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采用Fenton氧化法对印染污泥进行预处理,研究印染污泥中TSS、VSS、CST、SRF等脱水性能指标的变化规律.结果表明,当pH值为2.0,H2O2和Fe2+投加量分别为428 mg.g-1(干泥)和42.8 mg.g-1(干泥),反应时间1.5 h、反应温度80℃时,Fenton氧化后印染污泥的脱水效果最佳.在该条件下,TSS由18.66 g.L-1下降至4.82 g.L-1,去除率为74.17%;CST和SRF分别由98.6 s和6.03×1011s.2g-1下降至18.9 s和8.42×1010s.2g-1;污泥的平均粒径和中值粒径分别由53.8μm和42.9μm下降至19.8μm和16.2μm.  相似文献   

十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)-氢氧化钠耦合污泥脱水技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)-氢氧化钠(NaOH)耦合预处理对污泥特性的影响,分析了不同预处理条件下污泥溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)、挥发性悬浮物(VSS)、总悬浮物(TSS)和有机酸溶出率随时间的变化规律,并进一步探讨了其对污泥脱水性能的影响.结果表明,SDBS-NaOH耦合作用时能有效地加速VSS和TSS的溶解,提高污泥水解相SCOD的浓度,当SDBS和NaOH的投加量分别为0.02g·g-1污泥(污泥干基,下同)和0.1g·g-1污泥时,VSS溶解效率高达64.0%,此时TSS含量最低,仅为23.2mg·l-1;另外,当SDBS和NaOH添加量分别为0.02和0.25g·g-1时,污泥的脱水性能良好,脱水后污泥的含水率可降到72%左右,而未预处理的污泥其含水率高达84%。  相似文献   

为了改善印染污泥管理混乱的状况,对印染行业废水处理污泥的产生情况及特征污染物进行分析,结合山东省典型印染企业污泥的危险特性检测数据,得出印染行业废水处理污泥不具有危险特性的结论。建议通过编制印染污泥鉴别技术规范和行业指南,加强企业日常管理等手段解决印染污泥管理问题。  相似文献   

生石灰与微波协同作用对污泥脱水的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨国友  石林  柴妮 《环境化学》2011,30(3):698-702
采用生石厌与微波协同作用,对广州市猎德污水厂浓缩污泥脱水的影响进行了实验研究.结果表明,单独投加生石灰,加入量为40 g·L-1时,污泥比阻由原来的4.72×1013m·kg-1降至1.9×1013m·kg-1,降低了约96%;单独使用微波调理污泥,在800W功率微波下辐射100s,可使污泥比阻由原来的4.72×101...  相似文献   

预氧化处理和絮凝剂因能有效改善污泥脱水性能,且操作简单、反应迅速,受到研究者的关注,在污泥减量化等领域具有重要价值。本文主要回顾了各种基于氧化的污泥调理技术的脱水原理、絮凝剂的种类和处理效果,并分析比较了各种脱水方法的优缺点,为污泥减量化的可持续发展提供理论依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

阳离子表面活性剂对污泥脱水性能的影响和作用机理   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
采用实验室模拟的方法研究了十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMAB)和四甲基溴化铵(TMAB)对活性污泥脱水性能的影响.结果表明,相比污泥原样,经两种表面活性剂调理的污泥脱水性能均有一定程度的改善;在同样的投加量下,CTMAB比TMAB能更有效地改善污泥的脱水性能.实验数据显示:与TMAB相比,投加约为泥样干重25%的CTMAB可以释放出更多污泥胞外聚合物总量,其值约为231mg·l-1;污泥毛细吸水时间(CST)可缩短为73s左右;当TMAB和CTMAB的投加量大于泥样干重的15%时,真空抽滤后,污泥比阻达到易脱水范围;CTMAB和TMAB对污泥沉降性能的改善不是非常明显.  相似文献   

不同深度脱水污泥的热解特性及动力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用4种利于深度脱水的复合调理剂(FeCl3/CaO、FeCl3/CaO/煤粉、芬顿试剂(Fe2+和H2O2组成体系)/CaO、芬顿试剂CaO/煤粉)来改善污泥的脱水性能,所得泥饼的含水率为43.7%—56.1%,满足深度脱水的要求.CaO和煤粉的添加能改变污泥的灰分和挥发分含量.与传统聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)脱水污泥的热重分析对比结果表明,由于复合调理剂对EPS的破坏溶解作用,因此对污泥热解性质有较大影响,不仅能前移水分失重峰,还使得热重主要反应阶段峰个数变少.热解动力学计算表明,反应级数在1—2范围内.表观活化能差异表明4种复合调理剂处理后脱水污泥更容易发生热解反应.  相似文献   

