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以3种典型植被缓冲带为研究对象,基于现场监测、质量平衡、相关分析等方法,探明缓冲带水分分配与降雨、土壤因子的关联性,确定水分及总氮(TN)污染负荷去除分配系数.结果表明,径流与降雨量呈高度正相关(0.980~0.987,P<0.01),渗流与降雨量、降雨历时呈显著正相关(0.595~0.828,P<0.01).植被缓冲...  相似文献   

Buffer strips represent oblong land elements along water bodies playing an important role for the water quality management of the surface water. In the policy context buffer strips are referred to as land with defined farming restrictions aiming at protecting the water course. In the current EU agricultural policy framework the majority of the decisions regarding subsidy schemes for buffer strips is taken on the member country level, which results in great differences between the EU members with regard to this water protection measure. If incentives for farmers for establishing and maintaining buffer strips are in place, they are usually linked to the harvest ban on the buffer strip. Such protection model can be endangered by volatile and rising prices for agricultural products. However, buffer strip can represent a valuable source of different ecosystem services, including biomass provision. If harvesting under certain restrictions would be allowed, the biomass could generate additional revenue that might contribute to securing buffer strips existence and consequently maintaining their protection function.This study aimed at assessing the costs and environmental consequences of biomass mobilizing from buffer strips. It dealt with different scenarios of biomass sourcing from extensively cultivated buffer strips in the Netherlands. In 12 scenarios, the cultivation of grass or cereal mixes (including multiple harvesting or perennial cultivation) for different valorisation chains (ensiling or fodder & bedding) was assessed. Both total net cultivation costs as well as the hectare based environmental performance (using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology) were evaluated. Additionally, the environmental impact of electricity production through anaerobic digestion of biomass from buffer strips was compared with the impact from digestion of classic grass silage and the impact profile of Dutch electricity mix.The results indicate ensiling as the scenario generating more net costs and higher environmental impacts as compared to fodder & bedding. In the latter, the cereal cultivation represents a better solution from economic perspective, while grass shows lower environmental impacts. Moreover, optimizing grass cultivation through switching to perennial mode contributes to strong improvements of the economic performance and contributes to additional reduction of environmental impacts, and consequently delivers the best environmental and economic solution. Moreover, the comparison with the Dutch electricity mix shows that biomass from buffer strips, if used in anaerobic digestion, can, in terms of environmental performance, compete with classic silages and contribute to reduced environmental damage.  相似文献   

The effects of UV intensity and turbidity on selected microbial indicator inactivation were investigated. Results showed that UV disinfection was effective in killing all the selected microbial indicators, the resistance order of the microorganisms was as follows: MS-2 coliphage 〉 Bacillus subtilis 〉 E. coil 〉 Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. UV intensity had influence on the inactivation of all the microorganisms, high UV disinfection efficency was obtained with higher UV intensity. Turbidity had impact on the bacteria inactivation rate, but there was no evidence that turbidity had any negative contribution to MS-2 coliphage. Under the same UV dosage, higher UV intensity could overcome the negative influence of turbidity on UV performance, enhanced microorganism inactivation effect in turbidity water.  相似文献   

基于指标体系的地下水环境承载力评价   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
在分析可持续发展指标体系及模型研究的基础上,对地下水环境承载力问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的指标与模型,通过实全对两个模型进行了进一步阐释。结果表明,模糊优选模型较系统学模型更能反映问题的实质,结果亦更具说服力。  相似文献   

OntheindicatorofweaksustainabilityZhaoJingzhu(ResearchCenterforEco-EnvironmentalSciences,TheChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing1...  相似文献   

Sampling and analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans(PCDD/Fs) are both time-consuming and expensive. In principle,real-time monitoring of chlorobenzene(CBz) as an indicator for PCDD/Fs could be useful to control and optimize incinerator operating conditions.To test this strategy,CBz was analyzed together with PCDD/Fs in flue gas samples collected from a hospital waste incinerator.Moreover,lab experiments were conducted to investigate the eect of temperature and oxygen on CBz formation from fly ash from the same incinerator.The experimental results demonstrate that chlorobenzene(in particular PeCBz) correlate well with PCDD/Fs,in line with previous research.The optimum temperature of CBz formation is in a range of 350 to 400°C and CBz yield increases significantly with oxygen,in line with PCDD/Fs formation.This study is useful for confirming the de novo mechanism and defining correlations between CBz and PCDD/Fs.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to characterise in-stream pesticide exposure within the Palatinate vineyard region in south-west Germany, evaluate the influence of buffer strip widths and identify mitigation measures for the relevant entry pathways. In-stream water and sediment samples that were taken at nine sampling sites of different buffer widths following intense rainfall, and edge-of-field runoff that were sampled in erosion rills were analysed regarding 28 active ingredients of pesticides including copper. In-stream samples contained a mix of 8 ± 4 pesticide compounds, resulting in total pesticide concentrations of 1.4-8.9 μg l−1 for water and 16-670 μg kg−1 dw for sediment. Following an exceptional rainfall event with a previous 34-day drought period, pesticide concentrations reached 7.0-83.4 μg l−1. Fungicides were the most important pesticides found and were significantly correlated with the pesticide application frequency and rate. The calculated toxicity values per sample (TUmax) indicated that both organic pesticides and copper concentrations likely cause ecotoxicological effects in the field. The buffer strip width was of little importance for pesticide in-stream concentrations because pesticide entry occurred mainly via the field path network and erosion rills. Pesticide in-stream concentrations were significantly and positively correlated with the concentrations detected in erosion rills (R2 = 0.56). As possible risk mitigation measures, we suggest the implementation of grassed field paths and vegetated ditches or wetlands.  相似文献   

