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This study investigated musculoskeletal symptoms among sanitation workers of a fish-processing factory. The methods used included administration of a questionnaire, walk through observation, interview, task analysis and future workshop. All 27 male participants answered and submitted their questionnaires. Of the 11 operations identified, all except one was considered safe. Bent back, bent legs, and heavy manual handling were observed to impose intolerable health risk on participants. This corresponds with questionnaire results in which musculoskeletal symptoms were mostly prevalent in the neck, the shoulder, the low back, the wrists/hands and the upper back regions. Poor psychosocial complaints were also made on the job. There was no significant correlation (p < .05) between musculoskeletal symptoms and age, working hours and length of service. Neither was any significant correlation observed (p < .05) between psychosocial work factors and musculoskeletal symptoms. Recommendations such as task redesign to eliminate high-risk elements in operations, workplace changes and worker training were suggested.  相似文献   

We investigated the epidemiology of musculoskeletal symptoms (MSS) among a complete cross-section of 330 nurses from a large Korean hospital, by means of a questionnaire survey (response rate: 97.9%). The prevalence of MSS at any body site was 93.6%, with symptoms most commonly reported at the shoulder (74.5%), lower back (72.4%), neck (62.7%), lower legs (52.1%) and hand/wrist (46.7%). Logistic regression indicated that nurses who undertook manual handling of patients were 7.2 times as likely to report MSS (OR 7.2, 95%CI 1.2-42.3, P = .0275), while nurses suffering from periodic depression experienced a 3.3-fold MSS risk (OR 3.3, 95%CI 1.3-8.3, P = .0104). Overall, our study suggests that Korean nurses incur a very high MSS burden when compared internationally. A greater commitment is needed to improve physical conditions, occupational tasks and psychosocial work issues among nurses in this country.  相似文献   

以石家庄某机械制造企业搬迁遗留场地为例,结合分区与专业判断进行土壤调查与分析。结果表明:27个点位不同深度土壤样品中,氰化物、六价铬及多氯联苯均未检出。检出重金属6种,总石油烃2种、苯系物3种,但均未超标。污染主要来源是原辅材料堆存和在工艺过程中遗撒、泄漏迁移所致。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The vast majority of ergonomics research has addressed the demands of work in standing or sitting postures, and understandably so. However, many workers (e.g., underground miners, aircraft baggage handlers, plumbers, agricultural workers, mechanics, and others) are often required to adopt postures such as kneeling, stooping, squatting, or lying down for significant periods of the workday. METHOD: A literature search was performed using the ISI Web of Science database (for years 1980-2004). Articles retrieved from this search were evaluated in terms of relevance to assessing physical capabilities of workers in these postures and/or the musculoskeletal epidemiology associated with these postures. RESULTS: Work in unusual and restricted postures was associated with significantly higher rates of musculoskeletal complaints compared to workers not adopting these postures in epidemiology studies (Odds Ratios ranging from 1.13 to 13). Some studies suggested a dose-response relationship, with longer exposures leading to increased musculoskeletal complaints. Physical strength and psychophysical lifting capacity vary significantly as unusual or restricted postures are adopted, with lower lifting capacities evident in the kneeling, squatting, and lying positions. CONCLUSIONS: Workers who adopt unusual or restricted postures appear to be at higher risk of musculoskeletal complaints and often exhibit reduced strength and lifting capacity. Research needs in this area include improved exposure assessment tools, studies of intervention effectiveness, adaptations of the body in response of work in unusual postures, and elucidation of relevant injury pathways. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Workers who adopt unusual or restricted postures in their work often experience higher musculoskeletal injury rates. If awkward postures cannot be eliminated in the workplace, jobs should be designed in accordance with the reduced strength and lifting capabilities observed in these postures.  相似文献   

The 27th of March 2003, an explosion caused the death of four employees in a Nitrochimie pyrotechnic plant, at Billy Berclau, in the north of France. Following the accident, the ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development appointed INERIS to perform an investigation. According to the terms of reference, the investigation would cover technical (origins of the explosion, extent of damages) as well as organisational issues, as defined by SEVESO II safety management system requirements. This paper has a threefold purpose. It intends first to illustrate with an empirical case the current trend in safety auditing and accident investigation, targeting organisational factors, alongside human factors. There are not so many published cases of accidents analysed with an organisational perspective. Secondly, it shows that it is possible to investigate organisational dimensions (through articulation of safety engineering, safety management and human and social sciences) within reasonable time frames and a reasonable amount of resources. By focusing on key actors and asking appropriate questions related to key dimensions, investigating organisational accidents might not necessarily imply spending much more resources than other steps such as damage assessment, chronological construction or identification of technical scenarios, although there are also some prerequisite conditions needed to achieve this. Finally this paper should be seen as a technical communication beyond the pyrotechnic industry.  相似文献   

