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This paper describes a modelling approach used to investigate the significance of key factors (vehicle type, compaction type, site design, temporal effects) in influencing the variability in observed nett amenity bin weights produced by household waste recycling centres (HWRCs). This new method can help to quickly identify sites that are producing significantly lighter bins, enabling detailed back-end analyses to be efficiently targeted and best practice in HWRC operation identified. Tested on weigh ticket data from nine HWRCs across West Sussex, UK, the model suggests that compaction technique, vehicle type, month and site design explained 76% of the variability in the observed nett amenity weights. For each factor, a weighting coefficient was calculated to generate a predicted nett weight for each bin transaction and three sites were subsequently identified as having similar characteristics but returned significantly different mean nett bin weights. Waste and site audits were then conducted at the three sites to try and determine the possible sources of the remaining variability. Significant differences were identified in the proportions of contained waste (bagged), wood, and dry recyclables entering the amenity waste stream, particularly at one site where significantly less contaminated waste and dry recyclables were observed.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Improper disposal of solid waste that impacts human health and pollutes the environment, arising a need for successful and necessary collection of...  相似文献   

Technical specifications appropriate for the recycling of agricultural plastic wastes (APWs), widely accepted by the recycling industry were developed. The specifications establish quality standards to be met by the agricultural plastics producers, users and the agricultural plastic waste management chain. They constitute the base for the best economical and environmental valorisation of the APW.The analysis of the APW streams conducted across Europe in the framework of the European project “LabelAgriWaste” revealed the inherent characteristics of the APW streams and the inherent constraints (technical or economical) of the APW. The APW stream properties related to its recycling potential and measured during pilot trials are presented and a subsequent universally accepted simplified and expanded list of APW recycling technical specifications is proposed and justified. The list includes two sets of specifications, applied to two different quality categories of recyclable APW: one for pellet production process (“Quality I”) and another one for plastic profile production process (“Quality II”). Parameters that are taken into consideration in the specifications include the APW physical characteristics, contamination, composition and degradation. The proposed specifications are focused on polyethylene based APW that represents the vast majority of the APW stream. However, the specifications can be adjusted to cover also APW of different materials (e.g. PP or PVC) that are found in very small quantities in protected cultivations in Europe. The adoption of the proposed specifications could transform this waste stream into a labelled commodity traded freely in the market and will constitute the base for the best economical and environmental valorisation of the APW.  相似文献   

Fuel consumption and collection costs of solid waste were evaluated by the aid of a simulation model for a given collection area of a medium-sized Italian city. Using the model it is possible to calculate time, collected waste and fuel consumption for a given waste collection route. Starting from the data for the current waste collection scenario with a Source Segregated (SS) intensity of 25%, all the main model error evaluated was ?1.2. SS intensity scenarios of 25%, 30%, 35% and 52% were simulated. Results showed an increase in the average fuel consumed by the collection vehicles that went from about 3.3 L/tonne for 25% SS intensity to about 3.8 L/tonne for a SS intensity of 52%. Direct collection costs, including crews and vehicle purchase, ranged from about 40 €/tonne to about 70 €/tonne, respectively, for 25% and 52% SS intensity. The increase in fuel consumption and collection costs depends on the density of the waste collected, on the collection vehicle compaction ratio and on the waste collection vehicle utilization factor (WCVUF). In particular a reduction of about 50% of the WCVUF can lead to an average increase of about 80% in fuel consumption and 100% in collection costs.  相似文献   

Recycling is an important part of waste management (that includes different kinds of issues: environmental, technological, economic, legislative, social, etc.). Differently from many works in literature, this paper is focused on recycling management and on the dynamic optimization of materials collection. The developed dynamic decision model is characterized by state variables, corresponding to the quantity of waste in each bin per each day, and control variables determining the quantity of material that is collected in the area each day and the routes for collecting vehicles. The objective function minimizes the sum of costs minus benefits. The developed decision model is integrated in a GIS-based Decision Support System (DSS). A case study related to the Cogoleto municipality is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed model. From optimal results, it has been found that the net benefits of the optimized collection are about 2.5 times greater than the estimated current policy.  相似文献   

