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The Journal of Safety Research has partnered with the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, to briefly report on some of the latest findings in the research community. This report is the seventh in a series of CDC articles.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Falls are a leading cause of mortality and morbidity among adults age 65 and older. Population models predict steep increases in the 65 and older population bands in the next 10-15 years and in turn, public health is bracing for increased fall rates and the strain they place on health care systems and society. To assess progress in fall prevention, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a research portfolio review to examine the quality, relevance, outcomes and successes of the CDC fall prevention program and its impact on public health. METHODS: A peer review panel was charged with reviewing 20 years of funded research and conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis for extramural and intramural research activities. Information was collected from grantees (via a survey instrument), staff were interviewed, and progress reports and products were reviewed and analyzed. RESULTS: CDC has invested over $24,900,000 in fall-related research and programs over 20 years. The portfolio has had positive impacts on research, policies and programs, increasing the public health injury prevention workforce, and delivering effective fall prevention programs. DISCUSSION: Public health agencies, practitioners, and policy makers recognize that while there are some evidence-based older adult fall prevention interventions available, many remain unused or are infeasible to implement. Specific recommendations across the public health model, include: additional research in gathering robust epidemiologic data on trends and patterns of fall-related injuries at all levels; researching risk factors by setting or sub-population; developing and testing innovative interventions; and engaging in translation and dissemination research on best practices to increase uptake and adoption of fall prevention strategies. CDC has responded to a number of suggestions from the portfolio review including: funding translation research of a proven Tai Chi fall intervention; beginning to address gaps in gender, ethnic, and racial differences in falls; and collaborating with partner organizations who share in CDC's mission to improve public health by preventing falls and reducing fall-related injuries. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Industry has an opportunity to develop more accessible and usable devices to reduce injury from falls (for example, hip protectors and force reducing flooring). By implementing effective, evidence-based interventions to prevent falls and reduce injuries from falls, significant decreases in health care costs can be expected.  相似文献   



Falls prevention evidence has changed and evolved over time with positive and negative studies revealing that a “one-size fits all” approach is not the solution. Care must be taken to critically appraise the evidence and the potential applicability of that evidence to the specific hospital setting.


A narrative account of the evolution of research evidence in this field is first presented. How this evidence should be applied in clinical practice is challenging, with a lack of translational evidence for the hospital setting we draw on broader theory of translating knowledge to action.


The journey should begin with formation of a management and engagement committee. A review of existing practices and the difference between existing practice and evidence-based practice should be undertaken to identify the “evidence-practice gap.” Engagement with staff is recommended to inform a plan for practice change. Plans for resourcing, targeting, and evaluating these strategies should also be undertaken.

Impact on Industry

This paper will assist hospitals to identify and implement evidence based falls prevention strategies leading to an improvement in patient safety.  相似文献   



Falls in older persons in developing countries are poorly understood, and falls prevention and health promotion programmes for this population are largely lacking.


A systematic review was carried out of relevant literature on falls and prevention programmes, and falls prevention education, and a scan undertaken of health promotion programmes for older persons in a representative country - South Africa.


Studies on the risk and prevalence of falls are largely retrospective and hospital-based, with varied methodology, including study period, sampling method and sample size. Falls prevalence is based largely on self-reports in studies on general trauma in all age groups. Falls incidence varies from 10.1% to 54%. No reports could be traced on sustained falls prevention or health promotion programmes.


Scant research has been conducted and little preventive education offered on falls in older persons. Adaptation of the Canadian Falls Prevention Curriculum for developing countries will help to fill gaps in knowledge and practice.

Impact on industry

With rapid increase in the populations of older persons in developing countries, research on age related disorders such as falls is required to guide policy and management of falls.  相似文献   



Information about where nonfatal unintentional injuries occur is limited, but bathrooms commonly are believed to be a hazardous location.


