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针对船舶在桥区水域航行过程中撞击桥墩的碰撞概率问题,建立并验证了船舶操纵数学模型,模拟了船舶在不同风、水流等条件下的航行情况,改进了AASHTO船舶撞桥概率模型中几何概率的算法,提出了以模拟试验样本的航迹带中心位置坐标为均值,以模拟实验样本结果计算的方差为方差的几何概率模型,同时引入停船概率模型。将改进后的模型应用于北江油金大桥船舶操纵模拟及船撞概率的研究,预测2020年北江油金大桥受上行船舶碰撞年频率大约2.81×10-6次/a,受下行船舶碰撞年频率3.43×10-4次/a,总碰撞频率3.461×10-4次/a。  相似文献   

为定量分析不同车型碰撞行人事故严重程度影响因素,以美国北卡罗来纳州2007-2016年人车碰撞事故数据为样本,将其分为小轿车、SUV、货车碰撞行人事故3类,以事故严重程度为因变量,交通参与者属性、道路、环境条件和事故特征为候选自变量,分别建立累计logistic模型进行对比分析,探究人、车、路和环境因素对人车碰撞事故严...  相似文献   

为解决交叉道口冲突范围定义不完整等问题,提出了航空器交叉滑行冲突概率模型。该模型针对交叉滑行道结构特点,以T型交叉口为例,综合等待位置、机身长度、喷流范围等要素,扩展冲突区域,基于实时速度、位置变化构造冲突概率模型,并利用速度分布密度函数对模型求解。仿真验证表明:模型能计算不同运动状态的中型机在T型交叉口处的冲突概率,T型道口等待位置对冲突概率影响较大,等待位置较近将造成冲突判断延迟,等待位置较远会产生虚警误判,致使滑行中断。利用实际滑行轨迹验证,结果表明:模型能够再现T型道口上2架中型机滑行冲突产生、发展及解脱过程,计算结果与实际运行情况一致,能为管制员、飞行员提前判断冲突,及时采取措施提供依据。  相似文献   

为了探索空中危险接近的形成过程与反馈机制,运用系统动力学的方法深入分析了空中危险接近影响因素间的复杂相互作用和回馈效应,建立了空中危险接近发生机理的动态模型,包括管制服务、人力资源和安全三大子系统,利用Vensim软件对其进行模拟仿真,可预测不同场景下空中危险接近的变化趋势。结果表明:乐观场景时,2005—2015年空中危险接近数量呈缓慢增长趋势,2015年之后保持不变,这表明在国内航班量稳步增长时,空中危险接近事件的数量不变,事故率越来越低;悲观场景时,空中危险接近数量一直处于上升趋势,2021年之前缓慢增长,这表明虽然设备故障率和管制员的防撞培训频率不高,但缩短TCAS(Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System,空中交通预警和防撞系统)反应时间能在短期内明显提高管制员的专注程度,从而延缓空中不安全事件的数量增长,但随着2021年后指挥架次的增加,反应时间越短,空中危险接近事件会越多。  相似文献   

根据多条高速公路近3年的事故数据及实时交通流数据,分析了高速公路运营安全性的相关影响因素,在此基础上提出了车速变异系数指标及其分级标准,建立了考虑交通流量、平均车速、车速变异系数、天气条件等多因素的高速公路交通流运行风险预测多元模型,并提出了高速公路交通流实时行车风险指数TRI指标,制定了交通流状态实时安全性评价标准,最后给出了高速公路交通流混合交通状态下的实时安全风险评价流程。通过西攀高速公路的交通流实时数据,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

对高速公路汽车追尾预警系统进行了总体设计,把系统划分为主控单元、雷达测距单元、信息采集单元、显示-声光报警单元4个子系统。在分析汽车动力学基础上,提出了系统安全距离模型,并对各子系统进行了软、硬件设计。通过模拟试验和实际装车实验,验证了系统所要求的各种性能,雷达测距准确,系统报警及时有效.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe objective of this research is to investigate the effects of monthly weather conditions on traffic crash experience on freeways, considering the interactions between weather, traffic volumes, and roadway conditions. Methods: Data from the state of Connecticut from 2011to 2015 were used. Random parameters negative binomial models with first-order, autoregressive covariance were estimated for representative types of freeway crashes (front-to-rear, sideswipe-same-direction, and fixed-object), most severe crashes (i.e., fatal and injury crashes), and non-injury crashes (i.e., property-damage-only crashes). Results: Major findings are that variations in monthly traffic volumes, roadway geometry, and weather conditions explain much of the variations in monthly traffic crashes. Time effects exist in the panel monthly data for all types of crashes. Taking into account this effect improves model prediction results. When the raw weather measures are highly correlated, using dimension reduction techniques helps to extract more interpretable weather factors. By considering the interaction effects between roadway condition variables, additional findings were found. In general, lower temperature, more heavy fog days, decreased precipitation, lower wind speed, higher monthly traffic volumes, and narrower inside shoulder were found to be associated with higher monthly crashes. The effects of area type and outside shoulder width change dramatically as the number of through lanes changes. Practical applications: The findings of this research could help researchers and general readers gain a better understanding of the effects of monthly weather conditions and other roadway factors on freeway crashes and give engineers practical guidelines on improving freeway safety.  相似文献   