阳离子表面活性剂与石灰联合调理对污泥脱水性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以污泥比阻(SRF)、污泥毛细吸水时间(CST)和脱水率为评价指标,研究了两种阳离子表面活性剂(A:松香基双-三甲基氯化铵、B:乙撑基双十二烷基二甲基溴化铵)与石灰联合调理对剩余污泥脱水性能的影响.结果表明:(1)两种表面活性剂与石灰联合调理均能产生良好的协同作用,当表面活性剂A、B的投量分别为9 g/100 g干基污泥(DS),石灰投量为15 g/100 g DS时,污泥SRF分别降低为原泥的17.7%和23.0%;污泥CST降至52.3 s和70.5 s,脱水率分别达到了86.9%和84.2%,明显改善了污泥脱水性能;(2)表面活性剂和石灰联合调理对污泥絮体及胞外聚合物产生明显的影响,随着投加量的增加,使得污泥滤液中蛋白质及多糖含量呈增加趋势,联合调理改善了污泥脱水性能.  相似文献   

We report the adsorption isotherm of methylene blue on the surface of Zhejiang and Jilin diatomite. The relationship between the adsorption isotherm and diatomite pore structure is discussed. The degree of decolouring was found to be strongly related to pH and isoelectrical value. Furnace ash residue and diatomite were found to be very effectively treating printing and dyeing wastewater.  相似文献   

建立了一种中空纤维膜液相微萃取的样品前处理技术,结合液相色谱法测定印染废水中芳香胺,并且优化了萃取溶剂、供体相、接收相、搅拌速度、萃取时间等前处理条件.实验结果表明,以正辛醇为萃取溶剂,0.1 mol·L-1Na OH为供体相,0.1 mol·L-1HCl为接收相时,400 r·min-1作为搅拌速度,30 min萃取后的芳香胺富集倍数可达到101—193倍,萃取效率达20.2%—38.6%.结合液相色谱检测芳香胺的线性范围为0.01—0.25 mg·L-1,检出限为1.0—2.0μg·L-1,回收率为95.2%—105.2%.表明该方法可用于检测印染废水中的芳香胺类物质.  相似文献   

•PSBF performed better than PAC and PAM in CODCr removals. •PSBF was more insensitive to changing pH than PAC and PAM. •PAC could remove humic acid-like pollutants and dye particles. •PSBF was efficient in removing tryptophan-like pollutants from PPDW. •A secondary coagulation-flocculation process (PAC→PSBF) is proposed here. In our previous studies, several papermaking sludge-based flocculants (PSBFs) were synthesized from wood pulp papermaking sludge. The structure-activity relationships of the PSBFs have been investigated in simulated dye wastewater treatment, but their efficiencies in practical printing and dyeing wastewater (PPDW) treatment are unknown. Herein, an PSBF was prepared, and its performance is discussed in comparison to polyaluminium chloride (PAC) and polyacrylamide (PAM) in PPDW treatment. The PSBF was used in three ways: as an independent flocculant, as a PAC aid, or used to treat the effluent of the PAC system. The results indicated that adding PSBF alone produced similar color and chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) removals as the PAC system alone, but PSBF performed better than PAC when the pH of PPDW was higher than 7.0. Adding PSBF as a PAC aid improved the color, CODCr and turbidity removals, but the elimination efficiencies were slightly lower than those of the PAC+ PAM system. However, when PSBF was used as a flocculant to treat the effluent of the PAC system (PAC→PSBF), the effluent qualities were enhanced. Compared with the PAC system, the color and CODCr removals of PAC→PSBF system increased by 16.21% and 13.26%, respectively. The excitation and emission matrix fluorescence results indicated that PSBF removed tryptophan-like pollutants more efficiently than PAC. Considering the pH requirements of the subsequent bioreactor treatment in practice, the PAC→PSBF system were also investigated at the PPDW pH level of 7.0. Its maximum removal efficiencies of color, CODCr and turbidity were 90.17%, 32.60% and 82.50%, respectively.  相似文献   

This article deals with the co-coagulation of dyeing wastewater by coal fly ash using FeSO4 as coagulant, Benzo Scarlet 4BS and Brilliant Acid Scarlet 3R as the testing dyes. The optimal concentration of FeSO4 for co-coagulation process is 0.6–0.8?g/L wastewater, and the concentration of fly ash 4–5?g/L. The experimental results show that the co-coagulation process by fly ash helps to improve the color reduction, greatly accelerate the formation and settling of the floc, and reduce the content of the floc. The mechanism for co-coagulation process is discussed and similar effect is obtained when the co-coagulation method is applied for the treatment of the real dyeing wastewater samples.  相似文献   

黄孢原毛平革菌对染料和印染废水的降解   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
白腐真菌黄孢原毛平革菌在合成木素过氧化物酶的限碳培养条件下,可以降解酶性、直接、活性、阳离子等多种类型的印染工业染料、在培养的d5木素过氧化物酶活力最高时,分别加入酸性染料卡布龙红和弱酸大红,质量浓度(ρ/mgL^-1)分别为25、50、100和12.5、25.50,48h后培养液基本脱色,较高浓度下菌膜上有残余染料吸附,5d后染料质量降解率分别是100%、88%、92%和58%、58%、65%、38%。以含有上述两种染料的印染废水置换培养液,并加入葡萄糖1g/L,黄孢原毛平革菌可以直接使废水脱色,菌丝可以重复培养脱色废水至少5批,每批废水的脱色率均大于90%,5批废水总的染料质量降解率约为80%,在重复培养脱色废水的过程中,测不到木素过氧化物酶的活力,说明废水中的染料分子是在细胞表面或进入胞内被降解的,若加入的葡萄糖浓度降低一半以上,菌丝脱色废水的效果将有所下降,图5表5参11  相似文献   

