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Since gas plants are progressively increasing near urban areas, a comprehensive tool to plan maintenance and reduce the risk arising from their operations is required. To this end, a comparison of three Risk-Based Maintenance methodologies able to point out maintenance priorities for the most critical components, is presented in this paper. Moreover, while the literature is mostly focused on probabilistic analysis, a particular attention is directed towards consequence analysis throughout this study. The first developed technique is characterized by a Hierarchical Bayesian Network to perform the occurrence analysis and a Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis to assess the magnitude of the adverse outcomes. The second approach is a Quantitative Risk Analysis carried out via a software named Safeti. Finally, another software called Synergi Plant is adopted for the third methodology, which provides a Risk-Based Inspection plan, through a semiquantitative risk analysis. The proposed study can assist asset manager in adopting the most appropriate methodology to their context, while highlighting priority components. To demonstrate the applicability of the approaches and compare their rankings, a Natural Gas Regulating and Measuring Station is considered as case study. The results showed that the most suited method strongly depends on the available data.  相似文献   

为了找出导致加油站发生火灾爆炸事故的基本事件及其可能性大小,以加油站火灾爆炸故障树为基础建立相应的贝叶斯网络风险模型。在FTA向BN转化算法的基础上对条件概率做出了修正。利用GeNIe软件计算加油站火灾爆炸事故基事件的后验概率,同时进行灵敏度和影响力分析。最后通过实例分析,找出了导致某加油站发生火灾爆炸事故危险性最大的因素集为:加油站接打手机、机械碰撞、给塑料容器加油、加油冒油、油枪渗漏等。结果表明,注重基事件的多态性和事件间逻辑关系合理性的新模型,能推算出更准确的基事件概率分布,同时可以找出导致事故发生的最有可能途径,为加油站事故预防,系统改进提供较为合理性建议。  相似文献   

The overall objective of the maintenance process is to increase the profitability of the operation and optimize the total life cycle cost without compromising safety or environmental issues. Risk assessment integrates reliability with safety and environmental issues and therefore can be used as a decision tool for preventive maintenance planning. Maintenance planning based on risk analysis minimizes the probability of system failure and its consequences (related to safety, economic, and environment). It helps management in making correct decisions concerning investment in maintenance or related field. This will, in turn, result in better asset and capital utilization.

This paper presents a new methodology for risk-based maintenance. The proposed methodology is comprehensive and quantitative. It comprises three main modules: risk estimation module, risk evaluation module, and maintenance planning module. Details of the three modules are given. A case study, which exemplifies the use of methodology to a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, is also discussed.  相似文献   

场站是气田集输的枢纽,也是高风险存在和集中的场所.本论文采用重大事故后果模拟分析法建立天然气泄漏速率估算模型、蒸气云爆炸模型,并以陕北某一天然气场站为例,借助Risk System软件对天然气泄漏速率和泄漏量以及蒸气云爆炸最大事故进行数值模拟.模拟分析结果有助于对天然气场站可能发生的各种事故进行风险评价,也有助于对各类...  相似文献   

论述加油站系统单元划分方法,研究加油站工艺过程,认为事故发生的原因一方面是由于系统各单元危险源的存在和控制措施的不完善,另一方面是由于工艺过程系统节点参数(流量、压力、温度等)发生有效偏差和偏差的传递造成的。针对上述两方面原因,首先从系统安全的角度,将加油站系统划分为5部分,并应用安全检查表方法对各子系统进行了定性安全评价;然后将工艺过程划分为6个节点,应用模糊危险与可操作性研究Fuzzy-HAZOP方法,对各个节点发生有效偏差的原因进行了定量的系统安全分析,并得到半定量化结果;最终从定性和定量两个方面完成了加油站系统安全评价。  相似文献   

油气管道腐蚀可靠性的贝叶斯评价法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对油气管道腐蚀危害因素进行分析,建立其失效故障树。根据故障树分析原理,找出导致管道腐蚀穿孔破坏的23个因素。通过对故障树的定性分析,采用下行法求出油气管道腐蚀失效故障树的96个全部最小割集,并确定失效的主要影响因素。结合最小割集不相交化法和贝叶斯可靠性评定法对管道腐蚀失效进行定量分析,通过某油气管道事故统计数据,利用贝叶斯可靠性评定方法求出油气管道腐蚀可靠性的一阶矩和二阶矩。对一阶矩和二阶矩进行拟合,求出油气管道腐蚀可靠性的第一近似下限和第二近似下限。结果表明:得出的油气腐蚀管道贝叶斯可靠性评价结果可以指导管道系统的维护和维修,降低管道运行的风险。  相似文献   