为解决车道变换行为对交通运行安全影响的定量分析难题,基于车辆和驾驶员行为特性,构建车道变换行为期望运行轨迹,提出基于缓和曲线的轨迹形式,并结合车道变换行为引发的4种碰撞形式,在车辆运行纵向和横向分别构建安全运行判断方程和安全运行限制方程,分析安全距离对运行速度和车辆侧向加速度梯度的敏感度,给出车道变换行为安全运行判断方程的应用案例。研究结果表明,侧向加速度的变化梯度直接影响车道变换的安全性。  相似文献   

自由飞行能够提高空域容量从而缓解空域拥挤问题,在保障自由飞行安全性的基础上尽可能减小飞机的安全间距,需要研究自由飞行条件下飞机的安全评估问题。分析了所需CNS性能、防撞系统、风的因素等自由飞行下航空器定位误差的影响因素,考虑到航空器定位误差在短时间内具有累积性,提出采用INS、GPS数据融合算法对定位误差进行周期性修正。给出修正后的航空器定位误差分布在时间上的变化规律,并将其运用到自由飞行下碰撞风险评估中。结果表明,碰撞风险随安全间距增加呈下降趋势,以1.5×10-8次/飞行小时的目标安全水平为例,对航空器定位误差修正的最小安全间距为8 600 m,不对航空器定位误差进行修正的最小安全间距为9 100 m。  相似文献   

编队内碰撞是编队飞行最大的安全威胁。为解决编队飞行灵活性与编队飞行安全的矛盾,建立了编队内各机碰撞风险评价模型指标体系,使用模糊互补判断矩阵确定了各指标的碰撞权重,实现了编队内各机碰撞的风险评估。以空军航空兵某部一架机型G与一架机型H混合双机编队为例进行了实证研究,结果表明,该模型简便易操作,可提高编队飞行训练效率。  相似文献   

隧道内外照明差异使交通流状态产生了相应的变化.为模拟高速公路隧道入口交通流运行与安全状态,根据驾驶速度与能见度关系,提出了元胞传输模型的改进原理与方法.通过与实际道路交通流数据的比较,验证了模型的有效性.运用该模型模拟并比较不同条件下交通运行状态.结果表明,改进的元胞传输模型能够揭示隧道入口流量与车速状态.受到隧道能见度的影响,在隧道入口段车速将有明显的降低.随着隧道内能见度的降低,这种影响更为明显.高流量情况下,隧道入口的扰动可能影响后续车辆速度与流量;低流量情况下则影响不大.车速扰动对于道路全段的安全性影响较大,在交通激波的传递过程中,更容易出现交通事故.低密度情况下,隧道内能见度越低,安全性越差.  相似文献   

为了保证车辆在行驶过程中的安全性,提出了一种考虑驾驶员反应时间的车辆碰撞预警模型,改进了传统模型中驾驶员反应时间定值化的缺点。首先,依据车辆的制动过程分析了驾驶员反应时间对制动距离的影响。其次,设计驾驶员反应时间的模糊推理算法,选取驾龄、疲劳强度和应变能力3个主要因素作为评价指标来计算反应时间。最后,采用分等级的预警策略建立考虑驾驶员反应时间的碰撞预警模型,并通过Carsim-Matlab/Simulink联合仿真与传统模型进行对比分析。结果表明,设计的预警模型可以对不同类型的驾驶员进行差异化碰撞预警,在30 km/h和80 km/h两种车速下实际停车距离与理论值的最大误差为8%。  相似文献   

Objective: European car design regulations and New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) ratings have led to reductions in pedestrian injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of improving vehicle front design on mortality and morbidity due to pedestrian injuries in a European country (Germany) and 2 countries (the United States and India) that do not have pedestrian-focused NCAP testing or design regulations.

