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通过温室盆栽试验研究不同比例粉煤灰钝化污泥人工土壤上高麦草的生长发育及营养状况,试验结果表明:土壤中加入粉煤灰钝化污泥显著增加了高麦草的干物重.脱水污泥加入其鲜重的10%粉煤灰钝化后再按1∶1和1∶5体积比与土壤混合配成的人工土处理和加入其鲜重的35%粉煤灰钝化后再按1∶1体积比与土壤混合配成的人工土处理高麦草的产量都显著高于自然土壤施用化肥的处理,高麦草的发芽率也不受影响.随着粉煤灰加入量的增加,高麦草地上部Ca,Mg和B的浓度(w/%或w/mg.kg-1)增加而K,Fe,Mn和Zn的浓度下降,高麦草根中Fe,Mn,Cu和Zn的浓度显著高于其地上部中的浓度.所有粉煤灰钝化后污泥人工土壤高麦草都没有出现N和P的缺乏和重金属毒害,说明合适比例的粉煤灰钝化污泥人工土壤是高麦草的良好生长介质.  相似文献   

城市给水厂给水污泥用于烧制粉煤灰-粘土砖的试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市给水厂产生的净水污泥(以下简称给水污泥),已成为治理城市固体废弃物污染的紧迫任务,以给水污泥为研究对象,进行了含水率60%-80%的给水污泥-粉煤灰-粘土烧制砖的成型、性能检测等试验研究。结果表明:在给水污泥-粉煤灰-粘土砖中掺人30%-45%(体积比)给水污泥,烧制成品符合国家标准(GB/T 5101-98)要求。  相似文献   

污泥热解残渣催化市政破膜污泥的热解作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过原子吸收分光光度计(AAS)对污泥热解残渣中金属化合物含量测定和扫描电镜(SEM)对污泥热解残渣的表面形态进行表征,采用热重分析(TGA)对印染污泥和市政污泥的热解残渣催化污泥热解作用进行了初步探讨.结果表明,两种污泥热解残渣对污泥热解均有催化作用,且印染污泥热解残渣催化效果优于市政污泥热解残渣;热解残渣中金属化合物种类和含量对其催化效果有一定影响,尤其是污泥热解残渣中铝、铁、锌化合物在污泥催化热解过程中起了重要作用.  相似文献   

污泥和垃圾堆肥用作林木育苗基质的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过容器栽培试验,用出苗率、苗木生长指标、形态质量指数、叶片叶绿素含量等4指标对污泥和垃圾堆肥替代泥炭用作林木育苗容器基质的可行性进行了研究。结果显示,污泥和垃圾堆肥可以部分替代泥炭,能明显促进苗木生长,苗木叶片中的叶绿素含量明显高于对照,且叶片的生长期较对照长。基质最佳配方为污泥堆肥∶泥炭=1∶1和垃圾堆肥∶泥炭=1∶1。基质含盐量是影响种子出苗率的因素之一,盐分含量对针叶树种的影响大于阔叶树种。含盐量高的基质在播种前应考虑淋洗脱盐。  相似文献   

活性炭辅助微波热解污泥反应条件的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万立国  田禹  张丽君  方琳 《生态环境》2010,19(9):2182-2186
针对微波不能直接实现原污水污泥高温热解的问题,采用活性炭作为微波能吸收物质辅助污泥热解。对影响污泥热解效能的3个主要因素:污泥样品量、活性炭掺杂量和微波辐射功率,各做了3个水平的考察,得到了试验条件下的最优方案:污泥样品量30g、活性炭掺杂量6g、微波辐射功率1200W。结果表明:在最优试验方案下,污泥能在7min内升至920℃的高温,实现污泥快速、高效热解。通过分析3个因素对污泥热解效能的影响,进一步对最优试验方案下的固体产物吸收微波的性能及用其作为掺杂物辅助微波热解污水污泥的可行性进行了研究,结果表明:固体残渣吸收微波性能良好,可以代替活性炭作为更经济、高效的污泥微波热解辅助材料。  相似文献   

