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The Paris Agreement reached during the COP21 in December 2015 represents a timid step towards burden sharing in emission mitigation involving all countries. However, given the heterogeneity of countries and their relative differences in vulnerability to climate change damage and in mitigation costs, compensating schemes are required to reach an effective agreement. This paper investigates the role of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as a potential compensating measure for both adaptation and mitigation actions under a global climate regime. A dynamic climate-economy computable general equilibrium model (GDynEP) is developed by including both a monetary valuation of climate change damage costs and two alternative methods to determine the allocation of GCF resources among receiving countries and between adaptation and mitigation contributions. Results show that, despite the high costs associated with the implementation of mitigation actions, most developing countries would face even higher costs in case of inaction. Furthermore, the preference of a country for an allocation method is strongly influenced by its characteristics and needs. Consequently, a main policy conclusion is to design country-specific sharing rules for GCF in order to maximize country participation in a global agreement.  相似文献   

生物膜系统同时硝化和反硝化的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
实验采用人工配水,对生物膜系统中COD和氮的去除进行了研究。实验中pH控制在7.0~7.5左右,温度为20℃~28℃。本实验研究了不同溶解氧、水力停留时间和碳氮比对总氮去除率的影响。实验结果表明,生物膜系统中同时硝化和反硝化具有一定的可行性。在C/N比为8∶1,水力停留时间6h时,溶解氧为0.5~1.0mg/L时,总氮的去除率达53.6%。  相似文献   

创建省级绿色社区的思路及评价指标体系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丛澜  徐威 《福建环境》2003,20(5):43-47
该文阐述了绿色社区的内涵和创建省级绿色社区的意义,提出了基本条件、环境质量、环境建设、环境管理、公众参与等五类23项省级绿色社区考核指标和评价标准,并探讨了创建工作思路。  相似文献   

为解决CRI系统有机碳源不足导致的TN去除率低的问题,选取玉米芯作为碳源备选材料,研究了酸热、碱热、超声波3种预处理方法对其释碳性能和反硝化潜力的影响,筛选出最优预处理方式后,投加于CRI系统考察了对其脱氮效能的影响。结果表明,碱热处理玉米芯的COD平均释放量为13.24 mg/(g·d),反硝化潜力为130.93 mg NO_3~--N/g,粗糙的表面和丰富的孔隙有利于微生物的附着生长,且分解过程对水质的潜在影响较小,确定其为较适宜的缓释碳源。将碱热处理玉米芯投加到CRI系统的中层(50~100 cm),当玉米芯与基础填料体积比为1∶7,湿干比为1∶3时,COD、TN的平均去除率分别达到了80.28%、85.29%。沿程污染物变化规律表明,碱热处理玉米芯释放的有机物为反硝化段(100~150 cm)提供了充足的碳源,100 cm处进水的C/N比对照组提高了9.14倍,最终TN去除率比对照组提高了58.35%。  相似文献   

M—铁氧体对印染废水催化脱色试验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
介雯  许慧平 《环境科学》1991,12(3):37-41
本文介绍了用含不同组分的铁氧体(M-铁氧体)作为催化剂,对印染废水进行催化空气氧化脱色的试验研究.实验发现Ni-铁氧体对不溶性还原染料废液有较好的催化脱色能力,脱色率通常可达90%以上.红外光谱分析结果表明,Ni-铁氧体参与的不溶性还原染料废液的催化脱色反应是通过将染液中的助剂保险粉彻底氧化,从而使染料转化为不溶性沉淀物被分离而完成的.  相似文献   

试验选取乙酸钠为外加碳源,采用SBBR工艺处理低C/N比城市生活污水。当外加碳源后的C/N比值增加至7.0左右时,对原水NH_4~+-N去除率最高为89.31%,外加碳源后的C/N为7.12时,TN的去除率最好,去除率为71.27%。结果表明,外加乙酸钠碳源后的SBBR工艺对于低C/N生活污水脱氮性能良好。出水水质指标均达到了《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918—2002)中的"一级标准A标准",出水可作为回用水。  相似文献   

