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在城市升级大潮下,作为广佛同城化核心区的大沥镇再生金属行业发展处于"收放二难"境地:限制该行业发展势必动摇大沥有色金属产业链、影响村组收入和第三产业发展;相反,若是放任该行业发展,则会造成城市升级困难、土地空间固化,社会环境恶化、行业恶性竞争,最终发展也是陷入死胡同。因此,不能搞一刀切,现实的选择是在兼顾产业转型和城市升级原则下有条件发展、有管制提升、有目的转型。  相似文献   

阐述了再生金属行业培训工作的发展现状,对我国再生金属行业员工培训工作的内容、特点、效果进行分析,并对今后培训工作提出建议和设想。  相似文献   

废旧金属的回收利用及资源再生,是发展循环经济的重要内容。国家发改委已将废旧金属的再生与利用作为国民经济发展中的一个独立产业,并制定了《中国再生金属产业“十一五”及中长期发展规划》,对再生金属的产业发展加以引导和扶持。自2004年以来,国家不仅对再生金属行业的重点领域和重点项目给予政策和资金支持,还将一批具有一定规模的再生金属企业列入发展循环经济的试点企业。  相似文献   

正进一步规范废旧金属(塑料)回收行业的经营秩序,促进企业合法经营,严厉查处影响环境、消防安全不合规、无证照经营等违法行为。为推动第一阶段专项整治,大沥镇镇长黄伟明主持召开了金属(塑料)回收行业规范整治工作动员会,号召全镇上下一心推动整治工作开展。大沥镇有色金属加工和贸易行业经过30多年的发展,已成为大沥经济发展特色产业之一,并培养出相对成熟的市场环境和开放的营商氛围,让大沥镇成为了国内外闻名的有色金属集散地,先后获得"中国铝材第一镇"、"中国有色金属名镇"等称号。然而在发展过程中,大沥有色金属加工和贸易行业也涌现出了系列问题,如:  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记在“十七大报告”中指出:“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。循环经济形成较大规模,可再生能源比重显著上升。”国内外舆论普遍认为,总书记在党的报告首次提出生态文明的概念,这是一个非常重要的信息,将对今后的经济建设和社会发展产生巨大影响。 发展循环经济,提高再生能源的利用,是建设生态文明的两项主要内容。国家发改委等六部委在制定发展循环经济试点方案中,将再生金属行业列为发展循环经济的重点领域,说明再生金属与循环经济有着密切的联系。为此,本刊副主编王曦东专程采访了中华全国供销合作总社再生资源管理办公室主任、中国再生资源开发有限公司董事长、中国再生资源回收利用协会会长管爱国,请他就中国再生金属市场的现状及前景等问题进行了解答。  相似文献   

《中国循环经济》(月刊)是中国有色金属工业协会主管、中国有色金属工业协会再生金属分会主办的一份综合性行业内部期刊。发展循环经济是国家经济社会发展的一项重大战略。本刊关注全国循环经济试点城市、试点单位、再生金属集散市场、城市矿产示范基地、产业园区的建设、发展和经验交流;关注再生有色金属行业节能减排工作取得的成绩及需要解决的问题;推广再生有色金属行业的先进技术与设备;介绍国外的技术与经验;关注再制造的发展与热点。  相似文献   

记者从陶庄镇获悉,作为省级废旧金属利用循环经济试点基地建设项目的再生金属产业园,一期工程20hm2土地围填进展顺利,预计2012年上半年完工。以再生金属产业园建设为抓手,陶庄再生资源产业欲“脱胎换骨”,成为辐射浙北、苏南乃至整个长三角地区的再生资源产业集聚高地。  相似文献   

<正>B2C,B2B,O2O,这些时尚的互联网运营模式如今在传统的再生金属行业风生水起,正悄然影响着从原料回收、采购到产品销售的供应链,成为行业转型升级、创新发展的新动力。2015年11月2日,首届中国再生资源绿色回收"互联网+"大会在湖北襄阳召开。来自再生金属企业、科研院所、互联网公司的200余名代表聚焦互联网技术,为行业带来新的机遇。  相似文献   

介绍了我国再生金属企业融资难的现状,提出融资成本过高、融资手续复杂、融资条件不足是再生金属企业贷款难的主要原因,重点分析了企业融资风险产生的原因,同时,强调建立产业间的互助基金,既可以满足产业资金需求,有效解决产业发展中"融资难"的问题,还可以拓宽投资渠道,从资本方面推动再生金属产业健康发展。  相似文献   

近日从河南省发改委获悉,许昌长葛市大周镇再生金属回收加工区日前被列为国家“城市矿产”示范基地,为河南省首家。  相似文献   

2011年两家以废钢加工配送为主业的专业化金属再生资源公司双双跻身于中国企业500强,显现了我国废钢铁产业的成就和希望。指出创造一个具有中国特色的现代化废钢铁产业体系需要大企业骨干群体的创新和引领,打造大企业的着力点在于扩大规模、系统管理及承担社会责任,其动力核心在于突破和创新。  相似文献   