Data from a nationally representative sample of hospital emergency departments (ED) was used to quantify and characterize nonfatal unintentional bathroom injuries among people aged ≥ 15 years.


In 2008, an estimated 234,094 nonfatal bathroom injuries were treated in EDs. Most injuries (81.1%) were caused by falls and 37.3% of injuries occurred when bathing, showering, or getting out of the tub or shower. Both injury and hospitalization rates increased with age.


These results suggest that bathrooms tend to be most hazardous for persons in the oldest age groups.

Impact on Industry

Bathroom injuries among all household members might be reduced by increasing awareness about potentially hazardous activities in the bathroom combined with simple environmental changes such as adding grab bars inside and outside the tub or shower.  相似文献   



The purpose of this investigation was to compare commercial roofers and residential roofers in terms of their behaviors, beliefs, working conditions, and attitudes toward the use of fall protection devices, which could lead to fall accidents.


A cross-sectional sample of 252 roofers participated in the survey in the Midwest (Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Iowa).


Residential roofers were more likely to fall (adjusted prevalence ratio = 1.57, 95% CI = 0.86, 2.27) than commercial roofers. Existence of fall protection programs, enforcement of fall protection device use, actual use of fall protection devices, work type, company size, and race/ethnicity were significantly associated with fall accidents.

Impact on industry

This study adds insight into fall accidents from roofs in the construction industry and provides industry-specific cautions against fall accidents that can be reflected in regulatory agency implementation.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies of falls from buildings and other fixed structures have historically focused on the urban environment. In this study, national injury mortality and hospitalisation data, supplemented by Coroner's investigation reports, were used to describe the epidemiology of such falls across an entire nation, New Zealand. The overall death rate was 0.30 per 100,000 persons per year. Ninety-three percent of cases were older than 14 years of age. Sixty-nine percent of falls were from buildings, with 31% from other structures. Sixty-seven percent of fatal falls were from a height of 10 meters or less. The incidence rate of hospitalisations was 21.4, with the highest rates among those aged 0–9. Fifty-five percent of non-fatal falls were from buildings, with 45% from other structures. National measures to prevent falls from structures should extend to a wide variety of structures and environments. Data presented on the age distributions of falls from different types of structures and structural components (windows, etc.) provide indicators for fall prevention.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The expected substantial increase in people aged 65 or older is important for those concerned about transportation injuries. However, much of the previous research concentrates on older drivers and overlooks the fact that vehicle and crash factors may provide significant explanations of older occupant injury rates. METHOD: Differences across age groups are explored using two nationwide travel surveys, crash involvement, fatalities, and injuries from crash databases and an ordered probit model of injury severity. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Two noticeable differences that help explain injury risk are that older people are more likely to travel in passenger cars than younger people who frequently use light trucks, and that seriously injured older occupants are more likely to be involved in side-impact crashes than their younger counterparts. IMPACT: Increased attention to vehicle engagement in side-impact crashes and to vehicle technologies that can help drivers avoid side collisions would be particularly helpful for older occupants.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Suicide is a dominating, although hidden, safety problem on Swedish railroads. The aim of this paper is to describe the epidemiology of fatal train-person collisions as a basis for systems-oriented prevention. METHOD: Data on collision circumstances were collected from narrative reports at the Swedish National Rail Administration. RESULTS: The events were evenly distributed by months and weekdays, however, most suicides occur during the day while unintentional events usually occur at night. Most train-person collisions happened in densely populated areas, and 75% of the suicide victims were waiting on the track before the collision. Significance test between types of injury event (suicide, accident, or unknown intent) showed small or no differences. CONCLUSION: Traditional approaches to accident prevention by systems modification seem largely applicable to combat railroad suicide as well. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Our findings show promising preventive potentials.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Among older adults, both unintentional falls and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) result in significant morbidity and mortality; however, only limited national data on fall-related TBI are available. METHOD: To examine the relationship between older adult falls and TBI deaths and hospitalizations, CDC analyzed 2005 data from the National Center for Health Statistics' National Vital Statistics System and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's Nationwide Inpatient Sample. RESULTS: In 2005, among adults>or=65 years, there were 7946 fall-related TBI deaths and an estimated 56,423 hospitalizations for nonfatal fall-related TBI in the United States. Fall-related TBI accounted for 50.3% of unintentional fall deaths and 8.0% of nonfatal fall-related hospitalizations. SUMMARY: These findings underscore the need for greater dissemination and implementation of evidence-based fall prevention interventions.  相似文献   


