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This study explores the associations of pesticide occurrence in groundwater to geological characteristics of the monitoring points (MPs) contributing area. Pesticide analyses were undertaken during a 2-year groundwater monitoring campaign which generated 845 samples. MCPA and mecoprop were the most frequently detected pesticides in groundwater. Each MP (n?=?158) had a specifically delineated zone of contribution (ZOC) and the dominant physical characteristics present from nine national datasets were recorded for each ZOC. Associations between detections in groundwater and the dominant physical characteristic in each MPs ZOC tested were then statistically analyzed using Fisher’s exact test, logistic regression, and multiple logistic regression. The original physical characteristic datasets used that were associated with detections in groundwater were the type of MP, aquifer type, and Quaternary deposit type. Logistic regression revealed that springs, regionally important aquifer types, aquifers with a karstic flow regime, and alkaline Quaternary deposits in existence above karst aquifers in a MP’s ZOC were more likely to have a pesticide detection in groundwater. Multiple regression from this exploratory work showed some mutual dependency between soil association, aquifer type, and the Geological Survey of Ireland groundwater vulnerability map. The combination of national monitoring data and physical attribute datasets can be used to explore key areas where groundwater is more vulnerable to pesticide contamination.  相似文献   

Monitoring the concentration of NO(3)-N from agricultural fields to the subsurface and shallow ground water resources have received considerable interest worldwide, since agriculture has been identified as a major source of nitrate-nitrogen (NO(3)-N) pollution of groundwater systems in intensively farmed watersheds. A study was conducted to quantify the impact of two tillage practices viz. chisel plow (CP) and no till (NT) with liquid swine manure application on nitrate leaching to the shallow ground water system under corn-soybean production system. This study is part of the long-term field experiments conducted at Iowa State University using completely randomized block design. The NO(3)-N concentrations in the shallow ground water were monitored at three depths viz., a network of subsurface drains at a depth of 1.2 m and piezometers at depths of 1.8 m and 2.4 m. Results of this study showed that the average NO(3)-N concentration during the study period was 16.1 mg l(-1), 14.4 mg l(-1) and 11.8 mg l(-1) at 1.2 m, 1.8 m and 2.4 m depths, respectively implying significant amount of NO(3)-N leaching past the subsurface drain depth of 1.2 m into the shallow groundwater but the NO(3)-N concentration decreases with the depth. The NO(3)-N concentrations in shallow groundwater were significantly higher under the chisel plow system in comparison with the no till method of tillage. Fall application of liquid swine manure caused more leaching in comparison with the spring application. Higher NO(3)-N concentration was observed under corn in comparison with the soybean plots. An in-depth analysis of the data showed a definite relationship between the NO(3)-N concentration in subsurface drain water at a depth of 1.2 m and shallow groundwater at depths of 1.8 m and 2.4 m depths.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO(3)(-)) is a commonly found contaminant in groundwater and surface water. It has created a major water quality problem worldwide. The laboratory batch experiments were conducted to investigate the feasibility of HCl-treated zero-valent iron (Fe(0)) combined with different adsorbents as hybrid systems for simultaneous removal of nitrate (NO(3)(-)) and ammonium (NH(4)(+)) ions from aqueous solution. The maximum NO(3)(-) removal in combined Fe(0)-granular activated carbon (GAC), Fe(0)-filtralite and Fe(0)-sepiolite systems was 86, 96 and 99%, respectively, at 45 °C for 24 h reaction time. The NO(3)(-) removal rate increased with the increase in initial NO(3)(-) concentration. The NO(3)(-) removal efficiency by hybrid systems was in the order of sepiolite > filtralite > GAC. The NH(4)(+) produced during the denitrification process by Fe(0) was successfully removed by the adsorbents, with the removal efficiency in the order of GAC > sepiolite > filtralite. Results of the present study suggest that the use of a hybrid system could be a promising technology for achieving simultaneous removal of NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+) ions from aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) is a widely used explosive that is present in soils at a number of military sites, including training and testing ranges. Because of its relatively weak adsorption to soil, RDX frequently migrates through the unsaturated zone and causes groundwater contamination. In the environment, RDX can transform to produce mono-, di-, and tri-nitroso derivatives (MNX, DNX, and TNX) and the ring cleavage products methylenedinitramine (MEDINA) and 4-nitro-2,4-diazabutanal (NDAB). The present study was undertaken to analyze RDX and its products in groundwater samples taken from various US military sites. The stability of some of the common transformation intermediates of RDX, including the nitroso derivatives, NDAB and MEDINA, under typical conditions in a groundwater aquifer is not well understood, and appropriate preservation methods for these compounds have not been established. Therefore, we studied the inherent stability of these compounds in deionized water and in groundwater, and evaluated various preservation techniques, including adjustment of pH, temperature, and salinity. NDAB and nitroso derivatives were stable under typical ambient environmental conditions, but MEDINA was highly unstable. The addition of sea salts (10% w/v) was found to stabilize MEDINA when the samples were stored at 4 °C. Using appropriate preservation techniques, we detected nitroso derivatives and NDAB, but no MEDINA, at some of the sites investigated. Stabilizing RDX intermediate products in field samples to allow detection is important because the presence of any of these chemicals can indicate past contamination by RDX and provide insight into the occurrence of in situ natural attenuation.  相似文献   

