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介绍了三维电极法处理技术的一些特点、机制及其在水处理中的应用.在实验中以活性炭投加量、电极电压、反应时间、电解质NaCl投加量、溶液pH值和苯酚初始浓度为研究对象,分析这些因素对苯酚去除率的影响.  相似文献   

烟尘的测定,通常是用采样管从烟道中抽取一定体积的烟气,通过捕集装置捕集尘粒,然后根据捕集的尘粒量和抽取的烟气量,求出烟尘浓度.根据烟尘浓度和烟气的流量计算其排放量.为了从烟道中取得有代表性的烟尘样品,需等速采样,即气体进入采样嘴的速度应与采样点的烟气速度相等.这样,样品浓度才与实际浓度相等.采样速度若大于或小于采样点的烟气速度都将使采样结果产生偏差.烟气压力参数的测定直接影响烟尘测定结果的准确性.根据《空气和废气监测分析方法》,烟尘采样有预测流速法、平行采样法和压力平衡法,三种方法中,常用压力平衡法,此法又分动压平衡法和静压平衡法,动压平衡法是利用装置在采样管上的孔板差压与皮托管指示的测点烟气动压相平衡来实现等速采样.动压平衡法的优点是不需要预先测出烟气流速和烟气状态参数和计算等速采样流量,而是通过调节动压达到平衡即可进行等速采样,不但操作简单,并且能跟踪烟气速度变化而随时保持等速条件,提高等速精度.但是,笔者运用此法测定烟尘多年,发现还有不足和局限性.  相似文献   

红叶碧桃抗寒性指标的测定分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以红叶碧桃一年生休眠枝条为试材,测定其在25℃、0℃、5℃、-20℃、-40℃下的电解质渗出率、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量,并通过相关性分析对其抗寒性进行综合性评价。结果表明:随着处理温度的降低,电解质渗出率、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量逐渐增加;可溶性蛋白质含量与电解质渗出率呈显著相关关系,而可溶性糖与电解质渗出率相关性不显著,因此电解质渗出率和可溶性蛋白质含量可作为评价红叶碧桃抗寒性的生理生化指标之一。  相似文献   

在采油清洁生产审核中发现,对生产过程的物质消耗和废物排放难以准确地进行分析和测试。针对这一问题,提出了水平衡分析法。对水平衡及其生产过程进行了评估,分析了清水损耗和废水产生的原因和环节,探讨了节约水资源、提高污水回用率的途径和方法,并提出了改进的目标和对策,形成了清洁生产审核方案。清水、污水平衡分析方法简单可靠,易于实施,同时可以为能量平衡、污染因子平衡的建立和分析提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统碳收支/碳平衡研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
碳循环和全球变暖有着极其密切的关系,碳收支/碳平衡问题已经成为碳循环和全球变化研究的前沿与热点,其中陆地生态系统碳收支/碳平衡又是全球碳循环和影响全球变暖中最复杂、受人类活动影响最大的部分.阐述了全球陆地碳库的大小及碳收支/碳平衡状态,探讨了主要陆地生态系统碳收支/碳平衡过程,分析了当前影响陆地生态系统碳收支/碳平衡因素,并对当前陆地生态系统碳收支/碳平衡研究方向提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

本文从理论和实践两方面分析研究了水下振动台的若干关键技术问题,主要包括运动部件的设计、冷却系统的设计、密封系统的设计、压力平衡系统的设计等。解决了水下振动台设计所存在的难题。  相似文献   

在行走运动中,慢跑和散步是最常见的锻炼方式。其实,进行多姿势行走运动,对祛病延年、养生健身是大有裨益的,下面就介绍几例: 脚尖行走:提起足跟用脚尖走路,可促使脚心与小腿后侧的屈肌群紧张度增强,有利于三阴经的疏通。脚跟行走:抬起脚尖用脚跟走路,两臂有节奏地前后摆动,以调节平衡。这样可加强锻炼小腿前侧的伸肌群,以利于疏通三阳经。  相似文献   

利用耦合协调度评价模型,分析得出新疆入境旅游流系统与区域经济系统耦合协调度不断提升,但两者发展水平呈现“台阶式”和交替上升式的非平衡发展特征,两者在相互制约和支持中不断得以发展.在此基础上,提出了提高新疆入境旅游流发展水平的相关建议.  相似文献   

有效地控制电子企业环境污染,提高资源的利用率,回收有价值的资源,是电子企业的必然选择。建立了以物质守恒定律为依据的物料流动平衡分析式和平衡图,提出了物料平衡对象的选择,研究了物料流动分析方法,确定数据获取的方法与边界,阐述了提高生产效率、降低物耗和能耗、回收资源的解决方案。  相似文献   

根据水量平衡原则和水中溶解含盐量的平衡,从理论上对浓缩倍数的选择进行了探讨。结合实际情况,从设计、水质因素、管理等方面分析了影响浓缩倍数提高的原因,提出了提高浓缩倍数的措施、方法和水质稳定技术。  相似文献   

体育运动对提高大学生社会适应能力的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育运动的社会特性毋庸置疑是提高人的社会健康水平,同时,人在体育运动时,既要定位与合作,又存在相互竞争的现象。这对提高大学生的社会适应能力具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the risk of hydrate formation in CO2 transport one has to be able to predict the water content in the fluid phase in equilibrium with the CO2-hydrate. A literature review has identified some knowledge gaps, for example, there are no results available at temperatures lower than 243.15 K (?30 °C); and none of the models found in literature predicts the water content with high accuracy. A model based on equality of water fugacity in fluid and hydrate phase is presented here and used for the predictions of water content in equilibrium with hydrates. Although this model gives better accuracy in the overall temperature and pressure ranges of measurements than the models found in the literature, it is not accurate enough to satisfy the requirements of CO2 transport. The simulation results also show that it is possible to form hydrate at low water content, such as xw = 50 vppm, if temperature is low enough. In order to verify the results and improve the model accuracy further, more experimental data in a larger temperature and pressure region are required.  相似文献   

