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应用多壁碳纳米管自制固相萃取柱富集、净化,以乙腈-水为流动相,用乙酸乙酯洗脱,高效液相色谱进行分析检测,建立了环境水样中7种三唑类农药残留分析的方法。结果表明,在0.05~10.00mg/L线性范围内,方法检出限为0.000 9~0.047 7mg/L;农药的加标水平在0.25~1.00mg/L时,加标回收率为72.28%~106.60%,相对标准偏差为1.12%~9.73%。该方法操作简单,定性、定量准确,是对水样中三唑类农药残留液相色谱分析较理想的一种方法。  相似文献   

为研究潜流人工湿地对毒死蜱、BPA及4-NP的去除效果,选取宽叶香蒲、芦苇、花叶香蒲及小香蒲4种湿地植物,通过SPE-HPLC测定进出水中3种污染物的浓度,计算4种植物潜流人工湿地对3种污染物的去除效率。结果表明,水力停留时间3 d,4组植物对毒死蜱、BPA和4-NP去除率均高于60%,各植物组对毒死蜱和4-NP的去除效果之间无显著性差异,宽叶香蒲对BPA的去除率为82.66%,显著高于其余3种植物组62.96%~69.63%。在静态条件下,毒死蜱、BPA和4-NP在模拟系统内降解过程符合一级降解动力学方程,降解方程分别为:c=124.63exp(-t/25.393)+3.7618 ①,c=316.61exp(-t/34.955)+0.56475 ②,c=168.91exp(-t/17.061)+12.133 ③(c,剩余浓度,μg/L;t,停留时间,h),半衰期分别为18、21和11 h。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)检测,建立了地表水中13种药物及个人护理品的测定方法。水样用盐酸与氢氧化钠溶液调pH值至7.0左右,过固相萃取小柱进行富集,用14 mL甲醇洗脱。以C18柱为分离柱,0.01%甲酸的甲醇-0.01%甲酸水溶液为流动相,目标物在10 min内分离,在0.50~250 μg/L范围内,13种化合物峰面积与内标物质峰面积之比与质量浓度的线性关系良好(>0.99),检出限在0.05~0.5 ng/L范围内。基质加标实验结果表明,13种化合物在水中的回收率分别在56.2%~123.2%之间(加标水平5 ng/mL)和58.0%~107.8%(加标水平50 ng/mL),相对标准偏差在1.60%~19.9%(n=6)之间。应用该方法测定了从2条纳污河流采集的10份水样,结果表明,除美托诺尔和普洛萘尔未被检出外,其余11药物的检出频率在30%~100%之间。在13种目标物质中,咖啡因的检测浓度最高达287.5 ng/L,舒必利次之,为277.5 ng/L。本方法快速、准确,适用于地表水中PPCPs类的快速测定。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定南昌市环境空气PM10中16种多环芳烃   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
建立了以二极管阵列检测器和荧光检测器串联的高效液相色谱分析方法,在标样未完全分离的情况下,采用双激发波长有效地改善了色谱分离条件.在设定的色谱条件下,各种多环芳烃(PAHs)的检出限为0.11~39.83μg/L,平均回收率为76.7%~98.3%,相对标准偏差为3.6%~12.6%.在南昌市布设4个环境空气采样点,测定PM10中PAHs含量.结果表明,八一广场、南昌市区二中老校区和罗家集区苯并(a)芘日均质量浓度最大值均超过<环境空气质量标准>(GB 3095-1996)的限值,PAHs污染状况较严重.  相似文献   

为进一步探索海洋沉积物中氟喹诺酮类抗生素的污染情况,基于固相萃取-高效液相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱(SPE-LC-MS/MS)技术,建立了海洋沉积物中 13 种FQs的测定方法;采用高效液相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱多反应监测离子模式(MRM)对FQs进行分离检测。结果表明:在优化实验条件下,13种FQs的质量浓度为0.50~100 μg·L−1,目标化合物峰面积与内标物质峰面积之比与质量浓度的线性关系良好(R2>0.99),方法检出限为0.003~0.03 μg·kg−1;在加标量为1 μg·kg−1和10 μg·kg−1时,空白加标的平均回收率为73.5%~124.6%和67.5%~118.5%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.0%~9.7%(n=7);以海洋沉积物为基质,13种目标物的加标回收率为67.7%~142.4%,RSD小于10.2%(n=6);使用该方法对广州某湾区海洋沉积物中 13 种 FQs 的残留量进行了实地检测,培氟沙星质量分数最高,为1.6 μg·kg−1,氧氟沙星、环丙沙星和恩诺沙星质量分数次之,为0.7 μg·kg−1。该方法实现了对海洋沉积物中 13种 FQs 的同时检测,具有快速、准确等优点,适用于海洋沉积物中13种FQs的测定。本研究成果可为海洋生态环境保护提供数据基础及技术支撑。  相似文献   