Excessive demands on nurses may result in high rates of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study was conducted among hospital nurses of Iran's Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) to determine the prevalence of MSDs and to examine the relationship between perceived demands and reported MSDs. In this study, 641 randomly selected nurses from 12 SUMS hospitals participated. The Nordic musculoskeletal disorders questionnaire and Job Content Questionnaire were used as collecting data tools. The results showed that 84.4% of the participants had experienced some form of symptoms of MSDs during the past 12 months. Lower back symptoms were found to be the most prevalent problem. Perceived physical demands were significantly associated with MSDs (OR = 1.5-2.7). No association was found between perceived psychological demands and reported symptoms. It was concluded that any intervention program for preventing MSDs among SUMS hospital nurses had to focus on reducing physical demands, particularly excessive postural demands.  相似文献   

Web-based surveys were sent to Canadian certified ergonomists, Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSCs) and health and safety certification trainers to understand better which ergonomics analysis tools were used in industry and help JHSCs obtain the necessary training required to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The results showed that most of the certified ergonomists used the Snook/Mital tables, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) equation and rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) /rapid entire body assessment (REBA). The most frequently used methods by JHSCs to identify ergonomics risk were injury reports and worker complaints. The surveys for the health and safety certification trainers revealed that most curricula did not include ergonomics analysis tools. There appears to be a gap between what is recommended by certified ergonomists for JHSC, what is taught in training and what is used by JHSCs for ergonomics risk analysis. A better understanding, modifications in training curricula and education of JHSCs are needed to help reduce WMSDs.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Evidence exists to suggest that working with computer terminals and keyboards is associated with the development and exacerbation of a range of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Research has suggested that psychosocial factors may be of more importance than computer use factors in the development of MSDs in the computing workplace. METHOD: A questionnaire-based study was undertaken to test this hypothesis in a sample of 67 call center workers. A Spearman's rho was performed on the data, as well as chi(2) tests on the individual variables. RESULTS: It was found that overall, computer use factors were significantly associated with self-reporting of MSD symptoms, whereas psychosocial factors had no such association. However, certain individual psychosocial factors emerged as having a significant association with MSD symptoms. DISCUSSION: The findings suggest that specific areas of call center work have associations with poor worker health and possible long-term MSD problems. These areas appear to be workload and particular management-worker relations, rather than computer use. SUMMARY: This suggests that the relationship among computer use, psychosocial factors, and MSD is a complex area that would benefit from more research. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This study raises issues about the importance of psychosocial and organizational factors and employee welfare in the call center working environment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between presenteeism and work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) among physical therapists (PTs) in the Republic of Korea. Questionnaires were given to 600 PTs in the Republic of Korea. General and occupational characteristics and the prevalence of presenteeism and absenteeism were self-reported on the questionnaire. Stepwise regression analyses were used to evaluate the effects of presenteeism and other variables on general and occupational characteristics. Of the 490 PTs who responded, 399 (81.4%) reported at least one WMSD. There was a low incidence rate of absenteeism, but work impairment scores indicate there was a high incidence of presenteeism. In the stepwise regression analyses, the incidence of WMSDs was highest in cases of presenteeism. The results of this study demonstrate that there is a high incidence rate of WMSDs in Republic of Korean PTs, that WMSDs are related to presenteeism and that PTs demonstrate high presenteeism and low absenteeism.  相似文献   

Background. Most studies have shown that nurses have a higher risk of developing musculoskeletal symptoms compared with other occupational groups. Aim. A cross-sectional study was performed to gain more insight into the prevalence rates of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in nurses. Methods. The presence of musculoskeletal symptoms was revealed by personal interviews in a sample of 177 hospital nurses and in a reference group of 185 university employees. Musculoskeletal diseases were based on radiological examinations in all subjects. Results. Lower back pain (61% vs 42.2%) was the most frequently reported symptom, followed by neck pain (48.6% vs 38.4%) and shoulder pain (36.7% vs 25.9%), with a significantly higher prevalence in nurses. Women had about a 2-fold risk of upper limb region and neck pain compared with men. The most common abnormal findings on radiological examinations were disc herniations (n?=?40). Conclusions. Nurses showed a significantly higher risk of MSDs. Prevalence rates in nurses increased significantly with age. Musculoskeletal symptoms were also common in university employees. This suggests the need for effective intervention strategies involving workers’ active participation, in order to improve the process and organization of work and promote a positive psychosocial work environment.  相似文献   

