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The feeding guilds of four communities of molluscs living in the intertidal zone of Enseada in Caraguatatuba Bay and Barra Velha and Araçá beaches along the São Sebastião Channel were identified. Three-letter codes were assigned to each feeding guild, identifying the feeding habit, mobility patterns related to feeding, and food-capturing structures. Data were obtained from qualitative analyses of the digestive tract contents and from observations on the feeding behaviour of the gastropod Olivella minuta and the bivalves Tagelus plebeius, Macoma constricta, Tellina lineata, and T. versicolor. These data were complemented by published information on the feeding of congeneric or confamilial species. Six feeding guilds were identified. The SDS (suspension-feeder, discreetly motile, inhalant siphon and ctenidia) and DDS (deposit-feeder, discreetly motile, inhalant siphon and ctenidia) groups were more abundant. Suspension-feeding bivalves showed higher Trophic Importance Index (TI) values in all the study areas. Deposit-feeders showed high TI values only at Barra Velha beach. The species in the SDS feeding guild tended to occur in areas with lower salinity and moderately to well-sorted sediments with very fine sand predominating. The distribution of the feeding guilds correlated best with salinity, particle size distribution, and the contents of silt-clay and organic matter in the sediment.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Between November 1993 and August 1994, the spatial and seasonal trophic structures of polychaete annelids were studied in the São Sebastião Channel, southeastern Brazil, located between the mainland of São Paulo State and São Sebastião Island. Four sampling surveys were carried out with a van Veen grab of 0.1?m2 at 15 stations. A total of 12?003 individuals (126 species) was recorded and separated into 14 feeding guilds. Data were analysed with univariate and multivariate techniques (cluster and canonical correspondence analysis). Results showed a strong correlation between trophic groups and sediment variables such as grain size and organic carbon content. The Channel was dominated by surface deposit-feeders, followed by carnivores. Suspension-feeders were confined to medium and coarse sandy sites, environments with high energy. Bottoms where silt, clay and organic carbon predominated showed low polychaete densities. In these places the pollution induced by the sewage discharge from Araçá underwater emissions and by the oil terminal Dutos e Terminais Centro Sul was evident. There were no significant seasonal variations in the trophic structure over the study period, except in fall when densities were low. The polychaetes' relationships within the benthic system are discussed.  相似文献   

The studies about patterns and impacts of a company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes on the local communities have been conducted in a number of developed countries. The similar studies, however, were still rarely conducted in developing countries, particularly in Indonesia. This study aims at discussing the impact of the CSR programmes of a cement company on the lifestyles of a rural community in six villages in Tuban district of East Java Province in Indonesia. The study was conducted from January to September 2015, using qualitative data collection and analysis. This study found that the presence of the cement company has made both positive and negative impacts to the rural community. For the positive impacts, we can see the development of infrastructure that makes the villages become more representative; the emergence of new business opportunities, such as food stalls and boarding houses; and the improvement of the quality of human resources through free health care, education, and religious activities. The supports from the cement company, however, have not been distributed equally among the villagers. In addition, we can also see the following negative impacts: the increase of social tense among the villagers due to the tight competition to obtain work in the cement company; the uneasy relation between the local people and the immigrants who work in the cement company; the decrease in the number of people working in agricultural sectors, as most of them have moved or wish to move to the cement company.  相似文献   