ABR反应器的启动及颗粒污泥特征的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在20-30℃条件下,对ABR反应器进行了169d 5个阶段的启动实验,进水COD容积负荷达到4.38kgCOD·m-3·d-1,出水COD,挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)和pH值达到要求;形成了大量的性能良好的颗粒污泥,其尺度介于2-3.8mm之间,沉降速度大于20m·h-1,MLVSS/MLSS值均大于65%;但各格室厌氧污泥的污泥指数(SVI)差异较大.显微分析表明,不同格室内呈现出种群配合良好的厌氧微生物分布,第一格室存在大量的优势发酵细菌,并有代谢乙酸的丝状甲烷细菌,然后颗粒污泥中的微生物逐渐向以产甲烷细菌优势菌群过渡,并存在许多浮游的原生和后生动物.另外,各格室中的颗粒污泥形状各异,表面凸凹不平,存在气孔,且颗粒污泥愈靠近核心,微生物数量愈少,细菌分泌物和无机质愈多.  相似文献   

以钛酸丁酯为原料,以粉煤灰微珠为载体,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了TiO2/粉煤灰光催化剂.负载于粉煤灰表面的TiO2平均粒径约为7nm,晶型为锐钛矿型,该催化剂在太阳光下降解初始浓度为10mg·l-1的甲基橙,经6h,甲基橙的降解率可达98.9%,将其应用于实际样品的测定,经3h降解率可达96.1%,显示出优越的光催化降解性能.  相似文献   

城市污水污泥中PCBs的分析及其QA/QC研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用正己烷/丙酮混合萃取剂索氏提取污泥,浓硫酸洗涤和硅胶层析柱净化分离出纯净的PCBs,以毛细管GC-ECD和内标法对PCBs定量,并进行了QA/QC研究.以实际城市污水污泥作为加标基质,方法的检测限为0·92—2·82ng·g-1(干重),19种PCBs同族体的回收率为54·2—140·6%,相对标准偏差为6·5—15·3%,满足US EPA对PCBs回收率的要求.经过3次平行分析,城市污水污泥中含有12种PCBs,PCBs总量的平均值为115·73ng·g-1(干重),相对标准偏差为9·57%.  相似文献   

在滨海盐渍土中分别混加质量分数为0%、20%、40%和60%的污泥堆肥,作为盆栽基质,研究摩西球囊霉(Glomusmosseae)和根内球囊霉(Glomus intraradices)2种AM真菌对稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli)生长及其吸收Cu、Pb的影响,分别以不接种AM真菌的处理为各自的对照。结果显示:添加污泥堆肥处理中稗草接种苗菌根侵染率均显著高于纯盐泽土处理。同时,随着盐渍土中污泥堆肥含量增加稗草生物量上升,其中在含有40%和60%污泥堆肥处理中接种AM真菌稗草的地上及地下部生物量显著高于未接种苗。接种AM真菌显著提高了稗草Cu、Pb富集总量;接种AM真菌显著提高了稗草地下部Cu富集量,却降低了地下部Pb累积量,提高了Pb向地上部的转运,增加了地上部Pb累积量。这些结果表明污泥堆肥中接种AM真菌可以促进稗草的生长和提高对重金属Cu、Pb的富集能力。  相似文献   

Release of elements from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The element-release behavior of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash was explored through leaching test with continuous set-point pH (pHstat test) and serial single reaction cell (SSRC) tests. First, the relationship between element release and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) consumption was examined with a pHstat test. Four types of release behaviors were identified which are characteristic for different elements: (1) release curves that were almost linear with ANC consumption (Ca, Zn, and Cd); (2) release that was significantly faster than ANC (Na, K, and Cl); (3) curves that featured a strong increase with ANC consumption, after a transient release, followed by an almost equal decrease (Si and S); and (4) release that is strongly retarded compared with ANC consumption (Cr, Cu, and Pb). In the SSRC system, it the existence of a pH front and a wash-out phenomenon is demonstrated. Combining the results from the SSRC test with the kinetic analysis of the ANC system in the pHstat test, it was inferred that less than one-third of the ANC measured from a batch pH titration plays a neutralization role in a field situation. The methodologies described may provide a powerful set of tools for systematic evaluation of element release from solid wastes.  相似文献   

