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Traditionally solid waste management has evolved as mainly the removal of municipal wastes by hauling them out of the city boundaries and dumping them ‘there’. This is in conformity with the ‘out of sight out of mind’ philosophy. However, with the ever increasing tonnage of refuse due to the expansion of urban centers, which implies increased collection, transportation and disposal costs, recycling is currently accepted as a sustainable approach to solid waste management. This paper reports on the findings of a study, conducted in the city of Dar es Salaam between the years 1993 and 1995, on the scavenging activities and recycling trends of some selected items in Dar es Salaam. Apart from the discussions on existing solid waste generation rates (2000 tonnes/day), composition (60% being organic/or vegetable matter) and their management in Dar es Salaam, the paper also presents data obtained through a survey of Vingunguti dump site and other waste collection centers. It was established that there are currently about 600 solid waste scavengers in Dar es Salaam, approximately 109 of whom operate at Vingunguti dump site and others at 14 different collection centers. Many of them opted for scavenging due to unemployment. The study findings indicate that their average monthly income exceeded the official minimum wage (at the time of study) enabling them to support their families. This demonstrates the potential of recycling to generate gainful employment with implied lower crime rates among the unemployed. Recycling activities in the city were observed to be not only a critical source of raw materials for small-scale industries, in the absence of which they would cease to operate, but also a widely accepted environmentally friendly technology for solid waste management. Out of 294 tonnes of studied waste materials (paper, metal, plastic, glass and textiles) only 4 tonnes are recovered and recycled. The remaining 290 tonnes/day of recyclable material are left to pollute the environment or are collected and transported for final disposal and, therefore, unnecessarily contribute to the shortening of the life span of the dump site. Finally, the paper gives some recommendations for improved recycling activity so as to make it an important means of reducing the overall volume of waste materials to be transported and deposited in the dump site and at the same time provide a potential opportunity for employment for unskilled workers.  相似文献   

Pollution and self-purification trends of an urban river namely, Msimbazi River, in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania, were investigated. Site investigations and water quality analyses were done. The river is polluted in terms of high organic and nutrient concentrations, low dissolved oxygen, and high counts of indicator organisms. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) concentrations were 27– 340 mg/L. Dissolved oxygen was found to be as low as 0.9 mg O2/L. Bacteriological pollution increased with distance downstream of the river, a trend attributable to an increase in the catchment of pollution sources, which are on-site sanitation systems. Although the river has an appreciable self-purification capacity, the capacity is strained by persistent pollution overloads. The pollution plight of the river is attributable to its being flanked by expanding human habitats and vibrant industrial, institutional, and socio-economic activities. Provision for pretreatment of discharges into the river is put forward as a remedial measure for the observed pollution. Matching nontechnical and techno-social remedial measures are also recommended. These include sensitization of polluters on merits of environmental protection practices such as cleaner production and strict enforcement of environmental protection laws.  相似文献   

The competent waste authority in the Flemish region of Belgium created the 'Implementation plan household waste 2003-2007' and the 'Implementation plan sustainable management 2010-2015' to comply with EU regulation. It incorporates European and regional requirements and describes strategies, goals, actions and instruments for the collection and treatment of household waste. The central mandatory goal is to reduce and maintain the amount of residual household waste to 150 kg per capita per year between 2010-2015. In literature, a reasonable body of information has been published on the effectiveness and efficiency of a variety of policy instruments, but the information is complex, often contradictory and difficult to interpret. The objective of this paper is to identify, through the development of a binary logistic regression model, those variables of the waste collection scheme that help municipalities to reach the mandatory 150 kg goal. The model covers a number of variables for household characteristics, provision of recycling services, frequency of waste collection and charging for waste services. This paper, however, is not about waste prevention and reuse. The dataset originates from 2003. Four out of 12 variables in the model contributed significantly: income per capita, cost of residual waste collection, collection frequency and separate curbside collection of organic waste.  相似文献   

This paper investigates social and environmental injustices in solid waste management in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The urban poor in most parts of Kinshasa bear a huge encumbrance of the solid waste burden and face multiple challenges associated with poor management of solid waste. This situation has resulted in poor and unhealthy living conditions for the majority of the urban residents. The problem of solid waste management in Kinshasa has further been compounded by rapid urbanisation which has occurred in the face of poor urban governance, civil conflict and weak institutional set-up. The combination of these challenges has resulted in increased overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions, lack of water and an unprecedented accumulation of solid waste which have triggered a myriad of urban problems. The worst affected are the poor urban who reside in locations that receive little or no socio-economic services from the Kinshasa Municipal authority. Using secondary data collected through a desk study, this paper argues that the poor solid waste situation in Kinshasa is not only a health risk, but also presents issues of both social and environmental injustices. These issues are analysed within the context of evolving arguments that focus on the need to develop a pro-poor approach in solid waste management that may present an opportunity for achieving both social and environmental justice for the urban poor in Kinshasa.  相似文献   

Local and scientific knowledge, when adequately and properly integrated, produces enormous benefits for natural resource management in comparison to a single knowledge system being used. Adequate and proper integration has major constraints that include ineffective use of the integrated knowledge, thoroughly inclusive processes, and true public participation. A six-stage framework is developed using the results and conclusions of two case studies regarding sustainable management of eroding mangrove-dominated muddy coasts in Vam Ray, Hon Dat district, Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. The framework does not stop with the creation of integrated knowledge, but should undergo a longer process. The new knowledge developed in this framework is the understanding gained and lessons learnt during the testing of products of multiple knowledge systems in a local context rather than products of integrated knowledge systems themselves. The Vam Ray framework promotes a high level of participation, effective use of products of multiple knowledge systems, maximum integration of local and scientific knowledge, local ownership, and sustainability. Therefore, the Vam Ray framework adds a new dimension to the literature in relation to integration of local and scientific knowledge in natural resource management.  相似文献   

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