The natural diet of Callinectes ornatus in Ubatuba Bay, Ubatuba (SP), Brazil, was studied. Influence of season, sex, size and molt stage variation in the diet were also described. Specimens were collected monthly over a period of 1 year, in Ubatuba Bay, using a fishing boat equipped with a double rigged net. The relative degree of stomach fullness, frequency of occurrence, and quantitative scoring (percentage) were determined. Digested material, crustaceans, sediment and mollusks were the principal items of the diet. Echinoderms, annelids, plants, and fishes were also notable prey items, and other food categories (foraminiferans, cnidarians, worms and bryozoans) occurred in low percentages. A non-significant difference was found in many items during seasonal analysis, i.e. plants, foraminiferans, cnidarians, bryozoans and digested material were present at highest percentages during summer and autumn, while crustaceans and echinoderms were consumed in larger amounts during the spring and winter. Males and females consumed a similar diet, although ovigerous females showed a greater tendency to feed on items with soft tissues (fish, squid, shrimp). Juveniles fed more on sedentary and calcareous items than did adults, showing a significant tendency to reduce consumption of foraminiferans, annelids, bryozoans, echinoderms and sediment as the animal increased in size, accompanied by an elevation in the consumption of plants, crustaceans and fish. These crabs are opportunistic predators with a preference for crustaceans and mollusks that is correlated with the availability of prey and the ontogenetic phase of the predator. Received: 21 January 2000 / Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

The current study represents a preliminary investigation made into the influence of cattle grazing in the area of a bauxite quarry (Comarnic–Poieni, Romania) on the cow milk chemistry. Weathering and surface runoff in the bauxite quarry contaminate the local chemistry of the soil, vegetation and water. During cattle transhumance, cyclic feeding patterns occur, with grazing alternating between clean pastures and the area of the quarry. Soil and water samples were collected from the contaminated area of the quarry. Raw milk samples were collected during two stages, corresponding to the periods of grazing on clean pasture and the quarry area, respectively. Based on the obtained data, the relationship between cattle grazing and the composition of milk was interpreted. Preliminary results indicated a direct correlation of increased concentration of Al in the milk, following grazing in the bauxite quarry.  相似文献   


This paper is about mining under communal ownership which makes this kind of mining a new mining frontier. The newness of the frontier is that it has introduced a series of institutional complexities that is uncommon to artisanal and large-scale mining. Mining companies have to negotiate deals with communities and their leaders to be able to prospect for mineral resources. We also argue that the state’s environmental legislation is poorly harmonised with the prevalent conditions in communal areas where mining is gaining greater importance. Legislation remains silent on the rights of those living on communal land. These rights remain in a state of confusion with often negative effects on the local communities who are exposed to a number of duplicating development programmes and legislative structures. The aim of this paper is to explore the dynamics communal mining in the Kunene Region in north-western Namibia.  相似文献   

Several works on public perception of bathing area quality state that litter is one of the top concerns of users. Litter was also considered the top concern of bathing users regarding Bathing Area (BA) quality in S?o Miguel (Azores). This fact highly justifies the need to evaluate BA in this perspective. During 2009 summer 11 bathing areas, covering all the proposed BA typologies in S?o Miguel Island, were assessed and rated according to litter. The methodology was based on the EA/Protocol (Environmental Agency (UK)/National Aquatic Litter Group 2000). BA were graded from A to D (very good, good, fair and poor) on several litter categories: sewage related debris, gross litter, general litter, harmful litter, accumulations, oil or similar and faeces. Transects were sampled at 7 (o??clock) p.m. on sunny Sundays to achieve extreme situations. From the bathing areas assessed 4 were rated B (Good) and 7 rated C (Fair). During the same period the users perception regarding litter was assessed. Data obtained was related to bathing areas Scenic Evaluation Index (D) value, establishing a 5-class evaluation system. Some interactions between these factors (litter, BA typologies, public perception and scenic value) were analyzed and discussed. Scenic value doesn??t seem to affect users behavior regarding litter, however seems to affect the perception of users. Some of the bathing areas typologies seem to be more affected by litter, especially Urban and Semi-urban sandy beaches. BA cleaning processes and the relation of users with the area are the main reasons to this fact.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are complex systems subject to significant erosion processes resulting from both physical and anthropogenic factors. This context introduces the importance of quantifying the impacts resulting from land artificialization increase, the assessment of coastal erosion and the development of strategies for achieving an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). In this study we employed the Land Transformation Model (LTM) to forecast urban growth to year 2014 in the South Coast of São Miguel Island, Azores (Portugal). Two different scenarios for modeling urban growth were tested: (1) one that considered an urban sprawl trend equivalent to the one measured between years 1998 and 2005, and (2) another that considered the restrictions included in the intervention area of South Coast Management Plan (POOC Costa Sul). The objective was to evaluate the impact of the POOC Costa Sul in the urban growth of the studied area. Results show that the POOC Costa Sul is not effective in containing urban growth quantities which are equivalent to the non-restricted scenario. However, it was possible to observe that it is effective in deciding where the urban expansion is likely to happen, preventing, for instances, the occurrence of urban growth near water lines or in the maritime public domain. We conclude that this type of models can be very relevant to manage and monitor coastal management plans.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify the adoption level of practices associated with more sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly practices. Additionally, the motivations for and barriers to the adoption of these practices by farmers are investigated. Data were collected through closed questionnaires taken by a random sample of farmers in the Southwest, São Paulo, Brazil, during the second half of 2013. Overall, sustainable agricultural practices recommended in the literature and analysed in this study are being not fully adopted by farmers of the studied area. The results showed that financial motivation is associated with farmers adopting new, more sustainable technology, whereas the lack of information on and lack of technical support for these technologies are significant barriers. Other results, research implications, limitations and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