采用GC-MS测定了典型综合印染废水处理厂废水和污泥中芳香烃化合物的含量.结果表明,原水中苯系物总量为203.96±15.18μg·L-1,其中二甲苯占62.7%,尾水中苯系物总量为0.2±0.029μg·L-1,整个处理工艺对苯系物的去除效率为99%.原水中多环芳烃(PAHs)总浓度达1349.51±35.77 ng·L-1,以3—6环为主,主要富集在颗粒物上.整个工艺对PAHs的去除效率为95%,尾水中PAHs总浓度为65.81±20.99ng·L-1,以2—3环为主.干污泥中PAHs含量高达2996.10±151.0 ng·g-1,污泥吸附为水相中PAHs去除的主要机理之一.印染污泥直接填埋或农用会引起潜在的生态危害.  相似文献   

The release of pollutants from sewage sludge in the treatment process is a worldwide tricky problem in the field of sludge treatment. In this paper, the release and reaction between monomers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the sewage sludge incineration treatment were studied based on simulated experiments. The result indicates that the transformation may occurre between monomers of PAHs during their release in the treatment. Over 90% of total PAHs in sewage sludge are released at the the temperature of 300°C–750°C. The possible transformation of Naphthalene to indeno(1, 2, 3-cd)pyrene was related to the temperature of the treatment system. Here, we showed that the output rate of transformation reactions for indeno(1, 2, 3-cd)pyrene is 94% at 300°C. These findings, by identifying corresponding treatment conditions as well as techniques, can help to understand the reactions and control real outputs of PAHs in the treatment process.  相似文献   

药品及个人护理用品(pharmaceutical and personal care products,PPCPs)在污水中广泛检出,低浓度的PPCPs即可对生态环境和人体健康产生不利影响,污水处理厂出水排放是水环境PPCPs的重要源.活性污泥和生物膜工艺是目前最常用的污水生物处理工艺,这两种工艺涉及的生化过程复杂,影...  相似文献   

Wet air oxidation (WAO) is employed in this work for treating high concentration chemical wastewater containing phenol and/or phenolic compounds. Experimental results indicate that over 90% removal of phenol or phenolic compounds can be efficiently achieved in the WAO process. Despite of the high treatment efficiency of the WAO process, the treated wastewater, however, still retains relatively high chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration and does not meet the safe discharge standard. Hence further treatment of the WAO treated wastewater by an aerobic biological treatment using acclimatized activated sludge is necessary. It is found in the present studies that the combined process, if appropriately operated, is capable of drastically reducing the COD concentration of the high concentration chemical wastewater to meet the safe discharge requirement. The operating conditions of the combined process are investigated to determine their respective effects on the overall treatment efficiency. The experimental data also indicate that the oxidation reaction can be represented by a first order kinetics in terms of the component or COD concentration. For both single component and multicomponent wastewaters, the WAO process was found to have different activation energy for oxidation below and above 200°C, suggesting possibly different reaction mechanisms between these temperature ranges. The experimental results provided in the present work can provide significant and practical information for optimizing the combined treatment method.  相似文献   

Adding iron salt or iron hydroxide to sludgemixed liquor in an aeration tank of a conventional activated sludge processes (bioferric process) can simultaneously improve the sludge’s filterability and enhance the system’s treatment capacity. In view of this, Fe(OH)3 was added to a submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) to enhance the removal efficiency and to mitigate membrane fouling. Bioferric process and SMBR were combined to create a novel process called Bioferric-SMBR. A side-by-side comparison study of Bioferric-SMBR and common SMBR dealing with dyeing wastewater was carried out. Bioferric-SMBR showed potential superiority, which could enhance removal efficiency, reduce membrane fouling and improve sludge characteristic. When volumetric loading rate was 25% higher than that of common SMBR, the removal efficiencies of Bioferric-SMBR on COD, dye, and NH4 +-N were 1.0%, 9.5%, and 5.2% higher than that of common SMBR, respectively. The trans-membrane pressure of Bioferric-SMBR was only 36% of that in common SMBR while its membrane flux was 25% higher than that of common SMBR. The stable running period in Bioferric-SMBR was 2.5 times of that in common SMBR when there was no surplus sludge discharged. The mixed liquor suspended solids concentration of Bioferric-SMBR was higher than that of common SMBR with more diversified kinds of microorganisms such as protozoans and metazoans. The mean particle diameter and specific oxygen uptake rate of Bioferric-SMBR were 3.10 and 1.23 times the common SMBR, respectively.  相似文献   

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