废旧塑料回收利用现状及问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塑料制品在给人类带来便利的同时,也带来了极大的负效应,随着塑料使用量的大幅增加,废旧塑料由于难以自然降解,所造成的环境污染日趋严重。回收利用为处理废旧塑料垃圾开辟了减量化、无害化、资源化的道路。目前各国对废旧塑料回收利用都非常重视,投入大量人力、物力,乃至通过立法,开发各种废旧塑料回收利用的关键技术。综述了废旧塑料的回收和利用现状,以及国内近些年来废旧塑料处理和回收利用技术的研究进展及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of the factors influencing the recycling potential of municipalities in Israel, including population size and density, geographic location, current waste levels, and current waste management system. We employ a standard regression analysis in order to develop an econometric model to predict where potential for economically efficient recycling is highest. By applying this model to readily available data, it is possible to predict with close to 90% accuracy whether or not recycling will be economically efficient in any given municipality. Government agencies working to promote advanced waste management solutions have at their disposal only limited resources and budget, and so must concentrate their efforts where they will be most effective. The paper thus provides policy-makers with a powerful tool to help direct their efforts to promote recycling at those municipalities where it is indeed optimal.  相似文献   

Plastic waste is a special category of municipal solid waste. Plastic waste collection is featured with various alternatives of collection methods (curbside/drop-off) and separation methods (source-/post-separation). In the Netherlands, the collection routes of plastic waste are the same as those of other waste, although plastic is different than other waste in terms of volume to weight ratio. This paper aims for redesigning the collection routes and compares the collection options of plastic waste using eco-efficiency as performance indicator. Eco-efficiency concerns the trade-off between environmental impacts, social issues and costs. The collection problem is modeled as a vehicle routing problem. A tabu search heuristic is used to improve the routes. Collection alternatives are compared by a scenario study approach. Real distances between locations are calculated with MapPoint. The scenario study is conducted based on real case data of the Dutch municipality Wageningen. Scenarios are designed according to the collection alternatives with different assumptions in collection method, vehicle type, collection frequency and collection points, etc. Results show that the current collection routes can be improved in terms of eco-efficiency performance by using our method. The source-separation drop-off collection scenario has the best performance for plastic collection assuming householders take the waste to the drop-off points in a sustainable manner. The model also shows to be an efficient decision support tool to investigate the impacts of future changes such as alternative vehicle type and different response rates.  相似文献   

The world’s plastic consumption has increased incredibly in recent decades, generating more and more plastic waste, which makes it a great public concern. Recycling is the best treatment for plastic waste since it cannot only reduce the waste but also reduce the consumption of oil for producing new virgin plastic. Mechanical recycling is recommended for plastic waste to avoid the loss of its virgin value. As a mechanical separation technology, triboelectrostatic separation utilizes the difference between surface properties of different materials to get them oppositely charged, deflected in the electric field and separately collected. It has advantages such as high efficiency, low cost, no concern of water disposal or secondary pollution and a relatively wide processing range of particle size especially suitable for the granular plastic waste. The process of triboelectrostatic separation for plastic waste is reviewed in this paper. Different devices have been developed and proven to be effective for separation of plastic waste. The influence factors are also discussed. It can be concluded that the triboelectrostatic separation of plastic waste is a promising technology. However, more research is required before it can be widely applied in industry.  相似文献   

废塑料是我国四大再生资源品种之一.废塑料国内回收和进口数量大、种类多。对我国废塑料国内产生和进口的种类、数量和地域,以及国内废塑料的回收渠道和方式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Plastic waste management is of global concern while construction industry keeps searching for innovations to become more sustainable. In this...  相似文献   

The specific aim of this funded research project was to examine and evaluate the efficiency and the effectiveness of the municipal solid waste collection and transportation system in the State of Kuwait. The contract resources of the seven contracting firms, the annual contract budgets, and the district area and population of each service contract are presented. Service efficiency and effectiveness indicators for each collection/disposal contract are also computed and discussed. The cost of collection and transportation of household waste in Kuwait is also compared with those of a number of urban areas in other nations. The low energy and manpower costs are mainly responsible for the favorable cost of management, collection and transportation of residential waste in Kuwait.  相似文献   

Sustainable recycling of municipal solid waste in developing countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This research focuses on recycling in developing countries as one form of sustainable municipal solid waste management (MSWM). Twenty-three case studies provided municipal solid waste (MSW) generation and recovery rates and composition for compilation and assessment. The average MSW generation rate was 0.77 kg/person/day, with recovery rates from 5-40%. The waste streams of 19 of these case studies consisted of 0-70% recyclables and 17-80% organics. Qualitative analysis of all 23 case studies identified barriers or incentives to recycling, which resulted in the development of factors influencing recycling of MSW in developing countries. The factors are government policy, government finances, waste characterization, waste collection and segregation, household education, household economics, MSWM (municipal solid waste management) administration, MSWM personnel education, MSWM plan, local recycled-material market, technological and human resources, and land availability. Necessary and beneficial relationships drawn among these factors revealed the collaborative nature of sustainable MSWM. The functionality of the factor relationships greatly influenced the success of sustainable MSWM. A correlation existed between stakeholder involvement and the three dimensions of sustainability: environment, society, and economy. The only factors driven by all three dimensions (waste collection and segregation, MSWM plan, and local recycled-material market) were those requiring the greatest collaboration with other factors.  相似文献   

