弱地区这两个大类在城市化发展方面的异同,明确生态环境脆弱地区城市化发展的特征及合适的路径。首先在阅读了大量国内外相关文献的基础上,总结了干旱区、喀斯特地区、高寒地区、过渡区等类型的生态环境脆弱区的共性,了解其城市化现状及约束因素,并结合学者们的研究,与生态环境良好地区的城市化进行了对比,提出发展的对策。在理论分析的基础上,文章第二部分初步构建了一个生态环境脆弱地区城市化发展路径的选择方法及流程。研究表明生态环境脆弱区城市化的制约因素主要有地质条件、地形、水文、气候、植被和地上地下自然资源等,与生态环境良好地区城市化的差异主要体现在产业选择、人口承载力及城市建设用地等方面,这些方面也是该类地区在城市化过程中应格外重视的。生态环境脆弱地区城市化路径选择流程主要分为以下几个步骤:归类、分析城市化水平及阶段、分析生态环境演变历程、研究城市化与生态环境的相互作用机制、情景分析、制定战略规划,确定城市的功能、定位等。  相似文献   

China has the fifth largest forest area in the world and any change in China's forestry development will have inevitable impacts on global ecological sustainability. China has undergone excessive logging of natural forests and also made tremendous efforts in afforestation during the past half century. China's forestry is now going through a variety of transitions and several forestry programs have been implemented to drive forestry transitions. The goal of these actions is to protect ecological services of forests and sustain China's forestry development. These forestry programs are spatially sophisticated and cannot be successfully implemented without accurate and transparent forest/forestry information. A variety of digital technologies, including forest modeling, remote sensing, geographic information systems, global positioning systems, and visualization, have been applied in handling diverse information in China's forestry. Digital forestry is not just a theoretical concept in China. Our digital forestry experience in northeast China suggests that digital technology is both usable and useful in China's forestry development. Digital technology is playing an important interactive role in China's top-down forestry administration system. The analog-to-digital transition in technology is expected to lead to the success of forestry programs and forestry transitions in China.  相似文献   

Motivated by the postulates:
Matter has complementary properties: matter waves at high mass density and information oscillations at high information density.
Biological systems are information generating systems, i.e., genome capacity to generate developmental functional complexity (phenotype).
Biological information sustains the living state.
We discuss a definite model in which the life state of an organism, for successive generations, is a generalized Schrödinger's type of system which is non-conservative, nonlinear and irreversible. Vitality, the state variable, is the genome capacity to generate developmental functional complexity (phenotype). It is a function of the phenotypic variables of biological information, i.e., matter-energy growth function, life expectancy and natality.We also discuss evolution within this model. We find that the evolution of a unicellular organism, being a process through which the life function undertakes negative damping, leads to the increase of total vitality. Total vitality is a function of the system's lifespan, bio-complexity and total matter-energy metabolized or body mass. Total vitality is quantized. The derived quantization relationship provides plausible theoretical basis for punctuated equilibrium. Total bio-information (total vitality + total natality density) is conserved. The conserved quantity describes evolution and generates ecosystem, population and organism growth dynamics. Vitality has the dimension of flow-bits. Finally, a thought experiment is proposed to falsify the hypothesis.  相似文献   

We examined variation in aggressive responses within and among individuals in the green frog, Rana clamitans. We tested the hypothesis that resident males respond in a graded fashion to changes in perceived intruder proximity (stimulus intensity). We also investigated how response level varied with responder body size. We found that green frogs differentially alter aggressive responses (increasing movement and calling rates while decreasing the duration and dominant frequency of their calls) with an increase in stimulus intensity. Body size did not appear to be a significant influence on most response levels. We suggest that aggressive responses are graded, and advertisement and aggressive calls represent opposite ends of a continuum. Green frogs do not exhibit clearly defined thresholds for responses like those reported for some other frogs. By using graded responses rather than discrete all-or-nothing responses, males may reduce the potential costs of aggressive encounters.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - The demand for a cleaner environment has led chemists to develop greener protocols, notably by using catalysts. Encapsulation of an active substance on a solid...  相似文献   

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