温榆河是北京市城区主要的防洪和排水河道,具有以非常规水源补给为主的特点.选取FC、EC、ENT和SC等指示微生物指标和COD、氨氮等水质指标,系统分析2009-2019年温榆河流域指示微生物浓度时空变化与汛期对指示微生物浓度的影响及其影响因素.研究结果表明10年间温榆河流域在经过一系列治理措施后水环境质量明显改善,CO...  相似文献   

Scientifically sound methods to rapidly measure fecal indicator bacteria are important to ensure safe water for drinking and recreational purposes.A total of 200 water samples obtained from the Three Gorges Reservoir during three successive one-year study periods(October 2009 to September 2012) were analyzed using multiple-tube fermentation(MTF)and most probable numbers combined with polymerase chain reaction(MPN–PCR).The MPN–PCR method was found to be significantly more sensitive than the MTF method for detecting Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp.,and of equal sensitivity for detecting total coliforms when all surface water samples were grouped together.The two analytical methods had a strong,significant relationship,but MPN–PCR took only 12–18 hr,compared with the 3–8 days needed using the MTF method.Bacterial concentrations varied per sampling site but were significantly lower in the mainstream of the Yangtze River than those in the backwater areas of tributaries.The water quality of 85.8% of water samples from the mainstream was suitable for use as a centralized potable water source,while the water quality of 52.5% of water samples from the backwater areas was unsuitable for recreational activities.Relationships between fecal indicator bacteria showed significant correlation(r = 0.636–0.909,p 0.01,n = 200),while a weak but significant correlation was found between fecal indicators and water turbidity,water temperature,daily inflow,and total dissolved solids(r = 0.237–0.532,p 0.05,n = 200).The study indicated that MPN–PCR is a rapid and easily performed deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)-based method for quantitative detection of viable total coliforms,E.coli,and Enterococcus spp.in surface water.  相似文献   

普通及指示克里格法在水稻禁产区筛选中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对农产品产地进行监测基础上,以川东南水稻生产区为研究对象,探讨了普通克里格法及指示克里格法在农产品产地禁产区筛选中应用的可行性.研究区土壤监测统计结果表明,川东南水稻生产区以重金属Cd污染为主,区域Cd最高值为0.53mg·kg-1;监测点超过<土壤环境质量标准>(GB 15618-1995)2级标准值的比例达34.98%.探索性分析结果显示,研究区土壤Cd异常值较少,土壤Cd监测值及指示值实验半变异函数均为各向同性,采用人工干预条件下的基台值自动拟合法拟合普通及指示克里格实验半变异函数,并根据交叉验证结果确定分别采用带块金值的指数模型及带块金值的球形模型套合结构拟合普通及指示克里格实验半变异函数.通过普通和指示克里格插值结果筛选水稻禁产区后,应用误判率法评估了两种方法应用于水稻禁产区筛选的优缺点.结果表明,普通克里格法训练数据集的误判率为3.89%,验证数据集误判率为26.09%;指示克里格法训练集的误判率为0.78%,验证数据集误判率为21.73%,指示克里格法的估计精度要优于普通克里格法,更适合于研究区水稻禁产区的筛选.  相似文献   

陈惠鑫  佟娟  陈奕童  程荣  郑祥 《环境科学学报》2019,39(12):4057-4063
由于抗生素抗性基因(Antibiotic Resistance Genes,ARGs)对环境和人类健康存在潜在威胁而逐渐受到人们的重视,高人口密度城市中典型景观水体是ARGs储存库和传播媒介.本研究采用实时荧光定量PCR技术,研究了圆明园不同点位的ARGs污染情况和分布特征.结果表明:园区中ARGs的绝对丰度范围在n.d.(未检出)~1.08×10~9copies·L~(-1)之间;园区进水口目标ARGs的丰度低于末端,表明封闭的水体可能为ARGs的积累提供了理想培养基.在所检测基因中,磺胺类ARGs占主导,ARGs的绝对丰度依次为:sulIIsulImefAtetQtetMermB.磺胺类ARGs与指示微生物粪大肠菌群和大肠杆菌间存在显著相关性,表明指示微生物在ARGs的传播中可能起着关键作用.  相似文献   