IntroductionIdentifying and understanding the characteristics of workplace accidents can provide vital information required to clarify their causes and prevent similar accidents from happening in the future. The Hispanic workforce represents a significant segment of the U.S. construction labor force that is projected to continue increasing in population. The government statistical data show higher rates of fatalities among Hispanic workers when compared to other ethnic groups.MethodThis study aims to provide details about the trends of fatal injuries among Hispanic workers. The study examined 92 government investigation reports to reveal the general trends, then an examination of fatal fall injuries within the study sample was conducted since falling is the predominant cause of fatal injuries.ResultsThe findings suggest differences in accident characteristics between Hispanic workers and all workers, which could indicate a need for different interventions to improve the overall site safety. The study also revealed the dire need to propose revised investigation procedures that would help identify the root causes of accidents, which in turn leads to better recommendations and interventions.  相似文献   

An ergonomics improvement study was conducted on the visual inspection process of a printed circuit assembly (PCA) factory. The process was studied through subjective assessment and direct observation. Three problems were identified: operators' eye problems, insufficient time for inspection and ineffective visual inspection. These problems caused a huge yearly rejection cost of US 298,240 dollars, poor quality, customer dissatisfaction and poor occupational health and safety. Ergonomics interventions were made to rectify the problems: reduced usage of a magnifying glass, the use of less glaring inspection templates, inspection of only electrically non-tested components and introduction of a visual inspection sequence. The interventions produced savings in rejection cost, reduced operators' eye strain, headaches and watery eyes, lowered the defect percentage at customers' sites and increased the factory's productivity and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

八木铁雄 《安全》2000,21(2):31-35
八本铁雄先生是日本国千叶县松户市消防局六室消防署救急科长,曾多次来中国进行友好访问。1997年加入中国消防协会,成为中国消防协会的一名外籍会员,现正在学习中文。编译者是199:1年在日本消防大学留学期间与八木先生相识的,1996年编译者随中国消防教育代表团访问日本时,代表团曾受到八木先生的热情接待。在两个月前,位于日本茨城县那珂郡东海村的核燃料厂铀加工设施发生了一起核辐射事故。事故发生后,八木先生每天都密切关注事态的发展,通过各种渠道和媒体广泛搜集事故现场的情况.随后参考了有关的专著文献和新闻报道资料,及时撰写了这篇论文,上周寄给了编译者本人。八木先生希望中国的核安全人员尽快了解这起核辐射事故的概况和消防救援情况,及时吸取经验教训,为中国今后有可能发生类似事故时的抢险救援献计献策。同时.八木先生也希望借此论文表达他对中国和中国人民的友好情谊,下面就是八木先生撰写的论文。为了适应国内读者对日本消防救援体制、铀加工工艺等内容的了解,在尊重八木先生论文主要观点的前提下,编译者对此论文进行了必要的增删。  相似文献   

Carpet weavers suffer from musculoskeletal problems mainly attributed to poor working postures. Their posture is mostly constrained by the design of workstations. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 2 design parameters (weaving height and seat type) on postural variables and subjective experience, and to develop guidelines for workstation adjustments. At an experimental workstation, 30 professional weavers worked in 9 different conditions. Working posture and weavers' perceptions were measured. It was shown that head, neck and shoulder postures were influenced by weaving height. Both design parameters influenced trunk and elbows postures. The determinant factor for weavers' perception on the neck, shoulders and elbows was found to be weaving height, and on the back and knees it was seat type. Based on the results, the following guidelines were developed: (a) weaving height should be adjusted to 20 cm above elbow height; (b) a 10 degrees forward-sloping high seat is to be used at weaving workstations.  相似文献   

The real burden of occupational diseases, specifically work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), and its impact on workers' productivity is not known. The situation is critical in developing countries where only cases that cause workers' disability are recorded. In this study, the incidence of MSDs in Colombia was estimated by using the age and gender specific double incidence rate of repetitive strain injuries diseases in Finland for 2002. The results showed that the estimated number of MSDs recorded in Colombia during 2005 was 23,477 cases at the rate of 11.6 cases per 10,000 workers. The estimated total cost of these MSD cases relative to workers' productivity was 171.7 million US Dollars, representing around 0.2% of Colombia's Gross Domestic Product for 2005. The systematic appraisal of the incidence of MSDs and their associated cost on workers' productivity are necessary in developing countries to reduce the costly impact on productivity and to increase workers' well-being.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to understand the awareness, riding behaviors, and legislative attitudes of electric bike (e-bike) users and non-e-bike road users toward e-bikes in Tianjin, a municipality in China.