液相色谱测定土壤中氟磺胺草醚残留量方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用甲醇/浓盐酸浸渍振荡提取,二氯甲烷萃取,经弗罗里硅土柱层析净化,用液相色谱法测定。方法的最低检出含量为0.02mg/kg,添加回收率在95.8% ̄96.6%之间。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定废水中的辛硫磷、毒死蜱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了HPLC法测定废水中辛硫磷及毒死蜱的方法,优化了检测波长、溶剂、流动相等试验条件。辛硫磷、毒死蜱在0.050—1.000mg/L范围内线性良好,检出限为0.0033~0.0045mg/L,RSD为2.2%-4.1%,加标回收率为97.4%~105%。  相似文献   

张雁  何咏  王莹  朱慧敏 《环境工程学报》2016,10(8):4590-4594
建立了在线固相萃取液相色谱串联质谱法测定水中痕量联苯胺的方法。样品经自动进样器注入在线固相萃取小柱后,用富集泵流动相实现对样品的富集洗脱,然后用分析泵流动相将样品从富集柱冲洗至色谱柱后用串联质谱仪进行检测。该方法可在11 min内自动完成对样品的富集、净化、进样和检测过程。当进样量为5 mL时,联苯胺在0.010~2.0 μg·L-1范围内具有良好的线性关系,相关系数R为0.999,检出限为0.8 ng·L-1,实际水样的回收率为85%~104%。该方法具有简单、快速、重现性好、灵敏高等特点,可用于环境水体中痕量联苯胺的检测。  相似文献   

固相微萃取气相色谱法测定水样中的苯胺、吡啶   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用PDMS/DVB固相微萃取探头,结合GC/FID测定水中的苯胺、吡啶.优化了萃取温度、萃取平衡时间、pH等条件.该方法对苯胺和吡啶的检测限分别为0.050、0.065 mg/L,相对标准偏差6.44%~8.67%,具有快速、准确和方便等优点.  相似文献   

建立了环境水样中三氯卡班(TCC)的预处理和测定方法。考察了3种固相萃取(SPE)小柱、5种洗脱液对TCC回收率的影响。结果表明,采用ENVI-18 SPE小柱、以乙酸乙酯/乙腈(1:1)为洗脱液、高效液相色谱仪-紫外检测器(HPLC-UV)检测,以蒸馏水为背景溶液TCC的加标回收率高达95%,仪器检出限与定量限分别为2.37与7.89μg/L。该方法用于实际环境水样,TCC加标浓度1~10μg/L,污水厂进水、出水与地表水中TCC的加标回收率分别在89.38%~96.90%、87.74%~94.34%与83.64%~94.61%之间,表明所建立的SPE-HPLC法适合城市生活污水和地表水中痕量TCC的检测。运用该方法测定实际环境水样中的TCC含量,集美污水处理厂进水与出水中TCC浓度分别为1.35与0.22μg/L;华大污水厂进水与出水中TCC浓度分别为1.05与0.53μg/L;白鹭湖水样中的TCC浓度为1.11μg/L。  相似文献   

Rhodobacter sp. NP25b菌株缺氧降解壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古新  张昱  张晶  杨敏 《环境工程学报》2008,2(7):880-885
从城市污水处理厂活性污泥中分离得到一株能够在缺氧条件下以壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚(NPEOs)为惟一碳源和能源生长的菌株NP25b.经生理生化鉴定和16S rRNA基因序列分析,该菌株属于红细菌属(Rhodobacter sp.),对该菌株降解NPEOs的特性进行了研究.结果表明,在缺氧条件下,菌株NP25b在7 d内对初始底物浓度为400 mg/L NPEOs的降解率可达84%.利用液相色谱-质谱(LC-MS)和气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)对NPEOs降解中间产物进行了分析,结果表明,主要降解产物为短链NPEOs和壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚乙酸(NPECs),其中包括具有较强内分泌干扰效应的NP1EO.该菌株能够代谢含有疏水基团的聚氧乙烯醚类表面活性剂,例如辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚和脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚.推测菌株NP25b降解NPEOs是通过乙氧基(EO)链末端氧化后逐步切割完成的.  相似文献   