A geochemical study of stream sediments near Rodalquilar (South-east Spain) was undertaken to investigate the impact of processing activities associated with nearby gold mining. Despite the semi-arid nature of the area, visual inspection of tailings indicates that considerable fluvial erosion occurs during rainfall events. Geochemical analysis demonstrates that Mo, Sb, Te, Bi and As are all found at elevated levels in stream sediments downstream of the tailings site. Elevated levels of Pb, Cu and Zn were also noted in stream sediments. Statistical analysis demonstrates that four factors control trace-element distribution. Factor 1 displays a strong association of Mo, Sb, Te and Bi and As and is attributed to the mine tailings. Factor 2 displays an association of Pb and Cu, and is most easily attributed to anthropogenic pollution. Factor 3 distinguishes Au and reflects the selective nature of ore-processing methods employed at the site. Factor 4 only highlights Zn, reflecting that it is derived from several, probably unrelated, sources.  相似文献   

The environmental decision-maker is aware of the increasing difficulties in finding sufficient financial resources for nature conservation. So he must focus his attention on ecological situations that more than the others merit considering and defending because of elevated value but also because of risk for their intrinsic characteristics and for human pressure acting on them. Usually an ecological scientist focuses his attention on the natural patches of the landscape, analyzing their peculiar ecological traits forgetting that, even if we want to protect some environmental critical situations, this can be done only moving to the administrative partition of the territory since the central and local environmental stakeholders have primary interest in providing funds to those involved in those critical situations. The present work shows a methodological approach, consisting of a set of statistical and geoinformational tools, considering both ecological and socio-demographical indicators. The goal is not simply to give some general guidelines for environmental policies to the involved stakeholders but focuses more on finding out which administrative local partitions in a study area are more worthy to receive urgently the priority funds for biodiversity protection to face critical environmental situations often due to a combination of intrinsic ecological parameters and external human pressure ones. Obtaining results that cover 5% of the Communes involved in the area seems to be a realistic result that a decision-maker can support and fund. Methodologically and geospatial data analytically, the investigation offers interesting challenges for surveillance geoinformatics of hotspot detection and prioritization, because of the presence of multiple hotspots and multiple sets of multiple indicators.  相似文献   

Both natural and human factors contributing to desertification were examined to understand the driving mechanisms of the desertification process in Zhalute Banner, Inner Mongolia of China. The coefficient of variation (CV) and climate departure index (Z) were calculated to examine the fluctuations and trends of interannual variations of temperature and precipitation; TM remote sensing data was extracted to obtain the sandy land area; linear regression analysis was used to analyze climate changes and the socio-economic evolution over the years, and it was also used to standardize the variables, which included annual temperature, annual precipitation, human population, and livestock number, in order to measure the difference in the rate of change between climate and anthropogenic factors. The results showed that there was a rise of about 1.6°C in temperature but no significant change in precipitation from 1961 to 2000, which indicated a short-term climatic trend toward aridity in this area, a condition necessary for desertification. The fraction of precipitation in spring tended to increase whilst the fraction in autumn and winter decreased. Both the human population and livestock population had tripled and the cultivated area had doubled from 1961 to 2000, suggesting that socio-economic factors might have contributed more significantly to the desertification. Between 1988 and 1997, the sandy land area increased by 12.5%, nearly 2.4 times in the farming section. It could be concluded that the driving mechanisms of the desertification processes in Zhalute banner are mainly the policy of cropland expansion and the rising populations of humans and their livestock, which has affected the land use pattern in the past decades.  相似文献   