燃煤飞灰对锅炉烟道气中Hg0的吸附特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室模拟研究了燃煤飞灰颗粒组分对燃煤烟道气中气相Hg的吸附脱除特性.试验结果表明,Hg吸附量随飞灰烧失量的增长而增大,飞灰中不同类型介质的气相Hg吸附特性差异显著,其中未燃尽炭的Hg吸附性能最强,吸附剂BET比表面积与其Hg吸附量呈正相关关系.载气气相Hg浓度与Hg吸附量成非线性正相关关系,即Hg浓度为5×107时的Hg吸附量只有5×10-6的1/2.吸附温度与Hg吸附量呈较显著负相关关系.残炭表面的含氧官能团C=O有利于Hg的氧化和化学吸附.燃煤飞灰炭粒所具有的多孔隙结构和巨大比表面积有利于吸附脱除烟道气中Hg污染物.  相似文献   

污水土地处理系统ORP变化特征与COD去除率关系的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污水土地处理技术具有投资少,运行费用低,处理效果好,以及可实现污水处理的无害化、资源化等特点。用污水土地处理系统来处理生活污水,氧化还原环境是一个重要影响因素,而氧化还原电位的高低可以反映系统氧化水平的高低。本论文设计了一个带有多个通气孔的毛管逆滤渗污水处理装置,并用于处理生活污水。试验按照打开通气孔数量的不同被分为全封闭、半封闭(打开8个)和全打开(打开16个)三组同时进行,探讨开启不同数量通气孔时系统内外柱氧化还原电位(ORP)的变化情况以及ORP与系统COD去除率之间的关系,从而为更科学地设计和控制污水处理系统提供依据。试验结果表明:ORP的变化与系统通气性和COD去除率密切相关;系统通气性越好,COD去除率越高。  相似文献   

燃煤飞灰对锅炉烟道气中Hg0的吸附特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室模拟研究了燃煤飞灰颗粒组分对燃煤烟道气中气相Hg的吸附脱除特性.试验结果表明,Hg吸附量随飞灰烧失量的增长而增大,飞灰中不同类型介质的气相Hg吸附特性差异显著,其中未燃尽炭的Hg吸附性能最强,吸附剂BET比表面积与其Hg吸附量呈正相关关系.载气气相Hg浓度与Hg吸附量成非线性正相关关系,即Hg浓度为5×10-7时的Hg吸附量只有5×10-6的1/2.吸附温度与Hg吸附量呈较显著负相关关系.残炭表面的含氧官能团C=O有利于Hg的氧化和化学吸附.燃煤飞灰炭粒所具有的多孔隙结构和巨大比表面积有利于吸附脱除烟道气中Hg污染物.  相似文献   

丁冬梅 《环境科技》2007,20(2):31-32
利用泥鳅鱼在淤泥中寻找食物的生活习性,通过分析不同时期采集的泥鳅体内的重金属浓度,监测河流或底泥的污染程度,即可以把泥鳅作为河流或底泥污染程度的敏感指示动物.建立了用ICP-AES同时测定泥鳅鱼体内多种元素的方法,具有快捷、准确的特点.该方法的回收率为96.0%~106%,精密度RSD为1.7%~5.1%.  相似文献   

Seventy-one fetal blood samplings (FBS) were attempted from the intrahepatic portion of the umbilical vein (IHV) at 18–34 weeks; 54 were attempted primarily and 17 secondarily after a failed attempt at the placental cord insertion. Fetal blood was obtained in 89 per cent of the cases. Intravascular transfusion (IVT) was attempted on 31 occasions and successful in 24 (77 per cent). In all cases of failed sampling or transfusion via the IHV, prenatal diagnosis and/or therapy was accomplished using alternative procedures. On only one occasion was the procedure postponed. There were no losses or neonatal morbidity attributable to the procedure. FBS from the IHV may be considered as an alternative approach to sampling the placental cord insertion. It is recommended in cases where the approach to the placental cord insertion is difficult or hazardous.  相似文献   