水中硝酸盐氮的2种测定方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对水中硝酸盐氮的2种测定方法进行了比较.结果表明,用离子选择电极法测定水中硝酸盐氮,准确度、精密度、抗干扰性均高于酚二磺酸分光光度法.所测结果经统计学处理,2种方法无显著性差异.离子选择电极法回收率为97.0%~102.0%.除氯离子、亚硝酸根离子外,不出现其它具有干扰意义水平的离子.  相似文献   

硝酸银沉淀-颗粒物返还法去除COD样品中的氯化物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将样品中的颗粒物分离出来后,向样品中加入适量硝酸银,除去生成的氯化银沉淀,再将预先分离的颗粒物合并到水样中,混匀后测定。经过这样处理,既去除了水样中的Cl-,又保留了水样中原来的组份,保证了COD测定结果的准确性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence ofhigh levels of pesticides in groundwater and rainwater in TheProvince of Limburg in The Netherlands. In groundwater samplesin particular the presence of triazines – atrazine, simazine and propazine – was observed; besides these pesticides, dieldrin has also been observed. Atrazine and simazine were found to exceed the groundwater standard of 100 ng L-1. In the rainwater samples, the presence of 13 of 23 different analyzed pesticides was observed. A number of pesticides werefound in high concentrations; e.g. atrazine (>200 ng L-1). Two pesticides detected in rainwater (+-HCH and atrazine) were found to exceed the groundwater standard. Seven pesticides in rainwater were found to exceed the target value and three pesticides the maximum tolerable risk value (DDT, heptachlor and heptachlorepoxide A), which are used as ecotoxicological standards in The Netherlands.Nitrate in 15 of 16 analyzed natural springs was found toexceed the guideline value for nitrate in drinking waterof 50 mg L-1, up to levels of about 200 mg L-1. Nitrate concentrations in rainwater samples were observed up to 4.5 mg L-1. A risk analysis of exposure to high pesticide levels in groundwater or rainwater has been performed using the model HESP. For atrazine levels due todeposition of rainwater in two different locations, exceedance of the T.D.I. level of 0.5 g kg-1 day-1 based on WHO criteria was observed for children using both an urban and a rural scenario and use of groundwater as drinking water.  相似文献   

Effects of distance lags between landfills and monitoring wells on contaminant detection capability were quantified in several groundwater velocity settings. Detection efficiency calculations were made with and without imposing a time limit on contaminant travel. In general, longer distance lags yieldedhigher detection efficiencies. However, detection efficienciesdecreased as monitoring wells approached a buffer zone boundaryimposing a maximum permissible contaminant transport distance.Imposing a time limit on contaminant travel substantially reduced detection efficiency in low velocity settings, especiallyat longer distance lags. Time limits were less significant in high velocity settings where contaminants more quickly reachedmonitoring wells. Detection efficiencies also decreased as velocity increased, but decreases were minor once the velocityreached a threshold value.  相似文献   

