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Safety of people has been the most important concern since the onset of commercial use of Compressed Natural Gas1 as a novel type of vehicle fuel. Provided a car vessel bursts, irreversible consequences will surface. The most important hazard threatening people and their properties in CNG distribution stations is pressurized natural gas in station storage vessels and car vessels. Storage vessels are far from people; however, they may damage other properties such as pipes, valves, electrical equipment, and etc. Owing to the distance between storage vessels and the hive, the risk is not considered a big concern; on the contrary, car storage vessel is very close to the passengers sitting in the car and those standing around the car. The proximity heightens the risk as the consequences caused by vessel burst can be more catastrophic than the former condition. Taken together, the car CNG vessel burst may be regarded as the most hazardous event at CNG distribution centers. It is believed that modeling the mentioned events can illustrate risky conditions. The present study was formulated in order to model one of such accidents occurring in Azad-Shahr in the winter 2010. The obtained results provided useful points and recommendations like the minimum safe distance from rupture center depending on such outcomes as overpressure, types of fire, or toxic release. The recommendations provided by the present study can prevent people from calamitous events and they can be adopted so as to reduce severity of possible events.  相似文献   

封闭式地面火炬爆炸事故后果模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用FLACS软件对某石化企业封闭式地面火炬进行三维建模,并对封闭式地面火炬不同排放气发生爆炸时爆炸超压随时间的变化规律进行模拟分析。研究结果表明,当封闭式地面火炬排放气为烃类气体时,发生爆炸所造成的爆炸冲击波只在排气筒内;当封闭式地面火炬排放气为H2时,发生爆炸所造成的爆炸冲击波影响范围较大,且在局部区域爆炸超压值较高。FLACS模拟计算方法可用于优化封闭式地面火炬安全设计,并能为确定封闭式地面火炬安全距离提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Study of flame distribution laws and the hazard effects in a tunnel gas explosion accident is of great importance for safety issue. However, it has not yet been fully explored. The object of present work is mainly to study the effects of premixed gas concentration on the distribution law of the flame region and the hazard effects involving methane-air explosion in a tube and a tunnel based on experimental and numerical results. The experiments were conducted in a tube with one end closed and the other open. The tube was partially filled with premixed methane-air mixture with six different premixed methane concentrations. Major simulation works were performed in a full-scale tunnel with a length of 1000 m. The first 56 m of the tunnel were occupied by methane–air mixture. Results show that the flame region is always longer than the original gas region in any case. Concentration has significant effects on the flame region distribution and the explosion behaviors. In the tube, peak overpressures and maximum rates of overpressure rise (dp/dt)max for mixtures with lower and higher concentrations are great lower than that for mixtures close to stoichiometric concentration. Due to the gas diffusion effect, not the stoichiometric mixture but the mixture with a slightly higher concentration of 11% gets the highest peak overpressure and the shock wave speed along the tube. In the full-scale tunnel, for fuel lean and stoichiometric mixture, the maximum peak combustion rates is achieved before arriving at the boundary of the original methane accumulation region, while for fuel rich mixture, the maximum value appears beyond the region. It is also found that the flame region for the case of stoichiometric mixture is the shortest as 72 m since the higher explosion intensity shortens the gas diffusion time. The case for concentration of 13% can reach up to a longest value of 128 m for longer diffusion time and the abundant fuel. The “serious injury and death” zone caused by shock wave may reach up to 3–8 times of the length of the original methane occupied region, which is the widest damage region.  相似文献   

It is well known that bifurcation structures have a significant influence on gas explosions in pipelines or roadways. In this work, three different types of bifurcation, namely, bifurcation with two right angles (BTRAs), bifurcation with two obtuse angles (BTOAs), and bifurcation with an obtuse angle and an acute angle (BOAA), were used to study the effect of bifurcation on premixed methane–air explosion overpressure in pipes. The effect of the position of bifurcation on gas explosions was also discussed. Our results suggest that the peak overpressure evolution in pipes exhibits a downtrend before the bifurcation, a sharp increase after the bifurcation until reaching the maximum, and a downward trend when propagating into the pipe end. It was also found that gas-explosion propagation was affected by the joint action of turbulence induced by obstacles and the abrupt increase of the cross-sectional area. In addition, the bifurcation’s position had only a small effect on the maximum peak overpressure in pipes.  相似文献   

