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In this paper, the authors answer the question and help readers to form a view of ‘what does safe look and feel like’? Five important aspects of safety are addressed logically: Safety Culture, Safety Awareness, Safety Function, Processes, and Training. In each part, rather than just address what elements are involved and the importance of every element, this paper also provides general ideas and examples to help improve the level of safety. While safety culture is to a large extent influenced by the leadership; a best-in-class safety culture can be self-perpetuating particularly if the initial journey to best-in-class safety culture embeds the concepts of safety awareness, safety functions, processes and training in the organization. The paper provides an overview of safety related actions, tools, and processes that High Reliability Organizations follow, and should serve as a benchmark for other organizations of all sizes in search of safety improvement.  相似文献   

安全文化分析及其发展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
安全文化通常用于描述如何在工作场所对安全进行管理,通常表现为员工对安全的态度、信任、观念、和价值标准等。通过分析事故原因,证实在诸如工艺、设备等一系列硬件条件对安全生产起决定性作用的因素之外,安全文化作为安全生产的重要组成部分,在安全生产过程中起决定性作用。这一认知在切尔诺贝利核电站事故等一系列国内外的安全生产事故的回顾和调查中逐渐清晰并为人所接受。通过安全文化概念的发展,对比各种安全文化定义的阐释,分析安全文化所包含的特征要素,论述安全文化的重要性并展示其复杂性。在分析安全文化评价方法的基础上对安全文化评价方法融入安全评价的可能做出展望,为进一步的安全文化评价研究提供参考。  相似文献   

中国民航局提出持续安全理念,并正在制定国家航空安全方案,推动行业安全管理由目前基于规章符合性的安全监管逐渐转向规章符合性基础上的安全绩效监管,其中一项重要的工作是设定中国民航业可接受的安全水平,来衡量民航业是否满足持续改进安全的目标的要求。本文根据国际民航组织对可接受安全水平的设定指南,同时参考国外民航常用的事故指标,设计了一套中国民航行业可接受安全水平的指标体系,该指标体系包括安全评估指标、安全绩效评估指标和安全指数三层,并对该指标体系内事故率指标和事故征候率指标设定了未来10年的目标值。该指标体系及其目标值的设定不仅可作为衡量民航是否持续安全的标准,也可为航空运输企业设定自身的安全绩效考核指标提供参考。  相似文献   

Occupational Health and Safety in Spain has improved considerably over the last decade, most likely due to a new concept where an overall concept of safety culture is defined. Important changes in industrial safety, hygiene, and psychosocial factors present an optimistic panorama for the future of Spain. Despite this general improvement, according to the European Convergence Program, Spanish statistics still offer far from good safety results. In fact, according to 1997 official statistics, Spain had the highest incidence rate for nonfatal occupational accidents of all European Union (EU) countries, and occupied third place for fatal accidents. This paper summarizes the organizational structure of the Spanish National System of Health & Safety at Work, its effective health and safety laws, and statistics on the Spanish work environment obtained from III Spanish National Survey on Work Conditions (1997). The researchers hope that the findings of this work will have an impact on Spanish industry that will subsequently bring about improvements in work conditions and develop assessment and intervention models in occupational health and safety, from a theoretical position integrating environmental, human, and organizational factors.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(6):697-722
This paper reports on the implementation of an advanced safety culture in a major oil and gas multi-national. The original proposal came from the company after it had become clear that expectations had been raised after the successful implementation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management Systems subsequent to the Piper Alpha disaster. The proposal made by the company, to develop a workforce intrinsically motivated for HSE, was operationalised as the development of an advanced safety culture after a review of the literature on motivation. The model used was the HSE Culture Ladder that had become the industry standard accepted by the OGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers). This model was intended to show that there were considerable opportunities for improvement even after HSE-MS had been implemented and that the more advanced cultures were ones people felt were desirable and achievable for themselves. Once top management had provided the initial support for the development of a more advanced safety culture, a number of supporting tools were developed, under the Hearts and Minds brand, and a strategy for implementation was developed that relied more on bottom-up ‘pull’ rather than top-down ‘push’ – the standard implementation model for new initiatives. The tools were designed to provide a clear direction, a road map to an advanced culture defined in terms provided by people within the industry, to support lasting changes in attitudes and beliefs, to promote an increased feeling of control when solving HSE-specific problems – all components of a more advanced culture. The tactics employed, using a pull rather than a push approach, had to allow for local variation within the general limits set by the strategy that eventually became a mixed top-down and bottom-up approach. Next there is a discussion of the current status and the lessons to be learnt from the implementation so far: moving away from command and control is hard for large organizations; such programs have to be driven by different performance indicators; managers have to learn to disperse their control; it is essential to communicate both successes and failures. Finally there is a discussion about the respective roles of academia and the industry in such endeavours, the requirement to concentrate on more than a single cultural characteristic such as reporting, and the difficulties of evaluating such programs in a worldwide environment that is continuously changing.  相似文献   