生态城市指标体系研究——以厦门为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于城市复合生态系统理论,结合健康、安全和发展的概念提出生态城市的内涵,提出"特征性指标与共性评价指标相结合"的指标体系构建模式,以厦门为例建立了一套包含4个层次,由47个共性评价指标和21个特征性指标构成的生态城市指标体系.评价结果揭示了厦门目前处于生态城市发展的初期阶段(0.55),城市生态系统为亚健康状态(0.63)、一般脆弱的预警状态(0.50)和一般持续的发展状态(0.51),与现实的分析调研结果相符.  相似文献   

官厅水库库滨带非点源污染控制效应的遥感分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取官厅水库库滨带为研究区域,应用SPOT5遥感数据对其结构进行了解析,建立了高分辨率的Quick Bird遥感数据与SPOT数据的尺度转化关系,对SPOT信息提取结果进行了校核,以提高SPOT卫星对库滨带结构的解译精度;最后结合点上的实验结果对流域尺度上的库滨带的环境效益进行了分析.研究结果表明:(1)官厅水库陆相库滨带的结构不利于非点源污染的防治,应该适当增加林地的比例,同时提高林地、草地的植被覆盖度;(2)按照官厅水库流域非点源区年均TN量为188.1×104 t、TP量为101.2×104 t计算,库岸库滨带对TN、TP的去除率分别为11.6%和0.4%;(3)为了有效地防止官厅水库流域的非点源污染,必须加强水库流域的农业管理和库岸库滨带的科学建设与管理.  相似文献   

论文在对土地承载力进行简要回顾的基础上 ,构建了一套适合于东部沿海地区的区域土地承载力综合评价指标体系 ,并运用均方差权数决策法 ,将该区土地承载力划分为3种类型区 ,即 :低承载力区、中等承载力区、高承载力区 ,分别代表土地承载力演替从低层次的均衡发展阶段较高层次的不均衡发展阶段高层次的系统协调均衡发展阶段。  相似文献   

甾烷作为溢油指示物(或指标)的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
为寻求重度风化溢油来源指标 ,依据有机地球化学相关研究成果 ,本文选定分子量大、水溶性小、抗风化的甾烷作为重度风化溢油的指示物 (或指标 )。将辽河原油等 15种原油作为研究对象 ,进行室内和室外模拟风化试验 ,用毛细管GC MS对不同环境 (海水、淡水、沙土等 )中风化 1a后的溢油进行检测。结果发现 ,油种间甾烷及其比值参数差异较大 ,在 1a的风化过程中受风化影响较小 ,可以作为重度风化溢油的指示物 (或指标 )。  相似文献   

可持续发展评价指标(体系)及其确定方法的探讨   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
通过对目前已有的可持续发展指标体系的研究,指出现有指标体系忽略了可持续性内涵、环境的限制作用、社会公平性及经济增长的影响作用等主要内容.提出采用离差法来计算可持续发展评价指标.建议采用限制型指标、发展型指标、协调型指标来评价系统的可持续性;标准值或参考值采用反映系统不可持续性状态的底线值以及反映整个人类状况的全球、区域或国家现时平均值.同时还提出了不可持续性标准值、不可持续状态、远离不可持续状态、迈进可持续发展过程等概念.强调单项指标的重要性,指出单项指标离差度对系统可持续性的指示作用.  相似文献   

围绕如何测度并改善天然气安全这一核心议题,引入并修正了APERC能源安全"4A"分析框架,运用层次分析法与德尔斐法,构建了天然气安全评价指标体系,对主要天然气净进口国和净出口国的天然气安全状况进行了量化评估。评估发现:(1)天然气安全四维度(资源可利用性、经济可承受性、贸易可获得性与环境可接受性)的不可或缺性意味着综合表现优异的国家安全水平更高;(2)8个二级指标中,可采储量、个体可承受性等指标的权重更大;(3)天然气净出口国在资源可利用性、经济可承受性和贸易可获得性方面有优势,整体表现优于进口国。就中国而言,可从加快资源开发、完善市场机制、扩大进口渠道和提高资源利用效率四个方面提高天然气安全水平。  相似文献   

为了解圆明园水环境生态和生物多样性现状,掌握圆明园生态修复区长期恢复状况,于2017年对圆明园水系末端长春园开展水质、大型水生植物、蜻蜓目(Odonata)昆虫、鱼类(Piscium)和软甲动物(Malacostraca)的调查.结果表明:圆明园经过园区内水生生物群落的净化作用,水质基本达到地表Ⅲ类~Ⅳ类水体标准,属于...  相似文献   

A hierarchical diversity index--taxonomic distinctnessindex +, which was first defined by Warwick and Clark in 1998, wasemployed to evaluate the pollution status of the Bohai Sea withfreeliving marine nematodes. The result showed that the Bohai Bayand other coastal sampling sites might be affected by oil and gasproduction and other anthropogenic influences. In other words,anthropogenic disturbance was affecting this component of thebenthos in these locations. And most offshore sampling sites in themiddle of the Bohai Sea were clear and unpolluted.  相似文献   

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