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ABSTRACT: The UN conference on Human Settlements (HABITAT) held in June 1976 at Vancouver, Canada, concluded that nearly two-thirds of the population of the developing world lacked access to safe drinking water and that a larger proportion lacked the means for hygienic human waste disposal. The conference urged governments to give priority to these two areas in their developement process. In March 1977, the UN Water Conference, held at Mar del Plata, Argentina, called for establishing the 1980's as the Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation. The goal would be to bring clean water and sanitation to all peoples in the world by 1990. Since March 1979, four separate UN bodies have passed resolutions supporting the Decade and calling on all governments to support the Decade's goals. The U.S. Government, other OECD member states, and the private sector must combine to make this Decade a success.  相似文献   

The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade, which was inaugurated in November of 1980 is intended to focus attention and development efforts on the implementation of national drinking water supply and sanitation plans. This article briefly describes the background and goals of the Decade and analyses the findings and recommendations of a seminar on rural water supply held in Uppsala, Sweden in October of 1980. The meeting, which was jointly sponsored by the Government of Sweden, Uppsala University and the United Nations Department of Technical Cooperation for Development examined – among other issues – appropriate technology; operation and maintenance; monitoring and evaluation; and consumer-producer-donor relationships. La Décennie internationale de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement qui a été inaugurée en novembre 1980 a pour but d'attirer l'attention et de centraliser les efforts sur les plans nationaux pour la fourniture d'eau potable et pour l'assainissement. Cet article décrit brièvement les raisons et les objectifs de la Décennie. Il analyse les résultats et les recommandations d'un séminaire sur la fourniture de l'eau rurale qui s'est tenue à Uppsala, en Suède, en octobre 1980. La réunion qui a été organisée conjointement par le Gouvernement de la Suède, l'Université d'Uppsala et le Département des Nations Unies de la coopération technique pour le développement a étudié, entre autres, la technologie nécessaire, le mode opératoire et l'entretien, la supervision et les estimations, et les rapports entre consommateur, producteur et donateur. El Decenio Internacional del Agua Potable y del Saneamiento Ambiental que se inauguró en noviembre de 1980 enfocará la atención y los esfuerzos de desarrollo en la implementación de los planes nacionales de suministro de agua potable y saneamiento. Este artículo describe brevemente los antecedentes y metas del Decenio y analiza los resultados y recomendaciones de un seminario sobre suministro de agua en zonas rurales realizado en Suecia en octubre de 1980. La reunión que fue organizada en forma conjunta por el Gobierno Sueco, la Universidad de Uppsala y el Departamento de Cooperación Técnica para el Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas examinó – entre otros temas – la tecnología apropiada, operación y mantenimiento, seguimiento y evaluación, y las relaciones entre productor y consumidor.  相似文献   

International ground-water resources have not received their full share of legal investigation. This paper outlines some principles applicable to the development of international co-operation concerning this important resource, bearing in mind that ground and surface waters are the same resource. In the absence of positive international law covering ground-water resources, national laws are investigated to examine their suitability for adaptation to the international level. In a second paper, to be published in the next issue of the Forum , the interjurisdictional experience among federated states and among independent states will be reviewed.  相似文献   

This is the second part of a paper outlining some principles applicable to the development of international law in the sub-sector of ground-water resources. In the first part of the paper, in the previous issue of the Forum , national ground-water laws were investigated to examine their suitability for adaptation at the international level. This part of the paper is devoted to reviewing the interjurisdictional experience among federated states and among independent states. It also draws the general conclusion of the entire paper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrology is both an applied practical science and a pure geophysical science. The goal of hydrology, as a geophysical science, is to achieve theories capable of explaining with satisfactory accuracy the phenomena of interest. Through the rapidly accelerating power and versatility of digital computing technology, theory development and application are immensely facilitated via increasingly sophisticated predictive modeling schemes, which are now the principal operating tools both for applied management hydrology and for basic geophysical hydrology. While this approach treats phenomena as classes or generalizations, social and behavioral scientists have long argued that human beings base their actions on percepts, i.e., on the concrete specifics of their experience. Thus, the commonly held ideal of basing policy, decisions, and public actions on the best possible science encounters a conflict in belief systems. A possible resolution of this dilemma lies in the use of observational components, which in concept-centered science serve as data to test or calibrate models. These components also serve as a great repository of natural experience that is closely attuned to the perceptual reality that propels societal action. Landscapes and sediments provide indices of real processes, whose occurrence can be expected by continuity to extend to present and future activity. More attention to research on such indices is warranted as a means of triggering perception-based action by responsible decision-makers. Grounded in reality, and tempered by their intrinsic fallibility, the scientifically powerful conceptual schemes (models) will then serve as guides to further action. The full societal benefit of hydrological science requires a balanced approach in which subdisciplines focused on environmental indices are afforded equal attention to those focused on conceptual idealization.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study of the length of the growing and dormant season in Pennsylvania by isoline interpolation from climatological data. Maps of the beginning and ending of the growing and dormant seasons, length of growing season and ratio of growing to dormant season are included.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Increased riverine nitrogen (N) fluxes have been strongly correlated with land use changes and are now one of the largest pollution problems in the coastal region of the United States. In the present study, the Hydrological Simulation Program‐FORTRAN (HSPF) is used to simulate transport of N in the Ipswich River basin in Massachusetts and to evaluate the effect of future land use scenarios on the water quality of the river. Model results show that under a land use change scenario constructed with restrictions from environmental protection laws, where 44 percent of the forest in the basin was converted to urban land, stream nitrate concentrations increased by about 30 percent of the present values. When an extreme land use scenario was used, and 100 percent of the forest was converted to urban land, concentrations doubled in comparison to present values. Model simulations also showed that present stream nitrate concentrations might be four times greater than they were prior to urbanization. While pervious lands with high density residential land use generated runoff with the highest N concentrations in HSPF simulations, the results suggested that denitrification in the riparian zone and wetlands coupled with the hydrology of the basin are likely to control the magnitude of nitrate loads to the aquatic system. The simulation results showed that HSPF can predict the general patterns of inorganic N concentrations in the Ipswich River and tributaries. Nevertheless, HSPF has some difficulty simulating the extreme variability of the observed data throughout the main stem and tributaries, probably because of limitations in the representation of wetlands and riparian zones in the model, where N processes such as denitrification seem to play a major role in controlling the transport of N from the terrestrial system to the river reaches.  相似文献   

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