An indicator can be considered any measure – quantitative or qualitative – that seeks to produce information on an issue of interest. Safety indicators can play a key role in providing information on organizational performance, motivating people to work on safety and increasing organizational potential for safety. We will describe the challenges of monitoring and driving system safety. Currently, the same lead indicators are used – explicitly or implicitly – for both purposes. The fact that the selection and use of safety performance indicators is always based on a certain understanding (a model) of the sociotechnical system and safety is often forgotten. We present a theoretical framework for utilizing safety performance indicators in safety–critical organizations that incorporates three types of safety performance indicators – outcome, monitor and drive indicators. We provide examples of each type of indicator and discuss the application of the framework in organizational safety management. We argue that outcome indicators are lag indicators since outcomes always follow something; they are the consequences arising from multiple other situational and contextual factors. Monitor and drive indicators are lead indicators. The main function of the drive indicators is to direct the sociotechnical activity in the organization by motivating certain safety-related activities. Monitor indicators provide a view on the dynamics of the organization: the practices, abilities, skills and motivation of the personnel – the organizational potential for safety. We conclude that organizations should better acknowledge the significance of monitor and drive indicators in safety management.  相似文献   

国内外优秀企业安全文化建设分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全文化作为一种新的安全管理模式,正在被越来越多的企业所重视和接受。国内外优秀的大型企业集团,纷纷依据自身安全管理工作的特点,建立了特色鲜明的安全文化模型,为提升企业的安全管理水平中发挥了重要作用。从安全文化的基本内涵出发,分析了国内外几家优秀企业安全文化建设情况,并通过比对总结了优秀企业安全文化应具备的五个特点。研究结果有利于企业更好的结合自身实际开展安全文化建设工作,提高企业安全文化体系的科学性和实效性。  相似文献   

Promoting occupational safety and health in Hong Kong,Special Administrative Region of China is an important and ongoing mission. As the major organization with statutory responsibilities,the Occupational Safety and Health Council understand the importance to strengthen and cultivate our safety culture. It is widely believed that numbers of occupational related diseases and injuries could be prevented with the improvement of the awareness and attitudes of the employees and the public. Therefore,a comprehensive and in-depth study to monitor the occupational health and safety level and status of the community and working population is needed. Objectives: Our Council has developed the Occupational Safety Culture Index ( OSCI) to measure the current level of community and workplace safety and health awareness,knowledge and attitude. Benchmarking measures of the key safety performance indicators are to be derived thereof. Methods: A territory-wide random telephone survey was conducted to assess the community and employees’awareness,attitude and knowledge in 2008. A structured questionnaire was designed with the content validity and reliability assessed before the survey administration. A series of quality control approaches were also applied to assure the quality of the fieldwork and the reliability of the data. Results: 1,531 eligible participants’data were collected and computed into 2 types of composite indices,Occupational Safety Culture Index ( Community) ( OSCIC) and Occupational Safety Culture Index (Workplace) (OSCIW) . With the maximum score of index at 100,the overall score of OSCIC is 66. 9 and the OSCIW is 61. 3 in Hong Kong. Achievements: OSCI served as an effective management tool to measure the safety culture in Hong Kong. With a representative sample and high quality study control and validated assessment approaches,the OSCI and the sub-indices are reliable indicators to assess the effectiveness of safety culture enhancement strategy and the OSH intervention measures.  相似文献   