Characterization of TV scrap was carried out by using a variety of methods, such as chemical analysis, particle size and shape analysis, liberation degree analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, sink-float test, and IR spectrometry. A comparison of TV scrap, personal computer scrap, and printed circuit board scrap shows that the content of non-ferrous metals and precious metals in TV scrap is much lower than that in personal computer scrap or printed circuit board scrap. It is expected that recycling of TV scrap will not be cost-effective by utilizing conventional manual disassembly. The result of particle shape analysis indicates that the non-ferrous metal particles in TV scrap formed as a variety of shapes; it is much more heterogeneous than that of plastics and printed circuit boards. Furthermore, the separability of TV scrap using density-based techniques was evaluated by the sink-float test. The result demonstrates that a high recovery of copper could be obtained by using an effective gravity separation process. Identification of plastics shows that the major plastic in TV scrap is high impact polystyrene. Gravity separation of plastics may encounter some challenges in separation of plastics from TV scrap because of specific density variations.  相似文献   

废钢铁是我国物资回收与再生资源利用体系中的重要资源,也是非常重要的战略性资源,是钢铁工业最主要的两种原料之一(另一种是铁矿石)。与铁矿石相比,废钢铁更符合绿色可持续发展的需要和钢铁行业超低排放政策的要求,未来废钢铁资源在钢铁工业发展中的重要性可能会不断提升。着重探讨了未来10年废钢铁资源产生量的变化趋势,以及对钢铁工业原料结构变化的影响。未来中国的废钢铁资源可能不仅能满足自身钢铁工业发展的需要,同时也可能为世界钢铁工业的发展提供重要的原料。  相似文献   

The transportation sector constitutes the major end-use market for aluminium-containing products and expectations for the future do indicate that aluminium will increase at 140 kg per vehicle. Moreover, up to 75 % aluminium recycled in Europe is used in transportation: thus, metal scrap recovered from ELVs is a key lever to act for closing material cycles. However, although the management chain of ELVs has an established procedure and aluminium scrap is usually recovered in shredding plants, a considerable fraction of the metal particles ends up in the light fraction called car fluff and is then landfilled. In this study we investigated potential of enhancing the recovery of aluminium scrap from the light fluff treatment. With this goal, the quantity of aluminium embedded in the Italian transport sector in the last 62 years was estimated, and a campaign of characterization in size and shape distribution of aluminium particles in the light fluff output has been carried out. The results estimated up to about 560,000 tons of metal are potentially recoverable from the treatment of light fluff at current operating conditions, but relevant improvements may be achieve when size and shape distribution criteria are adopt to implement eddy currents separation for a quantitative metal recovery.  相似文献   

This contribution reports a novel and cost efficient strategy for nickel ion removal from metal finishing effluents by electro-dissolution of scrap aluminium and iron sacrificial anodes. Electro-coagulation of effluent was carried out at 30 mA/cm2 current density for 60 min. The nickel ion concentration of electroplating effluent was analysed by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. SEM images of iron and aluminium scrap anodes were critically analysed. Parameters such as heavy metal removal, anode dissolution rate with respect to heavy metal removal, reaction kinetics and cost estimation have been elaborately studied. Electro-coagulation at 30 mA/cm2 for 60 min using iron and aluminium scrap anodes resulted in 95.9 and 94.1 % nickel ion reduction, respectively, with 0.0094 and 0.0053 g/ppm dissolution rates. The energy consumption for scrap aluminium and iron anodes was 0.0547 kWh/L. Loose internal bonding and spongy surface morphology of used metal scrap render high porosity and active surface area, enhancing reaction rate. Low cost and ready availability of waste scrap makes the process of electro-coagulation economically viable. Thus, the findings from this contribution point decisively at the superiority of waste metal scrap-based anodes for economic and environmentally sustainable heavy metal ion removal from metal finishing effluent.  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment on the wastes namely slag, dust, mill scale and sludge resulting from scrap metal processing. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that there are various ways via which scrap metal processing wastes can be reused or recycled in other applications instead of simply diverting them to the landfill. These wastes are briefly described and an overview on the different areas of applications is presented. Based on the results obtained, the waste generation factor developed was 349.3 kg per ton of steel produced and it was reported that slag represents 72% of the total wastes emanating from the iron and steel industry in Mauritius. Finally the suitability of the different treatment and valorisation options in the context of Mauritius is examined.  相似文献   

废钢铁产业是我国再生资源产业的主体,其节能减排、低碳环保和不可替代的钢铁原料功效十分显著。阐述了我国废钢铁产业在经济转型中的主导地位、应用价值、投资环境及今后的发展战略。指出我国经济发展方式的转变,赋予了废钢铁产业良好的发展机遇和重大的历史使命,中国废钢产业具有良好的投资市场和巨大的发展空间。  相似文献   

废钢加工设备制造业是我国装备制造业中的一个重要分支,服务于钢铁工业和为钢铁工业提供废钢原料的废钢回收加工领域。以江苏华宏科技股份有限公司为例,详细介绍我国专业从事废钢加工设备研发和生产制造企业,在建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会及推动我国循环经济发展中,取得的主要成就及今后发展目标。  相似文献   

二氧化碳是导致全球气候变暖、人类生存环境恶化的主要原因。简要介绍世界钢铁工业二氧化碳排放情况,针对我国钢铁工业碳排放的具体情况,提出发展我国废钢产业,提高废钢铁的供应能力,是我国钢铁工业摆脱危机,实现低碳发展、绿色发展的主要途径。  相似文献   

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