Problem and objective

The translation of the evidence-base for preventing falls among community-dwelling older people into practice has been limited. This study systematically reviewed and synthesised the effectiveness of methods to implement falls prevention programmes with this population.


Articles published between 1980 and May 2010 that evaluated the effects of an implementation strategy. No design restrictions were imposed. A narrative synthesis was undertaken.


15 studies were identified. Interventions that involved the active training of healthcare professionals improved implementation. The evidence around changing the way people who fall are managed within primary care practices, and, layperson, peer or community delivered models was mixed.

Impact on industry

Translating the evidence-base into practice involves changing the attitudes and behaviours of older people, healthcare professionals and organisations. However, there is a need for further evaluation on how this can be best achieved.  相似文献   



Falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries in the United States. This study assessed the prevalence of fall injuries associated with cats and dogs in the United States and describes the types of injuries sustained, the location, activity, and circumstances under which they occurred.


Data were from a nationally representative sample of emergency department visits from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2006, available through the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP).


Based on 7,456 cases, an estimated 86,629 fall injuries each year were associated with cats and dogs, for an injury rate of 29.7. There were 7.5 times as many injuries involving dogs as cats and females were 2.1 times more likely to be injured than males. Injury rates were highest among people aged ≥ 75, but pets were a fall hazard for all ages. Fractures and contusions or abrasions were the most common injuries; the highest rates were for injuries to the extremities. About 66.4% of falls associated with cats and 31.3 % of falls associated with dogs were caused by falling or tripping over the pet. An additional 21.2% of falls related to dogs were caused by being pushed or pulled.


Although pets were associated with fall injuries, this risk can be reduced by increasing public awareness about situations that can lead to falls, such as dog-walking and chasing pets, and by calling attention to the importance of obedience training for dogs to minimize hazardous behaviors such as pulling and pushing.

Impact on industry

Fall injuries represent a burden to individuals, our society and our health care system. Increasing public awareness and implementing basic prevention strategies can help people of all ages enjoy their pets, reduce their chances of experiencing pet-related falls, and lessen the impact of fall injuries on our health care system.  相似文献   

IntroductionDriving is important for well-being among older adults, but age-related conditions are associated with driving reduction or cessation and increased crash risk for older drivers. Our objectives were to describe population-based rates of older drivers’ licensing and per-driver rates of crashes and moving violations.Methods: We examined individual-level statewide driver licensing, crash, and traffic citation data among all New Jersey drivers aged ≥ 65 and a 35- to 54-year-old comparison group during 2010–2014. Rate ratios (RR) of crashes and moving violations were estimated using Poisson regression.Results: Overall, 86% of males and 71% of females aged ≥ 65 held a valid driver’s license. Older drivers had 27% lower per-driver crash rates than middle-aged drivers (RR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.73, 0.74)—with appreciable differences by sex—but 40% higher fatal crash rates (RR: 1.40 [1.24, 1.58]). Moving violation rates among older drivers were 72% lower than middle-aged drivers (RR: 0.28 [0.28, 0.28]).Conclusion: The majority of older adults are licensed, with substantial variation by age and sex. Older drivers have higher rates of fatal crashes but lower rates of moving violations compared with middle-aged drivers.Practical applications: Future research is needed to understand the extent to which older adults drive and to identify opportunities to further reduce risk of crashes and resultant injuries among older adults.  相似文献   