This study presents a geographical information system (GIS)-based procedure for the precise estimation of solid waste generation, computed using the local population density and income group distribution. Using a triangulated irregular network (TIN) in a GIS environment, the procedure further determines the command area for waste allocation to a particular bin which is generally located so the route slopes towards the collection points for ease of transportation by cart pullers. Computational results of bin location, type, size and the frequency of removal are presented for a typical urban area with known population density, income group distribution, road network and topology.  相似文献   

In the UK, all local authorities have been set statutory performance standards for the recycling and composting of household waste. As part of their strategy for achieving these standards, Lancashire County Council (LCC) has made a number of alterations to the layout and facilities available at civic amenity sites (renamed Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs)) in the county and tried to create a more positive image of the sites for members of the public. This study consisted of two surveys carried out in order to establish how to maximise household waste recycling at the 26 HWRCs in Lancashire. A telephone survey was carried out amongst all Lancashire's HWRC attendants in order to establish the effects of recent site improvements and to provide an indication of overall customer satisfaction. An on-site questionnaire survey was conducted amongst HWRC customers on five selected sites, over three separate seasons, incorporating comparative weekend and weekday surveys at each site. This survey investigated public opinion of HWRCs in Lancashire, as well as exploring effective methods that would assist customers in maximising the amount of recycling at HWRCs. The attendants' survey revealed that site attendants were actively encouraging customers to segregate waste more efficiently at the HWRCs, and that a recycling-related bonus scheme had provided an incentive towards this effort. Site attendants have a key role in educating the public about waste segregation and the effective use of HWRCs. Lancashire HWRC users were mostly male, used private cars to transport waste and showed high levels of customer satisfaction. Practical changes to encourage more recycling at HWRCs were clearly identified in the customers' survey; these include longer opening hours and the provision of boxes to enable pre-separation of waste. The study has clearly shown how the results of user surveys can provide practical assistance in the development of improved sustainable waste management strategies.  相似文献   

我国废旧家电及电子产品回收处理现状及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
如何对废旧家电及电子产品进行高效收集并合理、安全处置,已成为世界各国普遍关注的问题。分析发达国家在该领域实施的措施,结合我国现状及存在的主要问题,提出建立规范的废旧家电及电子产品回收处理体系相关对策。  相似文献   

The corrosion from pyrolysis of PVC in plastic waste was reduced by copyrolysis of PVC with cattle manure. The optimization of pyrolysis conditions between PVC and cattle manure was studied via a statistical method, the Box-Behnken model. The pyrolysis reaction was operated in a tubular reactor. Heating rate, reaction temperature and the PVC:cattle manure ratio were optimized in the range of 1-5 degrees C/min, 250-450 degrees C and the ratio of 1:1-1:5, respectively. The suitable conditions which provided the highest HCl reduction efficiency were the lowest heating rate of 1 degrees C/min, the highest reaction temperature of 450 degrees C, and the PVC:cattle manure ratio of 1:5, with reliability of more than 90%. The copyrolysis of the mixture of PVC-containing plastic and cattle manure was operated at optimized conditions and the synergistic effect was studied on product yields. The presence of manure decreased the oil yield by about 17%. The distillation fractions of oil at various boiling points from both the presence and absence of manure were comparable. The BTX concentration decreased rapidly when manure was present and the chlorinated hydrocarbon was reduced by 45%. However, the octane number of the gasoline fraction was not affected by manure and was in the range of 99-100.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a system of integration of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and communication technologies for solid waste bin and truck monitoring system. RFID, GPS, GPRS and GIS along with camera technologies have been integrated and developed the bin and truck intelligent monitoring system. A new kind of integrated theoretical framework, hardware architecture and interface algorithm has been introduced between the technologies for the successful implementation of the proposed system. In this system, bin and truck database have been developed such a way that the information of bin and truck ID, date and time of waste collection, bin status, amount of waste and bin and truck GPS coordinates etc. are complied and stored for monitoring and management activities. The results showed that the real-time image processing, histogram analysis, waste estimation and other bin information have been displayed in the GUI of the monitoring system. The real-time test and experimental results showed that the performance of the developed system was stable and satisfied the monitoring system with high practicability and validity.  相似文献   

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