Oxytetracycline (2-(amino-hydroxy-methylidene)-4-dimethylamino-5,6,10,11,12a-pentahydroxy-6-methyl-4,4a,5,5a-tetrahydrotetracene-1,3,12-trione) is a major member of the tetracycline antibiotics family of which are widely administered to animals in concentrated animal feeding operations for purposes of therapeutical treatment and health protection. With the disposal of animal manure as fertilizer into agricultural land, tetracyclines enter the environment. However, tetracyclines chelate with multivalent cations and proteins, resulting in low extraction efficiencies from animal manure for tetracycline residue analysis. In this study an efficient extraction method for oxytetracycline from steer manure using methanol/water solution amended with chelating organic acid was developed for the analysis of high performance liquid chromatography. The effect of species and amount of amendment acids, shaking time, methanol/water ratio, manure weight, and repeated times of extraction was investigated. It was optimized to amend 2.5 g citric acid and 1.1 g oxalic acid with 10.0 g manure sample in a 50-ml centrifuge tube and extract with 15 ml methanol/water (9:1 in volume) by vigorously shaking for 30 min in a reciprocating shaker. After centrifugation at 11,000 rpm, supernatant is collected. Sample was extracted for a total of 3 times. The developed extraction method was further applied to extract oxytetracycline from fresh and aged cow manure, swine and poultry manure, and soil. Satisfactory recoveries ranging from (84.1 ± 2.4) % to (102.0 ± 3.1) % were obtained, demonstrating that the optimized extraction method is robust for oxytetracycline from different manure sample matrixes.  相似文献   

使用Agilent1260型高效液相色谱仪,建立定量测定天然水体中5种微囊藻毒素(MC-RR、YR、LR、LA、LY)的分析方法。比较甲醇/三氟乙酸(TFA)水溶液与甲醇/磷酸两种流动相体系,待测物质的响应程度,结果发现,TFA作为缓冲溶液时,基线较磷酸稳定,因此,选择甲醇/TFA水溶液作为流动相。比较不同TFA体积比例,待测物质的分离程度,结果显示,甲醇/0.02%的TFA水溶液作为流动相时,5种MCs含量的分离度较好。比较等度和梯度洗脱条件,发现,梯度洗脱条件5种MCs的分离度较等度洗脱条件好。该方法 MC-RR、YR、LR、LA、LY的最低检出限(LOD)分别为0.015、0.035、0.018、0.032和0.026μg/L,最低定量限(LOQ)分别是0.049、0.117、0.062、0.106和0.086μg/L。在0.10~1.50μg/mL的线性范围内,相关系数R2≥0.99,实际水样回收率为73.9%~103.3%。  相似文献   

Ali I  Aboul-Enein HY 《Chemosphere》2002,48(3):275-278
The speciation of arsenic [As(III) and As(V)] and chromium [Cr(III) and Cr(VI)] was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography. The column used was Econosil C18 (250 x 4.6 mm i.d., particle size 10 microm). The mobile phases consisted of water-acetonitrile (80:20, v/v) for arsenic and 10 mM ammonium acetate buffer (6.0 pH)-acetonitrile (10:90, v/v) for chromium speciation separately and respectively. The detection was carried out by UV-Vis at 410 nm and atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) respectively and separately. The values of alpha and Rs of As(III) and As(V) species were 1.4 and 1.5 respectively while the values of alpha and Rs for Cr(III) and Cr(VI) were 1.35 and 0.2 respectively. The effect of the acetonitrile percentages was also carried out on the speciation of arsenic only. The relative standard deviation and limit of detection were in the range of 0.01-0.02 and 0.4-1.0 microg/ml respectively.  相似文献   

A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for atrazine was synthesized by non-covalent method. The binding capacity of MIP was 1.00 mg g? 1 polymer. The selectivity and recovery were investigated with various pesticides which are mostly, found in the environment, for both similar and different chemical structure of atrazine. The competitive recognition between atrazine and structurally similar compounds was evaluated and it was found that the system provided highest recovery and selectivity for atrazine while low recovery and selectivity were obtained for the other compounds. The highest recovery was obtained from MIP compared with non-imprinted polymer (NIP), a commercial C18 and a granular activated carbon (GAC) sorbent. The method provided high recoveries ranged from 94 to 99% at two spiked levels with relative standard deviations less than 2%. The lower detection limit of the method was 80 ng L? 1. This method was successfully applied for analysis of environmental water samples.  相似文献   