Pesticides are widely used in China for crop protection. However, the use of some highly toxic and accumulative pesticides has led to serious pollution to the environment. The knowledge that end-users of pesticides have about hazards is important for the prevention of acute poisoning. Moreover, farmers, especially those who purchase and use pesticides, often make important and long-standing impacts on the local ecosystem and environment. In this study, a specially designed questionnaire was used to collect information on their knowledge, attitude, and behavior related to pesticides in the Guanting Reservoir area, north of China. Most pesticide end-users reported that they took incomplete preventive measures for lack of extensive pesticide knowledge and information. Pesticide information, instruction, and training among farmers should be promoted, and governmental intervention is needed to ensure proper management regarding public health risks and environmental hazards.  相似文献   

Encroachment of tall grasses and shrubs in coastal dunes has resulted in loss of vegetation heterogeneity. This is expected to have negative effects on animal diversity. To counteract encroachment and develop structural heterogeneity grazing is a widely used management practice. Here, we aim to functionally interpret changes in vegetation composition and configuration following grazing management on habitat suitability for sand lizards. Aerial photographs taken over a period of 16 years were used to quantify changes in vegetation composition. A GIS-based method was developed to calculate habitat suitability for sand lizards in a spatially explicit manner, encompassing differences in vegetation structure and patch size. From 1987 to 2003 dune vegetation shifted from small patches of moss and sand to larger patches covered by shrubs and grasses. Grazing management did not have any significant effect on the overall level of heterogeneity, measured as habitat suitability for sand lizards. However, on a more local scale highly suitable patches in 1987 were deteriorating whereas unsuitable patches became more suitable in 2003. This inversion results from a broad shift with shrubs being a limiting habitat element in 1987 to sandy patches being the limiting element in 2003. Future changes are believed to negatively impact sand lizards. The habitat suitability model has proven to be a useful tool to functionally interpret changes in coastal dune vegetation heterogeneity from an animal’s perspective. Further research should aim to include multiple species operating on different scale levels to fully capture the natural landscape dynamics.  相似文献   


Due to the special geographic locations and multiple typhoons a year, the frequent strong winds bring great discomfort and danger to the daily lives of the urban residents in southeast coast of China. The strategic design of landsenses pattern on different scales can help reduce gale days in urban areas while delivering diverse additional benefits such as pollution control and biodiversity habitat protection. Although the greatest gale days are observed in cold and damp winters, there is comparatively little information available for land managers to determine an appropriate strategy for landsenses pattern design under these climatic conditions. We present a framework for prioritization and selection of landsenses pattern for gale day reductions. The framework is supported by examining the relationships between urban landsenses pattern evolution and gale day mitigation in the past, with which we used to develop implementation guidelines that maximize reductions of urban surface gale days. We focus particularly on quantifying the benefits of four types of landsenses: land-use patterns, urban road network, architectural patterns, and vertical greening systems (green walls and facades) and demonstrate how to apply the framework with a case study from Pingtan Island, China.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to investigate people’s forest dependency and contributions of forests to the livelihoods in the three hill districts of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), Bangladesh. The study revealed that forest resources contribute significantly to rural community’s livelihoods and economic well-being. Using generalized logistic regressions, this study has also investigated the socioeconomic factors that affect people’s dependency on forest resources of CHT. The study revealed that people’s income from forest and forest-related occupation was positively aligned with their forest dependency. However, their education level significantly reduced their dependency on forest resources. Thus, educating the forest-dependent people and supporting alternative income generation activities should be appreciated for effective forest management in CHT. This study will be helpful to forest and environmental policy makers for CHT.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of water quality using multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of nutrients (NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, SiO4-Si, total N, total P) in relation to some physico-chemical features (DO, BOD, TSS, TDS, SO42−, Cl) were studied for 31 different stations of the Mahanadi river–estuarine system in the eastern part of India. The seasonal nutrient variations (except SiO4-Si) exhibit higher values during monsoon season in unpolluted stations and the reverse trends for polluted stations, which are related to agricultural run-off and regional anthropogenic activities respectively. Silicate shows a well defined pattern of distribution with a higher concentration during the monsoon, which is slightly removed from the estuarine water of Mahanadi during the pre-monsoon season. The results of R-mode factor analyses revealed that anthropogenic contributions are responsible for the increase in nutrients and the decrease in DO and pH levels of the water. The magnitude of BOD with respect to total N and P demonstrates the intensity of organic pollution in the system. The removal of silicate in the saline system is clearly visible through factor analysis and the different mode of association of TSS is reflected seasonally. The relationships among the stations are highlighted by cluster analysis, represented in dendograms to categorize different levels of contamination.  相似文献   