安全文化建设不仅是加强安全防护的基本手段,而且是主动促进安全的有力措施,以企业安全文化建设为研究对象,根据《企业安全文化建设导则》,对企业安全文化的特征进行了系统分析,按照控制论的思想,针对企业安全文化建设的基本元素,从宏观层面和微观层面对安全文化提出了建设思路,建立了安全文化建设体系的控制图,从而对企业安全文化建设的内涵进行了深刻剖析。  相似文献   

为明晰政府安全文化的基本理论问题,进而确立政府安全文化研究与实践的基本理论框架,根据组织安全文化与政府文化的定义,提出政府安全文化的定义,并依次从政府安全文化的主体、载体、主要内容与直接目的等9方面出发,详细探讨政府安全文化的重要内涵。在此基础上,深入解析政府安全文化的建设思路与路径。结果表明:政府安全文化建设是推进政府安全监督管理体制机制改革和提升政府安全监督管理水平的一条重要思路和措施,政府安全文化的建设思路与路径主要包括4方面内容,即建设内容、建设方向、核心理念与建设途径。  相似文献   

促进企业安全文化系统化发展的思路   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
为了实现企业安全文化由低级向高级不断发展的目的 ,笔者提出 :应该在我国大力开展“企业安全文化促进计划 (ESCPP)”的研究和推广应用。ESCPP是一种有效促进企业安全文化持续发展而建立的系统化方法和工作体系。完整的ESCPP至少应该包括 :①建立科学合理的企业安全文化的评价指标体系 ;②利用评价指标体系对企业的安全文化现状进行评估 ;③确定企业安全文化发展的目标 ;④制定企业安全文化改进方案 ;⑤进行员工培训 ;⑥实施已制定好的企业安全文化改进方案 ;⑦评估改进方案实施效果 ,持续改进。笔者对ESCPP的这 7个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

安全文化对于改善企业安全生产、公民安全意识、预防事故都有不可低估的力量。安全文化定量测量数据可以用于定量跟踪企业安全文化建设的进展,因此证明安全文化定量测量数据的有效性就显得极为重要。本文分析2007年以来已经在39个煤矿测得的安全文化量值和安全业绩数据,得到我国安全文化值在国际最好企业和最差企业之间;分析某集团企业的安全文化水平数据,得到安全业绩和安全文化的逻辑对应关系;应用自2007年以来已经在39个煤矿测得的安全文化量值和安全业绩数据得到百万吨死亡率和安全文化之间的对应关系;调研并得到结论———77%的企业经理认为安全文化定量测量与改善对企业安全业绩的提高很有效果。通过以上四个方面的论证,证明我们的安全文化测量数据是有效的。  相似文献   

This article discusses the extent to which indicators can represent organisational qualities in relation to safety and how a qualitative approach called the Operational Safety Condition (OSC) method can be a supplement and help improve safety. In light of the recent Safety Science debate on safety indicators, we suggest that it is difficult to capture organisational conditions using indicators, although they are indisputably important when identifying the risk of accidents. Safety climate and risk analysis approaches are discussed as methods that can build and assess indicators in relation to organisational safety quality. OSC and similar qualitative approaches can capture the complexity of organisational conditions, aid organisational learning at a double loop level and offer a tool for risk management.  相似文献   