城市污水污泥与稻草、粉煤灰混合堆肥及其利用评价   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
林兰稳  钟继洪  谭军 《生态环境》2005,14(5):678-682
利用城市污水污泥与稻草、粉煤灰混合进行堆肥,分析评价不同物料配比堆肥的物理化学性质变化及其农用价值,探讨了污肥绿化利用的土壤环境容量。结果表明:采用广州市大坦沙污水处理厂脱水污泥与稻草、粉煤灰按照4:1:0.6~1.2的比例(质量比)混合堆肥,60d后,堆肥的植物可利用的有效态养分提高,重金属含量比原污泥有较大幅度降低,粉煤灰对污肥中的重金属有一定的钝化作用,堆肥后的物质疏松,臭味消失;由最小限制因子重金属Cd决定的污肥年最大施用量(连续20a)为82.0t/hm^2(污肥B)和72.1t/hm^2(污肥C),由N决定的污肥年最大施用量分别为31.33t/hm^2(污肥B)和32.49t/hm^2(污肥C)。  相似文献   

The leaching characteristics of heavy metals in products of cement stabilization of fly ash from a municipal solid waste incinerator were investigated in this paper. The stabilization of heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn in fly ash from such incinerators was examined through the national standard method in China based on the following factors: additive quantity of cement and Na2S, curing time, and pH of leaching liquor. The results showed that as more additives were used, less heavy metals were leached except for Pb, which is sensitive to pH of the leachate, and the worse effect was observed for Cd. The mass ratio of cement to fly ash = 10% is the most appropriate parameter according to the national standard method. When the hydration of cement was basically finished, stabilization of heavy metals did not vary after curing for 1 d. The mixtures of cement and fly ash had excellent adaptability to environmental pH. The pH of leachate was maintained at 7 when pH of leaching liquor varied from 3 to 11.  相似文献   

Adsorption thermodynamic studies of phosphomidon on fly ash at 25° and 50°C have been analysed as adsorption isotherms, Freundlich equations, Kd values and various other thermodynamic parameters. These data were in close agreement with Freundlich isotherms and yield ‘S’ type isotherms at both the temperatures. Thermodynamic constants (Ko) and standard free energy (ΔG°), enthalpy (ΔH°) and entropy changes (ΔS°) have been calculated for predicting the nature of adsorption.  相似文献   

Fly ash is a hazardous byproduct of municipal solid wastes incineration (MSWI). An alkali activated blast furnace slag-based cementitious material was used to stabilize/solidify the fly ash at experimental level. The characteristics of the stabilized/solidified fly ash, including metal leachability, mineralogical characteristics and the distributions of metals in matrices, were tested by toxic characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS) respectively. Continuous acid extraction was utilized to extract metal ions and characterize their leaching behavior. The stabilization/solidification procedure for MSWI fly ash demonstrates a strong fixing capacity for the metals by the formation of C-S-H phase, hydrated calcium aluminosilicate and ettringite. The stabilized/solidified fly ash shows a dense and homogeneous microstructure. Cr is mainly solidified in hydrated calcium aluminosilicate, C-S-H and ettringite phase through physical encapsulation, precipitation, adsorption or substitution mechanisms, and Pb is mainly solidified in C-S-H phase and absorbed in the Si-O structure.  相似文献   

Review of fly ash inertisation treatments and recycling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fly ash (FA) is a by-product of power, and incineration plants operated either on coal and biomass, or on municipal solid waste. FA can be divided into coal fly ash, obtained from power plant burning coal, flue gas desulphurisation FA, that is, the by-product generated by the air pollution control equipment in coal-fired power plants to reduce the release of SO2, biomass FA produced in the plants for thermal conversion of biomass and municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) FA, that is, the finest residue obtained from the scrubber system in a MSWI plant. Because of the large amount produced in the world, fly ash is now considered the world’s fifth largest material resource. The composition of FA is very variable, depending on its origins; then, also pollutants can be very different. In this frame, it is fundamental to exploit the chemical or physical potentials of FA constituents, thus rendering them second-life functionality. This review paper is addressed to FA typology, composition, treatment, recycling, functional reuse and metal and organic pollutants abatement. Because of the general growing of environmental awareness and increasing energy and material demand, it is expected that increasing recycling rates will reduce the pressure on demand for primary raw materials, help to reuse valuable materials which would otherwise be wasted and reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from extraction and processing.  相似文献   

