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以埇桥区农用地为研究对象,基于农用地分等定级成果,建立不同的地价模型并进行统计检验,得到农用地综合质量和农用地价格之间的最佳关系模型,揭示农用地的综合质量和农用地价格的统计规律。研究认为,在市场交易案例很少的情况下,建立地价模型进行基准地价的评估是科学的,在此基础上对农用地基准地价进行评估和实证分析。  相似文献   

以土甬桥区农用地为研究对象,基于农用地分等定级成果,建立不同的地价模型并进行统计检验,得到农用地综合质量和农用地价格之间的最佳关系模型,揭示农用地的综合质量和农用地价格的统计规律.研究认为,在市场交易案例很少的情况下,建立地价模型进行基准地价的评估是科学的,在此基础上对农用地基准地价进行评估和实证分析.  相似文献   

在分析北京市生态涵养区在生态补偿制度建设困境的基础上,本文将国内外区域生态系统价值评估模型相结合,运用修正的生态服务价值评估模型,对北京市生态涵养区2016年的生态服务价值进行了估算,并分析了2009-2016年生态服务价值的变动及其影响因素,从科学评估生态服务价值、完善生态补偿标准方法的制定、健全生态保护补偿制度、将绿色GDP纳入生态涵养区绩效考核指标评价体系几个方面探讨了完善生态补偿机制的政策措施。一方面更加直观地揭示了生态涵养区生态服务的重要经济价值,另一方面为建立更加科学的生态补偿机制提供了可参考的依据。  相似文献   

生态补偿是生态经济学领域的一个研究热点,研究者、决策者和实践者都将生态补偿视为应对生态系统退化的有效政策工具。围绕生态补偿的定义、补偿客体、生态补偿主体、补偿标准和方式,学术界进行了大量研究,形成了市场交易、生态经济、税收补贴和社会制度等多种生态补偿理论框架。但是,由于这些理论存在不同程度的缺陷,在实践中难以避免挤出效应、外溢效应、交易费用高等问题,也不利于协调效率、效益和公平之间的关系。构建具有普遍适用性和可操作性的生态补偿理论框架,需要研究如何将生态服务纳入经济学的总供给和总需求分析模型,提出简便易行的生态服务价值综合评估方法,统一生态服务价值与经济领域价值计量的基础,从生态、经济和社会的综合维度研究针对不同生态服务补偿机制的有效尺度。  相似文献   

生态资产是实现人类可持续发展的重要基础,如何科学评估和核算生态资产并建立生态补偿机制具有重要的学术价值与现实意义。本文从厘清生态资产的概念与范畴出发,梳理了有关生态资产核算方法与生态补偿机制的研究进展,并对下一步研究的重点提出了相关建议。本文认为,加强城市群生态资产相关研究很有必要,建议从生态资产空间流转与代谢的视角出发,综合考虑宏观方法与微观方法相结合,定量化评估生态资产的存量和流量,刻画生态资产的空间流转路径与代谢网络关系,深入分析关键利益相关方的价值偏好,构建市场化生态资产补偿机制,为实现生态资产合理利用提供重要的理论参考与实证参照。  相似文献   

本文运用市场价值法、有效成本法、避免成本法,以山东省为例对规模养猪场清洁生产生态服务价值进行了评估,并探讨了清洁生产生态服务价值的补偿模式。结果表明:山东省规模养猪场清洁生产生态服务总价值为140.804亿元,其价值构成为绿色产品供给价值(84.22%)>气体调节价值(10.66%)>资源化利用价值(2.23%)>水质保护价值(1.96%)>土壤保护价值(0.92%)>水源节约价值(0.01%),说明清洁生产带来的尚未被养殖主体、政府和公众重视的生态服务价值巨大,同时也说明清洁生产具有极强的正外部性。为实现清洁生产生态服务价值,构建了政府补偿、市场化补偿和社会补偿协同作用的多元化生态补偿模式,其中政府补偿模式以资金补偿、政策补偿、技术补偿和智力补偿为主,市场化补偿模式主要表现为排污权交易和生态标记,社会补偿模式以自力补偿为主、相关企业参与为辅。  相似文献   

李莉 《四川环境》2021,40(1):104-108
为了充分认识再生水用于城市河道补水后的潜在正面环境价值,构建了案例区规划水系的水量水质模型,并筛选了7项景观生态河流的生态服务价值指标,对案例区的河流生态服务价值进行了评估.以规划补水量为基础条件,规划水系的潜在服务价值总量约为1.995亿元,每增加1倍补水量可增加约0.4~0.5亿元的服务价值.气候调节、洪水调蓄和水...  相似文献   