Cetaceans are top-level predators that serve as sentinels of the health and status of lower trophic levels in the marine ecosystem. For this reason they attract significant attention in marine conservation planning and often have been used to promote designation of reserve areas in many countries (e.g., Ligurian Sea, Moray Firth, Hawaiian Islands, The Gully, Wadden Sea, Banks Peninsula, and Golfo San José). Many policies are designed to protect cetaceans. For example, the Habitat Directive requires member states to select, designate, and protect sites that support certain natural habitats or species, such as the bottlenose dolphin, as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) that aim to create a network of protected areas across the European Union known as Natura 2000. The boundaries of protected areas for cetacean species must be defined for management purposes. In recent years, many techniques have been developed to define the distribution of cetaceans in relation to habitat preferences. Although these models can provide an understanding of the ecological processes that determine species distribution, their application requires prior knowledge of the variables that should be included in the model, the interactions among these variables, and their effects on species distribution. Thus, the lack of available data in understudied areas precludes the application of these types of models. As an alternative, we describe a geostatistical approach to identifying areas that potentially should be designated as marine protected areas for cetaceans. We illustrate the application of the kriging algorithm to the bottlenose dolphin population that resides in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. The data derived from a 7-year survey were used. The encounter rate is the only variable required for this method, making it very easy to apply. The resulting georeferenced and high resolution map includes areas most visited by bottlenose dolphins, which are called core areas. Core areas are helpful for establishing the boundaries of marine reserves for the protection of the species. The approach described herein is accurate, precise, unbiased, replicable to all highly mobile species and easy to understand by both researchers and policy makers.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the temporal and spatial variations of water quality data sets for the Xin'anjiang River through the use of multivariate statistical techniques, including cluster analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA), correlation analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA). The water samples, measured by ten parameters, were collected every month for three years (2008-2010) from eight sampling stations located along the river. The hierarchical CA classified the 12 months into three periods (First, Second and Third Period) and the eight sampling sites into three groups (Groups 1, 2 and 3) based on seasonal differences and various pollution levels caused by physicochemical properties and anthropogenic activ- ities. DA identified three significant parameters (tempera- ture, pH and E.coli) to distinguish temporal groups with close to 76% correct assignment. The DA also discovered five parameters (temperature, electricity conductivity, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus) for spatial variation analysis, with 80.56% correct assignment. The non-parametric correlation coefficient (Spear- man R) explained the relationship between the water quality parameters and the basin characteristics, and the GIS made the results visual and direct. The PCA identified four PCs for Groups 1 and 2, and three PCs for Group 3. These PCs captured 68.94%, 67.48% and 70.35% of the total variance of Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Although natural pollution affects the Xin'anjiang River, the main sources of pollution included agricultural activities, industrial waste, and domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

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