The hydrochemistry of groundwater in the Densu River Basin, Ghana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrochemical analyses of groundwater samples were used to establish the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the Densu River Basin. The groundwater was weakly acidic, moderately mineralized, fresh to brackish with conductivity ranging from of 96.6 μS cm???1 in the North to 10,070 μS cm???1 in the South. Densu River basin have special economic significance, representing the countries greatest hydrostructure with freshwater. Chemical constituents are generally low in the North and high in the South. The order of relative abundance of major cations in the groundwater is Na?+??> Ca2?+??> Mg2?+??> K?+? while that of anions is Cl????> HCO $_{3}^{-} >$ SO $_{4}^{2-} >$ NO $_{3}^{-}$ . Four main chemical water types were delineated in the Basin. These include Ca–Mg–HCO3, Mg–Ca–Cl, Na–Cl, and mixed waters in which neither a particular cation nor anion dominates. Silicate weathering and ion exchange are probably the main processes through which major ions enter the groundwater system. Anthropogenic activities were found to have greatly impacted negatively on the quality of the groundwater.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the response of groundwater level and well yields in the Halacli aquifer to climate variations in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The Halacli aquifer is a typical aquifer due to its vulnerability to the climate variations. The aquifer is shallow and its recharge area is small. The waters from rains and snow melts can rapidly infiltrate down to the groundwater body because the vadose zone is thin and formed from coarse material. Therefore, the groundwater system responds to the short-term recharges by raising its level. Although any exploitation did not occur, the groundwater levels have declined from 1989 to 1997. However, the groundwater levels began rising when the exploitation started in the summer of 1998. After the year 2000, although the amount and duration of yearly exploitation was constant, fluctuations of water level continued. Fluctuation of groundwater levels and well yields bewilders the water users and imperils the sustainable water management in the study area and also in arid and semi-arid regions of Turkey. In order to overcome this problem, behavior of groundwater level and discharges of the wells must be recorded and the water users must be informed about the current conditions and the possible trend in the future of the system.  相似文献   

Probability-based nitrate contamination map of groundwater in Kinmen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Groundwater supplies over 50 % of drinking water in Kinmen. Approximately 16.8 % of groundwater samples in Kinmen exceed the drinking water quality standard (DWQS) of NO3 ?-N (10 mg/L). The residents drinking high nitrate-polluted groundwater pose a potential risk to health. To formulate effective water quality management plan and assure a safe drinking water in Kinmen, the detailed spatial distribution of nitrate–N in groundwater is a prerequisite. The aim of this study is to develop an efficient scheme for evaluating spatial distribution of nitrate–N in residential well water using logistic regression (LR) model. A probability-based nitrate–N contamination map in Kinmen is constructed. The LR model predicted the binary occurrence probability of groundwater nitrate–N concentrations exceeding DWQS by simple measurement variables as independent variables, including sampling season, soil type, water table depth, pH, EC, DO, and Eh. The analyzed results reveal that three statistically significant explanatory variables, soil type, pH, and EC, are selected for the forward stepwise LR analysis. The total ratio of correct classification reaches 92.7 %. The highest probability of nitrate–N contamination map presents in the central zone, indicating that groundwater in the central zone should not be used for drinking purposes. Furthermore, a handy EC–pH-probability curve of nitrate–N exceeding the threshold of DWQS was developed. This curve can be used for preliminary screening of nitrate–N contamination in Kinmen groundwater. This study recommended that the local agency should implement the best management practice strategies to control nonpoint nitrogen sources and carry out a systematic monitoring of groundwater quality in residential wells of the high nitrate–N contamination zones.  相似文献   

淮北市叶菜类蔬菜中硝酸盐含量的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对淮北市近郊几个大的蔬菜生产基地叶菜类蔬菜中硝酸盐含量的分析,发现淮北市叶菜类蔬菜中硝酸盐含量普遍很高,且有超标状况存在。究其因,主要是化肥的过量使用,使蔬菜中的硝态氮不能及时还原,累积于体内。  相似文献   