课程在教育活动中处于基础和核心地位,在职业教育中,对一种职业是否拥有一种科学的、可持续发展的课程体系,是该种职业教育成败与否的关键。我们借助于北美的CBE系统,开发出适合我国国情的社会体育专业课程体系,将有助于社会体育专业学生的快速、科学的成长。在高等职业教育飞速发展的今天,以尽快提高高职院校的教学质量。  相似文献   

The shallow‐water component of the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Model Package emphasizes the regions of the system inside the 2‐m depth contour. The model of these regions is unified with the system‐wide model but places emphasis on locally significant components and processes, notably submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), sediment resuspension, and their interaction with light attenuation (Ke). The SAV model is found to be most suited for computing the equilibrium distribution of perennial species. Addition of plant structure and propagation are recommended to improve representation of observed trends in SAV area. Two approaches are taken to examining shallow‐water Ke. The first compares observed and computed differences between deep‐ and shallow‐water Ke. No consistent difference in observations is noted. In the preponderance of regions examined, computed shallow‐water Ke exceeds computed deep‐water Ke. The second approach directly compares Ke measured in shallow water with modeled results. Model values are primarily lower than observed, in contrast to results in deep water where model values exceed observed. The shortfall in computed Ke mirrors a similar shortfall in computed suspended solids. Improved model representation of Ke requires process‐based investigations into suspended solids dynamics as well as increased model resolution in shallow‐water regions.  相似文献   

采用博弈论的分析方法寻找南四湖流域生态补偿主客体的纳什均衡。在静态博弈模型和动态博弈模型得出两个截然不同的均衡:静态博弈的均衡是(不保护,不补偿),动态博弈的均衡是(保护,补偿)。在静态博弈中进行激励设计,提高补偿客体保护水资源的积极性,实现帕累托最优,应该立法,制定严格的惩罚标准;动态分析是建立在完全信息的基础上,由此要求政府建立良好的信誉,才能保证均衡的长久,从而达到保护南四湖流域生态环境的目的。  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of land use practices on ground water quality has been difficult because few techniques are capable of monitoring the quality and quantity of soil water flow below the root zone without disturbing the soil profile and affecting natural flow processes. A recently introduced method, known as equilibrium tension lysimetry, was a major improvement but it was not a true equilibrium since it still required manual intervention to maintain proper lysimeter suction. We addressed this issue by developing an automated equilibrium tension lysimeter (AETL) system that continuously matches lysimeter tension to soil-water matric potential of the surrounding soil. The soil-water matric potential of the bulk soil is measured with a heat-dissipation sensor, and a small DC pump is used to apply suction to a lysimeter. The improved automated approach reported here was tested in the field for a 12-mo period. Powered by a small 12-V rechargeable battery, the AETLs were able to continuously match lysimeter suction to soil-water matric potential for 2-wk periods with minimal human attention, along with the added benefit of collecting continuous soil-water matric potential data. We also demonstrated, in the laboratory, methods for continuous measurement of water depth in the AETL, a capability that quantifies drainage on a 10-min interval, making it a true water-flux meter. Equilibrium tension lysimeters have already been demonstrated to be a reliable method of measuring drainage flux, and the further improvements have created a more effective device for studying water drainage and chemical leaching through the soil matrix.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Tidally influenced reaches of several coastal rivers in eastern North Carolina are suffering from very serious water quality problems — massive surface blooms of noxious blue-green algae, major fish kills from anoxic water, epidemics of red sore disease among fish, fresh water intrusion into estuarine waters, and declining commercial and sports fisheries. An intensive investigation of point source and nonpoint source inputs of nutrients was conducted in one of the eutrophic rivers, the Chowan River. Nonpoint source loading dominated the estimated annual flu of nutrients from the river basin. Automated water quality samplers were utilized to record nutrient levels in stormflow and baseflow from several small agricultural watershed in the basin. Levels of nitrate nitrogen and total phosphorus were from five to 40 times greater in these agricultural watersheds than levels in mostly forested watersheds. Existing water quality data in these eutrophic river basins implicate agricultural activities – particularly animal operations and cropland in watersheds with extensive drainage improvements – as the major contributing factor to the water quality problems.  相似文献   

武术是中华民族优秀的传统体育项目,不仅具有健身、修身及防身等诸多方面的作用,同时还具备着极高的表演与观赏价值。武术欣赏有助于激发学习兴趣、提高教学质量、丰富文化知识,通过加大理论课比重、注重武术知识及规则的传授、加强校园武术文化建设、完善课外活动、加快武术欣赏的理论与实践研究等途径,可以培养武术欣赏能力,进一步提高人们的武术欣赏水平,激发人们参与武术运动的积极性以及养成终身参与体育锻炼的习惯。  相似文献   

钟霖 《四川环境》2006,25(1):58-60
本文根据pH的定义和水溶液电离平衡理论,探讨了pH平均值的计算方法,通过理论分析和实验验证指出了pH值现行计算方法的不足,本法对环境监测中酸沉降和水质监测pH数据的正确处理及编报具有现实的意义。  相似文献   

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