We studied heavy metal (HM) stress on wheat seedlings (AK-58) with and without coal fly ash (CFA) exposure. Three CFA spray rates were used to simulate air quality of the second level. Results show airborne particulates can directly enter plant leaves, affecting the whole plant. HM deposition decreases seedling size and mass and reduces activities of the chlorophyll family, photosynthesis enzymes (RuBP and PEPC), and photosynthesis efficiency. In leaves, HM deposition increases with the CFA spray rate. In roots, however, CFA exposure seems to reduce HM deposition, compared with the control without CFA exposure. A possible reason is that HM deposition in leaves from airborne particulates hinders photosynthesis, weakens the whole physiology of the seedlings, and consequently reduces root absorption of HMs from soil. CFA leads to chloroplast expansion, layer-stack disorder of grana, plastoglobule increase, and even chlorophyll membrane damage.  相似文献   

A single dose of an extract from 16 and 5 grams fly ash was administered orally to male rats and hamsters. In the rat 1,2,3,7,8‐PnCDD had the highest retention (41%) in the liver. The congener with the highest retention in the liver of the hamster was 2,3,4,7,8‐PnCDF (70.9%). In two oral multiple dose experiments with rats, highest liver retentions were found for 1,2,3,7,8‐PnCDD (51.7%) and 1,2,3,6,7,8‐HxCDD (59.8%). With the exception of 2,3,4,6,7‐PnCDF, all PCDDs and PCDFs retained in the liver of rat and hamster had a 2,3,7,8 chlorine substitution pattern. In both types of experiments with rats the retention of 2,3,7,8‐TCDF in the liver was very low, 1.1–2.8% of the total dose. In the liver of the hamster retention of 2,3,7,8‐TCDF was almost equal to that of 2,3,7,8‐TCDD, indicating that the hamster is probably metabolizing 2,3,7,8‐TCDF Jess efficiently than the rat. In all experiments 1,2,3,7,8‐PnCDD and 2,3,4,7,8‐PnCDF were retained in the liver more efficiently than 2,3,7,8‐TCDD. Based on first order pharmacokinetic calculations, it was found that the earlier published ke value of 0.55 for 2,3,7,8‐TCDF in the liver of the rat was also applicable. Using the same calculations for 2,3,7,8‐TCDD (ke = 0.029) a 30% difference was found between calculated and actual measurements, but calculated results were still within the 95% confidence limits of the actual measurements.  相似文献   

城市污泥堆肥过程中微生物研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用平板计数法和最大概率法测定城市污泥堆肥干污泥中主要微生物类群的变化。结果表明,中、高温好氧菌在第6d达到最大值,分别为1.05×1015g-1、5.08×1012g-1;中、高温厌氧菌在第9d达到最大值5.50×105g-1和1.11×105g-1;中、高温好氧纤维素分解菌分别在第3d和第6d达到最大值,分别为2.66×104g-1、3.26×106g-1;整个堆肥过程中,高温厌氧纤维素分解菌数量不断增加;高温放线菌在第3d达到最大值,为1.12×106g-1;中温放线菌、真菌、中温厌氧纤维素分解菌、中温淀粉分解菌、蛋白质分解菌和油脂分解菌在发酵初期迅速下降至零;高温淀粉分解菌、蛋白质分解菌和油脂分解菌在发酵前6d数量上升,随后开始下降。发酵后期,好氧菌中兼性厌氧菌逐渐增多,严格好氧菌逐渐减少;厌氧菌中的兼性厌氧菌逐渐减少,严格厌氧菌逐渐增多。  相似文献   

Soil heavy metal contamination is a major health issue. Chemical immobilization of toxic metals is a promising technique to solve this issue. In this study, soil was sampled from a copper mining-polluted area in eastern China. Coal fly ash and straw were applied to soil samples at 5 % w/w ratio and 2 % w/w ratio, and incubated for 6 weeks. The CaCl2-extractable Cu, Cd and Zn, phytoavailability and soil microbial activity were measured. The results showed that coal fly ash, straw and the mixture of coal fly ash and straw decreased CaCl2-extractable metals. Coal fly ash or the mixture of the two amendments are therefore efficient metal stabilizers.  相似文献   

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