Since the damage suffered by buildings as a consequence of explosions usually affect the people inside them, it is important to take it into account when performing consequence analysis. The aim of this paper is to provide a methodology to estimate consequences to buildings from pressure waves produced by spherical vessel burst. This is done by combining characteristic overpressure–impulse–distance curves [González Ferradás, E., Diaz Alonso, F., Sanchez Perez, J.F., Miñana Aznar, A., Ruiz Gimeno, J. and Martinez Alonso, J., 2006, Characteristic overpressure–impulse–distance curves for vessel burst, Process Safety Progress, 25(3): 250–254] with PROBIT equations. The main advantage of this methodology is that it allows an overview of all the magnitudes involved, as damage is shown in the same graph as the overpressure, impulse and distance. In this paper diagrams and equations are presented to determine minor damage to buildings (broken windows, displacement of doors and window frames, tile displacement, etc.), major structural damage (cracks in walls, collapse of some walls) and collapse (the damage is so extensive that the building is partially or totally demolished).  相似文献   

Either in the chemical process plants or in the underground infrastructures, the isolation seal is regularly used to separate the working sections and inactive sections, or to isolate the possible explosion sites in order to avoid any domino effects. Due to differences in accumulation space or ignition point locations, pressure on the seal can vary when an explosion occurs. Thus, the safety and reliability of seals are crucial to maintaining safety in process industry. This paper focuses on seals constructed with concrete and loess materials, and examines the dynamic response characteristics of the gas explosion wave on the seal through sample experiments and numerical simulation metods. The study proposes an optimized design for the explosion-proof structure of the wedge-shaped and spherical seal, which can provide a technical basis for the explosion-proof and anti-explosion measures of various sealed walls. These research findings can also serve as a basis for improving the construction quality of seals.  相似文献   

Simulations of gas explosion of hydrogen/air mixture inside two rooms connected by ducts are carried out. Scalar transport chemical reaction model and LES turbulence model are utilized to reduce the calculation load and to conduct real-scale analysis. The effects of ignition source locations and volume of ignited room are analyzed, and the time history of pressure and rate of pressure rise in each room are focused in this study. When the volume of the ignited room is larger than the other room, the high pressure from the other room causes a force to act on the partition to the ignited room. This study indicates that the current technique can predict specific features of gas explosions inside two rooms connected by the ducts.  相似文献   

Storage tank separation distance, which considerably affects forestalling and mitigating accident consequences, is principally determined by thermal radiation modeling and meeting industry safety requirements. However, little is known about the influence of separation distance on gas dispersion or gas explosion, which are the most destructive types of accidents in industrial settings. This study evaluated the effect of separation distance on gas dispersion and vapor cloud explosion in a storage tank farm. Experiments were conducted using Flame Acceleration Simulator, an advanced computational fluid dynamics software program. Codes governing the design of separation distances in China and the United States were compared. A series of geometrical models of storage tanks with various separation distances were established. Overall, increasing separation distance led to a substantial reduction in vapor cloud volume and size in most cases. Notably, a 1.0 storage diameter separation distance appeared to be optimal. In terms of vapor cloud explosion, a greater separation distance had a marked effect on mitigating overpressure in gas explosions. Therefore, separation distance merited consideration in the design of storage tanks to prevent gas dispersion and explosion.  相似文献   

Vacuum chamber is a new method to suppress the gas explosion. The explosion propagation characteristics have been studied in an L-shaped channel (tubes joined a right angle) with a vacuum chamber in the region of joining of the tubes. The vacuum chamber separated from the inner tubular space with the help of a diaphragm pierced by firing pin. The results demonstrate that the effect of explosion suppression of vacuum chamber is related to the break-up time of diaphragm and the position of the explosive flame front. When the diaphragm breaks up, the shorter the distance of flame front propagation is, the closer the flame front gets to the vacuum chamber, and the better effect of explosion suppression is, conversely, the worse the effect of explosion suppression is.  相似文献   

In order to address the risk of combustible gas explosions in sewage culverts, a numerical model was established using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. The model consisted of a culvert and a cover plate, and was used to study the effect of cover plate thickness (ranging from 0.08 m to 0.12 m) on the dynamic response and damage of the structure under explosive loads. The results indicated that, during the loading negative pressure stage, the equivalent stress peak value of the central monitoring unit of the cover plate first increased and then decreased with increasing cover plate thickness. Additionally, the maximum principal stress peak value first decreased and then increased, while the maximum shear stress peak value first increased and then decreased. During the loading positive pressure stage, the maximum principal strain peak value of the monitoring unit decreased overall with increasing cover plate thickness. However, the equivalent plastic strain peak value initially increased and then decreased gradually. The equivalent strain indicated that plastic damage occurred in the cover plate. Beyond a thickness of 0.11 m, increasing the cover thickness did not appear to enhance its resistance to plastic damage. The damage analysis revealed that as cover plate thickness increased, the peak displacement and velocity of the monitoring unit continued to decrease, while the overall stability and explosive resistance of the cover plate increased. Additionally, the number of damaged fragments decreased. However, once the cover plate thickness reached 0.11 m, the bonding performance of the reinforced concrete structure had been fully developed, increasing the thickness of the cover plate no longer had a significant impact on the explosive resistance of the cover plate.  相似文献   