以黄金坪水电站为例,采用碳税法、造林成本法以及工业氧价格替代法计算气体调节功能价值,并采用其它多种方法计算水土保持价值,以估算水库淹没区耕地生态服务功能价值。通过研究,使水库淹没区耕地总价值构成及量化趋于合理,为进一步完善淹没区耕地补偿构成和补偿标准提供参考。  相似文献   

传统的生态系统服务价值评估方法在生态补偿具体实践中仍存在一些困境。本研究提出生态系统服务功能的三元价值理论,通过能值方法剥离纯自然贡献带来的服务价值、自然贡献和人类投入共同作用形成的服务价值及基于人类偏好的存在价值这三类价值,通过自然贡献可以确定生态补偿的理论基线,而人工投入(基于人类投入绩效的支付)和存在价值(基于偏好的支付)可对基线进行二级修正,进一步提出了利用三元价值理论系统解决"生态系统服务—受益区—补偿方式—补偿标准—受偿主体"问题的生态补偿路径。  相似文献   

国家级公益林生态效益价值核算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国家级公益林生态效益的研究是当前制定森林生态补偿政策方面的一个研究热点。构建了国家级公益林生态效益的评估体系,并运用市场价值法、影子价格法等多种方法对国家级公益林的生态效益进行了实物量与价值量评估。结果表明,国家级公益林面积为9.38×1011m2,其生态服务功能的实物量总计为29566.69亿t,提供的生态效益总价值为261179.86亿元,单位面积价值为27.85元/(m2.a)。国家级公益林的生态效益巨大,平衡兼顾其生态效益有助于促进生态保护的协调。  相似文献   

The ecological value of some fine-scale landscape elements tends to be overlooked when they are found in highly human-influenced landscapes, such as peri-urban agricultural ones. These landscapes usually fall beyond the scope of the defined categories of landscape protection, and are thus mapped as areas of little or no ecological interest in the context of extensive analysis. In this paper, we present a method for assessing and visualizing the existing nodes in the field pattern of a peri-urban agricultural landscape. Nodes are identified from the field pattern and characterized according to the presence of relevant features and land uses from the viewpoint of their ecological functions. The method is applied in the Vega del Guadalfeo (south of Spain). Our results show an innovative map of the Vega which may be interpreted as its eco-structure; a model based on nodes to represent the ecological value of the peri-urban agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

成都龙泉山地区建设用地生态适宜性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着景观格局与生态过程之间的关系日益受到重视,传统的评价方法已经不能满足生态适宜性评价的发展需要。本文以成都市龙泉山地区为例,从景观类型、生态功能、生态价值、土壤侵蚀敏感性和地质灾害敏感性5个方面建立评价指标体系,分别采用最小累积阻力模型和模糊综合评判法描述水平生态过程和垂直生态过程下的生态适宜性,综合两种评价结果进行建设用地的生态适宜性评价。研究结果表明,模型机理的差异使评价结果有着很大的区别,两种方法的综合应用可以有效弥补彼此的不足,本文将研究区的生态适宜性评价结果划分为禁止开发区、严格限建区、一般限建区、重点开发区和优化开发区5个分区,各区的面积分别为259.70km^2、793.89km2、1220.35km2、739.68km2和490.42km2。以往的生态适宜性评价方法往往单一地考虑水平或者垂直生态过程,本文构建的这种综合水平和垂直生态过程的评价方法为生态适宜性评价的方法研究提供了有益的尝试和补充。  相似文献   

当前,生态产品价值实现探索实践中面临生态系统服务度量难、核算难、货币化难、交易难等基础性难题,导致生态产品价值核算体系不统一、生态产品市场交易机制不完善、各类生态产品交易平台不规范、绿色金融滞后、绿色发展市场化激励机制不足等问题。本文从最关键的生态产品价值理论出发,梳理生态产品价值实现困境的根源和理论基础,并尝试提出可能的多元核算方法与热力学、景感学、经济学相结合的实践解决路径,形成不同单位的统一核算标的物。通过探索利用区块链、大数据等科技赋能生态产品价值实现,提出构建生态资产加密数字货币化的可能性,并进一步形成不同生态产品的价格形成机制、成本监审制度和价格调整机制,完善生态产品市场交易机制,建立统一的生态产品交易平台,促进绿色金融发展,推动自然资源管理能力现代化。  相似文献   

大庆油田湖泊湿地景观生态设计探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用景观生态设计的方法,将大庆油田职工生活居住区内湖泊湿地的湖盆、湖岸、湿地、水体及植物、地貌、土壤等自然因素作为一个整体,对湖底、湖岸、浅水区、湖滨带等地进行了景观生态设计。该设计方案体现了地方性特征,保护与节约了自然资源,显露了自然特色,达到了对环境影响最小、资本投入少、生态效益最大的设计目的。  相似文献   