Bromate (BrO(3)(-)) is a disinfection by-product formed during ozonation of potable water supplies containing bromide (Br(-)). Bromate has been classed by the World Health Organisation as a 'possible human carcinogen', leading to implementation of 10-25 microg L(-1)(as BrO(3)(-)) drinking water limits in legislative areas including the United States and European Union. Techniques have been developed for bromate analysis at and below regulatory limits, with Ion Chromatography (IC) coupled with conductivity detection (IC-CD), post-column reaction and ultra-violet (UV) detection (IC-PCR), or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry detection (IC-ICPMS) in widespread use. The recent discovery of bromate groundwater contamination in a UK aquifer has led to a requirement for analysis of bromate in a groundwater matrix, for environmental monitoring and development of remediation strategies. The possibility of bromate-contaminated water discharge into sewage treatment processes, whether accidental or as a pump-and-treat strategy, also required bromate analysis of wastewater sources. This paper summarises techniques currently available for trace bromate analysis in potable water systems and details studies to identify a methodology for routine analysis of groundwater and wastewater samples. Strategies compared were high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with direct UV or PCR/UV detection, IC-CD, IC-PCR, and a simple spectrophotometric technique. IC-CD was the most cost-effective solution for simultaneous analysis of bromate and bromide within groundwater samples, having a 5 microg L(-1) detection limit of both anions with limited interference from closely-eluting species. Wastewater samples were successfully analysed for bromate only using HPLC with PCR/UV detection, with detection limits below 20 microg L(-1)(as BrO(3)(-)) and low interference. HPLC with direct UV detection was unsuitable for bromate analysis within the concentration range 50-5000 microg L(-1) which was required for this project, but column choice was shown to be a major factor in determining limits of detection. Spectrophotometry could not reproducibly determine bromate concentration, although the technique showed promise as a quick field method for high-level groundwater bromate analysis.  相似文献   

Development of groundwater quality index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assessing the water quality status for special use is the main objective of any water quality monitoring studies. The water quality index (WQI) is a mathematical instrument used to transform large quantities of water quality data into a single number which represents the water quality level. In fact, developing WQI in an area is a fundamental process in the planning of land use and water resources management. In this study, a simple methodology based on multivariate analysis is developed to create a groundwater quality index (GWQI), with the aim of identifying places with best quality for drinking within the Qazvin province, west central of Iran. The methodology is based on the definition of GWQI using average value of eight cation and anion parameters for 163 wells during a 3-year period. The proportion of observed concentrations to the maximum allowable concentration is calculated as normalized value of each parameter in observing wells. Final indices for each well are calculated considering weight of each parameter. In order to assess the groundwater quality of study area, the derived indices are compared with those of well-known mineral waters. Using developed indices, groundwater iso-index map for study area and the map of areas of which the indices are near to mineral waters was drawn. In the case study, the GWQI map reveals that groundwater quality in two areas is extremely near to mineral water quality. Created index map provides a comprehensive picture of easily interpretable for regional decision makers for better planning and management.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation (NA) is a catchall explanation for the overall decay and slowed movement of the contaminants in the subsurface. One direct support to NA is to demonstrate that contaminant concentrations from monitoring wells located near the source are decreasing over time. The decrease is summarily expressed in terms of an apparent half-life that is determinedfrom the line best fitting the observed log-transformed concentration data and time. This simple (time-only) decay modelassumes other factors are invariant, and so is flawed when complicating factors – such as a fluctuating water table – are present. A history of the water-table fluctuation can track changes in important NA factors like recharge, groundwater flow direction and velocity, as well as other non-NA factors like volume of water in and purged from the well before a sample is collected. When the trend in the concentrations is better associated with the water table rising or falling, any conclusionabout degradation rate may be premature. We develop simple regressions to predict contaminant concentration (c) by two line models: one involving time (c c(t)), and another involving groundwater elevation (c c(z)). We develop a third model that includesboth factors (c c(t, z)). Using an F-test to compare the fits to the models, we determine which modelis statistically better in explaining the observed concentrations. We applied the test to sites where benzene degradation rates had previously been estimated. The F-testcan be used to determine the suitability of applying non-parametric statistics, like the Mann-Kendall, to the concentration data, because the result from the F-test canindicate instability of the contaminant plume that may bemasked when the water table fluctuates.  相似文献   