为了探求一氧化碳与水蒸汽参与瓦斯爆炸的化学反应动力学过程的阻尼效应,建立了受限空间中瓦斯爆炸反应的数学模型。数值计算结果表明,结果表明在瓦斯爆炸过程中,瓦斯-空气混合气体含有10%的一氧化碳,虽然会延迟瓦斯爆炸时间,抑制瓦斯爆炸,但是H、O自由基浓度、瓦斯爆炸温度和压力比不加入一氧化碳时升高,同时对CO2、NO的生成起促进作用;当混合气体中含有10%的水蒸汽时,H、O自由基浓度降低,瓦斯爆炸温度和压力也随之降低,致灾性气体CO2、NO的生成得到抑制。虽然一氧化碳对瓦斯爆炸有一定的阻尼效应,但是由于一氧化碳对部分致灾性气体的生成有促进作用,因此,在阻尼瓦斯爆炸方面,水蒸汽的效果要好于一氧化碳。  相似文献   

To study the mechanism of the suppressing effect of Expanded Aluminium (EA) on the premixed gas explosion, premixed methane-air and propane-air gases were undergone explosion reaction in the presence of EA in a self-designed closed pipeline with the overpressures and the compositions, rates and sensitivities of products analyzed. The results showed that the 9.5% methane-air and 5% propane-air explosions produced peak pressures decreased by 79.3% and 65.6%, and residual methane and propane contents increased by 270% and 560% respectively than without EA. In addition, the results revealed that the explosions of propane in the presence of EA produced less methane and carbon oxides contents, but more ethylene and propylene contents. The simulation showed that H, O, and OH are the key factors affecting the rate of products. The product compositions, together with other parameters, suggested that EA decreased temperature, inhibited chain initiation and propagation reaction, but facilitated chain termination reaction by advancing and accelerating the gas phase and wall destruction reaction of radicals, especially collisions and concentration of key free radicals. This new research method based on the analysis of explosion products can be used for in-depth research into gas explosion features and shed light on the suppressing mechanism of EA in flammable gas explosion.  相似文献   

针对瓦斯爆炸事故在矿井开采中的危害及防治,从爆炸发展规律和爆炸防治两大方面对国内外瓦斯爆炸研究状况进行了综合评述.国内外学者通过理论法、实验法、数值模拟法对瓦斯爆炸进行研究,瓦斯爆炸发展规律方面的研究涉及到瓦斯爆炸的机理、瓦斯组分及浓度对爆炸发展规律的影响、爆炸发生的条件及危害、爆炸过程中的燃烧阶段变化及流体流动状态变...  相似文献   

路长  王小康  刘洋  王鸿波 《火灾科学》2018,27(3):174-180
为实现主动抑制瓦斯爆炸,研制了高速抑爆响应系统。选用尺寸为150mm×150mm×1 600mm的有机玻璃管道,在CH4体积分数为9.5%的条件下进行响应系统测试实验。系统采用火焰传感器进行爆炸火焰探测,通过所设计的程序自主判定瓦斯爆炸的发生并输出控制电信号,以继电器或MOS管为电路控制开关,通过电磁阀控制抑爆剂的喷出。实验结果表明,火焰传感器探测、信号采集、爆炸判断、输出电信号的总平均耗时为22ms,抑爆剂开始释放的平均时刻为59.8ms,抑爆剂释放到管道顶端的平均时刻为79.8ms。而爆炸火焰传播到达喷头所在1.0m处平均时刻为176.2ms。实验表明该系统具有高速主动抑爆响应功能和良好的稳定性、可靠性。  相似文献   