The chemical signals of solitary and territorial felid species are essential for their intraspecific communication. We studied the selection of plant substrates during the fecal marking behavior of the European wildcat Felis silvestris from September 2008 to June 2009 in a protected area in Northwest Spain. The aim of the study was to examine the selection of plants as signal posts with respect to their physical characteristics. We hypothesized that wildcats deposit their fecal marks on plants with physical characteristics (e.g., size, species, and visual conspicuousness) that enhance the olfactory and visual effectiveness of the signal. Our results indicate that diameter, plant group, visual conspicuousness, and interaction between the diameter and plant group influence the decision of wildcats to deposit their fecal marks on plants. The wildcats chose plants with greater diameters and greater visual conspicuousness as scent-marking posts. Moreover, the wildcats chose woody and herbaceous plants, and certain plant species were marked more frequently than expected at random. Indeed, our results indicate that the fecal marks were not randomly distributed on the plants: the wildcats chose to place their marks on plants with certain physical characteristics that maximized the detectability of the signal by intruders and potential mates, thus facilitating the spatial distribution of the species.  相似文献   

脱硫石膏改良滨海盐碱土的脱盐过程与效果实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对上海滨海盐碱土的特点,借助土柱淋洗试验方法,研究了脱硫石膏改良滨海盐碱土的脱盐过程与效果,分析了不同石膏质量配比条件下(0%,1%,2.5%,5%和10%),土壤团粒结构和水力传导度变化以及盐碱土-脱硫石膏体系中的离子交换过程与效率.研究结果表明:加入脱硫石膏之后,盐碱土团粒结构得到改善,孔隙度变大,水力传导能力增强,平均导水系数是对照组的4~5倍,有效加快脱盐过程;在土柱开始淋洗的前6d内,离子交换过程表现最活跃,淋洗液的电导率和离子浓度急剧下降.添加脱硫石膏的土柱中钙离子优先置换出钠离子,平均脱钠效率达到对照组的1.8倍.钙钾离子交换和钙镁离子交换也同步发生,但规模明显小于钙钠离子交换.当脱硫石膏质量配比超过1%时,盐碱土的脱盐效果主要取决于原土中的交换性阳离子总量.随着配比增加,盐碱土脱盐的边际效益增加量并不显著.在充分混匀的理想条件下,建议上海滨海盐碱土改良过程中添加脱硫石膏的质量配比高于1%为宜.  相似文献   

模糊数学在实际工作中应用广泛,运用模糊数学理论可以对建设项目环境影响评价指标体系进行全面系统分析,并以此为基础建立综合评价模型是可行的。建立的综合评价模型能较正确的反映建设项目对环境的影响程度,对实际工作有一定的实用和指导性。通过模型计算出来的结果在一定程度上能较客观的反映一个建设项目从环保角度上考虑实施的可行性。  相似文献   

One of the climate change scenarios that have been developed for the Netherlands predicts hotter and drier summers and a substantial drop in river discharge. This might lead to water scarcity with detrimental economic and environmental effects. Among the possible adaptation responses to climate change-induced water scarcity, the re-allocation of water resources among competing uses should also be considered. In this paper, we extend and apply a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to assess the potential of water markets (water allocation according to its shadow price) to guide the allocation of scarce water across agriculture, manufacturing, and public water supply. We develop four scenarios in which the scope of water markets is increased from industry-specific to economy-wide. The results show that the agricultural sector bears nearly all of the losses from a new water-scarce climate, while the manufacturing sectors are able to mitigate their losses to a large extent by technical measures. Extending the scope of water markets unambiguously increases economic output and results in a re-allocation of water to the manufacturing sector from the agricultural sector and from public water services. If, perhaps for political reasons, public water services are excluded from water trading, water is re-allocated from agriculture to manufacturing. Depending on which sectors are included, the construction of a water market can have negative or positive effects on a sector’s output, and although the implementation of water markets may be positive for overall economic output and can hence assist adaptation, the effect on vulnerable or societally sensitive economic sectors, such as public water, should be taken into account when implementing such a market.  相似文献   

以《西方人文精神的发展》专题为例,结合备课的具体过程,对高三历史如何以专题形式进行复习进行探索。高三历史进行专题复习时要依托教材,整合知识,突出历史主干知识,加强各专题知识之间的相互联系,并培养学生阅读、理解、归纳和概括的能力。  相似文献   

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