安全文化的概念被提出以来,国内外出现了多种安全文化的定义,对企业优秀安全文化特征的论述也多种多样。总体看来,优秀的企业安全文化应具有鼓励报告性、公平公正性、持续改进性和灵活可塑性四种基本属性。此外,在拥有优秀的安全文化的企业中,组织的全体成员应具有积极的安全态度、较高的风险认知能力和安全行为能力。优秀的安全文化不是自然形成的,需要正确的安全文化建设方法。基于对如何建设优秀安全文化的分析,建立了安全文化建设和安全管理体系运行之间的关系,分析了优秀安全文化的特征内容和安全管理体系要素之间的对应关系,提出了通过企业安全管理体系的有效运行来建设安全文化的思路,避免了企业安全文化建设和安全管理工作的重复和交叉。  相似文献   

企业安全管理中的潜流文化现象与应对方略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
简介潜流安全文化的内涵,阐述潜流安全文化的隐蔽性、离散性、传承性和不稳定性的特点,剖析潜流安全文化形成的根源,提出应对潜流安全文化的扬长避短、因势利导、强化沟通、扩大参与、落实承诺和深化激励的方略。通过对企业安全管理中的潜流文化现象与应对方略的分析,得出以下结论:企业潜流安全文化是客观存在的,同时企业管理者是可以对企业潜流安全文化进行有效管理的;认识和管理企业安全管理中的潜流文化现象,可以有力推动企业安全文化建设工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

安全哲学为人类安全提供认识论和方法论的指导。基于唯物辩证法联系和发展的观点,分析企业安全文化和企业文化的辩证关系,认为企业安全文化建设依赖于企业文化基础,融入企业文化建设之中,融入企业文化的发展规划、决策,渗透到企业文化建设诸项内容中去。探讨企业安全文化的哲学诉求,认为企业安全文化的哲学是以"以人为本"为依据。对中国石化管道企业文化和企业安全文化进行阐述,对企业安全核心理念逐一进行哲学诠释。  相似文献   

安全文化是人类文化的组成部分,以唐钢为例,阐述安全文化的建设,使企业生产更安全、更文明,安全文化是企业安全生产的奠基石。  相似文献   

地方安全生产条例与《安全生产法》比对分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对全国31个省、自治区和直辖市的安全生产条例进行了收集整理,并与《安全生产法》进行了逐条对比分析。从安全理念、安全规划、监管模式、机构和人员、管理制度和方法、安全经费、处罚和其他8个方面,对地方安全生产条例中具有代表性的、新的提法或改进的做法进行了总结。在此基础上,从建立"以人为本"安全理念、将"综合治理"纳入安全生产方针;明确要求各级政府编制安全生产规划,并将其纳入国民经济和社会发展规划;清晰界定政府综合监管、行业监管和其他监管部门的职责分工;细化各类企业安全管理机构和人员配备要求;明确注册安全工程师法律地位,并在高危行业强制配备;明确劳务派遣人员的培训职责,完善从业人员培训制度;建立安全生产信息系统,构建安全生产诚信体系;明确工伤保险基金、安全生产风险抵押金、安全生产责任险等费用的缴纳及管理要求;加大对尚未导致事故发生的违法行为的处罚力度;将隐患排查治理纳入《安全生产法》10个方面提出了对《安全生产法》的修改建议。  相似文献   

为提高高校学生的安全素养,改善校园安全现状,本文采用问卷调查方法,从安全态度和意识、安全行为2个维度对大学生安全素养进行研究。结果表明:大学生在灭火器使用、逃生方面存在不足;学校安全氛围较弱;不同性别、学年、生源地和学院的学生安全素养存在显著差异。基于调查结果,提出加强安全文化建设和安全管理的提升策略和建议。  相似文献   

改善企业安全文化技术手段的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
安全文化建设在我国企业界受到重视,但是缺乏安全文化建设明确、实用的方法.将安全文化定义为"影响企业安全业绩的核心要素",设计Likert量表、硬件设备和计算机管理系统对安全文化进行定量测量,根据测量结果设计有针对性的培训可以快速改善企业的安全文化.从实际的企业测量可知,通过三次测量、两次抽样培训,企业安全文化可以提高8%左右,说明测量和培训相结合的方法是企业安全文化改善的有效手段.  相似文献   

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