Methods: We used data from the International Road Traffic and Accident Database and the Global Burden of Disease project to estimate baseline pedestrian deaths and nonfatal injuries in each country in 2013. The effect of improved passenger car star ratings on probability of pedestrian injury was based on recent evaluations of pedestrian crash data from Germany. The effect of improved heavy motor vehicle (HMV) front end design on pedestrian injuries was based on estimates reported by simulation studies. We used burden of disease methods to estimate population health loss by combining the burden of morbidity and mortality in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost.

Results: Extrapolating from evaluations in Germany suggests that improving front end design of cars can potentially reduce the burden of pedestrian injuries due to cars by up to 24% in the United States and 41% in India. In Germany, where cars comply with the United Nations regulation on pedestrian safety, additional improvements would have led to a 1% reduction. Similarly, improved HMV design would reduce DALYs lost by pedestrian victims hit by HMVs by 20% in each country. Overall, improved vehicle design would reduce DALYs lost to road traffic injuries (RTIs) by 0.8% in Germany, 4.1% in the United States, and 6.7% in India.

Conclusions: Recent evaluations show a strong correlation between Euro NCAP pedestrian scores and real-life pedestrian injuries, suggesting that improved car front end design in Europe has led to substantial reductions in pedestrian injuries. Although the United States has fewer pedestrian crashes, it would nevertheless benefit substantially by adopting similar regulations and instituting pedestrian NCAP testing. The maximum benefit would be realized in low- and middle-income countries like India that have a high proportion of pedestrian crashes. Though crash avoidance technologies are being developed to protect pedestrians, supplemental protection through design regulations may significantly improve injury countermeasures for vulnerable road users.  相似文献   

Objective: Connected and automated vehicles (CAV) can monitor multiple vehicles ahead via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. Although feedback information from more vehicles ahead may be more helpful for anticipations, it also makes control more complex and increases the probability of data packet loss. Then it needs an appropriate number of CAV feedback links, and the maximum number may be not suitable. Therefore, this article focuses on the influence of CAV feedback links on rear-end collision risks.

Methods: To deal with this, stability analysis of a CAV car-following model was conducted to obtain the designs of CAV feedback gains for maintaining stable CAV flow. Simulation experiments were performed to describe a traffic accident on freeway, using car-following models of manually driven vehicles (MDVs) and CAV under different CAV penetration rates. Four scenarios are considered in simulation experiments; that is, the CAV monitors 1, 2, 3, and 4 preceding vehicles, respectively. Based on the simulation experiments, surrogate safety indicators, time-exposed time-to-collision (TET), and time-integrated time-to-collision (TIT) are used to evaluate risks of rear-end collisions.

Results: Results indicated that CAV helped to decrease the collision risks, especially the more serious collision risks with smaller threshold values of time-to-collision (TTC). In addition, the reductions in collision risks are more obvious when CAV feedback changes from one link to 2 links. In addition, reducing amplitudes are not significant if the CAV feedback is extended from 2 links to 3 or 4 links.

Conclusions: Two links of CAV feedback are appropriate when control complexity is a priority, whereas 3 links is the better choice when reductions in collisions are a priority. The findings of this study provide helpful reference for CAV control and design before larger-scale implementation in real vehicles.  相似文献   

Introduction: Drivers with medical conditions and functional impairments are at increased collision risk. A challenge lies in identifying the point at which such risk becomes unacceptable to society and requires mitigating measures. This study models the road safety impact of medical fitness-to-drive policy in Ontario. Method: Using data from 2005 to 2014, we estimated the losses to road safety incurred during the time medically-at-risk drivers were under review, as well as the savings to road safety accrued as a result of licensing decisions made after the review process. Results: While under review, drivers with medical conditions had an age- and sex-standardized collision rate no different from the general driver population, suggesting no road safety losses occurred (RR = 1.02; 95% CI: 0.93–1.12). Licensing decisions were estimated to have subsequently prevented 1,211 (95% CI: 780–1,730) collisions, indicating net road safety savings resulting from medical fitness to drive policies. However, more collisions occurred than were prevented for drivers with musculoskeletal disorders, sleep apnea, and diabetes. We theorize on these findings and discuss its multiple implications. Conclusions: Minimizing the impact of medical conditions on collision occurrence requires robust policies that balance fairness and safety. It is dependent on efforts by academic researchers (who study fitness to drive); policymakers (who set driver medical standards); licensing authorities (who make licensing decisions under such standards); and clinicians (who counsel patients on their driving risk and liaise with licensing authorities). Practical Applications: Further efforts are needed to improve understanding of the effects of medical conditions on collision risk, especially for the identified conditions and combinations of conditions. Results reinforce the value of optimizing the processes by which information is solicited from physicians in order to better assess the functional impact of drivers’ medical conditions on driving and to take suitable licensing action.  相似文献   