城区天然气管道泄漏数值模拟与爆炸危害分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人口密度为三级和四级的城区内,密集的高建筑物对天然气管道泄漏后的扩散和流场形成产生重要影响。本文以某城市的实际情况为例,建立多建筑物的空间几何模型,采用k-ε湍流方程,SIMPLE算法,模拟了在三种不同风流速度、三种不同压力条件下,城区天然气管道泄漏气体在多建筑物地形中的扩散情况。根据模拟结果,依据天然气的爆炸极限,对模拟结果及其火灾爆炸危害的范围进行了对比分析。结果表明,CH4气体的泄漏扩散同时受管道压力、风流速度和周围建筑物的影响;同时受当地风速的影响,泄漏气柱在风流作用下会发生偏折,造成阻挡风流的建筑物内侧危险气体浓度升高,大大增加建筑物周围环境的危险性。研究结果对城区天然气管道的建设具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The relief of a gas explosion in a tubular vessel by venting can be predicted by using a mathematical model. In this model, the flame acceleration is represented by an increase in the burning velocity. The movement of a vent cover can be included. The model assumes that the vent is blocked by the vent cover prior to the explosion. the venting ratio was the most influential parameter in terms of relieving the pressure. In the case of a large venting ratio, the flame acceleration made a highly significant contribution, whereas for small venting ratios, the weight of the vent cover contributed to the relief more than the flame acceleration. When the pressure is required to be reduced significantly, the venting ratio, the vent open pressure and the weight of the vent cover must all be reduced.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is one of the most suitable solutions to replace hydrocarbons in the future. Hydrogen consumption is expected to grow in the next years. Hydrogen liquefaction is one of the processes that allows for increase of hydrogen density and it is suggested when a large amount of substance must be stored or transported. Despite being a clean fuel, its chemical and physical properties often arise concerns about the safety of the hydrogen technologies. A potentially critical scenario for the liquid hydrogen (LH2) tanks is the catastrophic rupture causing a consequent boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE), with consequent overpressure, fragments projection and eventually a fireball. In this work, all the BLEVE consequence typologies are evaluated through theoretical and analytical models. These models are validated with the experimental results provided by the BMW care manufacturer safety tests conducted during the 1990's. After the validation, the most suitable methods are selected to perform a blind prediction study of the forthcoming LH2 BLEVE experiments of the Safe Hydrogen fuel handling and Use for Efficient Implementation (SH2IFT) project. The models drawbacks together with the uncertainties and the knowledge gap in LH2 physical explosions are highlighted. Finally, future works on the modelling activity of the LH2 BLEVE are suggested.  相似文献   

Gas explosion in connected vessels usually leads to high pressure and high rate of pressure increase which the vessels and pipes can not tolerate. Severe human casualties and property losses may occur due to the variation characteristics of gas explosion pressure in connected vessels. To determine gas explosion strength, an experimental testing system for methane and air mixture explosion in a single vessel, in a single vessel connected a pipe and in connected vessels has been set up. The experiment apparatus consisted of two spherical vessels of 350 mm and 600 mm in diameter, three connecting pipes of 89 mm in diameter and 6 m in length. First, the results of gas explosion pressure in a single vessel and connected vessels were compared and analyzed. And then the development of gas explosion, its changing characteristics and relevant influencing factors were analyzed. When gas explosion occurs in a single vessel, the maximum explosion pressure and pressure growth rate with ignition at the center of a spherical vessel are higher than those with ignition on the inner-wall of the vessel. In conclusion, besides ignition source on the inner wall, the ignition source at the center of the vessels must be avoided to reduce the damage level. When the gas mixture is ignited in the large vessel, the maximum explosion pressure and explosion pressure rising rate in the small vessel raise. And the maximum explosion pressure and pressure rising rate in connected vessels are higher than those in the single containment vessel. So whenever possible, some isolation techniques, such as fast-acting valves, rotary valves, etc., might be applied to reduce explosion strength in the integrated system. However, when the gas mixture is ignited in the small vessel, the maximum explosion pressures in the large vessel and in the small vessel both decrease. Moreover, the explosion pressure is lower than that in the single vessel. When gas explosion happens in a single vessel connected to a pipe, the maximum explosion pressure occurs at the end of the pipe if the gas mixture is ignited in the spherical vessel. Therefore, installing a pipe into the system can reduce the maximum explosion pressure, but it also causes the explosion pressure growth rate to increase.  相似文献   

为研究真实通风工况下瓦斯爆炸冲击波在复杂管网内的超压演化规律及高温传播规律,采用数值模拟方法,研究角联通风管网模型中各个监测点在不同通风条件下对瓦斯爆炸冲击波超压及高温的影响规律,研究结果表明:瓦斯爆炸冲击波在角联管网传播过程中产生3个局部高压区域,高温气体主要在左、右通路内传播,斜角联分支内只受到微弱影响;管网入口风流的存在,使得爆炸初期冲击波超压经相同距离传播用时更短,峰值更大,破坏力更强;风流的存在使得管网内高温气体传播状态发生改变,斜角联分支与左通路尾部热量发生积聚,温度峰值更大。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method based on Fuzzy theory is presented to estimate the occurrence possibility of vapor cloud explosion (VCE) of flammable materials. This new method helps the analyst to overcome some uncertainties associated with estimating VCE possibility with the Event Tree (ET) technique. In this multi-variable model, the physical properties of the released material and the characteristics of the surrounding environment are used as the parameters specifying the occurrence possibility of intermediate events leading to a VCE. Factors such as area classification, degree of congestion of a plant and release rate are notably affecting the output results. Moreover, the proposed method benefits from experts' opinions in the estimation of the VCE possibility. A refrigeration cycle is used as the case study and the probability of VCE occurrence is determined for different scenarios. In this study, sensitivity analysis is performed on the model parameters to assess their effect on the final values of the VCE possibility. Furthermore, the results are compared with the results obtained using other existing models.  相似文献   

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