Projections of the number, rate and cost of fall-related hospitalised injuries for individuals aged 65 years and older in New South Wales (NSW), Australia were estimated to 2051 for two scenarios: (1) demographic change only using 2008 admission rates; and (2) modelled change using negative binominal regression taking into account current trends in admission rates. Based on demographic change alone, the number and cost of fall injury hospitalisations among older people is expected to increase almost three-fold by 2051. Transfers to permanent residential aged care will also increase 3.2 fold. However, if the fall-related hospitalisation rate sustains its current trend, these increases are projected to be more than ten-fold by 2051. Even with demographic change alone, there will be a significant impact on the resources required to care for older people suffering a fall injury hospitalisation over the next forty years in NSW. The impact on the hospital and aged care sectors will be considerable unless significant improvements occur in the prevention and treatment of fall-related injury in older people.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Motor-vehicle crashes kill roughly 4,500 American adults over the age of 75 annually. Among younger adults, one behavioral factor consistently linked to risky driving is personality, but this predictor has been overshadowed by research on cognitive, perceptual, and motor processes among older drivers. METHOD: In this study, a sample of 101 licensed drivers, all age 75 and over, were recruited to complete self-report measures on personality, temperament, and driving history. Participants also completed a virtual environment (VE) course designed to assess risk-taking driving behavior. State records of motor-vehicle crashes were collected. RESULTS: Results suggest both a sensation-seeking personality and an undercontrolled temperament are related to risky driving among older adults. Sensation-seeking was particularly related to history of violations and tickets, while temperamental control was more broadly related to a number of risky driving measures. Methodological and crash prevention issues are discussed.  相似文献   



Nail guns are a common source of acute, and potentially serious, injury in residential construction.


Data on nail gun injuries, hours worked and hours of tool use were collected in 2008 from union apprentice carpenters (n = 464) through classroom surveys; this completed four years of serial cross-sectional data collection from apprentices. A predictive model of injury risk was constructed using Poisson regression.


Injury rates declined 55% from baseline measures in 2005 with early training and increased use of tools with sequential actuation. Injury rates declined among users of tools with both actuation systems, but the rates of injury were consistently twice as high among those using tools with contact trip triggers.

Discussion and impact

Nail gun injuries can be reduced markedly through early training and use of tools with sequential actuation. These successful efforts need to be diffused broadly, including to the non-union sector.  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite inherit dangers of horseback riding (HBR), research on HBR-related injuries is sparse. This study used both quantitative and qualitative methods to (1) examine HBR-related injuries treated in emergency departments (EDs) and associated risk factors and (2) explore HBR-related injury experiences and recommendations for prevention strategies from the perspective of riders. Method: We retrospectively analyzed data from the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), identifying HBR-related ED visits between 2010 and 2014. Additionally, we conducted 10 phone interviews with active horseback riders to understand their experiences and perspectives regarding HBR-related injuries and recommendations for prevention measures. Results: A total of 21,899 ED visits for HBR-related injuries were identified. When weighted, these represented 100,964 ED visits in the United States. Females had a consistently higher proportion of ED visits compared to males across the study period, with the proportion of ED visits being highest in females aged 15–19. Most injuries (85.9%) were treated and released from the ED. Three primary themes were identified as key to the prevention of HBR-related injuries: (1) rider safety (e.g., use of protective equipment), (2) external factors (e.g., awareness of environment), and (3) rider and horse interactions (e.g., matching skill level of the rider to the horse). Conclusions: Results indicate that HBR-related injuries treated in EDs are prevalent, with female riders aged 15–19 years having the highest proportion of injuries treated in EDs. Practical Applications: There is a critical need for injury prevention programs that not only promote the use of protective equipment, but that also educate horseback riders on horse behavior, the proper handling of horses, and safe riding practices.  相似文献   

简要介绍了几种毒物防治的技术措施。  相似文献   

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