加油加气站雷击静电事故分析及安全防护技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷击主要损坏加油加气站电子系统设备并引发一系列危害,大都是雷电波侵入和雷电反击造成,静电易引发火灾和爆炸。结合近几年来,山东省淄博地区汽车加油加气站现有防雷防静电装置的检测(验收)情况,归纳出缺少防直击雷装置、缺失SPD防护、未共用同一地网等五个方面的重大安全隐患,并逐一给出整改措施。对大型加油加气站应依据雷电灾害风险评估来确定其防雷类别,新建站的防雷防静电装置应严格按照设计、施工和验收"三同时"原则,建立雷击静电事故应急处置预案和定期检测与维护防雷防静电装置是加油加气站安全生产的重要关键环节。  相似文献   

基于神经网络的煤与瓦斯突出预测模型   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在全面分析了煤与瓦斯突出影响因素的基础上 ,提出了煤与瓦斯突出预测的人工神经网络模型。介绍了突出特征指标的选取及表示方法与推理过程。实例分析表明 ,模型精度很高 ,可用于工作面煤与瓦斯突出预测 ,并分别给出图 2 ,表 3,文献 5  相似文献   

为预防高含硫天然气泄漏事故和制定设备检测策略,对集气站设备进行定量风险评价。利用DNV Leak数据库得到集气站关键设备的同类失效频率,利用API 581标准对同类失效频率修正得到失效频率。用PHAST软件计算4种典型泄漏孔尺寸的燃烧爆炸和毒性的影响区域范围,确定设备的燃烧爆炸风险和毒性风险。结果表明,利用该方法能够确定设备风险大小顺序。  相似文献   

李永波 《环境与发展》2020,(4):150-150,152
伴随着我国社会现代化程度和城市化进程的不断加深,社会得到了非常好的发展,但同时也产生了大量的废气和废水,对生态环境造成了严重破坏。因此,为了将这个问题良好的解决,应建立一套具有较高科学性和合理性的废水废气污染源在线监测系统,并加大日常维护及故障处理的力度,从根源减少人们在工作生活中对生态环境造成的影响。因此,本文针对废水废气污染源在线监测系统日常维护及故障处理的有效措施,展开详细的分析,以期能够为我国生态环境可持续发展目标的实现贡献应有的力量。  相似文献   

煤层透气性系数是用以考察保护层开采效果和设计瓦斯抽采系统的重要参数之一,钻孔径向流量法是求取该系数最常用的算法。利用理论推导和图形分析方法,探讨流量准数、时间准数、煤层透气性系数与参数A,B间的关系。在此基础上,针对科研工作和现场管理的实际情况,提出求解透气性系数的2种新算法及其算法流程,并对时间准数-参数A,B函数关系中的间断点问题进行讨论和分析,解决此区间内求解透气性系数相应计算公式等问题。理论和实例分析表明:算法1在不更改最终计算公式和结果的前提下,省去了繁琐的试算过程,既保证了可靠性也优化了计算流程;算法2以稍减精度的代价对计算流程进行进一步的简化,其结果仍有较高精度。  相似文献   

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is widely used to cost-effectively store and transport natural gas. However, a spill of LNG can create a vapor cloud, which can potentially cause fire and explosion. High expansion (HEX) foam is recommended by the NFPA 11 to mitigate the vapor hazard and control LNG pool fire. In this study, the parameters that affect HEX foam performance were examined using lab-scale testing of foam temperature profile and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of heat transfer in vapor channels. A heat transfer model using ANSYS Fluent® was developed to estimate the minimum HEX foam height that allows the vapors from LNG spillage to disperse rapidly. We also performed a sensitivity analysis on the effect of the vaporization rate, the diameter of the vapor channel, and the heat transfer coefficient on the required minimum height of the HEX foam. It can be observed that at least 1.2 m of HEX foam in height are needed to achieve risk mitigation in a typical situation. The simulation results can be used not only for understanding the heat transfer mechanisms when applying HEX foam but also for suggesting to the LNG facility operator how much HEX foam they need for effective risk mitigation under different conditions.  相似文献   

Contractor selection is one of the major concerns of industry managers such as those in the oil industry. The objective of this study was to determine a contractor selection pattern for oil and gas industries in a safety approach. Assessment of contractors based on specific criteria and ultimately selecting an eligible contractor preserves the organizational resources. Due to the safety risks involved in the oil industry, one of the major criteria of contractor selection considered by managers today is safety. The results indicated that the most important safety criterion of contractor selection was safety records and safety investments. This represented the industry’s risks and the impact of safety training and investment on the performance of other sectors and the overall organization. The output of this model could be useful in the safety risk assessment process in the oil industry and other industries.  相似文献   

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