Estrogenic activity by recombinant yeast screen assay of the commercial NP was considerably higher when compared with that of n-nonylphenol (n-NP). Fractionation of the commercial NP by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) afforded seven isomers: 4-(1,3-dimethyl-1-propyl-butyl)-phenol, 4-(1,1,3-trimethyl-hexyl)-phenol, 4-(1,1-dimethyl-3-ethyl-pentyl)-phenol, 4-(1,1,4-trimethyl-hexyl)-phenol, 4-(1-methyl-1-propyl-pentyl)-phenol, 4-(1,1,2-trimethyl-hexyl)-phenol and 4-(1-ethyl-1-methyl-hexyl)-phenol. The structures of these isomers were determined by GC-MS and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). All of these isomers possessed tertiary alpha-carbon in their chemical structures. Another tertiary NP, 4-(1,1-dimethyl-heptyl)-phenol was synthesized in the present study and this synthetic NP also exhibited the estrogenic activity. One fractionated compound was identified as one of decylphenol, 4-(1-ethyl-1,4,4-trimethyl-pentyl)-phenol. The isomer, 4-(1,1,4-trimethyl-hexyl)-phenol exhibited the highest estrogenic activity corresponding to 1/10000 that of 17beta-estradiol (E2). The activity of n-NP was the least. This suggests that it may be possible to develop a technical NP mixture with relatively low estrogenic activity.  相似文献   

Penoxsulam is a triazolopyrimidine sulfonamide group of rice herbicide. The phototransformation of penoxsulam was studied under UV light (λmax ≥ 290 nm) and sunlight in aqueous methanol and acetonitrile solvent system using TiO2 as sensitizer. The rate of photodegradation of penoxsulam in different solvent systems followed first-order kinetics and calculated half-lives was found to be in the range of 51.89–73.41 h and 62.70–97.09 h for UV light and sunlight respectively in the presence or absence of sensitizer. From this study, a total of six photoproducts were identified and characterized on the basis of Q-Tof micromass spectral data. The plausible mechanism of phototransformation involved were hydrolysis, photo oxidation of the sulfonamide group, breaking of sulfonamide bond, loss of amino and sulfonic acid group.  相似文献   

Sulfonylurea herbicides are widely used in crop production on the Canadian prairies and a portion of these herbicides applied to cropland are inevitably lost to surrounding aquatic ecosystems. Little is known regarding the presence of sulfonylurea herbicides in wetlands located amongst cropland. This paper describes a new analytical method for the extraction and the determination of seven sulfonylurea herbicides (thifensulfuron-methyl, tribenuron-methyl, ethametsulfuron-methyl, metsulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, nicosulfuron and sulfosulfuron) in wetland sediment. The method provided > 85% analyte recovery from fortified sediment for six of the seven sulfonylurea herbicides with a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 1.0 μ g kg? 1. Tribenuron-methyl had significantly lower recovery compared to the other six sulfonylurea herbicides (LOQ = 2 μ g kg? 1). Mean recovery standard deviations were < 10%. This methodology was used to quantify sulfonylurea herbicide residues in sediment samples collected from prairie wetlands situated within the agricultural landscape of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada. This is the first-known detection of sulfonylurea herbicide residues in prairie wetland sediments. Ethametsulfuron-methyl, sulfosulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl, the three most environmentally persistent of the seven sulfonylurea herbicides monitored in the surveillance component of this study, were most frequently detected in wetland sediment with mean concentrations ranging from 1.2 to 10 μ g kg? 1.  相似文献   

为揭示污水生物脱氮工艺中污泥菌群间的群体感应作用,建立了柱前衍生-固相萃取-高效液相色谱荧光检测法(HPLC-FLD)定量检测介导细菌种间群体感应信号分子AI-2的方法。取反应器的泥水混合液,经0.45 μm滤膜过滤后,用氨基磺酸掩蔽亚硝酸盐干扰,并与2,3-二氨基萘(DAN)发生衍生化反应,衍生化产物用C18固相萃取柱进行固相萃取,经氮吹浓缩后上机分析。采用C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm)进行分离,乙腈与水(含0.1%甲酸)作为流动相进行梯度洗脱,使用荧光检测器(激发和发射波长分别为271 nm和503 nm)进行检测。结果表明,该检测方法在1~200 ng·mL-1范围内呈现出了良好的线性关系,检出限为1 ng·mL-1,回收率为55.08%~59.25%,相对标准误差为2.98%~10.41%。该方法适用于杂质干扰多的痕量信号分子AI-2 定量分析,可为生物脱氮工艺中信号分子AI-2介导群体感应研究提供有效的分析方法。  相似文献   

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