In the Salento peninsula (Puglia Region, South-East Italy), underground waters are a fundamental resource for the population because they constitute the principal reservoir for drinking water and irrigation. They are, however, affected by overexploitation. The risk factors in the Salento arise mainly from anthropic activities, especially tourism and agriculture (leaking wells, sewage and inadequate waste disposal procedures). The Southern Salento is recognized to be at high risk of pathologies characterised by oral-faecal transmission. From 2001 to 2009 the incidence of typhoid fever in the Salento was 12.11/100,000 inhabitants as against 2.91 in Italy. Enteritis caused by rotaviruses is an important cause of hospitalization of paediatric-aged children in the Salento, with high social costs. An effective monitoring system for the conservation and management of water bodies and the protection of public health is therefore fundamental. The present study sought to determine the microbiological and chemical-physical quality of groundwater in the Salento and to analyse the factors associated with contamination. The results indicated widespread pollution from salt and microbial contamination. Contamination from faecal microorganisms posed a significant risk of human infection in 100% of samples. Furthermore, the water was unsuitable even for irrigation in a high percentage of cases (31.8%), which is of considerable significance given that agriculture is one of the most important economic activities in the area under study. The high salt concentration was probably due to excessive extraction of water for intensive irrigation, especially in summer. Under these circumstances, some of mitigation activity is necessary. Furthermore, it would be advisable to decrease the pollution load from anthropic activities in the territory and to reduce water consumption in order to conserve groundwater resources especially.  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater quality plays a significant role in the utilization of the scarce water resources globally and especially in arid regions. The increasing abstraction together with man-made contamination and seawater intrusion have strongly affected groundwater quality in the Arabia Peninsula, exemplified by the investigation given here from the United Arab Emirates, where the groundwater is seldom reviewed and assessed. In the aim of assessing current groundwater quality, we here present a comparison of chemical data linked to aquifers types. The results reveal that most of the investigated groundwater is not suitable for drinking, household, and agricultural purposes following the WHO permissible limits. Aquifer composition and climate have vital control on the water quality, with the carbonate aquifers contain the least potable water compared to the ophiolites and Quaternary clastics. Seawater intrusion along coastal regions has deteriorated the water quality and the phenomenon may become more intensive with future warming climate and rising sea level.  相似文献   

Groundwater withdrawal has major economic, social, and environmental implications. In Michigan, recent legislative activity has begun to address the issue of groundwater sustainability. However, more hydrologic data are needed to help inform policy and legislation. A study was conducted in Mecosta County, Michigan to: (1) determine if a relationship could be established between land use/land cover and groundwater quality; and (2) develop a conceptual model for the shallow groundwater system of the study region. In general, groundwater quality was good, with below detection levels of E. coli, low total bacterial counts, and relatively low nutrient concentrations. No statistically significant associations were found between the bacterial numbers and either land use or the physical/chemical attributes measured, which may be because the scale of our spatial analysis was too coarse to detect patterns. Finer-scale, localized processes may have a greater influence on microorganism growth and abundance than coarser-scale, regional processes in this area. Our groundwater analysis suggested that shallow groundwater flow paths are generally consistent with regional surface water flow networks, and that shallow groundwater levels in most of the region have fluctuated within 1–2 m over the past 30 years, with no obvious increasing or decreasing trend.  相似文献   

气相分子吸收光谱法测定海水中的硝酸盐氮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用GMA3212型气相分子吸收光谱仪测定海水中的硝酸盐氮,在常规海水中硝酸盐氮质量浓度范围内(0~4.00 mg/L)线性良好(线性相关系数0.999 9),检出限为0.004 mg/L,标准溶液平行测定的相对标准偏差小于或等于1.44%,相对误差小于或等于1.33%,实际水样加标回收率为96.0%~102%。通过与国标方法镉柱还原法的比对实验,2种方法在精密度、准确度、实样比对等方面均无显著性差异,测定结果具有良好的一致性。气相分子吸收光谱法具有操作简便、分析快速准确、试剂消耗少、适合批量测定等优点,是值得推介的先进方法。  相似文献   

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