Methods: This cross-sectional investigation included 2 components. The field survey was conducted in 9 districts (4 urban and 5 rural) from 2015 to 2017. Adult participants were interviewed using a street intercept method. The online survey was conducted using the WeChat social platform. A series of questions related to awareness and practice of e-bike safety-related issues was asked.

Results: A total of 16,859 interviews were completed, including 1,653 (794 e-bike users and 859 other road users) in-person interviews by field survey and 15,206 (4,426 e-bike users and 10,780 other road users) by online survey. Except for ignoring a red light when making a left turn (P?=?.000) and waiting across the white line at a red light (P?=?.000), which e-bike users were lower than other road users, there were no significant differences between e-bike users and other road users in regards to the correct awareness rate of riding in the opposite direction, riding in a motor vehicle lane, running red lights, jaywalking, speeding, carrying adult passengers, and riding on the expressway (P?>?.05). In addition, 74.2% of e-bike users considered helmet use necessary (P?=?.000) and 54.7% thought that installing a windshield is wrong (P?=?.000), which was higher than other road users (49.1 and 48.4%, respectively). Other road users had greater awareness than e-bike users regarding whether turning left at a red light is wrong (91.7 vs. 85.1%), waiting across the white line when the light is red is wrong (86.6 vs. 75.9%), lighs should be turned on at night (94.8 vs. 90.3%). Correct practices were far behind awareness in all kinds of violation behaviors (P?=?.000) among e-bike users in the field survey. The rate of public support for legislation including those who very much support and support legislation was 93.34% in the field survey and 87.68% in the online survey.

Conclusions: E-bike users had lower correct awareness rate than other road users regarding e-bike violation behaviors but were more concerned about safety protection than other road users. E-bike users’ correct practices were far behind their awareness for all kinds of violation behaviors. Public education on the traffic law needs to be strengthened among e-bike users. The public strongly supported special regulations for e-bike use, such as helmet use.  相似文献   

I. Lewis  S. Newnam 《Safety Science》2011,49(10):1321-1330
This paper details the development of, and perceived role and effectiveness of an innovative intervention designed to ultimately improve the safety of a group of community care (CC) nurses while driving. Recruiting participants from an Australian CC nursing car fleet, qualitative responses from a series of open-ended questions were obtained from drivers (n = 36), supervisors (n = 22), and managers (n = 6). The findings supported the effectiveness of the intervention in reducing self-reported speeding and promoting greater insight into one’s behaviour on the road. This research has important practical implications in that it highlights the value of developing an intervention based on a sound theoretical framework and which is aligned with the needs and beliefs of personnel within a particular organisation.  相似文献   

In 1992 a comprehensive health-promotion project was initiated in seven nursing-homes in the Netherlands. This project was designed to implement an ergonomic-educational programme, with the intention of reducing physical workload and to bring about safe working in order to prevent work-related musculoskeletal complaints. After a period of external support, employees of the nursing-homes should be able to proceed with the programme independently. In this paper the content of the programme and its underlying strategies and theories are described. So far, the programme has got off to a good start in all the nursing-homes. Positive effects of the programme could be demonstrated and guidelines and protocols for safe working were introduced. However, it is as yet too early for definitive conclusions to be drawn regarding the aspect of continuity.  相似文献   

An experimental blast program consisting of four tests was conducted in a blast chamber to investigate the effects of cylindrical charges on the peak reflected overpressure and impulse on the wall of the chamber. The charge mass varied from 0.095 kg to 0.2 kg and the standoff distance remained constant at 1.5 m and 1.3 m for the axial and radial directions, respectively. Eight pressure transducers were used in each test to measure the reflected overpressures on confined chamber walls at key locations. A high speed camera was used to record footage of each blast event. The test results indicated that UFC-3-340-02 (Unified Facilities Criteria, 2008) gives a significantly lower prediction for the axially oriented cylindrical charge, and also underestimates the radially oriented cylinder. Another purpose of the blast program was to develop an experimental data set which would validate the AUTODYN model. This would enable the validated AUTODYN model to be used with confidence to generate the overpressure and impulse distribution on a structural element for varying parameters such as the charge shape and charge orientations. Based on the simulated results a new blast model for cylindrical charges has been proposed by considering blast loading on the same level as the charge across the longitudinal direction.  相似文献   

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