文化景观是自然、文化和历史的完美结合体,文化景观遗产的设立不但改变了世界遗产对价值的认识,而且拓宽了世界遗产的实践领域。从世界文化景观遗产入手,分析了它的分布现状及其原因;介绍了我国两项文化景观遗产之一的西湖,同时利用SWOT分析法对西湖进行分析,总结西湖的可持续发展趋势。通过综合分析,提出我国文化景观申遗和保护的建议。  相似文献   

城市规划与城镇土地定级之间的相互影响是多方面的。一是城市规划纲要、城市总体规划以及控制性详细规划的编制,分别从宏观和微观两方面影响着城镇土地定级工作;而城市规划的不同实施方式和不同实施程度对具体地块土地级别以及城镇土地级别空间分布格局有着直接和较大的影响。二是城镇土地级别现状和城镇土地级别变化趋势分析,潜在影响着城市规划方案设计、城市规划方案决策、城市规划实施和管理过程,并为其提供依据和指导。在此基础上,如何量化城市规划对城镇土地定级的影响值得进一步具体研究;发挥城镇土地定级工作的作用,更好地为城市规划服务,解决人们的住房问题,更值得深入思考。  相似文献   

Land management in urban areas is characterized by the diversity of its goals and its physical expression in the landscape, as well as by the frequency and often rapidity of change. Deliberate or accidental landscape alterations lead to changes in habitat, some of which may be viewed as environmentally beneficial, others as detrimental. Evaluating what is there and how changes may fit into the landscape context is therefore essential if informed land-management decisions are to be made. The method presented here uses a simple ecological evaluation technique, employing a restricted number of evaluation criteria, to gather a spatially complete data set. A geographical information system (GIS) is then used to combine the resulting scores into a habitat value index (HVI). Using examples from Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom, existing real-world data are then applied to land-management scenarios to predict probable landscape ecological consequences of habitat alteration. The method provides an ecologically relevant, spatially complete evaluation of a large, diverse area in a short period of time. This means that contextual effects of land-management decisions can be quickly visualized and remedial or mitigating measures incorporated at an early stage without the requirement for complex modeling and prior to the detailed ecological survey. The strengths of the method lie in providing a detailed information baseline that evaluates all habitats, not just the traditional “quality” habitats, in a manner that is accessible to all potential users—from interested individuals to professional planners.  相似文献   

One of the main objectives of landscape ecology is to orient land-use planning by providing indications of optimal ecosystem patterning to support nature conservation. A frequent limitation to the practical use of the findings of landscape ecological studies is that they tend to focus on the identification and computation of indicators rather than on their interpretation and assessment. This paper presents and discusses the use of a methodology to formalise expert opinion through the elicitation of multi-attribute value functions. In particular, the value functions aim at assessing spatial indicators so as to provide an overall judgment of the viability of different ecosystem patches. The result consisted of the ranking of the ecosystems according to their degree of viability and therefore their suitability for nature conservation. The method of formalising expert opinion and knowledge complements traditional analyses based on the measurement of spatial ecological indicators.  相似文献   

Ecological impacts of arable intensification in Europe   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Although arable landscapes have a long history, environmental problems have accelerated in recent decades. The effects of these changes are usually externalized, being greater for society as a whole than for the farms on which they operate, and incentives to correct them are therefore largely lacking. Arable landscapes are valued by society beyond the farming community, but increased mechanization and farm size, simplification of crop rotations, and loss of non-crop features, have led to a reduction in landscape diversity. Low intensity arable systems have evolved a characteristic and diverse fauna and flora, but development of high input, simplified arable systems has been associated with a decline in biodiversity. Arable intensification has resulted in loss of non-crop habitats and simplification of plant and animal communities within crops, with consequent disruption to food chains and declines in many farmland species. Abandonment of arable management has also led to the replacement of such wildlife with more common and widespread species. Soils have deteriorated as a result of erosion, compaction, loss of organic matter and contamination with pesticides, and in some areas, heavy metals. Impacts on water are closely related to those on soils as nutrient and pesticide pollution of water results from surface runoff and subsurface flow, often associated with soil particles, which themselves have economic and ecological impacts. Nitrates and some pesticides also enter groundwater following leaching from arable land. Greatest impacts are associated with simplified, high input arable systems. Intensification of arable farming has been associated with pollution of air by pesticides, NO2 and CO2, while the loss of soil organic matter has reduced the system's capacity for carbon sequestration. International trade contributes to global climate change through long distance transport of arable inputs and products. The EU Rural Development Regulation (1257/99) provides an opportunity to implement measures for alleviating ecological impacts of arable management through a combination of cross-compliance and agri-environment schemes. To alleviate the problems described in this paper, such measures should take account of opportunities for public/private partnerships and should integrate social, cultural, economic and ecological objectives for multifunctional land use.  相似文献   

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