报警系统失效主要包括漏报、误报,对系统进行失效概率预测,可以帮助判断设备质量优劣,评估系统效能。利用Matlab软件编程,通过神经网络预测失效概率。根据不同场所正在使用的火灾报警器的失效数据作为原始数据,归纳总结失效原因,建立事故树,结合专家打分法与模糊理论得到网络的输入值与输出值。通过网络训练,得到可以对系统失效概率进行预测的RBF神经网络,测算效率大幅提高。以70组不同品牌、用途的火灾报警系统作为算例,通过训练数据,最终达到输入底事件发生概率可直接输出顶事件发生概率的目的。结果表明,RBF神经网络相较于BP网络与事故树算得的失效概率具有更高的拟合度,RBF神经网络模型在进行系统失效概率预测时具有可靠性。  相似文献   

实现道路交通安全的营运车辆监控系统框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前营运车辆监管中,交通管理部门、运输企业和司乘人员3方没有直接的信息通道,导致监管不到位,影响道路交通安全。笔者探讨了营运车辆监控的信息传输通道;以GPS、无线通信技术和互联网为基础,设计了营运车辆监控的技术框架,实现了联系3方的信息传输通道;分析框架实现的关键技术,包括道路限速数据库,车辆超速、疲劳驾驶、超载等违法行为的判定模式等;以广东省营运车辆监控系统为例,验证了框架的可行性。该技术框架使司乘人员的交通违法行为被及时警告和提醒,交通管理部门可以及时制止交通违法行为,可以主动预防交通事故,提高道路交通安全水平。  相似文献   

汽车行人碰撞接触中行人运动学规律仿真研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
基于交通事故模拟分析PC-Crash软件及其内嵌多体系统动力学分析MADYMO模块,建立并验证了车辆多体模型和行人多体模型;对汽车与行人碰撞接触阶段的行人运动学具有较大影响的因素展开广泛分析,并构建汽车行人碰撞仿真试验方案;通过选取对汽车与行人碰撞接触阶段具有较大影响的因素作为仿真试验的自变量,对不同碰撞环境下汽车与行人碰撞接触过程中的行人运动学规律(包括运动姿态和对应的碰撞车速阈值)进行深入研究;汽车行人碰撞仿真与真实事故以及碰撞试验对比具有较好的规律吻合性和一致性。研究表明,笔者采用的计算机建模仿真方法在汽车行人碰撞运动学研究中具有实用价值。  相似文献   

针对汽车在常见转向工况时转向的操纵性和安全性不足问题,提出将常见工况补偿控制策略融合到汽车EPS助力控制中,将汽车速度、汽车质量、方向盘左右晃动考虑在内,设计了高速避让、低速满载、颠簸路面3种补偿控制策略;并理论分析加入高速避让、低速满载、颠簸路面3种补偿策略后,方向盘、齿条位移和汽车横摆角速度增减值的变化;最后,通过搭建汽车EPS系统模型和二自由度汽车模型进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明,采用补偿控制策略后,汽车在高速、低速大重量及于凹凸不平的路面行驶时,助力电机目标电流的获取与汽车行驶的内外环境紧密相连,且可随行车条件的改变而适时改变,使汽车EPS系统具有了更好的操纵性和安全性。  相似文献   

针对北京道路车辆尾气排放对雾霾时驾驶员道路能见度的影响问题,建立了雾霾时车辆尾气排放与驾驶员道路能见度关系模型。该模型以车辆为单元建立车辆尾气排放元胞,考虑了车辆尾气排放后的污染物物理和化学变化,并以车道中的尾气排放位置截面及截面单元、交叉口处的尾气排放位置区间为模型单元。为验证该模型,于2016年10月-2017年2月和2017年10月-2018年2月,在北京地区部分路网检测了驾驶员道路能见度等数据,并统计了各时段驾驶员道路能见度的分布情况。对建立的关系模型进行仿真,结果表明,该关系模型的仿真结果与实际检测数据的误差占比平均值小于4. 98%,验证了该关系模型用于描述北京市道路车辆尾气排放对雾霾时驾驶员道路能见度影响的有效性。  相似文献   

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